hnix-0.9.0: Haskell implementation of the Nix language
Safe HaskellNone




checkComparable :: (Framed e m, MonadDataErrorContext t f m) => NValue t f m -> NValue t f m -> m () Source #

alignEqM :: (Align f, Traversable f, Monad m) => (a -> b -> m Bool) -> f a -> f b -> m Bool Source #

Checks whether two containers are equal, using the given item equality predicate. If there are any item slots that don't match between the two containers, the result will be False.

alignEq :: (Align f, Traversable f) => (a -> b -> Bool) -> f a -> f b -> Bool Source #

isDerivationM :: Monad m => (t -> m (Maybe NixString)) -> AttrSet t -> m Bool Source #

valueFEqM :: Monad n => (AttrSet a -> AttrSet a -> n Bool) -> (a -> a -> n Bool) -> NValueF p m a -> NValueF p m a -> n Bool Source #

valueFEq :: (AttrSet a -> AttrSet a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> NValueF p m a -> NValueF p m a -> Bool Source #

compareAttrSetsM :: Monad m => (t -> m (Maybe NixString)) -> (t -> t -> m Bool) -> AttrSet t -> AttrSet t -> m Bool Source #

compareAttrSets :: (t -> Maybe NixString) -> (t -> t -> Bool) -> AttrSet t -> AttrSet t -> Bool Source #

valueEqM :: forall t f m. (MonadThunk t m (NValue t f m), Comonad f) => NValue t f m -> NValue t f m -> m Bool Source #

thunkEqM :: (MonadThunk t m (NValue t f m), Comonad f) => t -> t -> m Bool Source #

Orphan instances

Eq1 (NValueF p m) Source # 
Instance details


liftEq :: (a -> b -> Bool) -> NValueF p m a -> NValueF p m b -> Bool #

(Eq t, Eq1 f, Eq1 m) => Eq1 (NValue' t f m) Source # 
Instance details


liftEq :: (a -> b -> Bool) -> NValue' t f m a -> NValue' t f m b -> Bool #