-- | Godfried T. Toussaint et. al.
-- \"The distance geometry of music\"
-- /Journal of Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications/
-- Volume 42, Issue 5, July, 2009
-- (<http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.comgeo.2008.04.005>)
module Music.Theory.Bjorklund where

import Data.List.Split {- split -}

import qualified Music.Theory.List as T

type STEP a = ((Int,Int),([[a]],[[a]]))

left :: STEP a -> STEP a
left ((i,j),(xs,ys)) =
    let (xs',xs'') = splitAt j xs
    in ((j,i-j),(zipWith (++) xs' ys,xs''))

right :: STEP a -> STEP a
right ((i,j),(xs,ys)) =
    let (ys',ys'') = splitAt i ys
    in ((i,j-i),(zipWith (++) xs ys',ys''))

bjorklund' :: STEP a -> STEP a
bjorklund' (n,x) =
    let (i,j) = n
    in if min i j <= 1
       then (n,x)
       else bjorklund' (if i > j then left (n,x) else right (n,x))

{- | Bjorklund's algorithm to construct a binary sequence of /n/ bits
with /k/ ones such that the /k/ ones are distributed as evenly as
possible among the (/n/ - /k/) zeroes.

> bjorklund (5,9) == [True,False,True,False,True,False,True,False,True]
> map xdot (bjorklund (5,9)) == "x.x.x.x.x"

> let {es = [(2,[3,5]),(3,[4,5,8]),(4,[7,9,12,15]),(5,[6,7,8,9,11,12,13,16])
>           ,(6,[7,13]),(7,[8,9,10,12,15,16,17,18]),(8,[17,19])
>           ,(9,[14,16,22,23]),(11,[12,24]),(13,[24]),(15,[34])]
>     ;es' = concatMap (\(i,j) -> map ((,) i) j) es}
> in mapM_ (putStrLn . euler_pp') es'

> > E(2,3) [××·] (12)
> > E(2,5) [×·×··] (23)
> > E(3,4) [×××·] (112)
> > E(3,5) [×·×·×] (221)
> > E(3,8) [×··×··×·] (332)
> > E(4,7) [×·×·×·×] (2221)
> > E(4,9) [×·×·×·×··] (2223)
> > E(4,12) [×··×··×··×··] (3333)
> > E(4,15) [×···×···×···×··] (4443)
> > E(5,6) [×××××·] (11112)
> > E(5,7) [×·××·××] (21211)
> > E(5,8) [×·××·××·] (21212)
> > E(5,9) [×·×·×·×·×] (22221)
> > E(5,11) [×·×·×·×·×··] (22223)
> > E(5,12) [×··×·×··×·×·] (32322)
> > E(5,13) [×··×·×··×·×··] (32323)
> > E(5,16) [×··×··×··×··×···] (33334)
> > E(6,7) [××××××·] (111112)
> > E(6,13) [×·×·×·×·×·×··] (222223)
> > E(7,8) [×××××××·] (1111112)
> > E(7,9) [×·×××·×××] (2112111)
> > E(7,10) [×·××·××·××] (2121211)
> > E(7,12) [×·××·×·××·×·] (2122122)
> > E(7,15) [×·×·×·×·×·×·×··] (2222223)
> > E(7,16) [×··×·×·×··×·×·×·] (3223222)
> > E(7,17) [×··×·×··×·×··×·×·] (3232322)
> > E(7,18) [×··×·×··×·×··×·×··] (3232323)
> > E(8,17) [×·×·×·×·×·×·×·×··] (22222223)
> > E(8,19) [×··×·×·×··×·×·×··×·] (32232232)
> > E(9,14) [×·××·××·××·××·] (212121212)
> > E(9,16) [×·××·×·×·××·×·×·] (212221222)
> > E(9,22) [×··×·×··×·×··×·×··×·×·] (323232322)
> > E(9,23) [×··×·×··×·×··×·×··×·×··] (323232323)
> > E(11,12) [×××××××××××·] (11111111112)
> > E(11,24) [×··×·×·×·×·×··×·×·×·×·×·] (32222322222)
> > E(13,24) [×·××·×·×·×·×·××·×·×·×·×·] (2122222122222)
> > E(15,34) [×··×·×·×·×··×·×·×·×··×·×·×·×··×·×·] (322232223222322)

bjorklund :: (Int,Int) -> [Bool]
bjorklund (i,j') =
    let j = j' - i
        x = replicate i [True]
        y = replicate j [False]
        (_,(x',y')) = bjorklund' ((i,j),(x,y))
    in concat x' ++ concat y'

-- | 'T.rotate_right' of 'bjorklund'.
-- > map xdot' (bjorklund_r 2 (5,16)) == "··×··×··×··×··×·"
bjorklund_r :: Int -> (Int, Int) -> [Bool]
bjorklund_r n = T.rotate_right n . bjorklund

-- | Pretty printer, generalise.
euler_pp_f :: (Bool -> Char) -> (Int,Int) -> String
euler_pp_f f e =
    let r = bjorklund e
    in concat ["E",show e," [",map f r,"] ",iseq_str r]

-- | Unicode form, ie. @×·@.
-- > euler_pp' (7,12) == "E(7,12) [×·××·×·××·×·] (2122122)"
euler_pp' :: (Int, Int) -> String
euler_pp' = euler_pp_f xdot'

-- | ASCII form, ie. @x.@.
-- > euler_pp (7,12) == "E(7,12) [x.xx.x.xx.x.] (2122122)"
euler_pp :: (Int, Int) -> String
euler_pp = euler_pp_f xdot

-- | /xdot/ notation for pattern.
-- > map xdot (bjorklund (5,9)) == "x.x.x.x.x"
xdot :: Bool -> Char
xdot x = if x then 'x' else '.'

-- | Unicode variant.
-- > map xdot' (bjorklund (5,12)) == "×··×·×··×·×·"
-- > map xdot' (bjorklund (5,16)) == "×··×··×··×··×···"
xdot' :: Bool -> Char
xdot' x = if x then '×' else '·'

-- | The 'iseq' of a pattern is the distance between 'True' values.
-- > iseq (bjorklund (5,9)) == [2,2,2,2,1]
iseq :: [Bool] -> [Int]
iseq =
    let f = split . keepDelimsL . whenElt
    in tail . map length . f (== True)

-- | 'iseq' of pattern as compact string.
-- > iseq_str (bjorklund (5,9)) == "(22221)"
iseq_str :: [Bool] -> String
iseq_str = let f xs = "(" ++ concatMap show xs ++ ")"
           in f . iseq