{-# language KindSignatures #-} {-# language RankNTypes #-} {-# language ScopedTypeVariables #-} module System.Nix.Internal.Nar.Effects ( NarEffects(..) , narEffectsIO ) where import Data.Kind () import qualified Data.ByteString as Bytes import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as Bytes.Lazy import qualified System.Directory as Directory import System.Posix.Files ( createSymbolicLink , fileSize , getFileStatus , isDirectory , readSymbolicLink ) import qualified System.IO as IO import qualified Control.Monad.IO.Class as IO import Control.Monad.Trans.Control (MonadBaseControl) import qualified Control.Exception.Lifted as Exception.Lifted import qualified Control.Monad.Fail as MonadFail data NarEffects (m :: Type -> Type) = NarEffects { narReadFile :: FilePath -> m Bytes.Lazy.ByteString , narWriteFile :: FilePath -> Bytes.Lazy.ByteString -> m () , narStreamFile :: FilePath -> m (Maybe Bytes.ByteString) -> m () , narListDir :: FilePath -> m [FilePath] , narCreateDir :: FilePath -> m () , narCreateLink :: FilePath -> FilePath -> m () , narGetPerms :: FilePath -> m Directory.Permissions , narSetPerms :: FilePath -> Directory.Permissions -> m () , narIsDir :: FilePath -> m Bool , narIsSymLink :: FilePath -> m Bool , narFileSize :: FilePath -> m Int64 , narReadLink :: FilePath -> m FilePath , narDeleteDir :: FilePath -> m () , narDeleteFile :: FilePath -> m () } -- | A particular @NarEffects@ that uses regular POSIX for file manipulation -- You would replace this with your own @NarEffects@ if you wanted a -- different backend narEffectsIO :: (IO.MonadIO m, MonadFail.MonadFail m, MonadBaseControl IO m ) => NarEffects m narEffectsIO = NarEffects { narReadFile = IO.liftIO . Bytes.Lazy.readFile , narWriteFile = \a -> IO.liftIO . Bytes.Lazy.writeFile a , narStreamFile = streamStringOutIO , narListDir = IO.liftIO . Directory.listDirectory , narCreateDir = IO.liftIO . Directory.createDirectory , narCreateLink = \f -> IO.liftIO . createSymbolicLink f , narGetPerms = IO.liftIO . Directory.getPermissions , narSetPerms = \f -> IO.liftIO . Directory.setPermissions f , narIsDir = fmap isDirectory . IO.liftIO . getFileStatus , narIsSymLink = IO.liftIO . Directory.pathIsSymbolicLink , narFileSize = fmap (fromIntegral . fileSize) . IO.liftIO . getFileStatus , narReadLink = IO.liftIO . readSymbolicLink , narDeleteDir = IO.liftIO . Directory.removeDirectoryRecursive , narDeleteFile = IO.liftIO . Directory.removeFile } -- | This default implementation for @narStreamFile@ requires @IO.MonadIO@ streamStringOutIO :: forall m .(IO.MonadIO m, MonadFail.MonadFail m, MonadBaseControl IO m ) => FilePath -> m (Maybe Bytes.ByteString) -> m () streamStringOutIO f getChunk = Exception.Lifted.bracket (IO.liftIO $ IO.openFile f WriteMode) (IO.liftIO . IO.hClose) go `Exception.Lifted.catch` cleanupException where go :: IO.Handle -> m () go handle = do chunk <- getChunk case chunk of Nothing -> pass Just c -> do IO.liftIO $ Bytes.hPut handle c go handle cleanupException (e :: Exception.Lifted.SomeException) = do IO.liftIO $ Directory.removeFile f MonadFail.fail $ "Failed to stream string to " <> f <> ": " <> show e