module HodaTime.CalendarDateTimeTest ( calendarDateTimeTests ) where import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck as QC import Test.Tasty.HUnit import Data.Maybe (fromJust) import HodaTime.Util import Data.HodaTime.LocalTime (localTime, HasLocalTime(..)) import Data.HodaTime.CalendarDate (day, monthl, next, previous, dayOfWeek) import Data.HodaTime.Calendar.Gregorian (calendarDate, Month(..)) import Data.HodaTime.CalendarDateTime (on) calendarDateTimeTests :: TestTree calendarDateTimeTests = testGroup "CalendarDateTimeTests Tests" [qcProps, unitTests] qcProps :: TestTree qcProps = testGroup "(checked by QuickCheck)" [timeLensProps, dateLensProps] unitTests :: TestTree unitTests = testGroup "Unit tests" [rolloverUnits] timeLensProps :: TestTree timeLensProps = testGroup "Time Lens" [ QC.testProperty "get seconds offset" $ testGet second _1 ,QC.testProperty "get minutes offset" $ testGet minute _2 ,QC.testProperty "get hours offset" $ testGet hour _3 ,QC.testProperty "modify seconds offset" $ testF (modify . (+)) second _1 (+) 5 ,QC.testProperty "modify minutes offset" $ testF (modify . (+)) minute _2 (+) 5 ,QC.testProperty "modify hours offset" $ testF (modify . (+)) hour _3 (+) 5 ,QC.testProperty "set seconds offset" $ testF set second _1 const 5 ,QC.testProperty "set minutes offset" $ testF set minute _2 const 5 ,QC.testProperty "set hours offset" $ testF set hour _3 const 5 ] where mkTime h m s = fromJust $ on <$> localTime h m s 0 <*> calendarDate 1 April 2001 -- We are already controlling that only valid values will be passed in offsetEq (s, m, h) off = get second off == s && get minute off == m && get hour off == h _1 f (a,b,c) = (\a' -> (a',b,c)) <$> f a _2 f (a,b,c) = (\b' -> (a,b',c)) <$> f b _3 f (a,b,c) = (\c' -> (a,b,c')) <$> f c testGet l l' (RandomTime h m s) = get l (mkTime h m s) == get l' (s, m, h) testF f l l' g n (RandomTime h m s) = h < 23 - n && s < 60 - n && m < 60 - n QC.==> offsetEq (modify (g n) l' (s,m,h)) $ f n l (mkTime h m s) dateLensProps :: TestTree dateLensProps = testGroup "Date Lens" [ QC.testProperty "first day not changed by month math" $ testMonthAdd 1 ,QC.testProperty "mid day not changed by month math" $ testMonthAdd 15 ,QC.testProperty "dayOfWeek . next n dow $ date == dow" $ testNextDoW ,QC.testProperty "next n (dayOfWeek date) date == modify (+ n * 7) day date" $ testDirection next (+) ,QC.testProperty "previous n (dayOfWeek date) date == modify (- n * 7) day date" $ testDirection previous $ flip (-) ] where mkcd d m y = fromJust $ on <$> localTime 10 10 10 0 <*> calendarDate d m y testMonthAdd d (CycleYear y) m add = get day (modify (+ add) monthl $ mkcd d m (y + 1900)) == d -- NOTE: We fix the year so we don't run out of tests testNextDoW dow (Positive n) = (dayOfWeek . next n dow $ epochDay) == dow testDirection dir adjust (Positive n) = dir n (dayOfWeek epochDay) epochDay == modify (adjust $ n * 7) day epochDay epochDay = mkcd 1 March 2000 rolloverUnits :: TestTree rolloverUnits = testGroup "Rollover" [ testCase "30.Jan.2000 22:57:57 + 2s == 30.Jan.2000 22:57:59" $ modify (+2) second <$> dt @?= mkLT 22 57 59 0 ,testCase "30.Jan.2000 22:57:57 + 5s == 30.Jan.2000 22:58:02" $ modify (+5) second <$> dt @?= mkLT 22 58 2 0 ,testCase "30.Jan.2000 22:57:57 + 5m == 30.Jan.2000 23:02:57" $ modify (+5) minute <$> dt @?= mkLT 23 02 57 0 ,testCase "30.Jan.2000 22:57:57 + 3h == 31.Jan.2000 01:57:57" $ modify (+3) hour <$> dt @?= mkLTWithRolledDate 1 57 57 0 ,testCase "30.Jan.2000 22:57:57 + 3723s == 31.Jan.2000 00:00:00" $ modify (+3723) second <$> dt @?= mkLTWithRolledDate 0 0 0 0 ,testCase "30.Jan.2000 22:57:57 + 3725s == 31.Jan.2000 00:00:02" $ modify (+3725) second <$> dt @?= mkLTWithRolledDate 0 0 2 0 ,testCase "30.Jan.2000 22:57:57 + 48h == 1.Feb.2000 22:57:57" $ modify (+48) hour <$> dt @?= mkLTWithDate monthRoll 22 57 57 0 ] where time = localTime 22 57 57 0 date = calendarDate 30 January 2000 rollDate = calendarDate 31 January 2000 monthRoll = calendarDate 1 February 2000 dt = on <$> time <*> date mkLTWithDate date' h m s n = on <$> localTime h m s n <*> date' mkLT = mkLTWithDate date mkLTWithRolledDate = mkLTWithDate rollDate