-- | module Music.Theory.Wyschnegradsky where import Data.Char {- base -} import Data.List {- list -} import Data.Maybe {- base -} import qualified Data.List.Split as Split {- split -} import qualified Music.Theory.List as List {- hmt -} import qualified Music.Theory.Pitch as Pitch {- hmt -} import qualified Music.Theory.Pitch.Spelling.Table as Spelling {- hmt -} -- | In a modulo /m/ system, normalise step increments to be either -1 -- or 1. Non steps raise an error. -- -- > map (normalise_step 6) [-5,-1,1,5] == [1,-1,1,-1] normalise_step :: (Eq n,Num n) => n -> n -> n normalise_step m n | n == 1 = 1 | n == -1 = -1 | n == m - 1 = -1 | n == 1 - m = 1 | otherwise = error "normalise_step" -- | Wyschnegradsky writes the direction sign at the end of the number. -- -- > map parse_num_sign ["2+","4-"] == [2,-4] parse_num_sign :: (Num n, Read n) => String -> n parse_num_sign s = case List.separate_last s of (n,'+') -> read n (n,'-') -> negate (read n) _ -> error "parse_num_sign" -- | Expand a chromatic (step-wise) sequence, sign indicates direction. -- -- > map vec_expand [2,-4] == [[1,1],[-1,-1,-1,-1]] vec_expand :: Num n => Int -> [n] vec_expand n = if n > 0 then replicate n 1 else replicate (abs n) (-1) -- | Parse the vector notation used in some drawings, a comma -- separated list of chromatic sequences. -- -- > parse_vec Nothing 0 "4-,4+,4-,4+,4-,4+,4-,4+,4-" -- > parse_vec Nothing 0 "2+,2-,2+,2-,2+,2-,2+,2-,2+,18+" parse_vec :: Num n => Maybe Int -> n -> String -> [n] parse_vec n m = let f = case n of Just i -> List.dx_d m . take i . cycle Nothing -> List.dx_d m in List.dropRight 1 . f . concatMap (vec_expand . parse_num_sign) . Split.splitOn "," -- | Modulo addition. add_m :: Integral a => a -> a -> a -> a add_m n p q = (p + q) `mod` n -- | Parse hex colour string, as standard in HTML5. -- -- > parse_hex_clr "#e14630" == (225,70,48) parse_hex_clr :: (Read n,Num n) => String -> (n,n,n) parse_hex_clr clr = let f p q = read ("0x" ++ [p,q]) in case clr of ['#',p,q,r,s,t,u] -> (f p q,f r s,f t u) _ -> error "parse_hex" -- | Type specialised. parse_hex_clr_int :: String -> (Int,Int,Int) parse_hex_clr_int = parse_hex_clr -- | Normalise colour by dividing each component by /m/. -- -- > clr_normalise 255 (parse_hex_clr "#ff0066") == (1,0,0.4) clr_normalise :: (Real r,Fractional f) => f -> (r,r,r) -> (f,f,f) clr_normalise m (r,g,b) = let f x = realToFrac x / m in (f r,f g,f b) -- | Sequences are either in 'Radial' or 'Circumferential' order. data Seq a = Radial [a] | Circumferential [a] -- | Group sequence into normal (ie. 'Circumferential') order given -- drawing dimensions. seq_group :: Int -> Int -> Seq a -> [[a]] seq_group c_div r_div s = case s of Circumferential c -> Split.chunksOf c_div c Radial r -> transpose (Split.chunksOf r_div r) -- | Printer for pitch-class segments. iw_pc_pp :: Integral n => String -> [[n]] -> IO () iw_pc_pp sep = let f = Pitch.pitch_pp_opt (False,False) . Pitch.octpc_to_pitch Spelling.pc_spell_ks . (,) 4 in putStrLn . intercalate sep . map (unwords . map f) -- * U3 -- | Index to colour name abbreviation. -- -- > map u3_ix_ch [0..5] == "ROYGBV" u3_ix_ch :: Integral i => i -> Char u3_ix_ch = genericIndex "ROYGBV" . (`mod` 6) -- | Inverse of 'u3_ix_ch'. -- -- > map u3_ch_ix "ROYGBV" == [0..5] u3_ch_ix :: Char -> Int u3_ch_ix = fromMaybe (error "u3_ch_ix") . flip elemIndex "ROYGBV" -- | Drawing definition, as written by Wyschnegradsky. -- -- > mapM_ (\(c,r) -> putStrLn (unlines ["C: " ++ c,"R: " ++ r])) u3_vec_text_iw u3_vec_text_iw :: [(String, String)] u3_vec_text_iw = [("4+,4-,4+,4-,2+" ,"4-,4+,4-,4+,4-,4+,4-,4+,4-") ,("9+,2+,2-,2+,2-,2+" ,"2+,2-,2+,2-,2+,2-,2+,2-,2+,18+") ,("12-,12+,12-" ,"18+,18-") ,("3+,3-,3+,3-,3+,3-" ,"18+,18-") ,("9+,9-" ,"3+,3-,3+,3-,3+,3-,3+,3-,3+,3-,3+,3-") ,("2+,2-,2+,2-,2+,2-" ,"6-,6+,6-,6+,6-,6+") ,("2+,2-,2+,2-,2+,2-" ,"6+,6-,6+,6-,6+,6-") ,("6+,6-" ,"2+,2-,2+,2-,2+,2-,2+,2-,2+,2-,2+,2-,2+,2-,2+,2-,2+,2-")] -- | Re-written for local parser and to correct ambiguities and errors -- (to align with actual drawing). -- -- > let f = parse_vec Nothing 0 in map (\(p,q) -> (f p,f q)) u3_vec_text_rw -- -- > let f (c,r) = putStrLn (unlines ["C: " ++ c,"R: " ++ r]) -- > mapM_ f (List.interleave u3_vec_text_iw u3_vec_text_rw) u3_vec_text_rw :: [(String, String)] u3_vec_text_rw = [("4+,3-,5+,3-,3+" ,"4-,3+,5-,3+,5-,3+,5-,3+,5-") -- 1 ,("9+,2+,1-,3+,1-,2+" ,"2+,1-,3+,1-,3+,1-,3+,1-,3+,1-,3+,1-,3+,1-,3+,1-,3+,2-") -- 2 ,("12-,12+,12-" ,"18+,18-") ,("3+,2-,4+,2-,4+,3-" ,"18+,18-") ,("9+,9-" ,"3+,2-,4+,1-,1+,1-,3+,1-,1+,1-,3+,2-,4+,1-,1+,1-,3+,1-,1+,1-") -- 5 ,("2+,1-,3+,1-,3+,2-" ,"6-,6+,6-,6+,6-,6+") -- 6 ,("2+,1-,3+,1-,3+,2-" ,"6+,6-,6+,6-,6+,6-") -- 7 ,("6+,6-" ,"2+,1-,3+,1-,3+,1-,3+,1-,3+,1-,3+,1-,3+,1-,3+,1-,3+,2-")] -- 8 -- | Parse of 'u3_vec_text_rw'. -- -- > let {(c,r) = u3_vec_ix ; c' = map length c} -- > in (length c,c',sum c',length r,map length r) u3_vec_ix :: Num n => ([[n]],[[n]]) u3_vec_ix = let f (p,q) = [parse_vec Nothing 0 p,parse_vec Nothing 0 q] (c,r) = List.firstSecond (transpose (map f u3_vec_text_rw)) in (c,r) -- | Radial indices (ie. each /ray/ as an index sequence). -- -- > putStrLn $ unlines $ map (map u3_ix_ch) u3_ix_radial u3_ix_radial :: Integral n => [[n]] u3_ix_radial = let (c,r) = u3_vec_ix r' = zipWith replicate (map length c) r in zipWith (map . add_m 6) (concat c) (concat r') -- | Colour names in index sequence. u3_clr_nm :: [String] u3_clr_nm = words "red orange yellow green blue violet" -- | Colour values (hex strings) in index sequence. u3_clr_hex :: [String] u3_clr_hex = words "#e14630 #e06e30 #e2c48e #498b43 #2a5a64 #cb7b74" -- | RGB form of 'u3_clr_hex'. u3_clr_rgb :: Fractional n => [(n,n,n)] u3_clr_rgb = map (clr_normalise 256 . parse_hex_clr_int) u3_clr_hex -- | Notated radial color sequence, transcribed from drawing. -- -- > map (\(n,c) -> let v = u3_ch_seq_to_vec c in (n,sum v,v)) u3_radial_ch u3_radial_ch :: [(Int,[Char])] u3_radial_ch = [(1,"RVBGY GBV BGYOR OYG YORVB VRO RVBGY GBVBGYO") ,(5,"ROYG YO YGBV BV BVRO RO ROYG YO YGBV BV BVR OR O")] -- | Notated circumferenctial color sequence, transcribed from drawing. -- -- > map (\(n,c) -> (n,u3_ch_seq_to_vec c)) u3_circ_ch u3_circ_ch :: [(Int,[Char])] u3_circ_ch = [(6,"ROYOYGBGBVRV") ,(7,"ROYOYGBGBVRV") ,(8,"ROYGBVRVBGYO")] -- | Translate notated sequence to "re-written" vector notation. u3_ch_seq_to_vec :: [Char] -> [Int] u3_ch_seq_to_vec = map length . group . map (normalise_step 6) . List.d_dx . map u3_ch_ix . filter (not . isSpace) -- * DC9 {- | Circumference pitch classes, C = 0. > let c' = map length dc9_circ in (sum c',c') == (72,[5,6,7,2,3,4,4,3,2,7,7,4,4,3,2,2,3,4]) > iw_pc_pp " | " dc9_circ -} dc9_circ :: Num n => [[n]] dc9_circ = [[6,5,4,3,2] ,[3,2,1,0,11,10] ,[11,10,9,8,7,6,5] ,[6,5] ,[6,5,4] ,[5,4,3,2] ,[3,2,1,0] ,[1,0,11] ,[0,11] ,[0,1,2,3,4,5,6] ,[5,6,7,8,9,10,9] ,[10,11,0,1] ,[0,1,2,3] ,[2,3,4] ,[3,4] ,[3,4] ,[3,4,5] ,[4,5,6,7]] -- | Rayon pitch classes, C = 0. -- -- > length dc9_rad == 18 -- > putStrLn $ unwords $ map f dc9_rad dc9_rad :: Num n => [n] dc9_rad = [0,10,8,6,4,2,0,10,8,6,4,2,0,10,8,6,4,2] -- | Radial indices. -- -- > map length dc9_ix == replicate 72 18 dc9_ix :: Integral n => [[n]] dc9_ix = map (\n -> map (add_m 12 n) dc9_rad) (concat dc9_circ) -- | Approximate colours, hex strings. dc9_clr_hex :: [String] dc9_clr_hex = let c = ["#e96d61","#e6572b" ,"#e07122","#e39e36" ,"#e8b623","#e5c928" ,"#c2ba3d","#a2a367" ,"#537a77","#203342" ,"#84525e","#bc6460"] n = List.interleave [6,4,2,0,10,8] [5,3,1,11,9,7] :: [Int] in map snd (sort (zip n c)) -- | RGB form of colours. dc9_clr_rgb :: Fractional n => [(n,n,n)] dc9_clr_rgb = map (clr_normalise 255 . parse_hex_clr_int) dc9_clr_hex -- * U11 -- > 18 * 4 == 72 -- > let c' = map length u11_circ in (sum c',length c',c') -- -- > iw_pc_pp "\n- " u11_circ u11_circ :: Num n => [[n]] u11_circ = [[7,8,9,10,11,0,1,2,3] ,[10,11,0,1,2,3,4,5,6] ,[0,1,2,3,4,5] ,[0,1,2] ,[10,11] ,[6,7] ,[2] ,[9] ,[4] ,[11] ,[6,7] ,[2] ,[9] ,[2] ,[11] ,[6,7] ,[2,3] ,[10,11,0] ,[7,8,9,10,11,0] ,[7,8,9,10,11,0,1,2,3] ,[10,11,0,1,2,3,4,5,6]] -- > iw_pc_pp "|" [u11_gen_seq 7 18 [5]] u11_gen_seq :: Integral i => i -> Int -> [i] -> [i] u11_gen_seq z n = map (`mod` 12) . take n . List.dx_d z . cycle u11_seq_rule :: Integral i => Maybe Int -> [i] u11_seq_rule n = u11_gen_seq 0 18 (maybe [-1] (\x -> replicate x (-1) ++ [5]) n) -- > ull_rad_text == "012588---------885210" ull_rad_text :: [Char] ull_rad_text = let x = "012588----" y = "-" in x ++ y ++ reverse x -- > iw_pc_pp "\n- " u11_rad u11_rad :: Integral n => [[n]] u11_rad = let f c = if c == '-' then Nothing else Just (read [c]) in map (u11_seq_rule . f) ull_rad_text u11_clr_hex :: [String] u11_clr_hex = let c = ["#dbb56a","#ffb05c","#ea7c3f","#f93829","#ee6054","#d18d9c" ,"#a94c79","#215272","#628b7d","#9dbc90","#ecdfaa","#fbeaa5"] n = reverse ([4..11] ++ [0..3]) :: [Int] in map snd (sort (zip n c)) u11_clr_rgb :: Fractional n => [(n,n,n)] u11_clr_rgb = map (clr_normalise 256 . parse_hex_clr_int) u11_clr_hex