{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, TupleSections #-}

-- |
-- Module      : Hoodle.Coroutine.TextInput 
-- Copyright   : (c) 2011-2013 Ian-Woo Kim
-- License     : BSD3
-- Maintainer  : Ian-Woo Kim <ianwookim@gmail.com>
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : GHC

module Hoodle.Coroutine.TextInput where

import           Control.Applicative
import           Control.Lens (view,set,(%~))
import           Control.Monad.State hiding (mapM_)
import           Control.Monad.Trans.Either
import           Data.Attoparsec
import           Data.Foldable (mapM_)
import           Graphics.Rendering.Cairo
import           Graphics.Rendering.Pango.Cairo
import           Graphics.UI.Gtk hiding (get,set)
import           Control.Monad.Trans.Crtn
import           Control.Monad.Trans.Crtn.Event 
import           Control.Monad.Trans.Crtn.Queue 
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B 
import           Data.Hoodle.BBox
import           Data.Hoodle.Generic
import           Data.Hoodle.Simple 
import           Graphics.Hoodle.Render.Item 
import           Graphics.Hoodle.Render.Type.HitTest
import           System.Directory 
import           System.FilePath 
import qualified Text.Hoodle.Parse.Attoparsec as PA
import           Hoodle.ModelAction.Layer 
import           Hoodle.ModelAction.Page
import           Hoodle.ModelAction.Select
import           Hoodle.Coroutine.Draw 
import           Hoodle.Coroutine.Mode
import           Hoodle.Type.Canvas 
import           Hoodle.Type.Coroutine
import           Hoodle.Type.Enum
import           Hoodle.Type.Event 
import           Hoodle.Type.HoodleState 
import           Hoodle.Util
import Prelude hiding (readFile,mapM_)

-- | 
textInputDialog :: MainCoroutine (Maybe String) 
textInputDialog = do 
  doIOaction $ \_evhandler -> do 
                 dialog <- messageDialogNew Nothing [DialogModal]
                   MessageQuestion ButtonsOkCancel "text input"
                 vbox <- dialogGetUpper dialog
                 txtvw <- textViewNew
                 boxPackStart vbox txtvw PackGrow 0 
                 widgetShowAll dialog
                 res <- dialogRun dialog 
                 case res of 
                   ResponseOk -> do 
                     buf <- textViewGetBuffer txtvw 
                     (istart,iend) <- (,) <$> textBufferGetStartIter buf
                                          <*> textBufferGetEndIter buf
                     l <- textBufferGetText buf istart iend True
                     widgetDestroy dialog
                     return (UsrEv (TextInput (Just l)))
                   _ -> do 
                     widgetDestroy dialog
                     return (UsrEv (TextInput Nothing))
  let go = do r <- nextevent
              case r of 
                TextInput input -> return input 
                UpdateCanvas cid -> invalidateInBBox Nothing Efficient cid >> go 
                _ -> go 

-- | 
textInput :: MainCoroutine ()
textInput = textInputDialog >>= mapM_ (\str->liftIO (makePangoTextSVG str) >>= svgInsert str)
 modify (tempQueue %~ enqueue action) 
    minput <- go
    case minput of 
      Nothing -> return () 
      Just str -> liftIO (makePangoTextSVG str) >>= svgInsert str 
    go = do r <- nextevent
            case r of 
              TextInput input -> return input 
              _ -> go 
    action = mkIOaction $ 
               \_evhandler -> do 
                 dialog <- messageDialogNew Nothing [DialogModal]
                   MessageQuestion ButtonsOkCancel "text input"
                 vbox <- dialogGetUpper dialog
                 txtvw <- textViewNew
                 boxPackStart vbox txtvw PackGrow 0 
                 widgetShowAll dialog
                 res <- dialogRun dialog 
                 case res of 
                   ResponseOk -> do 
                     buf <- textViewGetBuffer txtvw 
                     (istart,iend) <- (,) <$> textBufferGetStartIter buf
                                          <*> textBufferGetEndIter buf
                     l <- textBufferGetText buf istart iend True
                     widgetDestroy dialog
                     return (UsrEv (TextInput (Just l)))
                   _ -> do 
                     widgetDestroy dialog
                     return (UsrEv (TextInput Nothing))

-- |
svgInsert :: String -> (B.ByteString,BBox) -> MainCoroutine () 
svgInsert str (svgbstr,BBox (x0,y0) (x1,y1)) = do 
    xstate <- get 
    let pgnum = unboxGet currentPageNum . view currentCanvasInfo $ xstate
        hdl = getHoodle xstate 
        currpage = getPageFromGHoodleMap pgnum hdl
        currlayer = getCurrentLayer currpage
    newitem <- (liftIO . cnstrctRItem . ItemSVG) 
                 (SVG (Just (B.pack str)) Nothing svgbstr 
                      (100,100) (Dim (x1-x0) (y1-y0)))  
    let otheritems = view gitems currlayer  
    let ntpg = makePageSelectMode currpage 
                 (otheritems :- (Hitted [newitem]) :- Empty)  
    modeChange ToSelectMode 
    nxstate <- get 
    thdl <- case view hoodleModeState nxstate of
              SelectState thdl' -> return thdl'
              _ -> (lift . EitherT . return . Left . Other) "svgInsert"
    nthdl <- liftIO $ updateTempHoodleSelectIO thdl ntpg pgnum 
    let nxstate2 = set hoodleModeState (SelectState nthdl) nxstate
    put nxstate2
-- |     
convertLinkFromSimpleToDocID :: Link -> IO (Maybe Link)
convertLinkFromSimpleToDocID (Link i _typ lstr txt cmd rdr pos dim) = do 
    case urlParse (B.unpack lstr) of 
      Nothing -> return Nothing
      Just (HttpUrl url) -> return Nothing
      Just (FileUrl file) -> do 
        b <- doesFileExist file
        if b 
          then do 
            bstr <- B.readFile file
            case parseOnly PA.hoodle bstr of 
              Left str -> return Nothing
              Right hdl -> do 
                let uuid = view hoodleID hdl
                    link = LinkDocID i uuid (B.pack file) txt cmd rdr pos dim
                return (Just link)
          else return Nothing 
convertLinkFromSimpleToDocID _ = return Nothing 
-- |   
linkInsert :: B.ByteString 
              -> (B.ByteString,FilePath)
              -> String 
              -> (B.ByteString,BBox) 
              -> MainCoroutine ()
linkInsert typ (uuidbstr,fname) str (svgbstr,BBox (x0,y0) (x1,y1)) = do 
    xstate <- get 
    let pgnum = unboxGet currentPageNum . view currentCanvasInfo $ xstate
        hdl = getHoodle xstate 
        currpage = getPageFromGHoodleMap pgnum hdl
        currlayer = getCurrentLayer currpage
        lnk = Link uuidbstr "simple" (B.pack fname) (Just (B.pack str)) Nothing svgbstr 
                  (x0,y0) (Dim (x1-x0) (y1-y0))
    nlnk <- liftIO $ convertLinkFromSimpleToDocID lnk >>= maybe (return lnk) return
    liftIO $ print nlnk
    newitem <- (liftIO . cnstrctRItem . ItemLink) nlnk
    let otheritems = view gitems currlayer  
    let ntpg = makePageSelectMode currpage 
                 (otheritems :- (Hitted [newitem]) :- Empty)  
    modeChange ToSelectMode 
    nxstate <- get 
    thdl <- case view hoodleModeState nxstate of
              SelectState thdl' -> return thdl'
              _ -> (lift . EitherT . return . Left . Other) "linkInsert"
    nthdl <- liftIO $ updateTempHoodleSelectIO thdl ntpg pgnum 
    let nxstate2 = set hoodleModeState (SelectState nthdl) nxstate
    put nxstate2

-- |
makePangoTextSVG :: String -> IO (B.ByteString,BBox) 
makePangoTextSVG str = do 
    let pangordr = do 
          ctxt <- cairoCreateContext Nothing 
          layout <- layoutEmpty ctxt   
          layoutSetWidth layout (Just 400)
          layoutSetWrap layout WrapAnywhere 
          layoutSetText layout str 
          (_,reclog) <- layoutGetExtents layout 
          let PangoRectangle x y w h = reclog 
          -- 10 is just dirty-fix
          return (layout,BBox (x,y) (x+w+10,y+h)) 
        rdr layout = do setSourceRGBA 0 0 0 1
                        updateLayout layout 
                        showLayout layout 
    (layout,(BBox (x0,y0) (x1,y1))) <- pangordr 
    tdir <- getTemporaryDirectory 
    let tfile = tdir </> "embedded.svg"
    withSVGSurface tfile (x1-x0) (y1-y0) $ \s -> renderWith s (rdr layout)
    bstr <- B.readFile tfile 
    return (bstr,BBox (x0,y0) (x1,y1))