module HodaTime.LocalTimeTest ( localTimeTests ) where import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck as QC import Test.Tasty.HUnit import Data.Maybe (fromJust) import HodaTime.Util import Data.HodaTime.LocalTime (localTime, LocalTime, HasLocalTime(..)) localTimeTests :: TestTree localTimeTests = testGroup "LocalTime Tests" [qcProps, unitTests] qcProps :: TestTree qcProps = testGroup "(checked by QuickCheck)" [lensProps] unitTests :: TestTree unitTests = testGroup "Unit tests" [rolloverUnits] -- properties lensProps :: TestTree lensProps = testGroup "Lens" [ QC.testProperty "get seconds offset" $ testGet second _1 ,QC.testProperty "get minutes offset" $ testGet minute _2 ,QC.testProperty "get hours offset" $ testGet hour _3 ,QC.testProperty "modify seconds offset" $ testF (modify . (+)) second _1 (+) 5 ,QC.testProperty "modify minutes offset" $ testF (modify . (+)) minute _2 (+) 5 ,QC.testProperty "modify hours offset" $ testF (modify . (+)) hour _3 (+) 5 ,QC.testProperty "set seconds offset" $ testF set second _1 const 5 ,QC.testProperty "set minutes offset" $ testF set minute _2 const 5 ,QC.testProperty "set hours offset" $ testF set hour _3 const 5 ] where mkTime h m s = fromJust . localTime h m s $ 0 -- We are already controlling that only valid values will be passed in offsetEq (s, m, h) off = get second off == s && get minute off == m && get hour off == h _1 f (a,b,c) = (\a' -> (a',b,c)) <$> f a _2 f (a,b,c) = (\b' -> (a,b',c)) <$> f b _3 f (a,b,c) = (\c' -> (a,b,c')) <$> f c testGet l l' (RandomTime h m s) = get l (mkTime h m s) == get l' (s, m, h) testF f l l' g n (RandomTime h m s) = h < 23 - n && s < 60 - n && m < 60 - n QC.==> offsetEq (modify (g n) l' (s,m,h)) $ f n l (mkTime h m s) rolloverUnits :: TestTree rolloverUnits = testGroup "Rollover" [ testCase "22:57:57 + 2s == 22:57:59" $ modify (+2) second <$> time @?= localTime 22 57 59 0 ,testCase "22:57:57 + 5s == 22:58:02" $ modify (+5) second <$> time @?= localTime 22 58 2 0 ,testCase "22:57:57 + 2m == 22:59:57" $ modify (+2) minute <$> time @?= localTime 22 59 57 0 ,testCase "22:57:57 + 5m == 23:02:57" $ modify (+5) minute <$> time @?= localTime 23 02 57 0 ,testCase "22:57:57 + 1h == 23:57:57" $ modify (+1) hour <$> time @?= localTime 23 57 57 0 ,testCase "22:57:57 + 3h == 01:57:57" $ modify (+3) hour <$> time @?= localTime 1 57 57 0 ,testCase "22:57:57 + 3723s == 00:00:00" $ modify (+3723) second <$> time @?= localTime 0 0 0 0 ,testCase "22:57:57 + 3725s == 00:00:02" $ modify (+3725) second <$> time @?= localTime 0 0 2 0 ] where time :: Maybe LocalTime time = localTime 22 57 57 0