-- | Spelling for chromatic clusters. module Music.Theory.Pitch.Spelling.Cluster where import Data.List {- base -} import qualified Music.Theory.List as T {- hmt -} import qualified Music.Theory.Pitch as T {- hmt -} import qualified Music.Theory.Pitch.Note as T {- hmt -} import Music.Theory.Pitch.Note.Name {- hmt -} -- | Form of cluster with smallest outer boundary interval. -- -- > cluster_normal_order [0,1,11] == [11,0,1] cluster_normal_order :: [T.PitchClass] -> [T.PitchClass] cluster_normal_order = let with_bounds x = ((last x - head x) `mod` 12,x) in snd . minimum . map with_bounds . T.rotations -- | Normal order starting in indicated octave. -- -- > cluster_normal_order_octpc 3 [0,1,11] == [(3,11),(4,0),(4,1)] cluster_normal_order_octpc :: T.Octave -> [T.PitchClass] -> [T.OctPc] cluster_normal_order_octpc o pc = let pc_n = cluster_normal_order pc pc_0 = head pc_n in map (\x -> (if x >= pc_0 then o else o + 1,x)) pc_n -- | True if 'sort' of cluster is not equal to 'cluster_normal_order'. -- -- > map cluster_is_multiple_octave [[0,1,11],[1,2,3],[1,2,11]] == [True,False,True] cluster_is_multiple_octave :: [T.PitchClass] -> Bool cluster_is_multiple_octave x = sort x /= cluster_normal_order x -- | Spelling table for chromatic and near-chromatic clusters, -- pitch-classes are in cluster order. -- -- > let f (p,q) = (p == map T.note_alteration_to_pc_err q) -- > in all f spell_cluster_table spell_cluster_table :: [([T.PitchClass],[(T.Note,T.Alteration)])] spell_cluster_table = [([0,1,2,3],[bis,cis,d,ees]) ,([0,1,2],[bis,cis,d]) ,([0,1,3],[c,des,ees]) ,([0,1],[c,des]) ,([0,2,3],[c,d,ees]) ,([0,2],[c,d]) ,([0],[c]) ,([1,2,3],[cis,d,ees]) ,([1,2],[cis,d]) ,([10,0,1,2],[ais,bis,cis,d]) ,([10,0,1,3],[bes,c,des,ees]) ,([10,0,1],[bes,c,des]) ,([10,0,2,3],[bes,c,d,ees]) ,([10,0,2],[bes,c,d]) ,([10,1,2,3],[bes,cis,d,ees]) ,([10,1,2],[ais,cis,d]) ,([10,11,0,1,2,3],[ais,b,c,cis,d,ees]) -- overlap... ,([10,11,0,1],[ais,b,c,des]) ,([10,11,0,2],[ais,b,c,d]) ,([10,11,0,3],[ais,b,c,dis]) ,([10,11,0],[ais,b,c]) ,([10,11,1,2],[ais,b,cis,d]) ,([10,11,1,3],[ais,b,cis,dis]) ,([10,11,1],[ais,b,cis]) ,([10,11,2,3],[bes,ces,d,ees]) ,([10,11,2],[ais,b,d]) ,([10,11],[ais,b]) ,([10],[bes]) ,([11,0,1,2],[aisis,bis,cis,d]) ,([11,0,1,3],[b,c,des,ees]) ,([11,0,1],[b,c,des]) ,([11,0,2,3],[b,c,d,ees]) ,([11,0,2],[b,c,d]) ,([11,0,3],[b,c,dis]) ,([11,0],[b,c]) ,([11,1,2,3],[b,cis,d,ees]) ,([11,1,2],[b,cis,d]) ,([11,1,3],[b,cis,dis]) ,([11,1],[b,cis]) ,([11,2,3],[b,d,ees]) ,([11,2],[b,d]) ,([11],[b]) ,([1],[cis]) ,([2,3,4,5],[d,ees,fes,geses]) ,([2,3,4],[d,ees,fes]) ,([2,3,5],[d,ees,f]) ,([2,3],[d,ees]) ,([2,4,5],[d,e,f]) ,([2,4],[d,e]) ,([2,5],[d,f]) ,([2],[d]) ,([3,4,5],[dis,e,f]) ,([3,4],[dis,e]) ,([3,5],[ees,f]) ,([3],[ees]) ,([4,5],[e,f]) ,([4],[e]) ,([5,6,7,8,9],[eis,fis,g,aes,beses]) ,([5,6,7,8],[eis,fis,g,aes]) ,([5,6,7,9],[eis,fis,g,a]) ,([5,6,7],[eis,fis,g]) ,([5,6,8,9],[eis,fis,gis,a]) ,([5,6,8],[f,ges,aes]) ,([5,6,9],[f,ges,a]) ,([5,6],[f,ges]) ,([5,7,8,9],[f,g,aes,beses]) ,([5,7,8],[f,g,aes]) ,([5,7,9],[f,g,a]) ,([5,7],[f,g]) ,([5,8,9],[f,gis,a]) ,([5,8],[f,aes]) ,([5,9],[f,a]) ,([5],[f]) ,([6,7,8,9],[fis,g,aes,beses]) ,([6,7,8],[fis,g,aes]) ,([6,7,9],[fis,g,a]) ,([6,7],[fis,g]) ,([6,8,9],[fis,gis,a]) ,([6,8],[fis,gis]) ,([6,9],[fis,a]) ,([6],[fis]) ,([7,8,9],[fisis,gis,a]) ,([7,8],[g,aes]) ,([7,9],[g,a]) ,([7],[g]) ,([8,10],[aes,bes]) ,([8,9,10],[gis,a,bes]) ,([8,9],[gis,a]) ,([8],[aes]) ,([9,10],[a,bes]) ,([9],[a])] spell_cluster :: [T.PitchClass] -> Maybe [(T.Note,T.Alteration)] spell_cluster = flip lookup spell_cluster_table -- | Spell an arbitrary sequence of 'T.OctPc' values. -- -- > fmap (map T.pitch_pp_iso) (spell_cluster_octpc [(3,11),(4,3),(4,11),(5,1)]) spell_cluster_octpc :: [T.OctPc] -> Maybe [T.Pitch] spell_cluster_octpc o = let p = cluster_normal_order (sort (nub (map snd o))) na_f na = let na_tbl = map (\x -> (T.note_alteration_to_pc_err x,x)) na o_f (oct,pc) = let (n,alt) = T.lookup_err pc na_tbl in T.Pitch n alt oct in map o_f o in fmap na_f (spell_cluster p) -- | Spelling for chromatic clusters. Sequence must be ascending. -- Pitch class @0@ maps to 'c4', if there is no @0@ then all notes are -- in octave @4@. -- -- > let f = (fmap (map T.pitch_pp) . spell_cluster_c4) -- > map f [[11,0],[11],[0,11]] == [Just ["B3","C4"],Just ["B4"],Nothing] -- -- > fmap (map T.pitch_pp) (spell_cluster_c4 [10,11]) == Just ["A♯4","B4"] spell_cluster_c4 :: [T.PitchClass] -> Maybe [T.Pitch] spell_cluster_c4 p = let o_0 = if cluster_is_multiple_octave p then 3 else 4 oct = map fst (cluster_normal_order_octpc o_0 p) in case spell_cluster p of Nothing -> Nothing Just na -> Just (zipWith (\(n,alt) o -> T.Pitch n alt o) na oct) -- | Variant of 'spell_cluster_c4' that runs 'pitch_edit_octave'. An -- octave of @4@ is the identitiy, @3@ an octave below, @5@ an octave -- above. -- -- > fmap (map T.pitch_pp) (spell_cluster_c 3 [11,0]) == Just ["B2","C3"] -- > fmap (map T.pitch_pp) (spell_cluster_c 3 [10,11]) == Just ["A♯3","B3"] spell_cluster_c :: T.Octave -> [T.PitchClass] -> Maybe [T.Pitch] spell_cluster_c o = fmap (map (T.pitch_edit_octave (+ (o - 4)))) . spell_cluster_c4 -- | Variant of 'spell_cluster_c4' that runs 'pitch_edit_octave' so -- that the left-most note is in the octave given by /f/. -- -- > import Data.Maybe -- -- > let f n = if n >= 11 then 3 else 4 -- > let g = map T.pitch_pp .fromJust . spell_cluster_f f -- > let r = [["B3","C4"],["B3"],["C4"],["A♯4","B4"]] -- > map g [[11,0],[11],[0],[10,11]] == r -- -- > map (spell_cluster_f (const 4)) [[0,11],[11,0],[6,7],[7,6]] spell_cluster_f :: (T.PitchClass -> T.Octave) -> [T.PitchClass] -> Maybe [T.Pitch] spell_cluster_f o_f p = let fn r = case r of [] -> [] l:_ -> let (o,n) = T.pitch_to_octpc l oct_f = (+ (o_f n - o)) in map (T.pitch_edit_octave oct_f) r in fmap fn (spell_cluster_c4 p) -- | Variant of 'spell_cluster_c4' that runs 'pitch_edit_octave' so -- that the left-most note is in octave /o/. -- -- > fmap (map T.pitch_pp) (spell_cluster_left 3 [11,0]) == Just ["B3","C4"] -- > fmap (map T.pitch_pp) (spell_cluster_left 3 [10,11]) == Just ["A♯3","B3"] spell_cluster_left :: T.Octave -> [T.PitchClass] -> Maybe [T.Pitch] spell_cluster_left o p = let fn r = case r of [] -> [] l:_ -> let oct_f = (+ (o - T.octave l)) in map (T.pitch_edit_octave oct_f) r in fmap fn (spell_cluster_c4 p)