module Hoodle.Coroutine.Select.Clipboard where
import Control.Lens (view,set,(%~))
import Control.Monad.State
import Graphics.UI.Gtk hiding (get,set)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Crtn.Event
import Control.Monad.Trans.Crtn.Queue
import Data.Hoodle.Generic
import Data.Hoodle.Select
import Data.Hoodle.Simple
import Graphics.Hoodle.Render.Item
import Graphics.Hoodle.Render.Type
import Graphics.Hoodle.Render.Type.HitTest
import Hoodle.Accessor
import Hoodle.Coroutine.Draw
import Hoodle.Coroutine.Commit
import Hoodle.Coroutine.Mode
import Hoodle.ModelAction.Page
import Hoodle.ModelAction.Select
import Hoodle.ModelAction.Select.Transform
import Hoodle.ModelAction.Clipboard
import Hoodle.Type.Canvas
import Hoodle.Type.Coroutine
import Hoodle.Type.Event
import Hoodle.Type.PageArrangement
import Hoodle.Type.HoodleState
deleteSelection :: MainCoroutine ()
deleteSelection = do
xstate <- get
case view hoodleModeState xstate of
SelectState thdl -> do
let Just (n,tpage) = view gselSelected thdl
slayer = view (glayers.selectedLayer) tpage
case unTEitherAlterHitted . view gitems $ slayer of
Left _ -> return ()
Right alist -> do
let newlayer = Left . concat . getA $ alist
newpage = set (glayers.selectedLayer) (GLayer (view gbuffer slayer) (TEitherAlterHitted newlayer)) tpage
newthdl <- liftIO $ updateTempHoodleSelectIO thdl newpage n
newxstate <- liftIO $ updatePageAll (SelectState newthdl)
. set hoodleModeState (SelectState newthdl)
$ xstate
commit newxstate
let ui = view gtkUIManager newxstate
liftIO $ toggleCutCopyDelete ui False
modeChange ToViewAppendMode
_ -> return ()
cutSelection :: MainCoroutine ()
cutSelection = copySelection >> deleteSelection
copySelection :: MainCoroutine ()
copySelection = do
updateXState copySelectionAction >> invalidateAll
where copySelectionAction xst =
boxAction (fsingle xst) . view currentCanvasInfo $ xst
fsingle xstate cinfo = maybe (return xstate) id $ do
let hdlmodst = view hoodleModeState xstate
let epage = getCurrentPageEitherFromHoodleModeState cinfo hdlmodst
eitherMaybe epage `pipe` rItmsInActiveLyr
`pipe` (Right . liftIO . updateClipboard xstate . map rItem2Item . takeHitted)
where eitherMaybe (Left _) = Nothing
eitherMaybe (Right a) = Just a
x `pipe` a = x >>= eitherMaybe . a
infixl 6 `pipe`
getClipFromGtk :: MainCoroutine (Maybe [Item])
getClipFromGtk = do
let action = mkIOaction $
\evhandler -> do
hdltag <- liftIO $ atomNew "hoodle"
clipbd <- liftIO $ clipboardGet hdltag
liftIO $ clipboardRequestText clipbd (callback4Clip evhandler)
return (UsrEv ActionOrdered)
modify (tempQueue %~ enqueue action)
where go = do r <- nextevent
case r of
GotClipboardContent cnt' -> return cnt'
_ -> go
pasteToSelection :: MainCoroutine ()
pasteToSelection = do
mitms <- getClipFromGtk
case mitms of
Nothing -> return ()
Just itms -> do
ritms <- liftIO (mapM cnstrctRItem itms)
modeChange ToSelectMode >>updateXState (pasteAction ritms) >> invalidateAll
pasteAction itms xst = boxAction (fsimple itms xst) . view currentCanvasInfo $ xst
fsimple itms xstate cinfo = do
geometry <- liftIO (getGeometry4CurrCvs xstate)
let pagenum = view currentPageNum cinfo
hdlmodst@(SelectState thdl) = view hoodleModeState xstate
nclipitms = adjustItemPosition4Paste geometry (PageNum pagenum) itms
epage = getCurrentPageEitherFromHoodleModeState cinfo hdlmodst
tpage = either mkHPage id epage
layerselect = view (glayers.selectedLayer) tpage
gbuf = view gbuffer layerselect
newlayerselect = case rItmsInActiveLyr tpage of
Left nitms -> (GLayer gbuf . TEitherAlterHitted . Right) (nitms :- Hitted nclipitms :- Empty)
Right alist -> (GLayer gbuf . TEitherAlterHitted . Right)
(concat (interleave id unHitted alist)
:- Hitted nclipitms
:- Empty )
tpage' = set (glayers.selectedLayer) newlayerselect tpage
thdl' <- liftIO $ updateTempHoodleSelectIO thdl tpage' pagenum
xstate' <- liftIO $ updatePageAll (SelectState thdl')
. set hoodleModeState (SelectState thdl')
$ xstate
commit xstate'
let ui = view gtkUIManager xstate'
liftIO $ toggleCutCopyDelete ui True
return xstate'