{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards, ScopedTypeVariables, DeriveDataTypeable, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, CPP #-} module Recipe.All(recipes) where import General.Base hiding (readFile') import General.System as Sys import General.Util import Control.Concurrent import Control.Exception as E import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified Data.Set as Set import Development.Shake import Development.Shake.Classes import Development.Shake.FilePath import Recipe.Haddock import Recipe.Command import Recipe.Keyword import Recipe.Hackage import Recipe.Cabal import Hoogle import qualified Paths_hoogle as V import Data.Version import CmdLine.All as C -- CmdLine is guaranteed to be a constructor of type Data recipes :: C.CmdLine -> IO () recipes opt@Data{..} = withModeGlobalRead $ do hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering createDirectoryIfMissing True datadir withDirectory datadir $ do when redownload $ do if nodownload then error "Downloads are disabled, cannot re-download" else forM_ (urls opt) $ \(file,_) -> removeFile_ $ "downloads" file when rebuild $ removeFile ".shake.database" (count, file) <- withWarnings $ \warn -> shake shakeOptions{shakeVersion=showVersion V.version, shakeThreads=threads, shakeProgress=progressSimple} $ rules opt warn putStrLn $ show count ++ " warnings, saved to " ++ file putStrLn "Data generation complete" newtype CabalVersion = CabalVersion String deriving (Show,Typeable,Eq,Hashable,Binary,NFData) newtype HoogleVersion = HoogleVersion String deriving (Show,Typeable,Eq,Hashable,Binary,NFData) rules :: C.CmdLine -> ([String] -> IO ()) -> Rules () rules opts@Data{..} warn = do let srcCabal name ver = "downloads/cabal" name ver name <.> "cabal" let srcHoogle name ver = "downloads/hoogle" name ver "doc" "html" name <.> "txt" (\x -> "downloads/*" ?== x && isJust (lookup (takeFileName x) (urls opts))) ?> \out -> do when nodownload $ error "Downloads are disabled; you need to acquire the source files manually." let Just url = lookup (takeFileName out) (urls opts) putNormal $ "Downloading " ++ out wget opts url out putNormal $ "Downloaded " ++ out "downloads/*.cache" %> \out -> do let src = dropExtension out need [src] src <- liftIO $ readFileUtf8' src b <- liftIO $ Sys.doesFileExist out liftIO $ if not b then writeFileUtf8 out src else do old <- readFileUtf8' out when (src /= old) $ writeFileUtf8 out src "//*.tar" %> \out -> do let src = out <.> "gz" need [src] ungzip src out "//*.index" %> \out -> do let src = out -<.> "tar" need [src] putNormal $ "Extracting tar file " ++ out tarExtract src putNormal $ "Finished extracting tar file " ++ out writeFileChanged out . unlines =<< tarList src index <- newCache $ \index -> do xs <- readFileLines index let asVer = map (read :: String -> Int) . words . map (\x -> if x == '.' then ' ' else x) return $ Map.fromListWith (\a b -> if asVer a > asVer b then a else b) [(name, ver) | x <- xs, let name = takeDirectory1 x, let ver = takeDirectory1 $ dropDirectory1 x, all (\x -> isDigit x || x == '.') ver] verCabal <- addOracle $ \(CabalVersion x) -> fmap (Map.lookup x) $ index "downloads/cabal.index" verHoogle <- addOracle $ \(HoogleVersion x) -> fmap (Map.lookup x) $ index "downloads/hoogle.index" if null actions then want ["default.hoo"] else action $ do (good,bad) <- partitionM (fmap isJust . verHoogle . HoogleVersion) actions forM_ (delete "all" bad) $ \x -> putNormal $ "Couldn't generate database for " ++ x ++ ", no Hoogle docs available" need $ map (<.> "hoo") $ ["all" | "all" `elem` bad] ++ good alternatives $ do -- Match *.txt "keyword.txt" %> \out -> do let src = "downloads/keyword.htm.cache" need [src] contents <- liftIO $ readFileUtf8' src liftIO $ writeFileUtf8 out $ translateKeywords contents "default.txt" %> \out -> do writeFileLines out ["@combine keyword","@combine package","@combine platform"] "platform.txt" %> \out -> do contents <- readFile' "downloads/platform.cabal.cache" writeFileLines out ["@combine " ++ x | x <- platformPackages contents] "package.txt" %> \out -> do cabs <- index "downloads/cabal.index" xs <- liftIO $ forM (Map.toList cabs) $ \(name,ver) -> do src <- try $ readCabal $ srcCabal name ver return $ case src of Left (_ :: SomeException) -> [] Right src -> [""] ++ zipWith (++) ("-- | " : repeat "-- ") (cabalDescription src) ++ ["--","-- Version " ++ ver, "@url package/" ++ name, "@entry package " ++ name] liftIO $ writeFileUtf8 out $ unlines $ ("@url " ++ hackage) : "@package package" : concat xs "*.txt" %> \out -> do let name = takeBaseName out base = name == "base" cab <- fmap (fmap $ srcCabal name) $ verCabal (CabalVersion name) hoo <- if base then need ["downloads/base.txt.cache"] >> return (Just "downloads/base.txt.cache") else fmap (fmap $ srcHoogle name) $ verHoogle (HoogleVersion name) hoo <- return $ fromMaybe (error $ "Couldn't find hoogle file for " ++ name) hoo hoo <- liftIO $ readFileUtf8' hoo `E.catch` \(_ :: SomeException) -> readFileLatin1' hoo deps <- liftIO $ case cab of Nothing -> return [] Just cab -> do res <- try $ readCabal cab case res of Left (err :: SomeException) -> do warn [takeBaseName cab ++ ": failed to read cabal file, " ++ cab ++ ", " ++ show err]; return [] Right x -> return $ cabalDepends x let cleanDeps = deps \\ (name:avoid) loc <- liftIO $ findLocal local name liftIO $ writeFileUtf8 out $ unlines $ ["@depends " ++ a | a <- cleanDeps] ++ haddockHacks loc (lines hoo) alternatives $ do -- Match *.hoo phony "all.hoo" $ do pkgs <- index "downloads/hoogle.index" need $ map (<.> "hoo") $ "default" : Map.keys pkgs imported <- newCache $ \file -> do need [file] xs <- liftIO $ readFileUtf8' file return [x | x <- lines xs, takeWhile (not . isSpace) x `elem` ["type","data","newtype","class","instance","@depends"]] let splitDeps = first (map $ drop 9) . span ("@depends " `isPrefixOf`) let genImported seen [] = return [] genImported seen (t:odo) = do v <- if t `Set.member` seen then return Nothing else verHoogle $ HoogleVersion t if isNothing v then genImported seen odo else do i <- imported $ t <.> "txt" fmap (i++) $ genImported (Set.insert t seen) (fst (splitDeps i) ++ odo) "*.hoo" %> \out -> do let src = out -<.> "txt" need [src] contents <- liftIO $ fmap lines $ readFileUtf8' src if not (null contents) && "@combine " `isPrefixOf` head contents then do let deps = [x <.> "hoo" | x <- contents, Just x <- [stripPrefix "@combine " x]] need deps putNormal $ "Creating " ++ out ++ " from " ++ show (length deps) ++ " databases... " liftIO $ mergeDatabase deps out else do (deps, contents) <- return $ splitDeps contents deps <- genImported (Set.singleton $ takeBaseName out) deps putNormal $ "Creating " ++ out ++ "... " liftIO $ createDatabase hackage Haskell [] (unlines deps) $ out -<.> "dep" deps <- liftIO $ loadDatabase $ out -<.> "dep" err <- liftIO $ createDatabase hackage Haskell [deps] (unlines contents) out liftIO $ warn [takeBaseName out ++ ": " ++ show e | e <- err] urls :: C.CmdLine -> [(FilePath, URL)] urls Data{..} = let (*) = (,) in ["keyword.htm" * "http://wiki.haskell.org/Keywords" ,"platform.cabal" * "http://code.galois.com/darcs/haskell-platform/haskell-platform.cabal" ,"base.txt" * "http://www.haskell.org/hoogle/base.txt" ,"cabal.tar.gz" * (hackage ++ "packages/index.tar.gz") ,"hoogle.tar.gz" * (hackage ++ "packages/hoogle.tar.gz")] withWarnings :: (([String] -> IO ()) -> IO ()) -> IO (Int, FilePath) withWarnings act = do count <- newMVar 0 let file = ".warnings" writeFile file "" act $ \xs -> unless (null xs) $ modifyMVar_ count $ \i -> do appendFile file $ unlines xs return $! i + length xs i <- readMVar count return (i, file)