{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase, RecordWildCards, ScopedTypeVariables #-}

-- | An IPC client implementation for the <http://herbstluftwm.org herbstluftwm>
-- window manager.
-- See <http://herbstluftwm.org/herbstluftwm.html herbstluftwm(1)> and
-- <http://herbstluftwm.org/herbstclient.html herbstclient(1)> for what this is
-- all about.
-- == Examples
-- Sending a command to herbstluftwm:
-- >>> withConnection (\con -> sendCommand con ["echo", "foo"])
-- Just (0,"foo\n")
-- Printing 2 hooks:
-- >>> withConnection (\con -> replicateM_ 2 $ unwords <$> nextHook con >>= putStrLn)
-- focus_changed 0x340004c IPC.hs - emacs
-- focus_changed 0x3200073 ROXTerm
-- Just ()
-- Although 'sendCommand' is synchronous, you can use it with forkIO or the
-- <http://hackage.haskell.org/package/async async> library:
-- > withConnection $ \con -> do
-- >   var <- newEmptyMVar
-- >   forkIO $ sendCommand con ["echo","foo"] >>= putMVar var
-- >   -- do some stuff ...
-- >   -- finally read output
-- >   output <- takeMVar var

module HLWM.IPC
       ( -- * Connection
       , connect
       , disconnect
       , withConnection
         -- * Commands and Hooks
       , sendCommand
       , nextHook
       ) where

import HLWM.IPC.Internal (HerbstEvent(..))
import qualified HLWM.IPC.Internal as IPC

import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Monad
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Exception
import System.Posix.Types (Fd(..))
import Graphics.X11.Xlib

-- | Opaque type representing the connection to the herbstluftwm server
-- See 'connect' and 'disconnect'.
data HerbstConnection = HerbstConnection {
  connection :: IPC.HerbstConnection,
  commandLock :: Lock,
  eventChan :: TChan HerbstEvent,
  controlChan :: TChan Message,
  dieVar :: TMVar ()

-- | Connect to the herbstluftwm server.
-- Be sure to call 'disconnect' if you don't need the connection anymore, to
-- free any allocated resources. When in doubt, call 'withConnection'.
-- Note that there must not be more than one connection open at any time!
connect :: IO (Maybe HerbstConnection)
connect = IPC.connect >>= \case
  Nothing -> return Nothing
  Just connection -> do
    commandLock <- newEmptyTMVarIO
    eventChan <- newBroadcastTChanIO
    controlChan <- newTChanIO
    dieVar <- newEmptyTMVarIO
    void $ forkIO $ xThread connection eventChan controlChan dieVar
    return $ Just $ HerbstConnection {..}

-- | Close connection to the herbstluftwm server.
-- After calling this function, the 'HerbstConnection' is no longer valid and
-- must not be used anymore.
disconnect :: HerbstConnection -> IO ()
disconnect HerbstConnection{..} = do
  atomically $ do
    lock commandLock
    writeTChan controlChan Die
  atomically $ takeTMVar dieVar
  IPC.disconnect connection

-- | Execute an action with a newly established 'HerbstConnection'.
-- Connects to the herbstluftwm server, passes the connection on to the supplied
-- action and closes the connection again after the action has finished.
withConnection :: (HerbstConnection -> IO a) -> IO (Maybe a)
withConnection f =
  bracket connect (maybe (return ()) disconnect)
                  (maybe (return Nothing) (fmap Just . f))

-- | Execute a command in the herbstluftwm server.
-- Send a command consisting of a list of Strings to the server and wait for the
-- response. Herbstluftwm interprets this list as a command followed by a number
-- of arguments. Returns a tuple of the exit status and output of the called
-- command.
sendCommand :: HerbstConnection -> [String] -> IO (Int, String)
sendCommand client args = do
  events <- atomically $ do
    lock (commandLock client)
    dupTChan (eventChan client) <*
      writeTChan (controlChan client) (HerbstCmd args)
  res <- readBoth events Nothing Nothing
  atomically $ unlock (commandLock client)
  return res

  where readBoth _ (Just s) (Just o) = return (o,s)
        readBoth events a b = atomically (readTChan events) >>= \case
          OutputEvent o | isNothing a -> readBoth events (Just o) b
          StatusEvent s | isNothing b -> readBoth events a (Just s)
          _ -> readBoth events a b

-- | Wait for a hook event from the server and return it.
-- A hook is just an arbitrary list of strings generated by herbstluftwm or its
-- clients.
nextHook :: HerbstConnection -> IO [String]
nextHook client = do
  chan <- atomically $ dupTChan (eventChan client)

  let loop = atomically (readTChan chan) >>= \case
        HookEvent res -> return res
        _             -> loop


data Message = HerbstCmd [String]
             | Die

xThread :: IPC.HerbstConnection -> TChan HerbstEvent -> TChan Message
        -> TMVar () -> IO ()
xThread con events msgs dieVar = do
  (waitForFd, disconnectFd) <- threadWaitReadSTM (connectionFd con)

  let loop = disconnectFd >> xThread con events msgs dieVar

  atomically ((Just <$> readTChan msgs) `orElse` (waitForFd >> return Nothing)) >>= \case
    Just Die -> do
      atomically $ putTMVar dieVar () -- notify caller that we died
    Just (HerbstCmd args) -> IPC.asyncSendCommand con args >> loop
    Nothing ->
      let loop2 = IPC.tryRecvEvent con >>= \case
            Just ev -> atomically (writeTChan events ev) >> loop2
            Nothing -> loop
      in loop2

type Lock = TMVar ()

lock :: TMVar () -> STM ()
lock l = putTMVar l ()

unlock :: TMVar () -> STM ()
unlock l = takeTMVar l >> return ()

connectionFd :: IPC.HerbstConnection -> Fd
connectionFd = Fd . connectionNumber . IPC.display