{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module NarFormat where import Control.Applicative (many, optional, (<|>)) import qualified Control.Concurrent as Concurrent import Control.Exception (SomeException, try) import Control.Monad (replicateM, void, forM_, when) import Crypto.Hash (hash, Digest, SHA256) import Data.Serialize (Serialize(..)) import Data.Serialize (Get, getByteString, getInt64le, getLazyByteString, runGet) import Data.Serialize (Putter, putInt64le, putByteString, runPut) import Data.Bool (bool) import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64 as B64 import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BSC import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BSLC import Data.Int ( Int64 ) import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as E import GHC.Generics ( Generic ) import System.Directory ( doesDirectoryExist , doesPathExist , removeDirectoryRecursive , removeFile ) import qualified System.Directory as Directory import System.Environment (getEnv) import System.FilePath ((<.>), ()) import qualified System.IO as IO import qualified System.IO.Temp as Temp import qualified System.Posix.Files as Unix import qualified System.Posix.Process as Unix import qualified System.Process as P import Test.Tasty as T import Test.Hspec import qualified Test.Tasty.HUnit as HU import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck import qualified Text.Printf as Printf import Text.Read (readMaybe) import System.Nix.Nar.Streamer (IsExecutable(Executable, NonExecutable)) import System.Nix.Nar -- Without the import, `max_live_bytes` and `getRTSStats` are undefined on some setups. #ifdef BOUNDED_MEMORY import GHC.Stats #endif withBytesAsHandle :: BSC.ByteString -> (IO.Handle -> IO a) -> IO a withBytesAsHandle bytes act = do Temp.withSystemTempFile "nar-test-file-XXXXX" $ \tmpFile h -> do IO.hClose h BSC.writeFile tmpFile bytes IO.withFile tmpFile IO.ReadMode act spec_narEncoding :: Spec spec_narEncoding = do -- For a Haskell embedded Nar, check that (decode . encode === id) let withTempDir act = Temp.withSystemTempDirectory "nar-test" act roundTrip :: String -> Nar -> IO () roundTrip narFileName n = withTempDir $ \tmpDir -> do let packageFilePath = tmpDir narFileName e <- doesPathExist packageFilePath e `shouldBe` False res <- withBytesAsHandle (runPut (putNar n)) $ \h -> do unpackNarIO narEffectsIO h packageFilePath res `shouldBe` Right () e' <- doesPathExist packageFilePath e' `shouldBe` True res' <- Temp.withSystemTempFile "nar-test-file-hnix" $ \tmpFile h -> do buildNarIO narEffectsIO packageFilePath h IO.hClose h BSC.readFile tmpFile res' `shouldBe` runPut (putNar n) -- For a Haskell embedded Nar, check that encoding it gives -- the same bytestring as `nix-store --dump` let encEqualsNixStore :: Nar -> BSC.ByteString -> IO () encEqualsNixStore n b = runPut (putNar n) `shouldBe` b describe "parser-roundtrip" $ do it "roundtrips regular" $ do roundTrip "sampleRegular" (Nar sampleRegular) it "roundtrips regular 2" $ do roundTrip "sampleRegular'" (Nar sampleRegular') it "roundtrips executable" $ do roundTrip "sampleExecutable" (Nar sampleExecutable) it "roundtrips directory" $ do roundTrip "sampleDirectory" (Nar sampleDirectory) it "roundtrips case conflicts" $ do nar <- decodeFile "tests/fixtures/case-conflict.nar" roundTrip "caseConflict" nar describe "matches-nix-store fixture" $ do it "matches regular" $ do encEqualsNixStore (Nar sampleRegular) sampleRegularBaseline it "matches regular'" $ encEqualsNixStore (Nar sampleRegular') sampleRegular'Baseline it "matches executable" $ encEqualsNixStore (Nar sampleExecutable) sampleExecutableBaseline it "matches symlink" $ encEqualsNixStore (Nar sampleSymLink) sampleSymLinkBaseline it "matches directory" $ do encEqualsNixStore (Nar sampleDirectory) sampleDirectoryBaseline it "matches symlink to directory" $ do encEqualsNixStore (Nar sampleLinkToDirectory) sampleLinkToDirectoryBaseline unit_nixStoreRegular :: HU.Assertion unit_nixStoreRegular = filesystemNixStore "regular" (Nar sampleRegular) unit_nixStoreDirectory :: HU.Assertion unit_nixStoreDirectory = filesystemNixStore "directory" (Nar sampleDirectory) unit_nixStoreDirectory' :: HU.Assertion unit_nixStoreDirectory' = filesystemNixStore "directory'" (Nar sampleDirectory') -- | Test that the executable permissions are handled correctly in app bundles on macOS. -- In this case, access() returns false for a file under this specific path, even when the executable bit is set. -- NAR implementations should avoid this syscall on macOS. test_nixStoreMacOSAppBundle :: TestTree test_nixStoreMacOSAppBundle = packThenExtract "App.app" $ \ baseDir -> do let testDir = baseDir "App.app" "Resources" "en.lproj" Directory.createDirectoryIfMissing True testDir mkExecutableFile (testDir "test.strings") test_nixStoreBigFile :: TestTree test_nixStoreBigFile = packThenExtract "bigfile" $ \baseDir -> do mkBigFile (baseDir "bigfile") test_nixStoreBigDir :: TestTree test_nixStoreBigDir = packThenExtract "bigdir" $ \baseDir -> do let testDir = baseDir "bigdir" Directory.createDirectory testDir mkBigFile (testDir "bf1") mkBigFile (testDir "bf2") -- flip mapM_ [1..100] $ \i -> -- mkBigFile (testDir ('f': show i)) -- -- Directory.createDirectory (testDir "") prop_narEncodingArbitrary :: Nar -> Property prop_narEncodingArbitrary n = runGet getNar (runPut $ putNar n) === Right n unit_packSelfSrcDir :: HU.Assertion unit_packSelfSrcDir = Temp.withSystemTempDirectory "nar-test" $ \tmpDir -> do ver <- try (P.readProcess "nix-store" ["--version"] "") let narFilePath = tmpDir "src.nar" case ver of Left (_ :: SomeException) -> print ("No nix-store on system" :: String) Right _ -> do let go dir = do srcHere <- doesDirectoryExist dir bool (pure ()) (do IO.withFile narFilePath IO.WriteMode $ \h -> buildNarIO narEffectsIO "src" h hnixNar <- BSL.readFile narFilePath nixStoreNar <- getNixStoreDump "src" HU.assertEqual "src dir serializes the same between hnix-store and nix-store" hnixNar nixStoreNar ) srcHere go "src" go "hnix-store-core/src" -- passes test_streamLargeFileToNar :: TestTree test_streamLargeFileToNar = HU.testCaseSteps "streamLargeFileToNar" $ \step -> do step "create test file" mkBigFile bigFileName -- BSL.writeFile narFileName =<< buildNarIO narEffectsIO bigFileName -- step "create nar file" IO.withFile narFileName IO.WriteMode $ \h -> buildNarIO narEffectsIO bigFileName h step "assert bounded memory" assertBoundedMemory rmFiles where bigFileName = "bigFile.bin" narFileName = "bigFile.nar" rmFiles = removeFile bigFileName >> removeFile narFileName -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- test_streamManyFilesToNar :: TestTree test_streamManyFilesToNar = HU.testCaseSteps "streamManyFilesToNar" $ \step -> Temp.withSystemTempDirectory "hnix-store" $ \baseDir -> do let packagePath = baseDir "package_with_many_files" packagePath' = baseDir "package_with_many_files2" narFilePath = packagePath <.> "nar" -- unused, see `step "check file exists"` bellow _rmFiles = try @SomeException @() $ do e <- doesPathExist narFilePath when e $ removeDirectoryRecursive narFilePath _run = do filesPrecount <- countProcessFiles IO.withFile "hnar" IO.WriteMode $ \h -> buildNarIO narEffectsIO narFilePath h filesPostcount <- countProcessFiles pure $ (-) <$> filesPostcount <*> filesPrecount step "create test files" Directory.createDirectory packagePath forM_ [0..1000] $ \i -> do BSL.writeFile (Printf.printf (packagePath "%08d") (i :: Int)) "hi\n" Concurrent.threadDelay 50 filesPrecount <- countProcessFiles step "pack nar" IO.withFile narFilePath IO.WriteMode $ \h -> buildNarIO narEffectsIO packagePath h step "unpack nar" r <- IO.withFile narFilePath IO.ReadMode $ \h -> unpackNarIO narEffectsIO h packagePath' r `shouldBe` pure () step "check constant file usage" filesPostcount <- countProcessFiles case (-) <$> filesPostcount <*> filesPrecount of Nothing -> pure () Just c -> c `shouldSatisfy` (< 50) -- step "check file exists" -- e <- doesPathExist packagePath' -- e `shouldBe` True -- step "read the NAR back in" -- filesCreated <- run `finally` rmFiles -- filesCreated `shouldSatisfy` (< 50) -- **************** Utilities ************************ -- | Generate the ground-truth encoding on the fly with -- `nix-store --dump`, rather than generating fixtures -- beforehand filesystemNixStore :: String -> Nar -> IO () filesystemNixStore testErrorName n = do ver <- try (P.readProcess "nix-store" ["--version"] "") case ver of -- Left is not an error - testing machine simply doesn't have -- `nix-store` executable, so pure () Left (_ :: SomeException) -> print ("No nix-store on system" :: String) Right _ -> Temp.withSystemTempDirectory "hnix-store" $ \baseDir -> do let testFile = baseDir "testfile" nixNarFile = baseDir "nixstorenar.nar" hnixNarFile = baseDir "hnix.nar" assertExists f = do e <- doesPathExist f e `shouldBe` True -- stream nar contents to unpacked file(s) void $ withBytesAsHandle (runPut $ putNar n) $ \h -> unpackNarIO narEffectsIO h testFile assertExists testFile -- nix-store converts those files to nar getNixStoreDump testFile >>= BSL.writeFile nixNarFile assertExists nixNarFile -- hnix converts those files to nar IO.withFile hnixNarFile IO.WriteMode $ \h -> buildNarIO narEffectsIO testFile h assertExists hnixNarFile diffResult <- P.readProcess "diff" [nixNarFile, hnixNarFile] "" assertBoundedMemory HU.assertEqual testErrorName diffResult "" -- | Assert that GHC uses less than 100M memory at peak assertBoundedMemory :: IO () assertBoundedMemory = do #ifdef BOUNDED_MEMORY bytes <- max_live_bytes <$> getRTSStats bytes < 100 * 1000 * 1000 `shouldBe` True #else pure () #endif packThenExtract :: String -- ^ Test name (will also be used for file name) -> (String -> IO ()) -- ^ Action to create some files that we will -- pack into a NAR -> TestTree packThenExtract testName setup = HU.testCaseSteps testName $ \step -> Temp.withSystemTempDirectory "hnix-store" $ \baseDir -> do setup baseDir let narFilePath = baseDir testName ver <- try (P.readProcess "nix-store" ["--version"] "") case ver of Left (_ :: SomeException) -> print ("No nix-store on system" :: String) Right _ -> do let nixNarFile = narFilePath <> ".nix" hnixNarFile = narFilePath <> ".hnix" outputFile = narFilePath <> ".out" step $ "Produce nix-store nar to " <> nixNarFile (_,_,_,handle) <- P.createProcess (P.shell $ "nix-store --dump " <> narFilePath <> " > " <> nixNarFile) void $ P.waitForProcess handle step $ "Build NAR from " <> narFilePath <> " to " <> hnixNarFile -- narBS <- buildNarIO narEffectsIO narFile IO.withFile hnixNarFile IO.WriteMode $ \h -> buildNarIO narEffectsIO narFilePath h -- Compare the hash digests of the two NARs nixHash :: Digest SHA256 <- hash <$> BS.readFile nixNarFile hnixHash :: Digest SHA256 <- hash <$> BS.readFile hnixNarFile step $ unlines [ "Compare SHA256 digests between NARs:" , " nix: " <> show nixHash , " hnix: " <> show hnixHash ] HU.assertEqual "Hash mismatch between NARs" nixHash hnixHash step $ "Unpack NAR to " <> outputFile _narHandle <- IO.withFile nixNarFile IO.ReadMode $ \h -> unpackNarIO narEffectsIO h outputFile pure () -- | Count file descriptors owned by the current process countProcessFiles :: IO (Maybe Int) countProcessFiles = do pid <- Unix.getProcessID hasProc <- doesDirectoryExist "/proc" if not hasProc then pure Nothing else do let fdDir = "/proc/" <> show pid <> "/fd" fds <- P.readProcess "ls" [fdDir] "" pure $ pure $ length $ words fds -- | Read the binary output of `nix-store --dump` for a filepath getNixStoreDump :: String -> IO BSL.ByteString getNixStoreDump fp = do (_,Just h, _, _) <- P.createProcess (P.proc "nix-store" ["--dump", fp]) {P.std_out = P.CreatePipe} BSL.hGetContents h -- * Several sample FSOs defined in Haskell, for use in encoding/decoding -- | Simple regular text file with contents 'hi' sampleRegular :: FileSystemObject sampleRegular = Regular NonExecutable 3 "hi\n" -- | Simple text file with some c code sampleRegular' :: FileSystemObject sampleRegular' = Regular NonExecutable (BSL.length str) str where str = "#include \n\nint main(int argc, char *argv[]){ exit 0; }\n" -- | Executable file sampleExecutable :: FileSystemObject sampleExecutable = Regular Executable (BSL.length str) str where str = "#!/bin/bash\n\ngcc -o hello hello.c\n" -- | A simple symlink sampleSymLink :: FileSystemObject sampleSymLink = SymLink "hello.c" -- | A directory that includes some of the above sample files sampleDirectory :: FileSystemObject sampleDirectory = Directory $ Map.fromList [(FilePathPart "hello.c", sampleRegular') ,(FilePathPart "build.sh", sampleExecutable) ,(FilePathPart "hi.c", sampleSymLink) ] -- | A deeper directory tree with crossing links sampleDirectory' :: FileSystemObject sampleDirectory' = Directory $ Map.fromList [ (FilePathPart "foo", Directory $ Map.fromList [ (FilePathPart "foo.txt", Regular NonExecutable 8 "foo text") , (FilePathPart "tobar" , SymLink "../bar/bar.txt") ]) , (FilePathPart "bar", Directory $ Map.fromList [ (FilePathPart "bar.txt", Regular NonExecutable 8 "bar text") , (FilePathPart "tofoo" , SymLink "../foo/foo.txt") ]) ] sampleLargeFile :: Int64 -> FileSystemObject sampleLargeFile fSize = Regular NonExecutable fSize (BSL.take fSize (BSL.cycle "Lorem ipsum ")) sampleLargeFile' :: Int64 -> FileSystemObject sampleLargeFile' fSize = Regular NonExecutable fSize (BSL.take fSize (BSL.cycle "Lorems ipsums ")) sampleLargeDir :: Int64 -> FileSystemObject sampleLargeDir fSize = Directory $ Map.fromList $ [ (FilePathPart "bf1", sampleLargeFile fSize) , (FilePathPart "bf2", sampleLargeFile' fSize) ] <> [ (FilePathPart (BSC.pack $ 'f' : show n), Regular NonExecutable 10000 (BSL.take 10000 (BSL.cycle "hi "))) | n <- [1..100 :: Int]] <> [ (FilePathPart "d", Directory $ Map.fromList [ (FilePathPart (BSC.pack $ "df" <> show n) , Regular NonExecutable 10000 (BSL.take 10000 (BSL.cycle "subhi "))) | n <- [1..100 :: Int]] ) ] sampleLinkToDirectory :: FileSystemObject sampleLinkToDirectory = Directory $ Map.fromList [ (FilePathPart "foo", Directory $ Map.fromList [ (FilePathPart "file", Regular NonExecutable 8 "foo text") ]) , (FilePathPart "linkfoo" , SymLink "foo") ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sampleDirWithManyFiles :: Int -> FileSystemObject sampleDirWithManyFiles nFiles = Directory $ Map.fromList $ mkFile <$> take nFiles [0..] where mkFile :: Int -> (FilePathPart, FileSystemObject) mkFile i = (FilePathPart (BSC.pack (Printf.printf "%08d" i)), sampleRegular) -- * For each sample above, feed it into `nix-store --dump`, -- and base64 encode the resulting NAR binary. This lets us -- check our Haskell NAR generator against `nix-store` -- "hi" file turned to a NAR with `nix-store --dump`, Base64 encoded sampleRegularBaseline :: BSC.ByteString sampleRegularBaseline = B64.decodeLenient $ BSC.concat ["DQAAAAAAAABuaXgtYXJjaGl2ZS0xAAAAAQAAAAAAAAAoAAAAAAA" ,"AAAQAAAAAAAAAdHlwZQAAAAAHAAAAAAAAAHJlZ3VsYXIACAAAAA" ,"AAAABjb250ZW50cwMAAAAAAAAAaGkKAAAAAAABAAAAAAAAACkAA" ,"AAAAAAA" ] sampleRegular'Baseline :: BSC.ByteString sampleRegular'Baseline = B64.decodeLenient $ BSC.concat ["DQAAAAAAAABuaXgtYXJjaGl2ZS0xAAAAAQAAAAAAAAAoAAAAAAA" ,"AAAQAAAAAAAAAdHlwZQAAAAAHAAAAAAAAAHJlZ3VsYXIACAAAAA" ,"AAAABjb250ZW50c0AAAAAAAAAAI2luY2x1ZGUgPHN0ZGlvLmg+C" ,"gppbnQgbWFpbihpbnQgYXJnYywgY2hhciAqYXJndltdKXsgZXhp" ,"dCAwOyB9CgEAAAAAAAAAKQAAAAAAAAA=" ] sampleExecutableBaseline :: BSC.ByteString sampleExecutableBaseline = B64.decodeLenient $ BSC.concat ["DQAAAAAAAABuaXgtYXJjaGl2ZS0xAAAAAQAAAAAAAAAoAAAAAAA" ,"AAAQAAAAAAAAAdHlwZQAAAAAHAAAAAAAAAHJlZ3VsYXIACgAAAA" ,"AAAABleGVjdXRhYmxlAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIAAAAAAAAAGNvb" ,"nRlbnRzIgAAAAAAAAAjIS9iaW4vYmFzaAoKZ2NjIC1vIGhlbGxv" ,"IGhlbGxvLmMKAAAAAAAAAQAAAAAAAAApAAAAAAAAAA==" ] sampleSymLinkBaseline :: BSC.ByteString sampleSymLinkBaseline = B64.decodeLenient $ BSC.concat ["DQAAAAAAAABuaXgtYXJjaGl2ZS0xAAAAAQAAAAAAAAAoAAAAAAA" ,"AAAQAAAAAAAAAdHlwZQAAAAAHAAAAAAAAAHN5bWxpbmsABgAAAA" ,"AAAAB0YXJnZXQAAAcAAAAAAAAAaGVsbG8uYwABAAAAAAAAACkAA" ,"AAAAAAA" ] sampleDirectoryBaseline :: BSC.ByteString sampleDirectoryBaseline = B64.decodeLenient $ BSC.concat ["DQAAAAAAAABuaXgtYXJjaGl2ZS0xAAAAAQAAAAAAAAAoAAAAAAA" ,"AAAQAAAAAAAAAdHlwZQAAAAAJAAAAAAAAAGRpcmVjdG9yeQAAAA" ,"AAAAAFAAAAAAAAAGVudHJ5AAAAAQAAAAAAAAAoAAAAAAAAAAQAA" ,"AAAAAAAbmFtZQAAAAAIAAAAAAAAAGJ1aWxkLnNoBAAAAAAAAABu" ,"b2RlAAAAAAEAAAAAAAAAKAAAAAAAAAAEAAAAAAAAAHR5cGUAAAA" ,"ABwAAAAAAAAByZWd1bGFyAAoAAAAAAAAAZXhlY3V0YWJsZQAAAA" ,"AAAAAAAAAAAAAACAAAAAAAAABjb250ZW50cyIAAAAAAAAAIyEvY" ,"mluL2Jhc2gKCmdjYyAtbyBoZWxsbyBoZWxsby5jCgAAAAAAAAEA" ,"AAAAAAAAKQAAAAAAAAABAAAAAAAAACkAAAAAAAAABQAAAAAAAAB" ,"lbnRyeQAAAAEAAAAAAAAAKAAAAAAAAAAEAAAAAAAAAG5hbWUAAA" ,"AABwAAAAAAAABoZWxsby5jAAQAAAAAAAAAbm9kZQAAAAABAAAAA" ,"AAAACgAAAAAAAAABAAAAAAAAAB0eXBlAAAAAAcAAAAAAAAAcmVn" ,"dWxhcgAIAAAAAAAAAGNvbnRlbnRzQAAAAAAAAAAjaW5jbHVkZSA" ,"8c3RkaW8uaD4KCmludCBtYWluKGludCBhcmdjLCBjaGFyICphcm" ,"d2W10peyBleGl0IDA7IH0KAQAAAAAAAAApAAAAAAAAAAEAAAAAA" ,"AAAKQAAAAAAAAAFAAAAAAAAAGVudHJ5AAAAAQAAAAAAAAAoAAAA" ,"AAAAAAQAAAAAAAAAbmFtZQAAAAAEAAAAAAAAAGhpLmMAAAAABAA" ,"AAAAAAABub2RlAAAAAAEAAAAAAAAAKAAAAAAAAAAEAAAAAAAAAH" ,"R5cGUAAAAABwAAAAAAAABzeW1saW5rAAYAAAAAAAAAdGFyZ2V0A" ,"AAHAAAAAAAAAGhlbGxvLmMAAQAAAAAAAAApAAAAAAAAAAEAAAAA" ,"AAAAKQAAAAAAAAABAAAAAAAAACkAAAAAAAAA" ] sampleLinkToDirectoryBaseline :: BSC.ByteString sampleLinkToDirectoryBaseline = B64.decodeLenient $ BSC.concat ["DQAAAAAAAABuaXgtYXJjaGl2ZS0xAAAAAQAAAAAAAAAoAAAAAAAAAAQAAAAAAAAAdHlwZQAAAAAJ" ,"AAAAAAAAAGRpcmVjdG9yeQAAAAAAAAAFAAAAAAAAAGVudHJ5AAAAAQAAAAAAAAAoAAAAAAAAAAQA" ,"AAAAAAAAbmFtZQAAAAADAAAAAAAAAGZvbwAAAAAABAAAAAAAAABub2RlAAAAAAEAAAAAAAAAKAAA" ,"AAAAAAAEAAAAAAAAAHR5cGUAAAAACQAAAAAAAABkaXJlY3RvcnkAAAAAAAAABQAAAAAAAABlbnRy" ,"eQAAAAEAAAAAAAAAKAAAAAAAAAAEAAAAAAAAAG5hbWUAAAAABAAAAAAAAABmaWxlAAAAAAQAAAAA" ,"AAAAbm9kZQAAAAABAAAAAAAAACgAAAAAAAAABAAAAAAAAAB0eXBlAAAAAAcAAAAAAAAAcmVndWxh" ,"cgAIAAAAAAAAAGNvbnRlbnRzCAAAAAAAAABmb28gdGV4dAEAAAAAAAAAKQAAAAAAAAABAAAAAAAA" ,"ACkAAAAAAAAAAQAAAAAAAAApAAAAAAAAAAEAAAAAAAAAKQAAAAAAAAAFAAAAAAAAAGVudHJ5AAAA" ,"AQAAAAAAAAAoAAAAAAAAAAQAAAAAAAAAbmFtZQAAAAAHAAAAAAAAAGxpbmtmb28ABAAAAAAAAABu" ,"b2RlAAAAAAEAAAAAAAAAKAAAAAAAAAAEAAAAAAAAAHR5cGUAAAAABwAAAAAAAABzeW1saW5rAAYA" ,"AAAAAAAAdGFyZ2V0AAADAAAAAAAAAGZvbwAAAAAAAQAAAAAAAAApAAAAAAAAAAEAAAAAAAAAKQAA" ,"AAAAAAABAAAAAAAAACkAAAAAAAAA" ] -- | Control testcase sizes (bytes) by env variable getBigFileSize :: IO Int64 getBigFileSize = fromMaybe 5000000 . readMaybe <$> (getEnv "HNIX_BIG_FILE_SIZE" <|> pure "") -- TODO: implement and use in generator #232 -- | Add a link to a FileSystemObject. This is useful -- when creating Arbitrary FileSystemObjects. It -- isn't implemented yet _mkLink :: FilePath -- ^ Target -> FilePath -- ^ Link -> FileSystemObject -- ^ FileSystemObject to add link to -> FileSystemObject _mkLink = undefined mkBigFile :: FilePath -> IO () mkBigFile path = do fsize <- getBigFileSize BSL.writeFile path (BSL.take fsize $ BSL.cycle "Lorem ipsum") mkExecutableFile :: FilePath -> IO () mkExecutableFile path = do BSL.writeFile path "" st <- Unix.getSymbolicLinkStatus path let p = Unix.fileMode st `Unix.unionFileModes` Unix.ownerExecuteMode Unix.setFileMode path p -- | Construct FilePathPart from Text by checking that there -- are no '/' or '\\NUL' characters filePathPart :: BSC.ByteString -> Maybe FilePathPart filePathPart p = if BSC.any (`elem` ['/', '\NUL']) p then Nothing else Just $ FilePathPart p newtype Nar = Nar { narFile :: FileSystemObject } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic) -- | A FileSystemObject (FSO) is an anonymous entity that can be NAR archived data FileSystemObject = Regular IsExecutable Int64 BSL.ByteString -- ^ Reguar file, with its executable state, size (bytes) and contents | Directory (Map.Map FilePathPart FileSystemObject) -- ^ Directory with mapping of filenames to sub-FSOs | SymLink T.Text -- ^ Symbolic link target deriving (Eq, Show) -- | A valid filename or directory name newtype FilePathPart = FilePathPart { unFilePathPart :: BSC.ByteString } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) instance Serialize Nar where get = getNar put = putNar instance Arbitrary Nar where arbitrary = Nar <$> resize 10 arbitrary instance Arbitrary FileSystemObject where -- To build an arbitrary Nar, arbitrary = do n <- getSize if n < 2 then arbFile else arbDirectory n where arbFile :: Gen FileSystemObject arbFile = do Positive fSize <- arbitrary Regular <$> elements [NonExecutable, Executable] <*> pure (fromIntegral fSize) <*> oneof [ fmap (BSL.take fSize . BSL.cycle . BSL.pack . getNonEmpty) arbitrary , -- Binary File fmap (BSL.take fSize . BSL.cycle . BSLC.pack . getNonEmpty) arbitrary -- ASCII File ] arbName :: Gen FilePathPart arbName = fmap (FilePathPart . BS.pack . fmap (fromIntegral . fromEnum)) $ do Positive n <- arbitrary replicateM n (elements $ ['a'..'z'] <> ['0'..'9']) arbDirectory :: Int -> Gen FileSystemObject arbDirectory n = fmap (Directory . Map.fromList) $ replicateM n $ do nm <- arbName f <- oneof [arbFile, arbDirectory (n `div` 2)] pure (nm,f) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Serialize Nar to ByteString putNar :: Putter Nar putNar (Nar file) = header <> parens (putFile file) where header = str "nix-archive-1" putFile (Regular isExec fSize contents) = strs ["type", "regular"] >> (if isExec == Executable then strs ["executable", ""] else pure ()) >> putContents fSize (BSL.toStrict contents) putFile (SymLink target) = strs ["type", "symlink", "target", E.encodeUtf8 target] -- toList sorts the entries by FilePathPart before serializing putFile (Directory entries) = strs ["type", "directory"] <> mapM_ putEntry (Map.toList entries) putEntry (FilePathPart name, fso) = do str "entry" parens $ do str "name" str name str "node" parens (putFile fso) parens m = str "(" >> m >> str ")" -- Do not use this for file contents str :: Putter BS.ByteString str t = let len = BS.length t in int len <> pad (fromIntegral len) t putContents :: Int64 -> Putter BS.ByteString putContents fSize bs = str "contents" <> int fSize <> pad fSize bs int :: Integral a => Putter a int n = putInt64le $ fromIntegral n pad :: Int64 -> Putter BS.ByteString pad strSize bs = do putByteString bs putByteString (BS.replicate (fromIntegral (padLen strSize)) 0) strs :: Putter [BS.ByteString] strs = mapM_ str -- | Distance to the next multiple of 8 padLen :: Int64 -> Int64 padLen n = (8 - n) `mod` 8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Deserialize a Nar from ByteString getNar :: Get Nar getNar = fmap Nar $ header >> parens getFile where header = assertStr "nix-archive-1" -- Fetch a FileSystemObject getFile = getRegularFile <|> getDirectory <|> getSymLink getRegularFile = do assertStr_ "type" assertStr_ "regular" mExecutable <- optional $ Executable <$ (assertStr "executable" >> assertStr "") assertStr_ "contents" (fSize, contents) <- sizedStr pure $ Regular (fromMaybe NonExecutable mExecutable) fSize contents getDirectory = do assertStr_ "type" assertStr_ "directory" fs <- many getEntry pure $ Directory (Map.fromList fs) getSymLink = do assertStr_ "type" assertStr_ "symlink" assertStr_ "target" fmap (SymLink . E.decodeUtf8 . BSL.toStrict) str getEntry = do assertStr_ "entry" parens $ do assertStr_ "name" name <- str assertStr_ "node" file <- parens getFile maybe (fail $ "Bad FilePathPart: " <> show name) (pure . (,file)) (filePathPart $ BSLC.toStrict name) -- Fetch a length-prefixed, null-padded string str = fmap snd sizedStr sizedStr = do n <- getInt64le s <- getLazyByteString n _ <- getByteString . fromIntegral $ padLen n pure (n,s) parens m = assertStr "(" *> m <* assertStr ")" assertStr_ = void . assertStr assertStr s = do s' <- str if s == s' then pure s else fail "No" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Deserialize from binary file decodeFile :: Serialize a => FilePath -> IO a decodeFile f = do bs <- BS.readFile f let result = runGet get bs case result of Left reason -> error reason Right output -> pure output