{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE ImplicitParams #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-} {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-} {-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-deprecations -Wno-unticked-promoted-constructors #-} module Main ( main ) where import Control.Applicative.Combinators import Control.Lens ((^.)) import Control.Monad import Data.Default import Data.Foldable import Data.List.Extra import Data.Maybe import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Tuple.Extra import Development.IDE.GHC.Util import Development.IDE.Plugin.Completions.Types (extendImportCommandId) import Development.IDE.Test import Development.IDE.Types.Location import Development.Shake (getDirectoryFilesIO) import Ide.Types import Language.LSP.Test import Language.LSP.Types hiding (SemanticTokenAbsolute (length, line), SemanticTokenRelative (length), SemanticTokensEdit (_start), mkRange) import qualified Language.LSP.Types as LSP import Language.LSP.Types.Capabilities import qualified Language.LSP.Types.Lens as L import System.Directory import System.FilePath import System.Info.Extra (isMac, isWindows) import qualified System.IO.Extra import System.IO.Extra hiding (withTempDir) import System.Time.Extra import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.ExpectedFailure import Test.Tasty.HUnit import Text.Regex.TDFA ((=~)) import Development.IDE.Plugin.CodeAction (matchRegExMultipleImports) import Test.Hls import qualified Development.IDE.Plugin.CodeAction as Refactor import qualified Development.IDE.Plugin.HLS.GhcIde as GhcIde main :: IO () main = defaultTestRunner tests refactorPlugin :: [PluginDescriptor IdeState] refactorPlugin = [ Refactor.iePluginDescriptor mempty "ghcide-code-actions-imports-exports" , Refactor.typeSigsPluginDescriptor mempty "ghcide-code-actions-type-signatures" , Refactor.bindingsPluginDescriptor mempty "ghcide-code-actions-bindings" , Refactor.fillHolePluginDescriptor mempty "ghcide-code-actions-fill-holes" , Refactor.extendImportPluginDescriptor mempty "ghcide-completions-1" ] ++ GhcIde.descriptors mempty tests :: TestTree tests = testGroup "refactor" [ initializeTests , codeActionTests , codeActionHelperFunctionTests , completionTests ] initializeTests = withResource acquire release tests where tests :: IO (ResponseMessage Initialize) -> TestTree tests getInitializeResponse = testGroup "initialize response capabilities" [ chk " code action" _codeActionProvider (Just $ InL True) , che " execute command" _executeCommandProvider [extendImportCommandId] ] where chk :: (Eq a, Show a) => TestName -> (ServerCapabilities -> a) -> a -> TestTree chk title getActual expected = testCase title $ getInitializeResponse >>= \ir -> expected @=? (getActual . innerCaps) ir che :: TestName -> (ServerCapabilities -> Maybe ExecuteCommandOptions) -> [T.Text] -> TestTree che title getActual expected = testCase title doTest where doTest = do ir <- getInitializeResponse let Just ExecuteCommandOptions {_commands = List commands} = getActual $ innerCaps ir zipWithM_ (\e o -> T.isSuffixOf e o @? show (e,o)) expected commands acquire :: IO (ResponseMessage Initialize) acquire = run initializeResponse release :: ResponseMessage Initialize -> IO () release = const $ pure () innerCaps :: ResponseMessage Initialize -> ServerCapabilities innerCaps (ResponseMessage _ _ (Right (InitializeResult c _))) = c innerCaps (ResponseMessage _ _ (Left _)) = error "Initialization error" completionTests :: TestTree completionTests = testGroup "auto import snippets" [ completionCommandTest "show imports not in list - simple" ["{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}", "module A where", "import Control.Monad (msum)", "f = joi"] (Position 3 6) "join" ["{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}", "module A where", "import Control.Monad (msum, join)", "f = joi"] , completionCommandTest "show imports not in list - multi-line" ["{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}", "module A where", "import Control.Monad (\n msum)", "f = joi"] (Position 4 6) "join" ["{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}", "module A where", "import Control.Monad (\n msum, join)", "f = joi"] , completionCommandTest "show imports not in list - names with _" ["{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}", "module A where", "import Control.Monad as M (msum)", "f = M.mapM_"] (Position 3 11) "mapM_" ["{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}", "module A where", "import Control.Monad as M (msum, mapM_)", "f = M.mapM_"] , completionCommandTest "show imports not in list - initial empty list" ["{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}", "module A where", "import Control.Monad as M ()", "f = M.joi"] (Position 3 10) "join" ["{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}", "module A where", "import Control.Monad as M (join)", "f = M.joi"] , testGroup "qualified imports" [ completionCommandTest "single" ["{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}", "module A where", "import Control.Monad ()", "f = Control.Monad.joi"] (Position 3 22) "join" ["{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}", "module A where", "import Control.Monad (join)", "f = Control.Monad.joi"] , completionCommandTest "as" ["{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}", "module A where", "import Control.Monad as M ()", "f = M.joi"] (Position 3 10) "join" ["{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}", "module A where", "import Control.Monad as M (join)", "f = M.joi"] , completionCommandTest "multiple" ["{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}", "module A where", "import Control.Monad as M ()", "import Control.Monad as N ()", "f = N.joi"] (Position 4 10) "join" ["{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}", "module A where", "import Control.Monad as M ()", "import Control.Monad as N (join)", "f = N.joi"] ] , testGroup "Data constructor" [ completionCommandTest "not imported" ["module A where", "import Text.Printf ()", "ZeroPad"] (Position 2 4) "ZeroPad" ["module A where", "import Text.Printf (FormatAdjustment (ZeroPad))", "ZeroPad"] , completionCommandTest "parent imported abs" ["module A where", "import Text.Printf (FormatAdjustment)", "ZeroPad"] (Position 2 4) "ZeroPad" ["module A where", "import Text.Printf (FormatAdjustment (ZeroPad))", "ZeroPad"] , completionNoCommandTest "parent imported all" ["module A where", "import Text.Printf (FormatAdjustment (..))", "ZeroPad"] (Position 2 4) "ZeroPad" , completionNoCommandTest "already imported" ["module A where", "import Text.Printf (FormatAdjustment (ZeroPad))", "ZeroPad"] (Position 2 4) "ZeroPad" , completionNoCommandTest "function from Prelude" ["module A where", "import Data.Maybe ()", "Nothing"] (Position 2 4) "Nothing" , completionCommandTest "type operator parent" ["module A where", "import Data.Type.Equality ()", "f = Ref"] (Position 2 8) "Refl" ["module A where", "import Data.Type.Equality (type (:~:) (Refl))", "f = Ref"] ] , testGroup "Record completion" [ completionCommandTest "not imported" ["module A where", "import Text.Printf ()", "FormatParse"] (Position 2 10) "FormatParse {" ["module A where", "import Text.Printf (FormatParse (FormatParse))", "FormatParse"] , completionCommandTest "parent imported" ["module A where", "import Text.Printf (FormatParse)", "FormatParse"] (Position 2 10) "FormatParse {" ["module A where", "import Text.Printf (FormatParse (FormatParse))", "FormatParse"] , completionNoCommandTest "already imported" ["module A where", "import Text.Printf (FormatParse (FormatParse))", "FormatParse"] (Position 2 10) "FormatParse {" ] , testGroup "Package completion" [ completionCommandTest "import Data.Sequence" ["module A where", "foo :: Seq"] (Position 1 9) "Seq" ["module A where", "import Data.Sequence (Seq)", "foo :: Seq"] , completionCommandTest "qualified import" ["module A where", "foo :: Seq.Seq"] (Position 1 13) "Seq" ["module A where", "import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq", "foo :: Seq.Seq"] ] ] completionCommandTest :: String -> [T.Text] -> Position -> T.Text -> [T.Text] -> TestTree completionCommandTest name src pos wanted expected = testSession name $ do docId <- createDoc "A.hs" "haskell" (T.unlines src) _ <- waitForDiagnostics compls <- skipManyTill anyMessage (getCompletions docId pos) let wantedC = find ( \case CompletionItem {_insertText = Just x} -> wanted `T.isPrefixOf` x _ -> False ) compls case wantedC of Nothing -> liftIO $ assertFailure $ "Cannot find expected completion in: " <> show [_label | CompletionItem {_label} <- compls] Just CompletionItem {..} -> do c <- assertJust "Expected a command" _command executeCommand c if src /= expected then do void $ skipManyTill anyMessage loggingNotification modifiedCode <- skipManyTill anyMessage (getDocumentEdit docId) liftIO $ modifiedCode @?= T.unlines expected else do expectMessages SWorkspaceApplyEdit 1 $ \edit -> liftIO $ assertFailure $ "Expected no edit but got: " <> show edit completionNoCommandTest :: String -> [T.Text] -> Position -> T.Text -> TestTree completionNoCommandTest name src pos wanted = testSession name $ do docId <- createDoc "A.hs" "haskell" (T.unlines src) _ <- waitForDiagnostics compls <- getCompletions docId pos let wantedC = find ( \case CompletionItem {_insertText = Just x} -> wanted `T.isPrefixOf` x _ -> False ) compls case wantedC of Nothing -> liftIO $ assertFailure $ "Cannot find expected completion in: " <> show [_label | CompletionItem {_label} <- compls] Just CompletionItem{..} -> liftIO . assertBool ("Expected no command but got: " <> show _command) $ null _command codeActionTests :: TestTree codeActionTests = testGroup "code actions" [ suggestImportDisambiguationTests , insertImportTests , extendImportTests , renameActionTests , typeWildCardActionTests , removeImportTests , suggestImportClassMethodTests , suggestImportTests , suggestHideShadowTests , fixConstructorImportTests , fixModuleImportTypoTests , importRenameActionTests , fillTypedHoleTests , addSigActionTests , insertNewDefinitionTests , deleteUnusedDefinitionTests , addInstanceConstraintTests , addFunctionConstraintTests , removeRedundantConstraintsTests , addTypeAnnotationsToLiteralsTest , exportUnusedTests , addImplicitParamsConstraintTests , removeExportTests ] insertImportTests :: TestTree insertImportTests = testGroup "insert import" [ checkImport "module where keyword lower in file no exports" "WhereKeywordLowerInFileNoExports.hs" "WhereKeywordLowerInFileNoExports.expected.hs" "import Data.Int" , checkImport "module where keyword lower in file with exports" "WhereDeclLowerInFile.hs" "WhereDeclLowerInFile.expected.hs" "import Data.Int" , checkImport "module where keyword lower in file with comments before it" "WhereDeclLowerInFileWithCommentsBeforeIt.hs" "WhereDeclLowerInFileWithCommentsBeforeIt.expected.hs" "import Data.Int" , expectFailBecause "'findNextPragmaPosition' function doesn't account for case when shebang is not placed at top of file" (checkImport "Shebang not at top with spaces" "ShebangNotAtTopWithSpaces.hs" "ShebangNotAtTopWithSpaces.expected.hs" "import Data.Monoid") , expectFailBecause "'findNextPragmaPosition' function doesn't account for case when shebang is not placed at top of file" (checkImport "Shebang not at top no space" "ShebangNotAtTopNoSpace.hs" "ShebangNotAtTopNoSpace.expected.hs" "import Data.Monoid") , expectFailBecause ("'findNextPragmaPosition' function doesn't account for case " ++ "when OPTIONS_GHC pragma is not placed at top of file") (checkImport "OPTIONS_GHC pragma not at top with spaces" "OptionsNotAtTopWithSpaces.hs" "OptionsNotAtTopWithSpaces.expected.hs" "import Data.Monoid") , expectFailBecause ("'findNextPragmaPosition' function doesn't account for " ++ "case when shebang is not placed at top of file") (checkImport "Shebang not at top of file" "ShebangNotAtTop.hs" "ShebangNotAtTop.expected.hs" "import Data.Monoid") , expectFailBecause ("'findNextPragmaPosition' function doesn't account for case " ++ "when OPTIONS_GHC is not placed at top of file") (checkImport "OPTIONS_GHC pragma not at top of file" "OptionsPragmaNotAtTop.hs" "OptionsPragmaNotAtTop.expected.hs" "import Data.Monoid") , expectFailBecause ("'findNextPragmaPosition' function doesn't account for case when " ++ "OPTIONS_GHC pragma is not placed at top of file") (checkImport "pragma not at top with comment at top" "PragmaNotAtTopWithCommentsAtTop.hs" "PragmaNotAtTopWithCommentsAtTop.expected.hs" "import Data.Monoid") , expectFailBecause ("'findNextPragmaPosition' function doesn't account for case when " ++ "OPTIONS_GHC pragma is not placed at top of file") (checkImport "pragma not at top multiple comments" "PragmaNotAtTopMultipleComments.hs" "PragmaNotAtTopMultipleComments.expected.hs" "import Data.Monoid") , expectFailBecause "'findNextPragmaPosition' function doesn't account for case of multiline pragmas" (checkImport "after multiline language pragmas" "MultiLinePragma.hs" "MultiLinePragma.expected.hs" "import Data.Monoid") , checkImport "pragmas not at top with module declaration" "PragmaNotAtTopWithModuleDecl.hs" "PragmaNotAtTopWithModuleDecl.expected.hs" "import Data.Monoid" , checkImport "pragmas not at top with imports" "PragmaNotAtTopWithImports.hs" "PragmaNotAtTopWithImports.expected.hs" "import Data.Monoid" , checkImport "above comment at top of module" "CommentAtTop.hs" "CommentAtTop.expected.hs" "import Data.Monoid" , checkImport "above multiple comments below" "CommentAtTopMultipleComments.hs" "CommentAtTopMultipleComments.expected.hs" "import Data.Monoid" , checkImport "above curly brace comment" "CommentCurlyBraceAtTop.hs" "CommentCurlyBraceAtTop.expected.hs" "import Data.Monoid" , checkImport "above multi-line comment" "MultiLineCommentAtTop.hs" "MultiLineCommentAtTop.expected.hs" "import Data.Monoid" , checkImport "above comment with no module explicit exports" "NoExplicitExportCommentAtTop.hs" "NoExplicitExportCommentAtTop.expected.hs" "import Data.Monoid" , checkImport "above two-dash comment with no pipe" "TwoDashOnlyComment.hs" "TwoDashOnlyComment.expected.hs" "import Data.Monoid" , checkImport "above comment with no (module .. where) decl" "NoModuleDeclarationCommentAtTop.hs" "NoModuleDeclarationCommentAtTop.expected.hs" "import Data.Monoid" , checkImport "comment not at top with no (module .. where) decl" "NoModuleDeclaration.hs" "NoModuleDeclaration.expected.hs" "import Data.Monoid" , checkImport "comment not at top (data dec is)" "DataAtTop.hs" "DataAtTop.expected.hs" "import Data.Monoid" , checkImport "comment not at top (newtype is)" "NewTypeAtTop.hs" "NewTypeAtTop.expected.hs" "import Data.Monoid" , checkImport "with no explicit module exports" "NoExplicitExports.hs" "NoExplicitExports.expected.hs" "import Data.Monoid" , checkImport "add to correctly placed exisiting import" "ImportAtTop.hs" "ImportAtTop.expected.hs" "import Data.Monoid" , checkImport "add to multiple correctly placed exisiting imports" "MultipleImportsAtTop.hs" "MultipleImportsAtTop.expected.hs" "import Data.Monoid" , checkImport "with language pragma at top of module" "LangPragmaModuleAtTop.hs" "LangPragmaModuleAtTop.expected.hs" "import Data.Monoid" , checkImport "with language pragma and explicit module exports" "LangPragmaModuleWithComment.hs" "LangPragmaModuleWithComment.expected.hs" "import Data.Monoid" , checkImport "with language pragma at top and no module declaration" "LanguagePragmaAtTop.hs" "LanguagePragmaAtTop.expected.hs" "import Data.Monoid" , checkImport "with multiple lang pragmas and no module declaration" "MultipleLanguagePragmasNoModuleDeclaration.hs" "MultipleLanguagePragmasNoModuleDeclaration.expected.hs" "import Data.Monoid" , checkImport "with pragmas and shebangs" "LanguagePragmasThenShebangs.hs" "LanguagePragmasThenShebangs.expected.hs" "import Data.Monoid" , checkImport "with pragmas and shebangs but no comment at top" "PragmasAndShebangsNoComment.hs" "PragmasAndShebangsNoComment.expected.hs" "import Data.Monoid" , checkImport "module decl no exports under pragmas and shebangs" "PragmasShebangsAndModuleDecl.hs" "PragmasShebangsAndModuleDecl.expected.hs" "import Data.Monoid" , checkImport "module decl with explicit import under pragmas and shebangs" "PragmasShebangsModuleExplicitExports.hs" "PragmasShebangsModuleExplicitExports.expected.hs" "import Data.Monoid" , checkImport "module decl and multiple imports" "ModuleDeclAndImports.hs" "ModuleDeclAndImports.expected.hs" "import Data.Monoid" ] checkImport :: String -> FilePath -> FilePath -> T.Text -> TestTree checkImport testComment originalPath expectedPath action = testSessionWithExtraFiles "import-placement" testComment $ \dir -> check (dir originalPath) (dir expectedPath) action where check :: FilePath -> FilePath -> T.Text -> Session () check originalPath expectedPath action = do oSrc <- liftIO $ readFileUtf8 originalPath eSrc <- liftIO $ readFileUtf8 expectedPath originalDoc <- createDoc originalPath "haskell" oSrc _ <- waitForDiagnostics shouldBeDoc <- createDoc expectedPath "haskell" eSrc actionsOrCommands <- getAllCodeActions originalDoc chosenAction <- liftIO $ pickActionWithTitle action actionsOrCommands executeCodeAction chosenAction originalDocAfterAction <- documentContents originalDoc shouldBeDocContents <- documentContents shouldBeDoc liftIO $ T.replace "\r\n" "\n" shouldBeDocContents @=? T.replace "\r\n" "\n" originalDocAfterAction renameActionTests :: TestTree renameActionTests = testGroup "rename actions" [ testSession "change to local variable name" $ do let content = T.unlines [ "module Testing where" , "foo :: Int -> Int" , "foo argName = argNme" ] doc <- createDoc "Testing.hs" "haskell" content _ <- waitForDiagnostics action <- findCodeAction doc (Range (Position 2 14) (Position 2 20)) "Replace with ‘argName’" executeCodeAction action contentAfterAction <- documentContents doc let expectedContentAfterAction = T.unlines [ "module Testing where" , "foo :: Int -> Int" , "foo argName = argName" ] liftIO $ expectedContentAfterAction @=? contentAfterAction , testSession "change to name of imported function" $ do let content = T.unlines [ "module Testing where" , "import Data.Maybe (maybeToList)" , "foo :: Maybe a -> [a]" , "foo = maybToList" ] doc <- createDoc "Testing.hs" "haskell" content _ <- waitForDiagnostics action <- findCodeAction doc (Range (Position 3 6) (Position 3 16)) "Replace with ‘maybeToList’" executeCodeAction action contentAfterAction <- documentContents doc let expectedContentAfterAction = T.unlines [ "module Testing where" , "import Data.Maybe (maybeToList)" , "foo :: Maybe a -> [a]" , "foo = maybeToList" ] liftIO $ expectedContentAfterAction @=? contentAfterAction , testSession "suggest multiple local variable names" $ do let content = T.unlines [ "module Testing where" , "foo :: Char -> Char -> Char -> Char" , "foo argument1 argument2 argument3 = argumentX" ] doc <- createDoc "Testing.hs" "haskell" content _ <- waitForDiagnostics _ <- findCodeActions doc (Range (Position 2 36) (Position 2 45)) ["Replace with ‘argument1’", "Replace with ‘argument2’", "Replace with ‘argument3’"] return() , testSession "change infix function" $ do let content = T.unlines [ "module Testing where" , "monus :: Int -> Int" , "monus x y = max 0 (x - y)" , "foo x y = x `monnus` y" ] doc <- createDoc "Testing.hs" "haskell" content _ <- waitForDiagnostics actionsOrCommands <- getCodeActions doc (Range (Position 3 12) (Position 3 20)) [fixTypo] <- pure [action | InR action@CodeAction{ _title = actionTitle } <- actionsOrCommands, "monus" `T.isInfixOf` actionTitle ] executeCodeAction fixTypo contentAfterAction <- documentContents doc let expectedContentAfterAction = T.unlines [ "module Testing where" , "monus :: Int -> Int" , "monus x y = max 0 (x - y)" , "foo x y = x `monus` y" ] liftIO $ expectedContentAfterAction @=? contentAfterAction ] typeWildCardActionTests :: TestTree typeWildCardActionTests = testGroup "type wildcard actions" [ testUseTypeSignature "global signature" [ "func :: _" , "func x = x" ] [ "func :: p -> p" , "func x = x" ] , testUseTypeSignature "local signature" [ "func :: Int -> Int" , "func x =" , " let y :: _" , " y = x * 2" , " in y" ] [ "func :: Int -> Int" , "func x =" , " let y :: Int" , " y = x * 2" , " in y" ] , testUseTypeSignature "multi-line message 1" [ "func :: _" , "func x y = x + y" ] [ "func :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer" , "func x y = x + y" ] , testUseTypeSignature "type in parentheses" [ "func :: a -> _" , "func x = (x, const x)" ] [ "func :: a -> (a, b -> a)" , "func x = (x, const x)" ] , testUseTypeSignature "type in brackets" [ "func :: _ -> Maybe a" , "func xs = head xs" ] [ "func :: [Maybe a] -> Maybe a" , "func xs = head xs" ] , testUseTypeSignature "unit type" [ "func :: IO _" , "func = putChar 'H'" ] [ "func :: IO ()" , "func = putChar 'H'" ] , testUseTypeSignature "no spaces around '::'" [ "func::_" , "func x y = x + y" ] [ "func::Integer -> Integer -> Integer" , "func x y = x + y" ] , testGroup "add parens if hole is part of bigger type" [ testUseTypeSignature "subtype 1" [ "func :: _ -> Integer -> Integer" , "func x y = x + y" ] [ "func :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer" , "func x y = x + y" ] , testUseTypeSignature "subtype 2" [ "func :: Integer -> _ -> Integer" , "func x y = x + y" ] [ "func :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer" , "func x y = x + y" ] , testUseTypeSignature "subtype 3" [ "func :: Integer -> Integer -> _" , "func x y = x + y" ] [ "func :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer" , "func x y = x + y" ] , testUseTypeSignature "subtype 4" [ "func :: Integer -> _" , "func x y = x + y" ] [ "func :: Integer -> (Integer -> Integer)" , "func x y = x + y" ] ] ] where -- | Test session of given name, checking action "Use type signature..." -- on a test file with given content and comparing to expected result. testUseTypeSignature name textIn textOut = testSession name $ do let fileStart = "module Testing where" content = T.unlines $ fileStart : textIn expectedContentAfterAction = T.unlines $ fileStart : textOut doc <- createDoc "Testing.hs" "haskell" content _ <- waitForDiagnostics actionsOrCommands <- getAllCodeActions doc let [addSignature] = [action | InR action@CodeAction { _title = actionTitle } <- actionsOrCommands , "Use type signature" `T.isInfixOf` actionTitle ] executeCodeAction addSignature contentAfterAction <- documentContents doc liftIO $ expectedContentAfterAction @=? contentAfterAction {-# HLINT ignore "Use nubOrd" #-} removeImportTests :: TestTree removeImportTests = testGroup "remove import actions" [ testSession "redundant" $ do let contentA = T.unlines [ "module ModuleA where" ] _docA <- createDoc "ModuleA.hs" "haskell" contentA let contentB = T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-imports #-}" , "module ModuleB where" , "import ModuleA" , "stuffB :: Integer" , "stuffB = 123" ] docB <- createDoc "ModuleB.hs" "haskell" contentB _ <- waitForDiagnostics [InR action@CodeAction { _title = actionTitle }, _] <- getCodeActions docB (Range (Position 2 0) (Position 2 5)) liftIO $ "Remove import" @=? actionTitle executeCodeAction action contentAfterAction <- documentContents docB let expectedContentAfterAction = T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-imports #-}" , "module ModuleB where" , "stuffB :: Integer" , "stuffB = 123" ] liftIO $ expectedContentAfterAction @=? contentAfterAction , testSession "qualified redundant" $ do let contentA = T.unlines [ "module ModuleA where" ] _docA <- createDoc "ModuleA.hs" "haskell" contentA let contentB = T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-imports #-}" , "module ModuleB where" , "import qualified ModuleA" , "stuffB :: Integer" , "stuffB = 123" ] docB <- createDoc "ModuleB.hs" "haskell" contentB _ <- waitForDiagnostics [InR action@CodeAction { _title = actionTitle }, _] <- getCodeActions docB (Range (Position 2 0) (Position 2 5)) liftIO $ "Remove import" @=? actionTitle executeCodeAction action contentAfterAction <- documentContents docB let expectedContentAfterAction = T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-imports #-}" , "module ModuleB where" , "stuffB :: Integer" , "stuffB = 123" ] liftIO $ expectedContentAfterAction @=? contentAfterAction , testSession "redundant binding" $ do let contentA = T.unlines [ "module ModuleA where" , "stuffA = False" , "stuffB :: Integer" , "stuffB = 123" , "stuffC = ()" , "_stuffD = '_'" ] _docA <- createDoc "ModuleA.hs" "haskell" contentA let contentB = T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-imports #-}" , "module ModuleB where" , "import ModuleA (stuffA, stuffB, _stuffD, stuffC, stuffA)" , "main = print stuffB" ] docB <- createDoc "ModuleB.hs" "haskell" contentB _ <- waitForDiagnostics [InR action@CodeAction { _title = actionTitle }, _] <- getCodeActions docB (Range (Position 2 0) (Position 2 5)) liftIO $ "Remove _stuffD, stuffA, stuffC from import" @=? actionTitle executeCodeAction action contentAfterAction <- documentContents docB let expectedContentAfterAction = T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-imports #-}" , "module ModuleB where" , "import ModuleA (stuffB)" , "main = print stuffB" ] liftIO $ expectedContentAfterAction @=? contentAfterAction , testSession "redundant binding - unicode regression " $ do let contentA = T.unlines [ "module ModuleA where" , "data A = A" , "ε :: Double" , "ε = 0.5" ] _docA <- createDoc "ModuleA.hs" "haskell" contentA let contentB = T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-imports #-}" , "module ModuleB where" , "import ModuleA (A(..), ε)" , "a = A" ] docB <- createDoc "ModuleB.hs" "haskell" contentB _ <- waitForDiagnostics [InR action@CodeAction { _title = actionTitle }, _] <- getCodeActions docB (Range (Position 2 0) (Position 2 5)) liftIO $ "Remove ε from import" @=? actionTitle executeCodeAction action contentAfterAction <- documentContents docB let expectedContentAfterAction = T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-imports #-}" , "module ModuleB where" , "import ModuleA (A(..))" , "a = A" ] liftIO $ expectedContentAfterAction @=? contentAfterAction , testSession "redundant operator" $ do let contentA = T.unlines [ "module ModuleA where" , "a !! _b = a" , "a _b = a" , "stuffB :: Integer" , "stuffB = 123" ] _docA <- createDoc "ModuleA.hs" "haskell" contentA let contentB = T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-imports #-}" , "module ModuleB where" , "import qualified ModuleA as A ((), stuffB, (!!))" , "main = print A.stuffB" ] docB <- createDoc "ModuleB.hs" "haskell" contentB _ <- waitForDiagnostics [InR action@CodeAction { _title = actionTitle }, _] <- getCodeActions docB (Range (Position 2 0) (Position 2 5)) liftIO $ "Remove !!, from import" @=? actionTitle executeCodeAction action contentAfterAction <- documentContents docB let expectedContentAfterAction = T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-imports #-}" , "module ModuleB where" , "import qualified ModuleA as A (stuffB)" , "main = print A.stuffB" ] liftIO $ expectedContentAfterAction @=? contentAfterAction , testSession "redundant all import" $ do let contentA = T.unlines [ "module ModuleA where" , "data A = A" , "stuffB :: Integer" , "stuffB = 123" ] _docA <- createDoc "ModuleA.hs" "haskell" contentA let contentB = T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-imports #-}" , "module ModuleB where" , "import ModuleA (A(..), stuffB)" , "main = print stuffB" ] docB <- createDoc "ModuleB.hs" "haskell" contentB _ <- waitForDiagnostics [InR action@CodeAction { _title = actionTitle }, _] <- getCodeActions docB (Range (Position 2 0) (Position 2 5)) liftIO $ "Remove A from import" @=? actionTitle executeCodeAction action contentAfterAction <- documentContents docB let expectedContentAfterAction = T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-imports #-}" , "module ModuleB where" , "import ModuleA (stuffB)" , "main = print stuffB" ] liftIO $ expectedContentAfterAction @=? contentAfterAction , testSession "redundant constructor import" $ do let contentA = T.unlines [ "module ModuleA where" , "data D = A | B" , "data E = F" ] _docA <- createDoc "ModuleA.hs" "haskell" contentA let contentB = T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-imports #-}" , "module ModuleB where" , "import ModuleA (D(A,B), E(F))" , "main = B" ] docB <- createDoc "ModuleB.hs" "haskell" contentB _ <- waitForDiagnostics [InR action@CodeAction { _title = actionTitle }, _] <- getCodeActions docB (Range (Position 2 0) (Position 2 5)) liftIO $ "Remove A, E, F from import" @=? actionTitle executeCodeAction action contentAfterAction <- documentContents docB let expectedContentAfterAction = T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-imports #-}" , "module ModuleB where" , "import ModuleA (D(B))" , "main = B" ] liftIO $ expectedContentAfterAction @=? contentAfterAction , testSession "import containing the identifier Strict" $ do let contentA = T.unlines [ "module Strict where" ] _docA <- createDoc "Strict.hs" "haskell" contentA let contentB = T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-imports #-}" , "module ModuleB where" , "import Strict" ] docB <- createDoc "ModuleB.hs" "haskell" contentB _ <- waitForDiagnostics [InR action@CodeAction { _title = actionTitle }, _] <- getCodeActions docB (Range (Position 2 0) (Position 2 5)) liftIO $ "Remove import" @=? actionTitle executeCodeAction action contentAfterAction <- documentContents docB let expectedContentAfterAction = T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-imports #-}" , "module ModuleB where" ] liftIO $ expectedContentAfterAction @=? contentAfterAction , testSession "remove all" $ do let content = T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-imports #-}" , "module ModuleA where" , "import Data.Function (fix, (&))" , "import qualified Data.Functor.Const" , "import Data.Functor.Identity" , "import Data.Functor.Sum (Sum (InL, InR))" , "import qualified Data.Kind as K (Constraint, Type)" , "x = InL (Identity 123)" , "y = fix id" , "type T = K.Type" ] doc <- createDoc "ModuleC.hs" "haskell" content _ <- waitForDiagnostics [_, _, _, _, InR action@CodeAction { _title = actionTitle }] <- nub <$> getAllCodeActions doc liftIO $ "Remove all redundant imports" @=? actionTitle executeCodeAction action contentAfterAction <- documentContents doc let expectedContentAfterAction = T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-imports #-}" , "module ModuleA where" , "import Data.Function (fix)" , "import Data.Functor.Identity" , "import Data.Functor.Sum (Sum (InL))" , "import qualified Data.Kind as K (Type)" , "x = InL (Identity 123)" , "y = fix id" , "type T = K.Type" ] liftIO $ expectedContentAfterAction @=? contentAfterAction , testSession "remove unused operators whose name ends with '.'" $ do let contentA = T.unlines [ "module ModuleA where" , "(@.) = 0 -- Must have an operator whose name ends with '.'" , "a = 1 -- .. but also something else" ] _docA <- createDoc "ModuleA.hs" "haskell" contentA let contentB = T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-imports #-}" , "module ModuleB where" , "import ModuleA (a, (@.))" , "x = a -- Must use something from module A, but not (@.)" ] docB <- createDoc "ModuleB.hs" "haskell" contentB _ <- waitForDiagnostics [InR action@CodeAction { _title = actionTitle }, _] <- getCodeActions docB (Range (Position 2 0) (Position 2 5)) liftIO $ "Remove @. from import" @=? actionTitle executeCodeAction action contentAfterAction <- documentContents docB let expectedContentAfterAction = T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-imports #-}" , "module ModuleB where" , "import ModuleA (a)" , "x = a -- Must use something from module A, but not (@.)" ] liftIO $ expectedContentAfterAction @=? contentAfterAction ] extendImportTests :: TestTree extendImportTests = testGroup "extend import actions" [ testGroup "with checkAll" $ tests True , testGroup "without checkAll" $ tests False ] where tests overrideCheckProject = [ testSession "extend all constructors for record field" $ template [("ModuleA.hs", T.unlines [ "module ModuleA where" , "data A = B { a :: Int }" ])] ("ModuleB.hs", T.unlines [ "module ModuleB where" , "import ModuleA (A(B))" , "f = a" ]) (Range (Position 2 4) (Position 2 5)) [ "Add A(..) to the import list of ModuleA" , "Add A(a) to the import list of ModuleA" , "Add a to the import list of ModuleA" ] (T.unlines [ "module ModuleB where" , "import ModuleA (A(..))" , "f = a" ]) , testSession "extend all constructors with sibling" $ template [("ModuleA.hs", T.unlines [ "module ModuleA where" , "data Foo" , "data Bar" , "data A = B | C" ])] ("ModuleB.hs", T.unlines [ "module ModuleB where" , "import ModuleA ( Foo, A (C) , Bar ) " , "f = B" ]) (Range (Position 2 4) (Position 2 5)) [ "Add A(..) to the import list of ModuleA" , "Add A(B) to the import list of ModuleA" ] (T.unlines [ "module ModuleB where" , "import ModuleA ( Foo, A (..) , Bar ) " , "f = B" ]) , testSession "extend all constructors with comment" $ template [("ModuleA.hs", T.unlines [ "module ModuleA where" , "data Foo" , "data Bar" , "data A = B | C" ])] ("ModuleB.hs", T.unlines [ "module ModuleB where" , "import ModuleA ( Foo, A (C{-comment--}) , Bar ) " , "f = B" ]) (Range (Position 2 4) (Position 2 5)) [ "Add A(..) to the import list of ModuleA" , "Add A(B) to the import list of ModuleA" ] (T.unlines [ "module ModuleB where" , "import ModuleA ( Foo, A (..{-comment--}) , Bar ) " , "f = B" ]) , testSession "extend all constructors for type operator" $ template [] ("ModuleA.hs", T.unlines [ "module ModuleA where" , "import Data.Type.Equality ((:~:))" , "x :: (:~:) [] []" , "x = Refl" ]) (Range (Position 3 17) (Position 3 18)) [ "Add (:~:)(..) to the import list of Data.Type.Equality" , "Add type (:~:)(Refl) to the import list of Data.Type.Equality"] (T.unlines [ "module ModuleA where" , "import Data.Type.Equality ((:~:) (..))" , "x :: (:~:) [] []" , "x = Refl" ]) , testSession "extend all constructors for class" $ template [("ModuleA.hs", T.unlines [ "module ModuleA where" , "class C a where" , " m1 :: a -> a" , " m2 :: a -> a" ])] ("ModuleB.hs", T.unlines [ "module ModuleB where" , "import ModuleA (C(m1))" , "b = m2" ]) (Range (Position 2 5) (Position 2 5)) [ "Add C(..) to the import list of ModuleA" , "Add C(m2) to the import list of ModuleA" , "Add m2 to the import list of ModuleA" ] (T.unlines [ "module ModuleB where" , "import ModuleA (C(..))" , "b = m2" ]) , testSession "extend single line import with value" $ template [("ModuleA.hs", T.unlines [ "module ModuleA where" , "stuffA :: Double" , "stuffA = 0.00750" , "stuffB :: Integer" , "stuffB = 123" ])] ("ModuleB.hs", T.unlines [ "module ModuleB where" , "import ModuleA as A (stuffB)" , "main = print (stuffA, stuffB)" ]) (Range (Position 2 17) (Position 2 18)) ["Add stuffA to the import list of ModuleA"] (T.unlines [ "module ModuleB where" , "import ModuleA as A (stuffB, stuffA)" , "main = print (stuffA, stuffB)" ]) , testSession "extend single line import with operator" $ template [("ModuleA.hs", T.unlines [ "module ModuleA where" , "(.*) :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer" , "x .* y = x * y" , "stuffB :: Integer" , "stuffB = 123" ])] ("ModuleB.hs", T.unlines [ "module ModuleB where" , "import ModuleA as A (stuffB)" , "main = print (stuffB .* stuffB)" ]) (Range (Position 2 17) (Position 2 18)) ["Add (.*) to the import list of ModuleA"] (T.unlines [ "module ModuleB where" , "import ModuleA as A (stuffB, (.*))" , "main = print (stuffB .* stuffB)" ]) , testSession "extend single line import with infix constructor" $ template [] ("ModuleB.hs", T.unlines [ "module ModuleB where" , "import Data.List.NonEmpty (fromList)" , "main = case (fromList []) of _ :| _ -> pure ()" ]) (Range (Position 2 5) (Position 2 6)) [ "Add NonEmpty((:|)) to the import list of Data.List.NonEmpty" , "Add NonEmpty(..) to the import list of Data.List.NonEmpty" ] (T.unlines [ "module ModuleB where" , "import Data.List.NonEmpty (fromList, NonEmpty ((:|)))" , "main = case (fromList []) of _ :| _ -> pure ()" ]) , testSession "extend single line import with prefix constructor" $ template [] ("ModuleB.hs", T.unlines [ "module ModuleB where" , "import Prelude hiding (Maybe(..))" , "import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)" , "x = Just 10" ]) (Range (Position 3 5) (Position 2 6)) [ "Add Maybe(Just) to the import list of Data.Maybe" , "Add Maybe(..) to the import list of Data.Maybe" ] (T.unlines [ "module ModuleB where" , "import Prelude hiding (Maybe(..))" , "import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, Maybe (Just))" , "x = Just 10" ]) , testSession "extend single line import with type" $ template [("ModuleA.hs", T.unlines [ "module ModuleA where" , "type A = Double" ])] ("ModuleB.hs", T.unlines [ "module ModuleB where" , "import ModuleA ()" , "b :: A" , "b = 0" ]) (Range (Position 2 5) (Position 2 5)) ["Add A to the import list of ModuleA"] (T.unlines [ "module ModuleB where" , "import ModuleA (A)" , "b :: A" , "b = 0" ]) , testSession "extend single line import with constructor" $ template [("ModuleA.hs", T.unlines [ "module ModuleA where" , "data A = Constructor" ])] ("ModuleB.hs", T.unlines [ "module ModuleB where" , "import ModuleA (A)" , "b :: A" , "b = Constructor" ]) (Range (Position 3 5) (Position 3 5)) [ "Add A(Constructor) to the import list of ModuleA" , "Add A(..) to the import list of ModuleA" ] (T.unlines [ "module ModuleB where" , "import ModuleA (A (Constructor))" , "b :: A" , "b = Constructor" ]) , testSession "extend single line import with constructor (with comments)" $ template [("ModuleA.hs", T.unlines [ "module ModuleA where" , "data A = Constructor" ])] ("ModuleB.hs", T.unlines [ "module ModuleB where" , "import ModuleA (A ({-Constructor-}))" , "b :: A" , "b = Constructor" ]) (Range (Position 3 5) (Position 3 5)) [ "Add A(Constructor) to the import list of ModuleA" , "Add A(..) to the import list of ModuleA" ] (T.unlines [ "module ModuleB where" , "import ModuleA (A (Constructor{-Constructor-}))" , "b :: A" , "b = Constructor" ]) , testSession "extend single line import with mixed constructors" $ template [("ModuleA.hs", T.unlines [ "module ModuleA where" , "data A = ConstructorFoo | ConstructorBar" , "a = 1" ])] ("ModuleB.hs", T.unlines [ "module ModuleB where" , "import ModuleA (A (ConstructorBar), a)" , "b :: A" , "b = ConstructorFoo" ]) (Range (Position 3 5) (Position 3 5)) [ "Add A(ConstructorFoo) to the import list of ModuleA" , "Add A(..) to the import list of ModuleA" ] (T.unlines [ "module ModuleB where" , "import ModuleA (A (ConstructorBar, ConstructorFoo), a)" , "b :: A" , "b = ConstructorFoo" ]) , testSession "extend single line qualified import with value" $ template [("ModuleA.hs", T.unlines [ "module ModuleA where" , "stuffA :: Double" , "stuffA = 0.00750" , "stuffB :: Integer" , "stuffB = 123" ])] ("ModuleB.hs", T.unlines [ "module ModuleB where" , "import qualified ModuleA as A (stuffB)" , "main = print (A.stuffA, A.stuffB)" ]) (Range (Position 2 17) (Position 2 18)) ["Add stuffA to the import list of ModuleA"] (T.unlines [ "module ModuleB where" , "import qualified ModuleA as A (stuffB, stuffA)" , "main = print (A.stuffA, A.stuffB)" ]) , testSession "extend multi line import with value" $ template [("ModuleA.hs", T.unlines [ "module ModuleA where" , "stuffA :: Double" , "stuffA = 0.00750" , "stuffB :: Integer" , "stuffB = 123" ])] ("ModuleB.hs", T.unlines [ "module ModuleB where" , "import ModuleA (stuffB" , " )" , "main = print (stuffA, stuffB)" ]) (Range (Position 3 17) (Position 3 18)) ["Add stuffA to the import list of ModuleA"] (T.unlines [ "module ModuleB where" , "import ModuleA (stuffB, stuffA" , " )" , "main = print (stuffA, stuffB)" ]) , testSession "extend multi line import with trailing comma" $ template [("ModuleA.hs", T.unlines [ "module ModuleA where" , "stuffA :: Double" , "stuffA = 0.00750" , "stuffB :: Integer" , "stuffB = 123" ])] ("ModuleB.hs", T.unlines [ "module ModuleB where" , "import ModuleA (stuffB," , " )" , "main = print (stuffA, stuffB)" ]) (Range (Position 3 17) (Position 3 18)) ["Add stuffA to the import list of ModuleA"] (T.unlines [ "module ModuleB where" , "import ModuleA (stuffB, stuffA," , " )" , "main = print (stuffA, stuffB)" ]) , testSession "extend single line import with method within class" $ template [("ModuleA.hs", T.unlines [ "module ModuleA where" , "class C a where" , " m1 :: a -> a" , " m2 :: a -> a" ])] ("ModuleB.hs", T.unlines [ "module ModuleB where" , "import ModuleA (C(m1))" , "b = m2" ]) (Range (Position 2 5) (Position 2 5)) [ "Add C(m2) to the import list of ModuleA" , "Add m2 to the import list of ModuleA" , "Add C(..) to the import list of ModuleA" ] (T.unlines [ "module ModuleB where" , "import ModuleA (C(m1, m2))" , "b = m2" ]) , testSession "extend single line import with method without class" $ template [("ModuleA.hs", T.unlines [ "module ModuleA where" , "class C a where" , " m1 :: a -> a" , " m2 :: a -> a" ])] ("ModuleB.hs", T.unlines [ "module ModuleB where" , "import ModuleA (C(m1))" , "b = m2" ]) (Range (Position 2 5) (Position 2 5)) [ "Add m2 to the import list of ModuleA" , "Add C(m2) to the import list of ModuleA" , "Add C(..) to the import list of ModuleA" ] (T.unlines [ "module ModuleB where" , "import ModuleA (C(m1), m2)" , "b = m2" ]) , testSession "extend import list with multiple choices" $ template [("ModuleA.hs", T.unlines -- this is just a dummy module to help the arguments needed for this test [ "module ModuleA (bar) where" , "bar = 10" ]), ("ModuleB.hs", T.unlines -- this is just a dummy module to help the arguments needed for this test [ "module ModuleB (bar) where" , "bar = 10" ])] ("ModuleC.hs", T.unlines [ "module ModuleC where" , "import ModuleB ()" , "import ModuleA ()" , "foo = bar" ]) (Range (Position 3 17) (Position 3 18)) ["Add bar to the import list of ModuleA", "Add bar to the import list of ModuleB"] (T.unlines [ "module ModuleC where" , "import ModuleB ()" , "import ModuleA (bar)" , "foo = bar" ]) , testSession "extend import list with constructor of type operator" $ template [] ("ModuleA.hs", T.unlines [ "module ModuleA where" , "import Data.Type.Equality ((:~:))" , "x :: (:~:) [] []" , "x = Refl" ]) (Range (Position 3 17) (Position 3 18)) [ "Add type (:~:)(Refl) to the import list of Data.Type.Equality" , "Add (:~:)(..) to the import list of Data.Type.Equality"] (T.unlines [ "module ModuleA where" , "import Data.Type.Equality ((:~:) (Refl))" , "x :: (:~:) [] []" , "x = Refl" ]) , expectFailBecause "importing pattern synonyms is unsupported" $ testSession "extend import list with pattern synonym" $ template [("ModuleA.hs", T.unlines [ "{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}" , "module ModuleA where" , "pattern Some x = Just x" ]) ] ("ModuleB.hs", T.unlines [ "module ModuleB where" , "import A ()" , "k (Some x) = x" ]) (Range (Position 2 3) (Position 2 7)) ["Add pattern Some to the import list of A"] (T.unlines [ "module ModuleB where" , "import A (pattern Some)" , "k (Some x) = x" ]) , ignoreForGHC92 "Diagnostic message has no suggestions" $ testSession "type constructor name same as data constructor name" $ template [("ModuleA.hs", T.unlines [ "module ModuleA where" , "newtype Foo = Foo Int" ])] ("ModuleB.hs", T.unlines [ "module ModuleB where" , "import ModuleA(Foo)" , "f :: Foo" , "f = Foo 1" ]) (Range (Position 3 4) (Position 3 6)) ["Add Foo(Foo) to the import list of ModuleA", "Add Foo(..) to the import list of ModuleA"] (T.unlines [ "module ModuleB where" , "import ModuleA(Foo (Foo))" , "f :: Foo" , "f = Foo 1" ]) , testSession "type constructor name same as data constructor name, data constructor extraneous" $ template [("ModuleA.hs", T.unlines [ "module ModuleA where" , "data Foo = Foo" ])] ("ModuleB.hs", T.unlines [ "module ModuleB where" , "import ModuleA()" , "f :: Foo" , "f = undefined" ]) (Range (Position 2 4) (Position 2 6)) ["Add Foo to the import list of ModuleA"] (T.unlines [ "module ModuleB where" , "import ModuleA(Foo)" , "f :: Foo" , "f = undefined" ]) ] where codeActionTitle CodeAction{_title=x} = x template setUpModules moduleUnderTest range expectedTitles expectedContentB = do configureCheckProject overrideCheckProject mapM_ (\x -> createDoc (fst x) "haskell" (snd x)) setUpModules docB <- createDoc (fst moduleUnderTest) "haskell" (snd moduleUnderTest) _ <- waitForDiagnostics waitForProgressDone actionsOrCommands <- getCodeActions docB range let codeActions = filter (T.isPrefixOf "Add" . codeActionTitle) [ca | InR ca <- actionsOrCommands] actualTitles = codeActionTitle <$> codeActions -- Note that we are not testing the order of the actions, as the -- order of the expected actions indicates which one we'll execute -- in this test, i.e., the first one. liftIO $ sort expectedTitles @=? sort actualTitles -- Execute the action with the same title as the first expected one. -- Since we tested that both lists have the same elements (possibly -- in a different order), this search cannot fail. let firstTitle:_ = expectedTitles action = fromJust $ find ((firstTitle ==) . codeActionTitle) codeActions executeCodeAction action contentAfterAction <- documentContents docB liftIO $ expectedContentB @=? contentAfterAction fixModuleImportTypoTests :: TestTree fixModuleImportTypoTests = testGroup "fix module import typo" [ testSession "works when single module suggested" $ do doc <- createDoc "A.hs" "haskell" "import Data.Cha" _ <- waitForDiagnostics InR action@CodeAction { _title = actionTitle } : _ <- getCodeActions doc (R 0 0 0 10) liftIO $ actionTitle @?= "replace with Data.Char" executeCodeAction action contentAfterAction <- documentContents doc liftIO $ contentAfterAction @?= "import Data.Char" , testSession "works when multiple modules suggested" $ do doc <- createDoc "A.hs" "haskell" "import Data.I" _ <- waitForDiagnostics actions <- sortOn (\(InR CodeAction{_title=x}) -> x) <$> getCodeActions doc (R 0 0 0 10) let actionTitles = [ title | InR CodeAction{_title=title} <- actions ] liftIO $ actionTitles @?= [ "replace with Data.Eq" , "replace with Data.Int" , "replace with Data.Ix" ] let InR replaceWithDataEq : _ = actions executeCodeAction replaceWithDataEq contentAfterAction <- documentContents doc liftIO $ contentAfterAction @?= "import Data.Eq" ] suggestImportClassMethodTests :: TestTree suggestImportClassMethodTests = testGroup "suggest import class methods" [ testGroup "new" [ testSession "via parent" $ template' "import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(stimes))" (Range (Position 4 2) (Position 4 8)), testSession "top level" $ template' "import Data.Semigroup (stimes)" (Range (Position 4 2) (Position 4 8)), testSession "all" $ template' "import Data.Semigroup" (Range (Position 4 2) (Position 4 8)) ], testGroup "extend" [ testSession "via parent" $ template [ "module A where", "", "import Data.Semigroup ()" ] (Range (Position 6 2) (Position 6 8)) "Add Semigroup(stimes) to the import list of Data.Semigroup" [ "module A where", "", "import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup (stimes))" ], testSession "top level" $ template [ "module A where", "", "import Data.Semigroup ()" ] (Range (Position 6 2) (Position 6 8)) "Add stimes to the import list of Data.Semigroup" [ "module A where", "", "import Data.Semigroup (stimes)" ] ] ] where decls = [ "data X = X", "instance Semigroup X where", " (<>) _ _ = X", " stimes _ _ = X" ] template beforeContent range executeTitle expectedContent = do doc <- createDoc "A.hs" "haskell" $ T.unlines (beforeContent <> decls) _ <- waitForDiagnostics waitForProgressDone actions <- getCodeActions doc range let actions' = [x | InR x <- actions] titles = [_title | CodeAction {_title} <- actions'] liftIO $ executeTitle `elem` titles @? T.unpack executeTitle <> " does not in " <> show titles executeCodeAction $ fromJust $ find (\CodeAction {_title} -> _title == executeTitle) actions' content <- documentContents doc liftIO $ T.unlines (expectedContent <> decls) @=? content template' executeTitle range = let c = ["module A where"] in template c range executeTitle $ c <> [executeTitle] suggestImportTests :: TestTree suggestImportTests = testGroup "suggest import actions" [ testGroup "Dont want suggestion" [ -- extend import test False ["Data.List.NonEmpty ()"] "f = nonEmpty" [] "import Data.List.NonEmpty (nonEmpty)" -- data constructor , test False [] "f = First" [] "import Data.Monoid (First)" -- internal module , test False [] "f :: Typeable a => a" ["f = undefined"] "import Data.Typeable.Internal (Typeable)" -- package not in scope , test False [] "f = quickCheck" [] "import Test.QuickCheck (quickCheck)" -- don't omit the parent data type of a constructor , test False [] "f ExitSuccess = ()" [] "import System.Exit (ExitSuccess)" -- don't suggest data constructor when we only need the type , test False [] "f :: Bar" [] "import Bar (Bar(Bar))" -- don't suggest all data constructors for the data type , test False [] "f :: Bar" [] "import Bar (Bar(..))" ] , testGroup "want suggestion" [ wantWait [] "f = foo" [] "import Foo (foo)" , wantWait [] "f = Bar" [] "import Bar (Bar(Bar))" , wantWait [] "f :: Bar" [] "import Bar (Bar)" , wantWait [] "f = Bar" [] "import Bar (Bar(..))" , test True [] "f = nonEmpty" [] "import Data.List.NonEmpty (nonEmpty)" , test True [] "f = (:|)" [] "import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty((:|)))" , test True [] "f :: Natural" ["f = undefined"] "import Numeric.Natural (Natural)" , test True [] "f :: Natural" ["f = undefined"] "import Numeric.Natural" , test True [] "f :: NonEmpty ()" ["f = () :| []"] "import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)" , test True [] "f :: NonEmpty ()" ["f = () :| []"] "import Data.List.NonEmpty" , test True [] "f = First" [] "import Data.Monoid (First(First))" , test True [] "f = Endo" [] "import Data.Monoid (Endo(Endo))" , test True [] "f = Version" [] "import Data.Version (Version(Version))" , test True [] "f ExitSuccess = ()" [] "import System.Exit (ExitCode(ExitSuccess))" , test True [] "f = AssertionFailed" [] "import Control.Exception (AssertionFailed(AssertionFailed))" , test True ["Prelude"] "f = nonEmpty" [] "import Data.List.NonEmpty (nonEmpty)" , test True [] "f :: Alternative f => f ()" ["f = undefined"] "import Control.Applicative (Alternative)" , test True [] "f :: Alternative f => f ()" ["f = undefined"] "import Control.Applicative" , test True [] "f = empty" [] "import Control.Applicative (Alternative(empty))" , test True [] "f = empty" [] "import Control.Applicative (empty)" , test True [] "f = empty" [] "import Control.Applicative" , test True [] "f = (&)" [] "import Data.Function ((&))" , test True [] "f = NE.nonEmpty" [] "import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE" , test True [] "f = Data.List.NonEmpty.nonEmpty" [] "import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty" , test True [] "f :: Typeable a => a" ["f = undefined"] "import Data.Typeable (Typeable)" , test True [] "f = pack" [] "import Data.Text (pack)" , test True [] "f :: Text" ["f = undefined"] "import Data.Text (Text)" , test True [] "f = [] & id" [] "import Data.Function ((&))" , test True [] "f = (&) [] id" [] "import Data.Function ((&))" , test True [] "f = (.|.)" [] "import Data.Bits (Bits((.|.)))" , test True [] "f = (.|.)" [] "import Data.Bits ((.|.))" , test True [] "f :: a ~~ b" [] "import Data.Type.Equality (type (~~))" , test True ["qualified Data.Text as T" ] "f = T.putStrLn" [] "import qualified Data.Text.IO as T" , test True [ "qualified Data.Text as T" , "qualified Data.Function as T" ] "f = T.putStrLn" [] "import qualified Data.Text.IO as T" , test True [ "qualified Data.Text as T" , "qualified Data.Function as T" , "qualified Data.Functor as T" , "qualified Data.Data as T" ] "f = T.putStrLn" [] "import qualified Data.Text.IO as T" , test True [] "f = (.|.)" [] "import Data.Bits (Bits(..))" , test True [] "f = empty" [] "import Control.Applicative (Alternative(..))" ] , expectFailBecause "importing pattern synonyms is unsupported" $ test True [] "k (Some x) = x" [] "import B (pattern Some)" ] where test = test' False wantWait = test' True True test' waitForCheckProject wanted imps def other newImp = testSessionWithExtraFiles "hover" (T.unpack def) $ \dir -> do configureCheckProject waitForCheckProject let before = T.unlines $ "module A where" : ["import " <> x | x <- imps] ++ def : other after = T.unlines $ "module A where" : ["import " <> x | x <- imps] ++ [newImp] ++ def : other cradle = "cradle: {direct: {arguments: [-hide-all-packages, -package, base, -package, text, -package-env, -, A, Bar, Foo, B]}}" liftIO $ writeFileUTF8 (dir "hie.yaml") cradle liftIO $ writeFileUTF8 (dir "B.hs") $ unlines ["{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}", "module B where", "pattern Some x = Just x"] doc <- createDoc "Test.hs" "haskell" before waitForProgressDone _ <- waitForDiagnostics -- there isn't a good way to wait until the whole project is checked atm when waitForCheckProject $ liftIO $ sleep 0.5 let defLine = fromIntegral $ length imps + 1 range = Range (Position defLine 0) (Position defLine maxBound) actions <- getCodeActions doc range if wanted then do action <- liftIO $ pickActionWithTitle newImp actions executeCodeAction action contentAfterAction <- documentContents doc liftIO $ after @=? contentAfterAction else liftIO $ [_title | InR CodeAction{_title} <- actions, _title == newImp ] @?= [] suggestImportDisambiguationTests :: TestTree suggestImportDisambiguationTests = testGroup "suggest import disambiguation actions" [ testGroup "Hiding strategy works" [ testGroup "fromList" [ testCase "AVec" $ compareHideFunctionTo [(8,9),(10,8)] "Use AVec for fromList, hiding other imports" "HideFunction.expected.fromList.A.hs" , testCase "BVec" $ compareHideFunctionTo [(8,9),(10,8)] "Use BVec for fromList, hiding other imports" "HideFunction.expected.fromList.B.hs" ] , testGroup "(++)" [ testCase "EVec" $ compareHideFunctionTo [(8,9),(10,8)] "Use EVec for ++, hiding other imports" "HideFunction.expected.append.E.hs" , testCase "Hide functions without local" $ compareTwo "HideFunctionWithoutLocal.hs" [(8,8)] "Use local definition for ++, hiding other imports" "HideFunctionWithoutLocal.expected.hs" , testCase "Prelude" $ compareHideFunctionTo [(8,9),(10,8)] "Use Prelude for ++, hiding other imports" "HideFunction.expected.append.Prelude.hs" , testCase "Prelude and local definition, infix" $ compareTwo "HidePreludeLocalInfix.hs" [(2,19)] "Use local definition for ++, hiding other imports" "HidePreludeLocalInfix.expected.hs" , testCase "AVec, indented" $ compareTwo "HidePreludeIndented.hs" [(3,8)] "Use AVec for ++, hiding other imports" "HidePreludeIndented.expected.hs" ] , testGroup "Vec (type)" [ testCase "AVec" $ compareTwo "HideType.hs" [(8,15)] "Use AVec for Vec, hiding other imports" "HideType.expected.A.hs" , testCase "EVec" $ compareTwo "HideType.hs" [(8,15)] "Use EVec for Vec, hiding other imports" "HideType.expected.E.hs" ] ] , testGroup "Qualify strategy" [ testCase "won't suggest full name for qualified module" $ withHideFunction [(8,9),(10,8)] $ \_ _ actions -> do liftIO $ assertBool "EVec.fromList must not be suggested" $ "Replace with qualified: EVec.fromList" `notElem` [ actionTitle | InR CodeAction { _title = actionTitle } <- actions ] liftIO $ assertBool "EVec.++ must not be suggested" $ "Replace with qualified: EVec.++" `notElem` [ actionTitle | InR CodeAction { _title = actionTitle } <- actions ] , testGroup "fromList" [ testCase "EVec" $ compareHideFunctionTo [(8,9),(10,8)] "Replace with qualified: E.fromList" "HideFunction.expected.qualified.fromList.E.hs" , testCase "Hide DuplicateRecordFields" $ compareTwo "HideQualifyDuplicateRecordFields.hs" [(9, 9)] "Replace with qualified: AVec.fromList" "HideQualifyDuplicateRecordFields.expected.hs" , testCase "Duplicate record fields should not be imported" $ do withTarget ("HideQualifyDuplicateRecordFields" <.> ".hs") [(9, 9)] $ \_ _ actions -> do liftIO $ assertBool "Hidings should not be presented while DuplicateRecordFields exists" $ all not [ actionTitle =~ T.pack "Use ([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]*) for fromList, hiding other imports" | InR CodeAction { _title = actionTitle } <- actions] withTarget ("HideQualifyDuplicateRecordFieldsSelf" <.> ".hs") [(4, 4)] $ \_ _ actions -> do liftIO $ assertBool "ambiguity from DuplicateRecordFields should not be imported" $ null actions ] , testGroup "(++)" [ testCase "Prelude, parensed" $ compareHideFunctionTo [(8,9),(10,8)] "Replace with qualified: Prelude.++" "HideFunction.expected.qualified.append.Prelude.hs" , testCase "Prelude, infix" $ compareTwo "HideQualifyInfix.hs" [(4,19)] "Replace with qualified: Prelude.++" "HideQualifyInfix.expected.hs" , testCase "Prelude, left section" $ compareTwo "HideQualifySectionLeft.hs" [(4,15)] "Replace with qualified: Prelude.++" "HideQualifySectionLeft.expected.hs" , testCase "Prelude, right section" $ compareTwo "HideQualifySectionRight.hs" [(4,18)] "Replace with qualified: Prelude.++" "HideQualifySectionRight.expected.hs" ] ] ] where compareTwo original locs cmd expected = withTarget original locs $ \dir doc actions -> do expected <- liftIO $ readFileUtf8 (dir expected) action <- liftIO $ pickActionWithTitle cmd actions executeCodeAction action contentAfterAction <- documentContents doc liftIO $ T.replace "\r\n" "\n" expected @=? contentAfterAction compareHideFunctionTo = compareTwo "HideFunction.hs" auxFiles = ["AVec.hs", "BVec.hs", "CVec.hs", "DVec.hs", "EVec.hs", "FVec.hs"] withTarget file locs k = runWithExtraFiles "hiding" $ \dir -> do doc <- openDoc file "haskell" waitForProgressDone void $ expectDiagnostics [(file, [(DsError, loc, "Ambiguous occurrence") | loc <- locs])] actions <- getAllCodeActions doc k dir doc actions withHideFunction = withTarget ("HideFunction" <.> "hs") suggestHideShadowTests :: TestTree suggestHideShadowTests = testGroup "suggest hide shadow" [ testGroup "single" [ testOneCodeAction "hide unsued" "Hide on from Data.Function" (1, 2) (1, 4) [ "import Data.Function" , "f on = on" , "g on = on" ] [ "import Data.Function hiding (on)" , "f on = on" , "g on = on" ] , testOneCodeAction "extend hiding unsued" "Hide on from Data.Function" (1, 2) (1, 4) [ "import Data.Function hiding ((&))" , "f on = on" ] [ "import Data.Function hiding (on, (&))" , "f on = on" ] , testOneCodeAction "delete unsued" "Hide on from Data.Function" (1, 2) (1, 4) [ "import Data.Function ((&), on)" , "f on = on" ] [ "import Data.Function ((&))" , "f on = on" ] , testOneCodeAction "hide operator" "Hide & from Data.Function" (1, 2) (1, 5) [ "import Data.Function" , "f (&) = (&)" ] [ "import Data.Function hiding ((&))" , "f (&) = (&)" ] , testOneCodeAction "remove operator" "Hide & from Data.Function" (1, 2) (1, 5) [ "import Data.Function ((&), on)" , "f (&) = (&)" ] [ "import Data.Function ( on)" , "f (&) = (&)" ] , noCodeAction "don't remove already used" (2, 2) (2, 4) [ "import Data.Function" , "g = on" , "f on = on" ] ] , testGroup "multi" [ testOneCodeAction "hide from B" "Hide ++ from B" (2, 2) (2, 6) [ "import B" , "import C" , "f (++) = (++)" ] [ "import B hiding ((++))" , "import C" , "f (++) = (++)" ] , testOneCodeAction "hide from C" "Hide ++ from C" (2, 2) (2, 6) [ "import B" , "import C" , "f (++) = (++)" ] [ "import B" , "import C hiding ((++))" , "f (++) = (++)" ] , testOneCodeAction "hide from Prelude" "Hide ++ from Prelude" (2, 2) (2, 6) [ "import B" , "import C" , "f (++) = (++)" ] [ "import B" , "import C" , "import Prelude hiding ((++))" , "f (++) = (++)" ] , testMultiCodeActions "manual hide all" [ "Hide ++ from Prelude" , "Hide ++ from C" , "Hide ++ from B" ] (2, 2) (2, 6) [ "import B" , "import C" , "f (++) = (++)" ] [ "import B hiding ((++))" , "import C hiding ((++))" , "import Prelude hiding ((++))" , "f (++) = (++)" ] , testOneCodeAction "auto hide all" "Hide ++ from all occurence imports" (2, 2) (2, 6) [ "import B" , "import C" , "f (++) = (++)" ] [ "import B hiding ((++))" , "import C hiding ((++))" , "import Prelude hiding ((++))" , "f (++) = (++)" ] ] ] where testOneCodeAction testName actionName start end origin expected = helper testName start end origin expected $ \cas -> do action <- liftIO $ pickActionWithTitle actionName cas executeCodeAction action noCodeAction testName start end origin = helper testName start end origin origin $ \cas -> do liftIO $ cas @?= [] testMultiCodeActions testName actionNames start end origin expected = helper testName start end origin expected $ \cas -> do let r = [ca | (InR ca) <- cas, ca ^. L.title `elem` actionNames] liftIO $ (length r == length actionNames) @? "Expected " <> show actionNames <> ", but got " <> show cas <> " which is not its superset" forM_ r executeCodeAction helper testName (line1, col1) (line2, col2) origin expected k = testSession testName $ do void $ createDoc "B.hs" "haskell" $ T.unlines docB void $ createDoc "C.hs" "haskell" $ T.unlines docC doc <- createDoc "A.hs" "haskell" $ T.unlines (header <> origin) void waitForDiagnostics waitForProgressDone cas <- getCodeActions doc (Range (Position (fromIntegral $ line1 + length header) col1) (Position (fromIntegral $ line2 + length header) col2)) void $ k [x | x@(InR ca) <- cas, "Hide" `T.isPrefixOf` (ca ^. L.title)] contentAfter <- documentContents doc liftIO $ contentAfter @?= T.unlines (header <> expected) header = [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wname-shadowing #-}" , "module A where" , "" ] -- for multi group docB = [ "module B where" , "(++) = id" ] docC = [ "module C where" , "(++) = id" ] insertNewDefinitionTests :: TestTree insertNewDefinitionTests = testGroup "insert new definition actions" [ testSession "insert new function definition" $ do let txtB = ["foo True = select [True]" , "" ,"foo False = False" ] txtB' = ["" ,"someOtherCode = ()" ] docB <- createDoc "ModuleB.hs" "haskell" (T.unlines $ txtB ++ txtB') _ <- waitForDiagnostics InR action@CodeAction { _title = actionTitle } : _ <- sortOn (\(InR CodeAction{_title=x}) -> x) <$> getCodeActions docB (R 0 0 0 50) liftIO $ actionTitle @?= "Define select :: [Bool] -> Bool" executeCodeAction action contentAfterAction <- documentContents docB liftIO $ contentAfterAction @?= T.unlines (txtB ++ [ "" , "select :: [Bool] -> Bool" , "select = _" ] ++ txtB') , testSession "define a hole" $ do let txtB = ["foo True = _select [True]" , "" ,"foo False = False" ] txtB' = ["" ,"someOtherCode = ()" ] docB <- createDoc "ModuleB.hs" "haskell" (T.unlines $ txtB ++ txtB') _ <- waitForDiagnostics InR action@CodeAction { _title = actionTitle } : _ <- sortOn (\(InR CodeAction{_title=x}) -> x) <$> getCodeActions docB (R 0 0 0 50) liftIO $ actionTitle @?= "Define select :: [Bool] -> Bool" executeCodeAction action contentAfterAction <- documentContents docB liftIO $ contentAfterAction @?= T.unlines ( ["foo True = select [True]" , "" ,"foo False = False" , "" , "select :: [Bool] -> Bool" , "select = _" ] ++ txtB') , testSession "insert new function definition - Haddock comments" $ do let start = ["foo :: Int -> Bool" , "foo x = select (x + 1)" , "" , "-- | This is a haddock comment" , "haddock :: Int -> Int" , "haddock = undefined" ] let expected = ["foo :: Int -> Bool" , "foo x = select (x + 1)" , "" , "select :: Int -> Bool" , "select = _" , "" , "-- | This is a haddock comment" , "haddock :: Int -> Int" , "haddock = undefined"] docB <- createDoc "ModuleB.hs" "haskell" (T.unlines start) _ <- waitForDiagnostics InR action@CodeAction { _title = actionTitle } : _ <- sortOn (\(InR CodeAction{_title=x}) -> x) <$> getCodeActions docB (R 1 0 0 50) liftIO $ actionTitle @?= "Define select :: Int -> Bool" executeCodeAction action contentAfterAction <- documentContents docB liftIO $ contentAfterAction @?= T.unlines expected , testSession "insert new function definition - normal comments" $ do let start = ["foo :: Int -> Bool" , "foo x = select (x + 1)" , "" , "-- This is a normal comment" , "normal :: Int -> Int" , "normal = undefined" ] let expected = ["foo :: Int -> Bool" , "foo x = select (x + 1)" , "" , "select :: Int -> Bool" , "select = _" , "" , "-- This is a normal comment" , "normal :: Int -> Int" , "normal = undefined"] docB <- createDoc "ModuleB.hs" "haskell" (T.unlines start) _ <- waitForDiagnostics InR action@CodeAction { _title = actionTitle } : _ <- sortOn (\(InR CodeAction{_title=x}) -> x) <$> getCodeActions docB (R 1 0 0 50) liftIO $ actionTitle @?= "Define select :: Int -> Bool" executeCodeAction action contentAfterAction <- documentContents docB liftIO $ contentAfterAction @?= T.unlines expected ] deleteUnusedDefinitionTests :: TestTree deleteUnusedDefinitionTests = testGroup "delete unused definition action" [ testSession "delete unused top level binding" $ testFor (T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-top-binds #-}" , "module A (some) where" , "" , "f :: Int -> Int" , "f 1 = let a = 1" , " in a" , "f 2 = 2" , "" , "some = ()" ]) (4, 0) "Delete ‘f’" (T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-top-binds #-}" , "module A (some) where" , "" , "some = ()" ]) , testSession "delete unused top level binding defined in infix form" $ testFor (T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-top-binds #-}" , "module A (some) where" , "" , "myPlus :: Int -> Int -> Int" , "a `myPlus` b = a + b" , "" , "some = ()" ]) (4, 2) "Delete ‘myPlus’" (T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-top-binds #-}" , "module A (some) where" , "" , "some = ()" ]) , testSession "delete unused binding in where clause" $ testFor (T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-binds #-}" , "module A (h, g) where" , "" , "h :: Int" , "h = 3" , "" , "g :: Int" , "g = 6" , " where" , " h :: Int" , " h = 4" , "" ]) (10, 4) "Delete ‘h’" (T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-binds #-}" , "module A (h, g) where" , "" , "h :: Int" , "h = 3" , "" , "g :: Int" , "g = 6" , " where" , "" ]) , testSession "delete unused binding with multi-oneline signatures front" $ testFor (T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-binds #-}" , "module A (b, c) where" , "" , "a, b, c :: Int" , "a = 3" , "b = 4" , "c = 5" ]) (4, 0) "Delete ‘a’" (T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-binds #-}" , "module A (b, c) where" , "" , "b, c :: Int" , "b = 4" , "c = 5" ]) , testSession "delete unused binding with multi-oneline signatures mid" $ testFor (T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-binds #-}" , "module A (a, c) where" , "" , "a, b, c :: Int" , "a = 3" , "b = 4" , "c = 5" ]) (5, 0) "Delete ‘b’" (T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-binds #-}" , "module A (a, c) where" , "" , "a, c :: Int" , "a = 3" , "c = 5" ]) , testSession "delete unused binding with multi-oneline signatures end" $ testFor (T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-binds #-}" , "module A (a, b) where" , "" , "a, b, c :: Int" , "a = 3" , "b = 4" , "c = 5" ]) (6, 0) "Delete ‘c’" (T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-binds #-}" , "module A (a, b) where" , "" , "a, b :: Int" , "a = 3" , "b = 4" ]) ] where testFor source pos expectedTitle expectedResult = do docId <- createDoc "A.hs" "haskell" source expectDiagnostics [ ("A.hs", [(DsWarning, pos, "not used")]) ] (action, title) <- extractCodeAction docId "Delete" pos liftIO $ title @?= expectedTitle executeCodeAction action contentAfterAction <- documentContents docId liftIO $ contentAfterAction @?= expectedResult extractCodeAction docId actionPrefix (l, c) = do [action@CodeAction { _title = actionTitle }] <- findCodeActionsByPrefix docId (R l c l c) [actionPrefix] return (action, actionTitle) addTypeAnnotationsToLiteralsTest :: TestTree addTypeAnnotationsToLiteralsTest = testGroup "add type annotations to literals to satisfy constraints" [ testSession "add default type to satisfy one constraint" $ testFor (T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wtype-defaults #-}" , "module A (f) where" , "" , "f = 1" ]) [ (DsWarning, (3, 4), "Defaulting the following constraint") ] "Add type annotation ‘Integer’ to ‘1’" (T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wtype-defaults #-}" , "module A (f) where" , "" , "f = (1 :: Integer)" ]) , testSession "add default type to satisfy one constraint in nested expressions" $ testFor (T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wtype-defaults #-}" , "module A where" , "" , "f =" , " let x = 3" , " in x" ]) [ (DsWarning, (4, 12), "Defaulting the following constraint") ] "Add type annotation ‘Integer’ to ‘3’" (T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wtype-defaults #-}" , "module A where" , "" , "f =" , " let x = (3 :: Integer)" , " in x" ]) , testSession "add default type to satisfy one constraint in more nested expressions" $ testFor (T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wtype-defaults #-}" , "module A where" , "" , "f =" , " let x = let y = 5 in y" , " in x" ]) [ (DsWarning, (4, 20), "Defaulting the following constraint") ] "Add type annotation ‘Integer’ to ‘5’" (T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wtype-defaults #-}" , "module A where" , "" , "f =" , " let x = let y = (5 :: Integer) in y" , " in x" ]) , testSession "add default type to satisfy one constraint with duplicate literals" $ testFor (T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wtype-defaults #-}" , "{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}" , "module A (f) where" , "" , "import Debug.Trace" , "" , "f = seq \"debug\" traceShow \"debug\"" ]) [ (DsWarning, (6, 8), "Defaulting the following constraint") , (DsWarning, (6, 16), "Defaulting the following constraint") ] ("Add type annotation ‘" <> listOfChar <> "’ to ‘\"debug\"’") (T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wtype-defaults #-}" , "{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}" , "module A (f) where" , "" , "import Debug.Trace" , "" , "f = seq (\"debug\" :: " <> listOfChar <> ") traceShow \"debug\"" ]) , knownBrokenForGhcVersions [GHC92] "GHC 9.2 only has 'traceShow' in error span" $ testSession "add default type to satisfy two constraints" $ testFor (T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wtype-defaults #-}" , "{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}" , "module A (f) where" , "" , "import Debug.Trace" , "" , "f a = traceShow \"debug\" a" ]) [ (DsWarning, (6, 6), "Defaulting the following constraint") ] ("Add type annotation ‘" <> listOfChar <> "’ to ‘\"debug\"’") (T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wtype-defaults #-}" , "{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}" , "module A (f) where" , "" , "import Debug.Trace" , "" , "f a = traceShow (\"debug\" :: " <> listOfChar <> ") a" ]) , knownBrokenForGhcVersions [GHC92] "GHC 9.2 only has 'traceShow' in error span" $ testSession "add default type to satisfy two constraints with duplicate literals" $ testFor (T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wtype-defaults #-}" , "{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}" , "module A (f) where" , "" , "import Debug.Trace" , "" , "f = seq (\"debug\" :: [Char]) (seq (\"debug\" :: [Char]) (traceShow \"debug\"))" ]) [ (DsWarning, (6, 54), "Defaulting the following constraint") ] ("Add type annotation ‘" <> listOfChar <> "’ to ‘\"debug\"’") (T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wtype-defaults #-}" , "{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}" , "module A (f) where" , "" , "import Debug.Trace" , "" , "f = seq (\"debug\" :: [Char]) (seq (\"debug\" :: [Char]) (traceShow (\"debug\" :: " <> listOfChar <> ")))" ]) ] where testFor source diag expectedTitle expectedResult = do docId <- createDoc "A.hs" "haskell" source expectDiagnostics [ ("A.hs", diag) ] let cursors = map snd3 diag (action, title) <- extractCodeAction docId "Add type annotation" (minimum cursors) (maximum cursors) liftIO $ title @?= expectedTitle executeCodeAction action contentAfterAction <- documentContents docId liftIO $ contentAfterAction @?= expectedResult extractCodeAction docId actionPrefix (l,c) (l', c')= do [action@CodeAction { _title = actionTitle }] <- findCodeActionsByPrefix docId (R l c l' c') [actionPrefix] return (action, actionTitle) fixConstructorImportTests :: TestTree fixConstructorImportTests = testGroup "fix import actions" [ testSession "fix constructor import" $ template (T.unlines [ "module ModuleA where" , "data A = Constructor" ]) (T.unlines [ "module ModuleB where" , "import ModuleA(Constructor)" ]) (Range (Position 1 10) (Position 1 11)) "Fix import of A(Constructor)" (T.unlines [ "module ModuleB where" , "import ModuleA(A(Constructor))" ]) ] where template contentA contentB range expectedAction expectedContentB = do _docA <- createDoc "ModuleA.hs" "haskell" contentA docB <- createDoc "ModuleB.hs" "haskell" contentB _diags <- waitForDiagnostics InR action@CodeAction { _title = actionTitle } : _ <- sortOn (\(InR CodeAction{_title=x}) -> x) <$> getCodeActions docB range liftIO $ expectedAction @=? actionTitle executeCodeAction action contentAfterAction <- documentContents docB liftIO $ expectedContentB @=? contentAfterAction importRenameActionTests :: TestTree importRenameActionTests = testGroup "import rename actions" [ testSession "Data.Mape -> Data.Map" $ check "Map" , testSession "Data.Mape -> Data.Maybe" $ check "Maybe" ] where check modname = do let content = T.unlines [ "module Testing where" , "import Data.Mape" ] doc <- createDoc "Testing.hs" "haskell" content _ <- waitForDiagnostics actionsOrCommands <- getCodeActions doc (Range (Position 1 8) (Position 1 16)) let [changeToMap] = [action | InR action@CodeAction{ _title = actionTitle } <- actionsOrCommands, ("Data." <> modname) `T.isInfixOf` actionTitle ] executeCodeAction changeToMap contentAfterAction <- documentContents doc let expectedContentAfterAction = T.unlines [ "module Testing where" , "import Data." <> modname ] liftIO $ expectedContentAfterAction @=? contentAfterAction fillTypedHoleTests :: TestTree fillTypedHoleTests = let sourceCode :: T.Text -> T.Text -> T.Text -> T.Text sourceCode a b c = T.unlines [ "module Testing where" , "" , "globalConvert :: Int -> String" , "globalConvert = undefined" , "" , "globalInt :: Int" , "globalInt = 3" , "" , "bar :: Int -> Int -> String" , "bar n parameterInt = " <> a <> " (n + " <> b <> " + " <> c <> ") where" , " localConvert = (flip replicate) 'x'" , "" , "foo :: () -> Int -> String" , "foo = undefined" ] check :: T.Text -> T.Text -> T.Text -> T.Text -> T.Text -> T.Text -> T.Text -> TestTree check actionTitle oldA oldB oldC newA newB newC = testSession (T.unpack actionTitle) $ do let originalCode = sourceCode oldA oldB oldC let expectedCode = sourceCode newA newB newC doc <- createDoc "Testing.hs" "haskell" originalCode _ <- waitForDiagnostics actionsOrCommands <- getCodeActions doc (Range (Position 9 0) (Position 9 maxBound)) chosenAction <- liftIO $ pickActionWithTitle actionTitle actionsOrCommands executeCodeAction chosenAction modifiedCode <- documentContents doc liftIO $ expectedCode @=? modifiedCode in testGroup "fill typed holes" [ check "replace _ with show" "_" "n" "n" "show" "n" "n" , check "replace _ with globalConvert" "_" "n" "n" "globalConvert" "n" "n" , check "replace _convertme with localConvert" "_convertme" "n" "n" "localConvert" "n" "n" , check "replace _b with globalInt" "_a" "_b" "_c" "_a" "globalInt" "_c" , check "replace _c with globalInt" "_a" "_b" "_c" "_a" "_b" "globalInt" , check "replace _c with parameterInt" "_a" "_b" "_c" "_a" "_b" "parameterInt" , check "replace _ with foo _" "_" "n" "n" "(foo _)" "n" "n" , testSession "replace _toException with E.toException" $ do let mkDoc x = T.unlines [ "module Testing where" , "import qualified Control.Exception as E" , "ioToSome :: E.IOException -> E.SomeException" , "ioToSome = " <> x ] doc <- createDoc "Test.hs" "haskell" $ mkDoc "_toException" _ <- waitForDiagnostics actions <- getCodeActions doc (Range (Position 3 0) (Position 3 maxBound)) chosen <- liftIO $ pickActionWithTitle "replace _toException with E.toException" actions executeCodeAction chosen modifiedCode <- documentContents doc liftIO $ mkDoc "E.toException" @=? modifiedCode , testSession "filling infix type hole uses prefix notation" $ do let mkDoc x = T.unlines [ "module Testing where" , "data A = A" , "foo :: A -> A -> A" , "foo A A = A" , "test :: A -> A -> A" , "test a1 a2 = a1 " <> x <> " a2" ] doc <- createDoc "Test.hs" "haskell" $ mkDoc "`_`" _ <- waitForDiagnostics actions <- getCodeActions doc (Range (Position 5 16) (Position 5 19)) chosen <- liftIO $ pickActionWithTitle "replace _ with foo" actions executeCodeAction chosen modifiedCode <- documentContents doc liftIO $ mkDoc "`foo`" @=? modifiedCode , testSession "postfix hole uses postfix notation of infix operator" $ do let mkDoc x = T.unlines [ "module Testing where" , "test :: Int -> Int -> Int" , "test a1 a2 = " <> x <> " a1 a2" ] doc <- createDoc "Test.hs" "haskell" $ mkDoc "_" _ <- waitForDiagnostics actions <- getCodeActions doc (Range (Position 2 13) (Position 2 14)) chosen <- liftIO $ pickActionWithTitle "replace _ with (+)" actions executeCodeAction chosen modifiedCode <- documentContents doc liftIO $ mkDoc "(+)" @=? modifiedCode , testSession "filling infix type hole uses infix operator" $ do let mkDoc x = T.unlines [ "module Testing where" , "test :: Int -> Int -> Int" , "test a1 a2 = a1 " <> x <> " a2" ] doc <- createDoc "Test.hs" "haskell" $ mkDoc "`_`" _ <- waitForDiagnostics actions <- getCodeActions doc (Range (Position 2 16) (Position 2 19)) chosen <- liftIO $ pickActionWithTitle "replace _ with (+)" actions executeCodeAction chosen modifiedCode <- documentContents doc liftIO $ mkDoc "+" @=? modifiedCode ] addInstanceConstraintTests :: TestTree addInstanceConstraintTests = let missingConstraintSourceCode :: Maybe T.Text -> T.Text missingConstraintSourceCode mConstraint = let constraint = maybe "" (<> " => ") mConstraint in T.unlines [ "module Testing where" , "" , "data Wrap a = Wrap a" , "" , "instance " <> constraint <> "Eq (Wrap a) where" , " (Wrap x) == (Wrap y) = x == y" ] incompleteConstraintSourceCode :: Maybe T.Text -> T.Text incompleteConstraintSourceCode mConstraint = let constraint = maybe "Eq a" (\c -> "(Eq a, " <> c <> ")") mConstraint in T.unlines [ "module Testing where" , "" , "data Pair a b = Pair a b" , "" , "instance " <> constraint <> " => Eq (Pair a b) where" , " (Pair x y) == (Pair x' y') = x == x' && y == y'" ] incompleteConstraintSourceCode2 :: Maybe T.Text -> T.Text incompleteConstraintSourceCode2 mConstraint = let constraint = maybe "(Eq a, Eq b)" (\c -> "(Eq a, Eq b, " <> c <> ")") mConstraint in T.unlines [ "module Testing where" , "" , "data Three a b c = Three a b c" , "" , "instance " <> constraint <> " => Eq (Three a b c) where" , " (Three x y z) == (Three x' y' z') = x == x' && y == y' && z == z'" ] check :: T.Text -> T.Text -> T.Text -> TestTree check actionTitle originalCode expectedCode = testSession (T.unpack actionTitle) $ do doc <- createDoc "Testing.hs" "haskell" originalCode _ <- waitForDiagnostics actionsOrCommands <- getAllCodeActions doc chosenAction <- liftIO $ pickActionWithTitle actionTitle actionsOrCommands executeCodeAction chosenAction modifiedCode <- documentContents doc liftIO $ expectedCode @=? modifiedCode in testGroup "add instance constraint" [ check "Add `Eq a` to the context of the instance declaration" (missingConstraintSourceCode Nothing) (missingConstraintSourceCode $ Just "Eq a") , check "Add `Eq b` to the context of the instance declaration" (incompleteConstraintSourceCode Nothing) (incompleteConstraintSourceCode $ Just "Eq b") , check "Add `Eq c` to the context of the instance declaration" (incompleteConstraintSourceCode2 Nothing) (incompleteConstraintSourceCode2 $ Just "Eq c") ] addFunctionConstraintTests :: TestTree addFunctionConstraintTests = let missingConstraintSourceCode :: T.Text -> T.Text missingConstraintSourceCode constraint = T.unlines [ "module Testing where" , "" , "eq :: " <> constraint <> "a -> a -> Bool" , "eq x y = x == y" ] missingConstraintWithForAllSourceCode :: T.Text -> T.Text missingConstraintWithForAllSourceCode constraint = T.unlines [ "{-# LANGUAGE ExplicitForAll #-}" , "module Testing where" , "" , "eq :: forall a. " <> constraint <> "a -> a -> Bool" , "eq x y = x == y" ] incompleteConstraintWithForAllSourceCode :: T.Text -> T.Text incompleteConstraintWithForAllSourceCode constraint = T.unlines [ "{-# LANGUAGE ExplicitForAll #-}" , "module Testing where" , "" , "data Pair a b = Pair a b" , "" , "eq :: " <> constraint <> " => Pair a b -> Pair a b -> Bool" , "eq (Pair x y) (Pair x' y') = x == x' && y == y'" ] incompleteConstraintSourceCode :: T.Text -> T.Text incompleteConstraintSourceCode constraint = T.unlines [ "module Testing where" , "" , "data Pair a b = Pair a b" , "" , "eq :: " <> constraint <> " => Pair a b -> Pair a b -> Bool" , "eq (Pair x y) (Pair x' y') = x == x' && y == y'" ] incompleteConstraintSourceCode2 :: T.Text -> T.Text incompleteConstraintSourceCode2 constraint = T.unlines [ "module Testing where" , "" , "data Three a b c = Three a b c" , "" , "eq :: " <> constraint <> " => Three a b c -> Three a b c -> Bool" , "eq (Three x y z) (Three x' y' z') = x == x' && y == y' && z == z'" ] incompleteConstraintSourceCodeWithExtraCharsInContext :: T.Text -> T.Text incompleteConstraintSourceCodeWithExtraCharsInContext constraint = T.unlines [ "module Testing where" , "" , "data Pair a b = Pair a b" , "" , "eq :: ( " <> constraint <> " ) => Pair a b -> Pair a b -> Bool" , "eq (Pair x y) (Pair x' y') = x == x' && y == y'" ] incompleteConstraintSourceCodeWithNewlinesInTypeSignature :: T.Text -> T.Text incompleteConstraintSourceCodeWithNewlinesInTypeSignature constraint = T.unlines [ "module Testing where" , "data Pair a b = Pair a b" , "eq " , " :: (" <> constraint <> ")" , " => Pair a b -> Pair a b -> Bool" , "eq (Pair x y) (Pair x' y') = x == x' && y == y'" ] missingMonadConstraint constraint = T.unlines [ "module Testing where" , "f :: " <> constraint <> "m ()" , "f = do " , " return ()" ] in testGroup "add function constraint" [ checkCodeAction "no preexisting constraint" "Add `Eq a` to the context of the type signature for `eq`" (missingConstraintSourceCode "") (missingConstraintSourceCode "Eq a => ") , checkCodeAction "no preexisting constraint, with forall" "Add `Eq a` to the context of the type signature for `eq`" (missingConstraintWithForAllSourceCode "") (missingConstraintWithForAllSourceCode "Eq a => ") , checkCodeAction "preexisting constraint, no parenthesis" "Add `Eq b` to the context of the type signature for `eq`" (incompleteConstraintSourceCode "Eq a") (incompleteConstraintSourceCode "(Eq a, Eq b)") , checkCodeAction "preexisting constraints in parenthesis" "Add `Eq c` to the context of the type signature for `eq`" (incompleteConstraintSourceCode2 "(Eq a, Eq b)") (incompleteConstraintSourceCode2 "(Eq a, Eq b, Eq c)") , checkCodeAction "preexisting constraints with forall" "Add `Eq b` to the context of the type signature for `eq`" (incompleteConstraintWithForAllSourceCode "Eq a") (incompleteConstraintWithForAllSourceCode "(Eq a, Eq b)") , checkCodeAction "preexisting constraint, with extra spaces in context" "Add `Eq b` to the context of the type signature for `eq`" (incompleteConstraintSourceCodeWithExtraCharsInContext "Eq a") (incompleteConstraintSourceCodeWithExtraCharsInContext "Eq a, Eq b") , checkCodeAction "preexisting constraint, with newlines in type signature" "Add `Eq b` to the context of the type signature for `eq`" (incompleteConstraintSourceCodeWithNewlinesInTypeSignature "Eq a") (incompleteConstraintSourceCodeWithNewlinesInTypeSignature "Eq a, Eq b") , checkCodeAction "missing Monad constraint" "Add `Monad m` to the context of the type signature for `f`" (missingMonadConstraint "") (missingMonadConstraint "Monad m => ") ] checkCodeAction :: String -> T.Text -> T.Text -> T.Text -> TestTree checkCodeAction testName actionTitle originalCode expectedCode = testSession testName $ do doc <- createDoc "Testing.hs" "haskell" originalCode _ <- waitForDiagnostics actionsOrCommands <- getAllCodeActions doc chosenAction <- liftIO $ pickActionWithTitle actionTitle actionsOrCommands executeCodeAction chosenAction modifiedCode <- documentContents doc liftIO $ expectedCode @=? modifiedCode addImplicitParamsConstraintTests :: TestTree addImplicitParamsConstraintTests = testGroup "add missing implicit params constraints" [ testGroup "introduced" [ let ex ctxtA = exampleCode "?a" ctxtA "" in checkCodeAction "at top level" "Add ?a::() to the context of fBase" (ex "") (ex "?a::()"), let ex ctxA = exampleCode "x where x = ?a" ctxA "" in checkCodeAction "in nested def" "Add ?a::() to the context of fBase" (ex "") (ex "?a::()") ], testGroup "inherited" [ let ex = exampleCode "()" "?a::()" in checkCodeAction "with preexisting context" "Add `?a::()` to the context of the type signature for `fCaller`" (ex "Eq ()") (ex "Eq (), ?a::()"), let ex = exampleCode "()" "?a::()" in checkCodeAction "without preexisting context" "Add ?a::() to the context of fCaller" (ex "") (ex "?a::()") ] ] where mkContext "" = "" mkContext contents = "(" <> contents <> ") => " exampleCode bodyBase contextBase contextCaller = T.unlines [ "{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, ImplicitParams #-}", "module Testing where", "fBase :: " <> mkContext contextBase <> "()", "fBase = " <> bodyBase, "fCaller :: " <> mkContext contextCaller <> "()", "fCaller = fBase" ] removeRedundantConstraintsTests :: TestTree removeRedundantConstraintsTests = let header = [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wredundant-constraints #-}" , "module Testing where" , "" ] headerExt :: [T.Text] -> [T.Text] headerExt exts = redunt : extTxt ++ ["module Testing where"] where redunt = "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wredundant-constraints #-}" extTxt = map (\ext -> "{-# LANGUAGE " <> ext <> " #-}") exts redundantConstraintsCode :: Maybe T.Text -> T.Text redundantConstraintsCode mConstraint = let constraint = maybe "" (\c -> "" <> c <> " => ") mConstraint in T.unlines $ header <> [ "foo :: " <> constraint <> "a -> a" , "foo = id" ] redundantMixedConstraintsCode :: Maybe T.Text -> T.Text redundantMixedConstraintsCode mConstraint = let constraint = maybe "(Num a, Eq a)" (\c -> "(Num a, Eq a, " <> c <> ")") mConstraint in T.unlines $ header <> [ "foo :: " <> constraint <> " => a -> Bool" , "foo x = x == 1" ] typeSignatureSpaces :: Maybe T.Text -> T.Text typeSignatureSpaces mConstraint = let constraint = maybe "(Num a, Eq a)" (\c -> "(Num a, Eq a, " <> c <> ")") mConstraint in T.unlines $ header <> [ "foo :: " <> constraint <> " => a -> Bool" , "foo x = x == 1" ] redundantConstraintsForall :: Maybe T.Text -> T.Text redundantConstraintsForall mConstraint = let constraint = maybe "" (\c -> "" <> c <> " => ") mConstraint in T.unlines $ headerExt ["RankNTypes"] <> [ "foo :: forall a. " <> constraint <> "a -> a" , "foo = id" ] typeSignatureDo :: Maybe T.Text -> T.Text typeSignatureDo mConstraint = let constraint = maybe "" (\c -> "" <> c <> " => ") mConstraint in T.unlines $ header <> [ "f :: Int -> IO ()" , "f n = do" , " let foo :: " <> constraint <> "a -> IO ()" , " foo _ = return ()" , " r n" ] typeSignatureNested :: Maybe T.Text -> T.Text typeSignatureNested mConstraint = let constraint = maybe "" (\c -> "" <> c <> " => ") mConstraint in T.unlines $ header <> [ "f :: Int -> ()" , "f = g" , " where" , " g :: " <> constraint <> "a -> ()" , " g _ = ()" ] typeSignatureNested' :: Maybe T.Text -> T.Text typeSignatureNested' mConstraint = let constraint = maybe "" (\c -> "" <> c <> " => ") mConstraint in T.unlines $ header <> [ "f :: Int -> ()" , "f =" , " let" , " g :: Int -> ()" , " g = h" , " where" , " h :: " <> constraint <> "a -> ()" , " h _ = ()" , " in g" ] typeSignatureNested'' :: Maybe T.Text -> T.Text typeSignatureNested'' mConstraint = let constraint = maybe "" (\c -> "" <> c <> " => ") mConstraint in T.unlines $ header <> [ "f :: Int -> ()" , "f = g" , " where" , " g :: Int -> ()" , " g = " , " let" , " h :: " <> constraint <> "a -> ()" , " h _ = ()" , " in h" ] typeSignatureLined1 = T.unlines $ header <> [ "foo :: Eq a =>" , " a -> Bool" , "foo _ = True" ] typeSignatureLined2 = T.unlines $ header <> [ "foo :: (Eq a, Show a)" , " => a -> Bool" , "foo _ = True" ] typeSignatureOneLine = T.unlines $ header <> [ "foo :: a -> Bool" , "foo _ = True" ] typeSignatureLined3 = T.unlines $ header <> [ "foo :: ( Eq a" , " , Show a" , " )" , " => a -> Bool" , "foo x = x == x" ] typeSignatureLined3' = T.unlines $ header <> [ "foo :: ( Eq a" , " )" , " => a -> Bool" , "foo x = x == x" ] check :: T.Text -> T.Text -> T.Text -> TestTree check actionTitle originalCode expectedCode = testSession (T.unpack actionTitle) $ do doc <- createDoc "Testing.hs" "haskell" originalCode _ <- waitForDiagnostics actionsOrCommands <- getAllCodeActions doc chosenAction <- liftIO $ pickActionWithTitle actionTitle actionsOrCommands executeCodeAction chosenAction modifiedCode <- documentContents doc liftIO $ expectedCode @=? modifiedCode in testGroup "remove redundant function constraints" [ check "Remove redundant constraint `Eq a` from the context of the type signature for `foo`" (redundantConstraintsCode $ Just "Eq a") (redundantConstraintsCode Nothing) , check "Remove redundant constraints `(Eq a, Monoid a)` from the context of the type signature for `foo`" (redundantConstraintsCode $ Just "(Eq a, Monoid a)") (redundantConstraintsCode Nothing) , check "Remove redundant constraints `(Monoid a, Show a)` from the context of the type signature for `foo`" (redundantMixedConstraintsCode $ Just "Monoid a, Show a") (redundantMixedConstraintsCode Nothing) , check "Remove redundant constraint `Eq a` from the context of the type signature for `g`" (typeSignatureNested $ Just "Eq a") (typeSignatureNested Nothing) , check "Remove redundant constraint `Eq a` from the context of the type signature for `h`" (typeSignatureNested' $ Just "Eq a") (typeSignatureNested' Nothing) , check "Remove redundant constraint `Eq a` from the context of the type signature for `h`" (typeSignatureNested'' $ Just "Eq a") (typeSignatureNested'' Nothing) , check "Remove redundant constraint `Eq a` from the context of the type signature for `foo`" (redundantConstraintsForall $ Just "Eq a") (redundantConstraintsForall Nothing) , check "Remove redundant constraint `Eq a` from the context of the type signature for `foo`" (typeSignatureDo $ Just "Eq a") (typeSignatureDo Nothing) , check "Remove redundant constraints `(Monoid a, Show a)` from the context of the type signature for `foo`" (typeSignatureSpaces $ Just "Monoid a, Show a") (typeSignatureSpaces Nothing) , check "Remove redundant constraint `Eq a` from the context of the type signature for `foo`" typeSignatureLined1 typeSignatureOneLine , check "Remove redundant constraints `(Eq a, Show a)` from the context of the type signature for `foo`" typeSignatureLined2 typeSignatureOneLine , check "Remove redundant constraint `Show a` from the context of the type signature for `foo`" typeSignatureLined3 typeSignatureLined3' ] addSigActionTests :: TestTree addSigActionTests = let header = [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wmissing-signatures -Wmissing-pattern-synonym-signatures #-}" , "{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms,BangPatterns,GADTs #-}" , "module Sigs where" , "data T1 a where" , " MkT1 :: (Show b) => a -> b -> T1 a" ] before def = T.unlines $ header ++ [def] after' def sig = T.unlines $ header ++ [sig, def] def >:: sig = testSession (T.unpack $ T.replace "\n" "\\n" def) $ do let originalCode = before def let expectedCode = after' def sig doc <- createDoc "Sigs.hs" "haskell" originalCode _ <- waitForDiagnostics actionsOrCommands <- getCodeActions doc (Range (Position 5 1) (Position 5 maxBound)) chosenAction <- liftIO $ pickActionWithTitle ("add signature: " <> sig) actionsOrCommands executeCodeAction chosenAction modifiedCode <- documentContents doc liftIO $ expectedCode @=? modifiedCode in testGroup "add signature" [ "abc = True" >:: "abc :: Bool" , "foo a b = a + b" >:: "foo :: Num a => a -> a -> a" , "bar a b = show $ a + b" >:: "bar :: (Show a, Num a) => a -> a -> String" , "(!!!) a b = a > b" >:: "(!!!) :: Ord a => a -> a -> Bool" , "a >>>> b = a + b" >:: "(>>>>) :: Num a => a -> a -> a" , "a `haha` b = a b" >:: "haha :: (t1 -> t2) -> t1 -> t2" , "pattern Some a = Just a" >:: "pattern Some :: a -> Maybe a" , "pattern Some a <- Just a" >:: "pattern Some :: a -> Maybe a" , "pattern Some a <- Just a\n where Some a = Just a" >:: "pattern Some :: a -> Maybe a" , "pattern Some a <- Just !a\n where Some !a = Just a" >:: "pattern Some :: a -> Maybe a" , "pattern Point{x, y} = (x, y)" >:: "pattern Point :: a -> b -> (a, b)" , "pattern Point{x, y} <- (x, y)" >:: "pattern Point :: a -> b -> (a, b)" , "pattern Point{x, y} <- (x, y)\n where Point x y = (x, y)" >:: "pattern Point :: a -> b -> (a, b)" , "pattern MkT1' b = MkT1 42 b" >:: "pattern MkT1' :: (Eq a, Num a) => Show b => b -> T1 a" , "pattern MkT1' b <- MkT1 42 b" >:: "pattern MkT1' :: (Eq a, Num a) => Show b => b -> T1 a" , "pattern MkT1' b <- MkT1 42 b\n where MkT1' b = MkT1 42 b" >:: "pattern MkT1' :: (Eq a, Num a) => Show b => b -> T1 a" ] exportUnusedTests :: TestTree exportUnusedTests = testGroup "export unused actions" [ testGroup "don't want suggestion" [ testSession "implicit exports" $ template (T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-top-binds #-}" , "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wmissing-signatures #-}" , "module A where" , "foo = id"]) (R 3 0 3 3) "Export ‘foo’" Nothing -- codeaction should not be available , testSession "not top-level" $ template (T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-top-binds #-}" , "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-binds #-}" , "module A (foo,bar) where" , "foo = ()" , " where bar = ()" , "bar = ()"]) (R 2 0 2 11) "Export ‘bar’" Nothing , ignoreForGHC92 "Diagnostic message has no suggestions" $ testSession "type is exported but not the constructor of same name" $ template (T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-top-binds #-}" , "module A (Foo) where" , "data Foo = Foo"]) (R 2 0 2 8) "Export ‘Foo’" Nothing -- codeaction should not be available , testSession "unused data field" $ template (T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-top-binds #-}" , "module A (Foo(Foo)) where" , "data Foo = Foo {foo :: ()}"]) (R 2 0 2 20) "Export ‘foo’" Nothing -- codeaction should not be available ] , testGroup "want suggestion" [ testSession "empty exports" $ template (T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-top-binds #-}" , "module A (" , ") where" , "foo = id"]) (R 3 0 3 3) "Export ‘foo’" (Just $ T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-top-binds #-}" , "module A (" , "foo) where" , "foo = id"]) , testSession "single line explicit exports" $ template (T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-top-binds #-}" , "module A (foo) where" , "foo = id" , "bar = foo"]) (R 3 0 3 3) "Export ‘bar’" (Just $ T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-top-binds #-}" , "module A (foo, bar) where" , "foo = id" , "bar = foo"]) , testSession "multi line explicit exports" $ template (T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-top-binds #-}" , "module A" , " (" , " foo) where" , "foo = id" , "bar = foo"]) (R 5 0 5 3) "Export ‘bar’" (Just $ T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-top-binds #-}" , "module A" , " (" , " foo, bar) where" , "foo = id" , "bar = foo"]) , testSession "export list ends in comma" $ template (T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-top-binds #-}" , "module A" , " (foo," , " ) where" , "foo = id" , "bar = foo"]) (R 5 0 5 3) "Export ‘bar’" (Just $ T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-top-binds #-}" , "module A" , " (foo," , " bar) where" , "foo = id" , "bar = foo"]) , testSession "style of multiple exports is preserved 1" $ template (T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-top-binds #-}" , "module A" , " ( foo" , " , bar" , " ) where" , "foo = id" , "bar = foo" , "baz = bar" ]) (R 7 0 7 3) "Export ‘baz’" (Just $ T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-top-binds #-}" , "module A" , " ( foo" , " , bar" , " , baz" , " ) where" , "foo = id" , "bar = foo" , "baz = bar" ]) , testSession "style of multiple exports is preserved 2" $ template (T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-top-binds #-}" , "module A" , " ( foo," , " bar" , " ) where" , "foo = id" , "bar = foo" , "baz = bar" ]) (R 7 0 7 3) "Export ‘baz’" (Just $ T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-top-binds #-}" , "module A" , " ( foo," , " bar," , " baz" , " ) where" , "foo = id" , "bar = foo" , "baz = bar" ]) , testSession "style of multiple exports is preserved and selects smallest export separator" $ template (T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-top-binds #-}" , "module A" , " ( foo" , " , bar" , " -- * For testing" , " , baz" , " ) where" , "foo = id" , "bar = foo" , "baz = bar" , "quux = bar" ]) (R 10 0 10 4) "Export ‘quux’" (Just $ T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-top-binds #-}" , "module A" , " ( foo" , " , bar" , " -- * For testing" , " , baz" , " , quux" , " ) where" , "foo = id" , "bar = foo" , "baz = bar" , "quux = bar" ]) , testSession "unused pattern synonym" $ template (T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-top-binds #-}" , "{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}" , "module A () where" , "pattern Foo a <- (a, _)"]) (R 3 0 3 10) "Export ‘Foo’" (Just $ T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-top-binds #-}" , "{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}" , "module A (pattern Foo) where" , "pattern Foo a <- (a, _)"]) , testSession "unused data type" $ template (T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-top-binds #-}" , "module A () where" , "data Foo = Foo"]) (R 2 0 2 7) "Export ‘Foo’" (Just $ T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-top-binds #-}" , "module A (Foo(..)) where" , "data Foo = Foo"]) , testSession "unused newtype" $ template (T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-top-binds #-}" , "module A () where" , "newtype Foo = Foo ()"]) (R 2 0 2 10) "Export ‘Foo’" (Just $ T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-top-binds #-}" , "module A (Foo(..)) where" , "newtype Foo = Foo ()"]) , testSession "unused type synonym" $ template (T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-top-binds #-}" , "module A () where" , "type Foo = ()"]) (R 2 0 2 7) "Export ‘Foo’" (Just $ T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-top-binds #-}" , "module A (Foo) where" , "type Foo = ()"]) , testSession "unused type family" $ template (T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-top-binds #-}" , "{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}" , "module A () where" , "type family Foo p"]) (R 3 0 3 15) "Export ‘Foo’" (Just $ T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-top-binds #-}" , "{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}" , "module A (Foo) where" , "type family Foo p"]) , testSession "unused typeclass" $ template (T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-top-binds #-}" , "module A () where" , "class Foo a"]) (R 2 0 2 8) "Export ‘Foo’" (Just $ T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-top-binds #-}" , "module A (Foo(..)) where" , "class Foo a"]) , testSession "infix" $ template (T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-top-binds #-}" , "module A () where" , "a `f` b = ()"]) (R 2 0 2 11) "Export ‘f’" (Just $ T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-top-binds #-}" , "module A (f) where" , "a `f` b = ()"]) , testSession "function operator" $ template (T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-top-binds #-}" , "module A () where" , "(<|) = ($)"]) (R 2 0 2 9) "Export ‘<|’" (Just $ T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-top-binds #-}" , "module A ((<|)) where" , "(<|) = ($)"]) , testSession "type synonym operator" $ template (T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-top-binds #-}" , "{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}" , "module A () where" , "type (:<) = ()"]) (R 3 0 3 13) "Export ‘:<’" (Just $ T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-top-binds #-}" , "{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}" , "module A ((:<)) where" , "type (:<) = ()"]) , testSession "type family operator" $ template (T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-top-binds #-}" , "{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}" , "{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}" , "module A () where" , "type family (:<)"]) (R 4 0 4 15) "Export ‘:<’" (Just $ T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-top-binds #-}" , "{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}" , "{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}" , "module A (type (:<)) where" , "type family (:<)"]) , testSession "typeclass operator" $ template (T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-top-binds #-}" , "{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}" , "module A () where" , "class (:<) a"]) (R 3 0 3 11) "Export ‘:<’" (Just $ T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-top-binds #-}" , "{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}" , "module A (type (:<)(..)) where" , "class (:<) a"]) , testSession "newtype operator" $ template (T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-top-binds #-}" , "{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}" , "module A () where" , "newtype (:<) = Foo ()"]) (R 3 0 3 20) "Export ‘:<’" (Just $ T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-top-binds #-}" , "{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}" , "module A (type (:<)(..)) where" , "newtype (:<) = Foo ()"]) , testSession "data type operator" $ template (T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-top-binds #-}" , "{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}" , "module A () where" , "data (:<) = Foo ()"]) (R 3 0 3 17) "Export ‘:<’" (Just $ T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-top-binds #-}" , "{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}" , "module A (type (:<)(..)) where" , "data (:<) = Foo ()"]) ] ] where template doc range = exportTemplate (Just range) doc exportTemplate :: Maybe Range -> T.Text -> T.Text -> Maybe T.Text -> Session () exportTemplate mRange initialContent expectedAction expectedContents = do doc <- createDoc "A.hs" "haskell" initialContent _ <- waitForDiagnostics actions <- case mRange of Nothing -> getAllCodeActions doc Just range -> getCodeActions doc range case expectedContents of Just content -> do action <- liftIO $ pickActionWithTitle expectedAction actions executeCodeAction action contentAfterAction <- documentContents doc liftIO $ content @=? contentAfterAction Nothing -> liftIO $ [_title | InR CodeAction{_title} <- actions, _title == expectedAction ] @?= [] removeExportTests :: TestTree removeExportTests = testGroup "remove export actions" [ testSession "single export" $ template (T.unlines [ "module A ( a ) where" , "b :: ()" , "b = ()"]) "Remove ‘a’ from export" (Just $ T.unlines [ "module A ( ) where" , "b :: ()" , "b = ()"]) , testSession "ending comma" $ template (T.unlines [ "module A ( a, ) where" , "b :: ()" , "b = ()"]) "Remove ‘a’ from export" (Just $ T.unlines [ "module A ( ) where" , "b :: ()" , "b = ()"]) , testSession "multiple exports" $ template (T.unlines [ "module A (a , c, b ) where" , "a, c :: ()" , "a = ()" , "c = ()"]) "Remove ‘b’ from export" (Just $ T.unlines [ "module A (a , c ) where" , "a, c :: ()" , "a = ()" , "c = ()"]) , testSession "not in scope constructor" $ template (T.unlines [ "module A (A (X,Y,Z,(:<)), ab) where" , "data A = X Int | Y | (:<) Int" , "ab :: ()" , "ab = ()" ]) "Remove ‘Z’ from export" (Just $ T.unlines [ "module A (A (X,Y,(:<)), ab) where" , "data A = X Int | Y | (:<) Int" , "ab :: ()" , "ab = ()"]) , testSession "multiline export" $ template (T.unlines [ "module A (a" , " , b" , " , (:*:)" , " , ) where" , "a,b :: ()" , "a = ()" , "b = ()"]) "Remove ‘:*:’ from export" (Just $ T.unlines [ "module A (a" , " , b" , " " , " , ) where" , "a,b :: ()" , "a = ()" , "b = ()"]) , testSession "qualified re-export" $ template (T.unlines [ "module A (M.x,a) where" , "import qualified Data.List as M" , "a :: ()" , "a = ()"]) "Remove ‘M.x’ from export" (Just $ T.unlines [ "module A (a) where" , "import qualified Data.List as M" , "a :: ()" , "a = ()"]) , testSession "qualified re-export ending in '.'" $ template (T.unlines [ "module A ((M.@.),a) where" , "import qualified Data.List as M" , "a :: ()" , "a = ()"]) "Remove ‘M.@.’ from export" (Just $ T.unlines [ "module A (a) where" , "import qualified Data.List as M" , "a :: ()" , "a = ()"]) , testSession "export module" $ template (T.unlines [ "module A (module B) where" , "a :: ()" , "a = ()"]) "Remove ‘module B’ from export" (Just $ T.unlines [ "module A () where" , "a :: ()" , "a = ()"]) , testSession "dodgy export" $ template (T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}" , "module A (A (..)) where" , "data X = X" , "type A = X"]) "Remove ‘A(..)’ from export" (Just $ T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}" , "module A () where" , "data X = X" , "type A = X"]) , testSession "dodgy export" $ template (T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}" , "module A (A (..)) where" , "data X = X" , "type A = X"]) "Remove ‘A(..)’ from export" (Just $ T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}" , "module A () where" , "data X = X" , "type A = X"]) , testSession "duplicate module export" $ template (T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}" , "module A (module L,module L) where" , "import Data.List as L" , "a :: ()" , "a = ()"]) "Remove ‘Module L’ from export" (Just $ T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}" , "module A (module L) where" , "import Data.List as L" , "a :: ()" , "a = ()"]) , testSession "remove all exports single" $ template (T.unlines [ "module A (x) where" , "a :: ()" , "a = ()"]) "Remove all redundant exports" (Just $ T.unlines [ "module A () where" , "a :: ()" , "a = ()"]) , testSession "remove all exports two" $ template (T.unlines [ "module A (x,y) where" , "a :: ()" , "a = ()"]) "Remove all redundant exports" (Just $ T.unlines [ "module A () where" , "a :: ()" , "a = ()"]) , testSession "remove all exports three" $ template (T.unlines [ "module A (a,x,y) where" , "a :: ()" , "a = ()"]) "Remove all redundant exports" (Just $ T.unlines [ "module A (a) where" , "a :: ()" , "a = ()"]) , testSession "remove all exports composite" $ template (T.unlines [ "module A (x,y,b, module Ls, a, A(X,getW, Y, Z,(:-),getV), (-+), B(B)) where" , "data A = X {getV :: Int} | Y {getV :: Int}" , "data B = B" , "a,b :: ()" , "a = ()" , "b = ()"]) "Remove all redundant exports" (Just $ T.unlines [ "module A (b, a, A(X, Y,getV), B(B)) where" , "data A = X {getV :: Int} | Y {getV :: Int}" , "data B = B" , "a,b :: ()" , "a = ()" , "b = ()"]) ] where template = exportTemplate Nothing codeActionHelperFunctionTests :: TestTree codeActionHelperFunctionTests = testGroup "code action helpers" [ extendImportTestsRegEx ] extendImportTestsRegEx :: TestTree extendImportTestsRegEx = testGroup "regex parsing" [ testCase "parse invalid multiple imports" $ template "foo bar foo" Nothing , testCase "parse malformed import list" $ template "\n\8226 Perhaps you want to add \8216fromList\8217 to one of these import lists:\n \8216Data.Map\8217)" Nothing , testCase "parse multiple imports" $ template "\n\8226 Perhaps you want to add \8216fromList\8217 to one of these import lists:\n \8216Data.Map\8217 (app/testlsp.hs:7:1-18)\n \8216Data.HashMap.Strict\8217 (app/testlsp.hs:8:1-29)" $ Just ("fromList",[("Data.Map","app/testlsp.hs:7:1-18"),("Data.HashMap.Strict","app/testlsp.hs:8:1-29")]) ] where template message expected = do liftIO $ matchRegExMultipleImports message @=? expected pickActionWithTitle :: T.Text -> [Command |? CodeAction] -> IO CodeAction pickActionWithTitle title actions = do assertBool ("Found no matching actions for " <> show title <> " in " <> show titles) (not $ null matches) return $ head matches where titles = [ actionTitle | InR CodeAction { _title = actionTitle } <- actions ] matches = [ action | InR action@CodeAction { _title = actionTitle } <- actions , title == actionTitle ] findCodeActions :: TextDocumentIdentifier -> Range -> [T.Text] -> Session [CodeAction] findCodeActions = findCodeActions' (==) "is not a superset of" findCodeActionsByPrefix :: TextDocumentIdentifier -> Range -> [T.Text] -> Session [CodeAction] findCodeActionsByPrefix = findCodeActions' T.isPrefixOf "is not prefix of" findCodeActions' :: (T.Text -> T.Text -> Bool) -> String -> TextDocumentIdentifier -> Range -> [T.Text] -> Session [CodeAction] findCodeActions' op errMsg doc range expectedTitles = do actions <- getCodeActions doc range let matches = sequence [ listToMaybe [ action | InR action@CodeAction { _title = actionTitle } <- actions , expectedTitle `op` actionTitle] | expectedTitle <- expectedTitles] let msg = show [ actionTitle | InR CodeAction { _title = actionTitle } <- actions ] ++ " " <> errMsg <> " " ++ show expectedTitles liftIO $ case matches of Nothing -> assertFailure msg Just _ -> pure () return (fromJust matches) findCodeAction :: TextDocumentIdentifier -> Range -> T.Text -> Session CodeAction findCodeAction doc range t = head <$> findCodeActions doc range [t] testSession :: String -> Session () -> TestTree testSession name = testCase name . run testSessionWithExtraFiles :: HasCallStack => FilePath -> String -> (FilePath -> Session ()) -> TestTree testSessionWithExtraFiles prefix name = testCase name . runWithExtraFiles prefix runWithExtraFiles :: HasCallStack => FilePath -> (FilePath -> Session a) -> IO a runWithExtraFiles prefix s = withTempDir $ \dir -> do copyTestDataFiles dir prefix runInDir dir (s dir) copyTestDataFiles :: HasCallStack => FilePath -> FilePath -> IO () copyTestDataFiles dir prefix = do -- Copy all the test data files to the temporary workspace testDataFiles <- getDirectoryFilesIO ("test/data" prefix) ["//*"] for_ testDataFiles $ \f -> do createDirectoryIfMissing True $ dir takeDirectory f copyFile ("test/data" prefix f) (dir f) run :: Session a -> IO a run s = run' (const s) run' :: (FilePath -> Session a) -> IO a run' s = withTempDir $ \dir -> runInDir dir (s dir) runInDir :: FilePath -> Session a -> IO a runInDir dir = runSessionWithServer' refactorPlugin def def lspTestCaps dir lspTestCaps :: ClientCapabilities lspTestCaps = fullCaps { _window = Just $ WindowClientCapabilities (Just True) Nothing Nothing } pattern R :: UInt -> UInt -> UInt -> UInt -> Range pattern R x y x' y' = Range (Position x y) (Position x' y') -- | Version of 'System.IO.Extra.withTempDir' that canonicalizes the path -- Which we need to do on macOS since the $TMPDIR can be in @/private/var@ or -- @/var@ withTempDir :: (FilePath -> IO a) -> IO a withTempDir f = System.IO.Extra.withTempDir $ \dir -> do dir' <- canonicalizePath dir f dir' ignoreForGHC92 :: String -> TestTree -> TestTree ignoreForGHC92 = ignoreFor (BrokenForGHC [GHC92]) data BrokenTarget = BrokenSpecific OS [GhcVersion] -- ^Broken for `BrokenOS` with `GhcVersion` | BrokenForOS OS -- ^Broken for `BrokenOS` | BrokenForGHC [GhcVersion] -- ^Broken for `GhcVersion` deriving (Show) -- | Ignore test for specific os and ghc with reason. ignoreFor :: BrokenTarget -> String -> TestTree -> TestTree ignoreFor = knownIssueFor Ignore -- | Deal with `IssueSolution` for specific OS and GHC. knownIssueFor :: IssueSolution -> BrokenTarget -> String -> TestTree -> TestTree knownIssueFor solution = go . \case BrokenSpecific bos vers -> isTargetOS bos && isTargetGhc vers BrokenForOS bos -> isTargetOS bos BrokenForGHC vers -> isTargetGhc vers where isTargetOS = \case Windows -> isWindows MacOS -> isMac Linux -> not isWindows && not isMac isTargetGhc = elem ghcVersion go True = case solution of Broken -> expectFailBecause Ignore -> ignoreTestBecause go False = \_ -> id data IssueSolution = Broken | Ignore deriving (Show) -- | Assert that a value is not 'Nothing', and extract the value. assertJust :: MonadIO m => String -> Maybe a -> m a assertJust s = \case Nothing -> liftIO $ assertFailure s Just x -> pure x -- | Before ghc9, lists of Char is displayed as [Char], but with ghc9 and up, it's displayed as String listOfChar :: T.Text listOfChar | ghcVersion >= GHC90 = "String" | otherwise = "[Char]"