{-# Language BinaryLiterals #-}

module Music.Theory.Random.I_Ching where

import Control.Monad {- base -}
import Data.Maybe {- base -}
import System.Random {- random -}

import qualified Music.Theory.Bits as T {- hmt -}
import qualified Music.Theory.Tuple as T {- hmt -}

-- | Line, indicated as sum.
data Line = L6 | L7 | L8 | L9 deriving (Eq,Show)

{-| (sum={6,7,8,9},
     (yarrow probablity={1,3,5,7}/16,
      three-coin probablity={2,6}/16,
type Line_Stat = (Line,(Rational,Rational,String,String,String))

i_ching_chart :: [Line_Stat]
i_ching_chart =
    [(L6,(1/16,2/16,"old yin","yin changing into yang","---x---"))
    ,(L8,(7/16,6/16,"young yin","yin unchanging","--- ---"))
    ,(L9,(3/16,2/16,"old yang","yang changing into yin","---o---"))
    ,(L7,(5/16,6/16,"young yang","yang unchanging","-------"))]

-- | Lines L6 and L7 are unbroken (since L6 is becoming L7).
line_unbroken :: Line -> Bool
line_unbroken n = n `elem` [L6,L7]

line_from_bit :: Bool -> Line
line_from_bit b = if b then L7 else L8

-- | Seven character ASCII string for line.
line_ascii_pp :: Line -> String
line_ascii_pp n = fromMaybe (error "line_ascii_pp") (fmap T.p5_fifth (lookup n i_ching_chart))

-- | Is line (ie. sum) moving (ie. 6 or 9).
line_is_moving :: Line -> Bool
line_is_moving n = n `elem` [L6,L9]

-- | Old yin (L6) becomes yang (L7), and old yang (L9) becomes yin (L8).
line_complement :: Line -> Maybe Line
line_complement n =
    case n of
      L6 -> Just L7
      L9 -> Just L8
      _ -> Nothing

type Hexagram = [Line]

-- | Hexagrams are drawn upwards.
hexagram_pp :: Hexagram -> String
hexagram_pp = unlines . reverse . map line_ascii_pp

{- | Sequence of sum values assigned to ascending four bit numbers.

> import  Music.Theory.Bits {- hmt -}
> zip (map (gen_bitseq_pp 4) [0::Int .. 15]) (map line_ascii_pp_err four_coin_sequence)

four_coin_sequence :: [Line]
four_coin_sequence =

-- | Generate hexagram (ie. sequence of six lines given by sum) using 'four_coin_sequence'.
-- > four_coin_gen_hexagram >>= putStrLn . hexagram_pp
four_coin_gen_hexagram :: IO Hexagram
four_coin_gen_hexagram = fmap (map (four_coin_sequence !!)) (replicateM 6 (randomRIO (0,15)))

-- | 'any' of 'line_is_moving'.
hexagram_has_complement :: Hexagram -> Bool
hexagram_has_complement = any line_is_moving

-- | If 'hexagram_has_complement' then derive it.
-- > h <- four_coin_gen_hexagram
-- > putStrLn (hexagram_pp h)
-- > maybe (return ()) (putStrLn . hexagram_pp) (hexagram_complement h)
hexagram_complement :: Hexagram -> Maybe Hexagram
hexagram_complement h =
    let f n = fromMaybe n (line_complement n)
    in if hexagram_has_complement h then Just (map f h) else Nothing

-- | Names of hexagrams, in King Wen order.
-- > length hexagram_names == 64
hexagram_names :: [(String,String)]
hexagram_names =
    ,("小畜","xiǎo chù")
    ,("同人","tóng rén")
    ,("大有","dà yǒu")
    ,("噬嗑","shì kè")
    ,("無妄","wú wàng")
    ,("大畜","dà chù")
    ,("大過","dà guò")
    ,("大壯","dà zhuàng")
    ,("明夷","míng yí")
    ,("家人","jiā rén")
    ,("歸妹","guī mèi")
    ,("中孚","zhōng fú")
    ,("小過","xiǎo guò")
    ,("既濟","jì jì")
    ,("未濟","wèi jì")]

-- | Unicode hexagram characters, in King Wen order.
-- > import Data.List.Split {- split -}
-- > mapM_ putStrLn (chunksOf 8 hexagram_unicode_sequence)
hexagram_unicode_sequence :: [Char]
hexagram_unicode_sequence = map toEnum [0x4DC0 .. 0x4DFF]

hexagram_to_binary :: Hexagram -> Int
hexagram_to_binary = T.pack_bitseq . map line_unbroken

-- > let h = hexagram_from_binary 0b100010
-- > putStrLn (hexagram_pp h)
-- > gen_bitseq_pp 6 (hexagram_to_binary h) == "100010"
hexagram_from_binary :: Int -> Hexagram
hexagram_from_binary = map line_from_bit . T.gen_bitseq 6

-- > import Data.List {- base -}
-- > putStrLn (intersperse ' ' trigram_unicode_sequence)
trigram_unicode_sequence :: [Char]
trigram_unicode_sequence = map toEnum [0x2630 .. 0x2637]

-- > map p8_third trigram_chart == [7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0]
trigram_chart :: Num i => [(i, Char, i, Char, String, Char, String, Char)]
trigram_chart =