Doug Rohde's SVD C library ========================== **Good news: as of version 1.4, SVDLIBC is [explicitly available under a BSD license][5].** [SVDLIBC][1] is a fast implementation of SVD matrix decomposition by Doug Rohde. It works particularly efficiently in the following cases: - the matrix is sparse, - only a few singular values are needed. These properties make it particularly well suited for [latent semantic analysis][2], for example. I ran an experiment on an Amazon EC2 [m2.xlarge][3] instance - which might be way overkill - with a 70k × 500k matrix containing 8M entries (density: 0.02%). Here is the running time for different values of `d` (= dimensions = number of singular values): - `-d 50`: 39s wall time - `-d 300`: 4m53s wall time - `-d 1000`: 31m48s wall time Why this fork ? --------------- The latest official release of the library (version 1.34) dates back from 2005. It has a few quirks, such as: - `make` / `make install` don't work "as expected" - it doesn't compile on Mac OS X out of the box - some bugs have been found, e.g. by [piskvorky][4] A caveat -------- I'm not a release engineer, and have only limited knowledge of the different languages (C, Makefile) and tools (`make`, `gcc`) involved. The modifications in this fork are working for me, but nothing guarantees they'll work for you. If you find a bug and fix it yourself, I'd be happy to get a pull your changes over. Installation instructions ------------------------- Easy as pie: # Download the code. Alternatively you can also download the zip file. git clone git:// cd svdlibc # Just like any other sane program... make make install # You're done. Start using it! svd -o result -d 10 THE_MATRIX [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: [5]: