-- hokey.hs: hOpenPGP key tool -- Copyright © 2013-2015 Clint Adams -- -- vim: softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:expandtab -- -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as -- published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the -- License, or (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU Affero General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License -- along with this program. If not, see . {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor, DeriveGeneric, FlexibleInstances #-} import HOpenPGP.Tools.Common (banner, versioner, warranty) import Codec.Encryption.OpenPGP.Expirations (getKeyExpirationTimesFromSignature) import Codec.Encryption.OpenPGP.Fingerprint (fingerprint, eightOctetKeyID) import Codec.Encryption.OpenPGP.KeyInfo (pubkeySize, pkalgoAbbrev) import Codec.Encryption.OpenPGP.Serialize () import Codec.Encryption.OpenPGP.Signatures (verifyTKWith, verifySigWith, verifyAgainstKeys) import Codec.Encryption.OpenPGP.Types import Control.Applicative ((<$>),(<*>), pure) import Control.Arrow ((***), second) import Control.Error.Util (hush) import Control.Lens ((^.), (&), _1, _2, mapped, over) import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource (runResourceT) import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.Lazy (execWriter, tell) import qualified Crypto.Hash.SHA3 as SHA3 import qualified Data.Aeson as A import Data.Binary (get, put) import qualified Data.ByteString as B import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC8 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL import qualified Data.ByteString.Base16 as Base16 import Data.Conduit (($=),($$)) import qualified Data.Conduit.Binary as CB import Data.Conduit.Serialization.Binary (conduitGet, conduitPut) import qualified Data.Conduit.List as CL import Data.Conduit.OpenPGP.Keyring (conduitToTKsDropping) import Data.Foldable (find) import Data.List (elemIndex, findIndex, nub, sort, sortBy, intercalate) import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, mapMaybe, listToMaybe) import Data.Monoid ((<>), mconcat, Monoid(..)) import Data.Ord (comparing, Down(..)) import qualified Data.Set as Set import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (getPOSIXTime, posixSecondsToUTCTime, POSIXTime) import Data.Time.Format (formatTime) import qualified Data.Yaml as Y import GHC.Generics import Options.Applicative.Builder (auto, command, footerDoc, headerDoc, helpDoc, info, long, metavar, prefs, progDesc, showDefault, showHelpOnError, option, subparser, value) import Options.Applicative.Extra (customExecParser, helper) import Options.Applicative.Types (Parser) import System.IO (Handle, hFlush, stderr, stdin, stdout, hSetBuffering, BufferMode(..)) import System.Locale (defaultTimeLocale) import Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen (colon, green, hardline, hPutDoc, indent, linebreak, list, putDoc, red, text, yellow, (<+>), Doc) import Text.PrettyPrint.Free (pretty) data KAS = KAS { pubkeyalgo :: Colored PubKeyAlgorithm , pubkeysize :: Colored (Maybe Int) , stringrep :: String } deriving Generic data Color = Green | Yellow | Red deriving (Eq, Generic, Ord) data Colored a = Colored { color :: Maybe Color , explanation :: Maybe String , val :: a } deriving (Functor, Generic) newtype FakeMap a b = FakeMap { unFakeMap :: [(a, b)] } data KeyReport = KeyReport { keyStatus :: String , keyFingerprint :: TwentyOctetFingerprint , keyVer :: Colored KeyVersion , keyCreationTime :: ThirtyTwoBitTimeStamp , keyAlgorithmAndSize :: KAS , keyUIDsAndUAts :: FakeMap Text (Colored UIDReport) , keyBestOf :: Maybe UIDReport } deriving Generic data UIDReport = UIDReport { uidSelfSigHashAlgorithms :: [Colored HashAlgorithm] , uidPreferredHashAlgorithms :: [Colored [HashAlgorithm]] , uidKeyExpirationTimes :: [Colored [ThirtyTwoBitDuration]] , uidKeyUsageFlags :: [Colored (Set.Set KeyFlag)] , uidRevocationStatus :: [RevocationStatus] } deriving Generic data RevocationStatus = RevocationStatus { isRevoked :: Bool , revocationCode :: String , revocationReason :: Text } deriving Generic instance A.ToJSON KAS instance A.ToJSON Color instance (A.ToJSON a) => A.ToJSON (Colored a) instance A.ToJSON KeyReport instance A.ToJSON UIDReport instance A.ToJSON b => A.ToJSON (FakeMap Text b) where toJSON = A.toJSON . Map.fromList . unFakeMap instance A.ToJSON RevocationStatus instance Monoid UIDReport where mempty = UIDReport [] [] [] [] [] mappend (UIDReport a b c d e) (UIDReport a' b' c' d' e') = UIDReport (a <> a') (b <> b') (c <> c') (d <> d') (e <> e') checkKey :: Maybe POSIXTime -> TK -> KeyReport checkKey mpt key = (\x -> x { keyBestOf = populateBestOf x }) KeyReport { keyStatus = either id (const "good") processedTK , keyFingerprint = key^.tkKey._1 & fingerprint , keyVer = key^.tkKey._1.keyVersion & colorizeKV , keyCreationTime = key^.tkKey._1.timestamp , keyAlgorithmAndSize = KAS { pubkeyalgo = key^.tkKey._1.pkalgo & colorizePKA , pubkeysize = key^.tkKey._1.pubkey & colorizePKS . pubkeySize , stringrep = (key^.tkKey._1.pubkey & either (const "unknown") show . pubkeySize) ++ (key^.tkKey._1.pkalgo & pkalgoAbbrev) } , keyUIDsAndUAts = FakeMap (map (\(x,y) -> (x, uidr (Just x) y)) (processedOrOrig^.tkUIDs) ++ map (uatspsToText *** uidr Nothing) (processedOrOrig^.tkUAts)) , keyBestOf = Nothing } where processedOrOrig = either (const key) id processedTK processedTK = verifyTKWith (verifySigWith (verifyAgainstKeys [key])) (fmap posixSecondsToUTCTime mpt) . stripOlderSigs . stripOtherSigs $ key colorizeKV kv = uncurry Colored (if kv == V4 then (Just Green, Nothing) else (Just Red, Just "not a V4 key")) kv colorizePKA pka = uncurry Colored (if pka == RSA then (Just Green, Nothing) else (Just Yellow, Just "not an RSA key")) pka colorizePKS pks = uncurry Colored (colorizePKS' pks) (hush pks) colorizePKS' (Right pks) | pks >= 3072 = (Just Green, Nothing) | pks >= 2048 = (Just Yellow, Just "Public key size between 2048 and 3072 bits") | otherwise = (Just Red, Just "Public key size under 2048 bits") colorizePKS' (Left _) = (Just Red, Just "public key algorithm not understood") colorizePHAs x = uncurry Colored (if fSHA2Family x < ei DeprecatedMD5 x && fSHA2Family x < ei SHA1 x then (Just Green, Nothing) else (Just Red, Just "weak hash with higher preference")) x fSHA2Family = fi (`elem` [SHA512,SHA384,SHA256,SHA224]) ei x y = fromMaybe maxBound (elemIndex x y) fi x y = fromMaybe maxBound (findIndex x y) colorizeKETs ct ts kes | null kes = Colored (Just Red) (Just "no expiration set") kes | any (\ke -> realToFrac ts + realToFrac ke < ct) kes = Colored (Just Red) (Just "expiration passed") kes | any (\ke -> realToFrac ts + realToFrac ke > ct + (5*31557600)) kes = Colored (Just Yellow) (Just "expiration too far in future") kes | otherwise = Colored (Just Green) Nothing kes eoki pkp | pkp^.keyVersion == V4 = hush . eightOctetKeyID $ pkp | pkp^.keyVersion == DeprecatedV3 && elem (pkp^.pkalgo) [RSA,DeprecatedRSASignOnly] = hush . eightOctetKeyID $ pkp | otherwise = Nothing phas (SigV4 _ _ _ xs _ _ _) = colorizePHAs . concatMap (\(SigSubPacket _ (PreferredHashAlgorithms x)) -> x) $ filter isPHA xs phas _ = Colored Nothing Nothing [] isPHA (SigSubPacket _ (PreferredHashAlgorithms _)) = True isPHA _ = False has = map (colorizeHA . hashAlgo) . alleged colorizeHA ha = uncurry Colored (if ha `elem` [DeprecatedMD5, SHA1] then (Just Red, Just "weak hash algorithm") else (Nothing, Nothing)) ha isCT (SigSubPacket _ (SigCreationTime _)) = True isCT _ = False sigcts (SigV4 _ _ _ xs _ _ _) = map (\(SigSubPacket _ (SigCreationTime x)) -> x) $ filter isCT xs alleged = filter (\x -> ((==) <$> sigissuer x <*> eoki (key^.tkKey._1)) == Just True) newest = take 1 . sortBy (comparing (Down . take 1 . sigcts)) -- FIXME: this is terrible stripOtherSigs tk = tk { _tkUIDs = map (second alleged) (_tkUIDs tk) , _tkUAts = map (second alleged) (_tkUAts tk) } stripOlderSigs tk = tk { _tkUIDs = map (second newest) (_tkUIDs tk) , _tkUAts = map (second newest) (_tkUAts tk) } uatspsToText = T.pack . uatspsToString uatspsToString us = "" uaspToString (ImageAttribute hdr d) = hdrToString hdr ++ ':':show (BL.length d) ++ ':':BC8.unpack (Base16.encode (SHA3.hashlazy 48 d)) uaspToString (OtherUASub t d) = "other-" ++ show t ++ ':':show (BL.length d) ++ ':':BC8.unpack (Base16.encode (SHA3.hashlazy 48 d)) hdrToString (ImageHV1 JPEG) = "jpeg" hdrToString (ImageHV1 fmt) = "image-" ++ show (fromFVal fmt) uidr Nothing sps = Colored Nothing Nothing (UIDReport (has sps) (map phas sps) (map (colorizeKETs (fromMaybe 0 mpt) (key^.tkKey._1.timestamp & unThirtyTwoBitTimeStamp) . getKeyExpirationTimesFromSignature) sps) -- should that be 0? (kufs sps) (findRevocationReason sps)) uidr (Just u) sps = colorizeUID u (UIDReport (has sps) (map phas sps) (map (colorizeKETs (fromMaybe 0 mpt) (key^.tkKey._1.timestamp & unThirtyTwoBitTimeStamp) . getKeyExpirationTimesFromSignature) sps) -- should that be 0? (kufs sps) (findRevocationReason sps)) populateBestOf krep = Just (UIDReport <$> best . uidSelfSigHashAlgorithms <*> best . uidPreferredHashAlgorithms <*> best . uidKeyExpirationTimes <*> best . uidKeyUsageFlags <*> pure [] $ mconcat (justTheUIDRs krep)) justTheUIDRs = map (decolorize . snd) . unFakeMap . keyUIDsAndUAts best = take 1 . sortBy (comparing color) decolorize (Colored _ _ x) = x colorizeUID u | '(' `elem` T.unpack u = Colored (Just Yellow) (Just "parenthesis in uid") -- FIXME: be more discerning | not ('<' `elem` T.unpack u) = Colored (Just Yellow) (Just "no left angle bracket in uid") -- FIXME: be more discerning | otherwise = Colored Nothing Nothing findRevocationReason = concatMap grabReasons . filter isCertRevocationSig isCertRevocationSig (SigV4 CertRevocationSig _ _ _ _ _ _) = True isCertRevocationSig _ = False grabReasons (SigV4 CertRevocationSig _ _ has _ _ _) = mapMaybe (grabReasons' . _sspPayload) has grabReasons _ = [] grabReasons' (ReasonForRevocation a b) = Just (RevocationStatus True (show a) b) grabReasons' _ = Nothing kufs = map (colorizeKUFs . (\(SigSubPacket _ (KeyFlags x)) -> x) . maybe undefined id . find isKUF . hasheds) . newestWith (any isKUF . hasheds) isKUF (SigSubPacket _ (KeyFlags _)) = True isKUF _ = False colorizeKUFs x = uncurry Colored (if (Set.member EncryptStorageKey x || Set.member EncryptCommunicationsKey x) && (Set.member SignDataKey x || Set.member CertifyKeysKey x) then (Just Yellow, Just "both signing & encryption") else (Just Green, Nothing)) x newestWith p = take 1 . sortBy (comparing (Down . take 1 . sigcts)) . filter p -- FIXME: this is terrible hasheds (SigV4 _ _ _ xs _ _ _) = xs hasheds _ = [] prettyKeyReport :: POSIXTime -> TK -> Doc prettyKeyReport cpt key = do let keyReport = checkKey (Just cpt) key execWriter $ tell ( linebreak <> text "Key has potential validity:" <+> text (keyStatus keyReport) <> linebreak <> text "Key has fingerprint:" <+> text (show (pretty (SpacedFingerprint (keyFingerprint keyReport)))) <> linebreak <> text "Checking to see if key is OpenPGPv4:" <+> coloredToColor (text . show) (keyVer keyReport) <> linebreak <> (\kas -> text "Checking to see if key is RSA or DSA (>= 2048-bit):" <+> coloredToColor (text . show) (pubkeyalgo kas) <+> coloredToColor (text . maybe "unknown" show) (pubkeysize kas)) (keyAlgorithmAndSize keyReport) <> linebreak <> text "Checking user-ID- and user-attribute-related items:" <> mconcat (map (uidtrip (keyCreationTime keyReport) . gottabeabetterway) (unFakeMap (keyUIDsAndUAts keyReport))) <> linebreak ) where coloredToColor f (Colored (Just Green) _ x) = green (f x) coloredToColor f (Colored (Just Yellow) _ x) = yellow (f x) coloredToColor f (Colored (Just Red) _ x) = red (f x) coloredToColor f (Colored Nothing _ x) = f x uidtrip ts (u, ur) | null (uidRevocationStatus ur) = linebreak <> indent 2 (coloredToColor text (fmap T.unpack u)) <> colon <> linebreak <> indent 4 (text "Self-sig hash algorithms" <> colon <+> (list . map (coloredToColor (text . show)) . uidSelfSigHashAlgorithms) ur) <> linebreak <> indent 4 (text "Preferred hash algorithms" <> colon <+> mconcat (map ((linebreak <>) . indent 2 . coloredToColor (text . show)) (uidPreferredHashAlgorithms ur))) <> linebreak <> indent 4 (text "Key expiration times" <> colon <+> mconcat (map ((linebreak <>) . indent 2 . coloredToColor list . fmap (map (text . keyExp ts))) (uidKeyExpirationTimes ur))) <> linebreak <> indent 4 (text "Key usage flags" <> colon <+> mconcat (map ((linebreak <>) . indent 2 . coloredToColor (text . show . pretty . Set.toList)) (uidKeyUsageFlags ur))) | otherwise = linebreak <> indent 2 (coloredToColor text (fmap T.unpack u)) <> colon <+> text "[revoked]" <> linebreak <> indent 4 (text "Revocation code" <> colon <+> list (map (text . revocationCode) (uidRevocationStatus ur))) <> linebreak <> indent 4 (text "Revocation reason" <> colon <+> list (map (text . T.unpack . revocationReason) (uidRevocationStatus ur))) keyExp ts ke = (show . pretty) ke ++ " = " ++ formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%c" (posixSecondsToUTCTime (realToFrac ts + realToFrac ke)) gottabeabetterway (a, Colored x y z) = (Colored x y a, z) jsonReport :: POSIXTime -> TK -> BL.ByteString jsonReport ps = A.encode . checkKey (Just ps) yamlReport :: POSIXTime -> TK -> B.ByteString yamlReport ps = Y.encode . (:[]) . checkKey (Just ps) data LintOutputFormat = Pretty | JSON | YAML deriving (Bounded, Enum, Eq, Read, Show) data LintOptions = LintOptions { lintOutputFormat :: LintOutputFormat } data Command = CmdLint LintOptions | CmdCanonicalize lintO :: Parser LintOptions lintO = LintOptions <$> option auto ( long "output-format" <> metavar "FORMAT" <> value Pretty <> showDefault <> ofHelp ) where ofHelp = helpDoc . Just $ text "output format" <> hardline <> list (map (text . show) ofchoices) ofchoices = [minBound..maxBound] :: [LintOutputFormat] dispatch :: Command -> IO () dispatch (CmdLint o) = banner' stderr >> hFlush stderr >> doLint o dispatch (CmdCanonicalize) = banner' stderr >> hFlush stderr >> doCanonicalize main :: IO () main = do hSetBuffering stderr LineBuffering customExecParser (prefs showHelpOnError) (info (helper <*> versioner <*> cmd) (headerDoc (Just (banner "hokey")) <> progDesc "hOpenPGP Key utility" <> footerDoc (Just (warranty "hokey")))) >>= dispatch cmd :: Parser Command cmd = subparser ( command "canonicalize" (info ( pure CmdCanonicalize) ( progDesc "arrange key components in a canonical ordering" )) <> command "lint" (info ( CmdLint <$> lintO) ( progDesc "check key(s) for 'best practices'" )) ) doLint :: LintOptions -> IO () doLint o = do cpt <- getPOSIXTime keys <- runResourceT $ CB.sourceHandle stdin $= conduitGet get $= conduitToTKsDropping $$ CL.consume output (lintOutputFormat o) cpt keys where output Pretty cpt = mapM_ (putDoc . prettyKeyReport cpt) output JSON cpt = mapM_ (BL.putStr . flip BL.append (BL.singleton 0x0a) . jsonReport cpt) output YAML cpt = mapM_ (B.putStr . yamlReport cpt) doCanonicalize :: IO () doCanonicalize = do runResourceT $ CB.sourceHandle stdin $= conduitGet get $= conduitToTKsDropping $= CL.map canonicalize $= CL.map put $= conduitPut $$ CB.sinkHandle stdout where canonicalize (TK k r ui ua s) = TK k (sort r) (indepthsort ui) (indepthsort ua) (indepthsort s) indepthsort :: (Ord a, Ord b) => [(a,[b])] -> [(a,[b])] indepthsort = nub . sort . over (mapped._2) sort banner' :: Handle -> IO () banner' h = hPutDoc h (banner "hokey" <> hardline <> warranty "hokey" <> hardline) sigissuer :: SignaturePayload -> Maybe EightOctetKeyId getIssuer :: SigSubPacketPayload -> Maybe EightOctetKeyId hashAlgo :: SignaturePayload -> HashAlgorithm sigissuer (SigVOther 2 _) = Nothing sigissuer (SigV3 {}) = Nothing sigissuer (SigV4 _ _ _ ys xs _ _) = listToMaybe . mapMaybe (getIssuer . _sspPayload) $ (ys++xs) -- FIXME: what should this be if there are multiple matches? sigissuer (SigVOther _ _) = error "We're in the future." -- FIXME getIssuer (Issuer i) = Just i getIssuer _ = Nothing hashAlgo (SigV4 _ _ x _ _ _ _) = x hashAlgo _ = error "V3 sig not supported here"