-- | John Clough. "Aspects of Diatonic Sets". -- _Journal of Music Theory_, 23(1):45--61, 1979. module Music.Theory.Z.Clough_1979 where import Data.List {- base -} import qualified Music.Theory.List as T {- hmt -} -- | Shift sequence so the initial value is zero. -- -- > transpose_to_zero [1,2,5] == [0,1,4] transpose_to_zero :: Num n => [n] -> [n] transpose_to_zero p = case p of [] -> [] n:_ -> map (subtract n) p -- | Diatonic pitch class (Z7) set to /chord/. -- -- > map dpcset_to_chord [[0,1],[0,2,4],[2,3,4,5,6]] == [[1,6],[2,2,3],[1,1,1,1,3]] dpcset_to_chord :: Integral n => [n] -> [n] dpcset_to_chord = T.d_dx . (++ [7]) . transpose_to_zero . nub . sort -- | Inverse of 'dpcset_to_chord'. -- -- > map chord_to_dpcset [[1,6],[2,2,3]] == [[0,1],[0,2,4]] chord_to_dpcset :: Integral n => [n] -> [n] chord_to_dpcset = T.dropRight 1 . T.dx_d 0 -- | Complement, ie. in relation to 'z7_univ'. -- -- > map dpcset_complement [[0,1],[0,2,4]] == [[2,3,4,5,6],[1,3,5,6]] dpcset_complement :: Integral n => [n] -> [n] dpcset_complement p = filter (`notElem` p) z7_univ -- | Interval class predicate (ie. 'is_z4'). -- -- > map is_ic [-1 .. 4] == [False,True,True,True,True,False] is_ic :: Integral n => n -> Bool is_ic = is_z4 -- | Interval to interval class. -- -- > map i_to_ic [0..7] == [0,1,2,3,3,2,1,0] i_to_ic :: Integral n => n -> n i_to_ic n = if n > 3 then 7 - n else n -- | Is /chord/, ie. is 'sum' @7@. -- -- > is_chord [2,2,3] is_chord :: Integral n => [n] -> Bool is_chord = (== 7) . sum -- | Interval vector, given list of intervals. -- -- > iv [2,2,3] == [0,2,1] iv :: Integral n => [n] -> [n] iv p = let h = T.generic_histogram p f n = T.lookup_def n 0 h in map f [1,2,3] -- | Comparison function for 'inv'. inf_cmp :: Ord a => [a] -> [a] -> Ordering inf_cmp p q = if null p && null q then EQ else case compare (last p) (last q) of EQ -> inf_cmp (T.dropRight 1 p) (T.dropRight 1 q) r -> r -- | Interval normal form. -- -- > map inf [[2,2,3],[1,2,4],[2,1,4]] == [[2,2,3],[1,2,4],[2,1,4]] inf :: Integral n => [n] -> [n] inf = maximumBy inf_cmp . T.rotations -- | Inverse of chord (retrograde). -- -- > let p = [1,2,4] in (inf p,invert p,inf (invert p)) == ([1,2,4],[4,2,1],[2,1,4]) invert :: [n] -> [n] invert = reverse -- | Complement of /chord/. -- -- > let r = [[1,1,1,1,3],[1,1,1,2,2],[1,1,2,1,2],[1,1,1,4],[2,1,1,3],[1,2,1,3],[1,2,2,2]] -- > in map complement [[1,6],[2,5],[3,4],[1,1,5],[1,2,4],[1,3,3],[2,2,3]] == r complement :: Integral n => [n] -> [n] complement = inf . dpcset_to_chord . dpcset_complement . chord_to_dpcset -- | Z7 pitch sequence to Z7 interval sequence, ie. 'mod7' of 'T.d_dx'. -- -- > map iseq (permutations [0,1,2]) == [[1,1],[6,2],[6,6],[1,5],[5,1],[2,6]] -- > map iseq (permutations [0,1,3]) == [[1,2],[6,3],[5,6],[2,4],[4,1],[3,5]] -- > map iseq (permutations [0,2,3]) == [[2,1],[5,3],[6,5],[1,4],[4,2],[3,6]] -- > map iseq (permutations [0,1,4]) == [[1,3],[6,4],[4,6],[3,3],[3,1],[4,4]] -- > map iseq (permutations [0,2,4]) == [[2,2],[5,4],[5,5],[2,3],[3,2],[4,5]] iseq :: Integral n => [n] -> [n] iseq = map mod7 . T.d_dx -- * Z -- | Is /n/ in (0,/m/ - 1). is_z_n :: Integral n => n -> n -> Bool is_z_n m n = n >= 0 && n < m -- | Z /m/ universe, ie [0 .. m-1]. z_n_univ :: Integral n => n -> [n] z_n_univ m = [0 .. m - 1] -- | 'is_z_n' of 4. is_z4 :: Integral n => n -> Bool is_z4 = is_z_n 4 -- | 'z_n_univ' of 7. -- -- > z7_univ == [0 .. 6] z7_univ :: Integral n => [n] z7_univ = z_n_univ 7 -- | 'is_z_n' of 7. is_z7 :: Integral n => n -> Bool is_z7 = is_z_n 7 -- | 'mod' 7. mod7 :: Integral n => n -> n mod7 n = n `mod` 7