{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} {- HLINT ignore "Redundant bracket" -} -- a result of CPP expansion module Development.IDE.Graph.Internal.Profile (writeProfile) where import Data.Bifunctor import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LBS import Data.Char import Data.Dynamic (toDyn) import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map import Data.IORef import Data.IntMap (IntMap) import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap import qualified Data.IntSet as Set import Data.List (dropWhileEnd, foldl', intercalate, partition, sort, sortBy) import Data.List.Extra (nubOrd) import Data.Maybe import Data.Time (defaultTimeLocale, formatTime, getCurrentTime, iso8601DateFormat) import Development.IDE.Graph.Classes import Development.IDE.Graph.Internal.Database (getDirtySet) import qualified Development.IDE.Graph.Internal.Ids as Ids import Development.IDE.Graph.Internal.Paths import Development.IDE.Graph.Internal.Types import qualified Language.Javascript.DGTable as DGTable import qualified Language.Javascript.Flot as Flot import qualified Language.Javascript.JQuery as JQuery import Numeric.Extra (showDP) import System.FilePath import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO) import System.Time.Extra (Seconds) #ifdef FILE_EMBED import Data.FileEmbed import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (runIO) #endif -- | Generates an report given some build system profiling data. writeProfile :: FilePath -> Database -> IO () writeProfile out db = do (report, mapping) <- toReport db dirtyKeysMapped <- do dirtyIds <- Set.fromList . fmap fst <$> getDirtySet db let dirtyKeysMapped = mapMaybe (`IntMap.lookup` mapping) . Set.toList $ dirtyIds return $ Just $ sort dirtyKeysMapped rpt <- generateHTML dirtyKeysMapped report LBS.writeFile out rpt data ProfileEntry = ProfileEntry {prfName :: !String, prfBuilt :: !Int, prfChanged :: !Int, prfVisited :: !Int, prfDepends :: [[Int]], prfExecution :: !Seconds} -- | Eliminate all errors from the database, pretending they don't exist -- resultsOnly :: Map.HashMap Id (Key, Status) -> Map.HashMap Id (Key, Result (Either BS.ByteString Value)) resultsOnly :: [(Ids.Id, (k, Status))] -> Map.HashMap Ids.Id (k, Result) resultsOnly mp = Map.map (fmap (\r -> r{resultDeps = mapResultDeps (filter (isJust . flip Map.lookup keep)) $ resultDeps r} )) keep where keep = Map.fromList $ mapMaybe ((traverse.traverse) getResult) mp -- | Given a map of representing a dependency order (with a show for error messages), find an ordering for the items such -- that no item points to an item before itself. -- Raise an error if you end up with a cycle. dependencyOrder :: (Eq a, Hashable a) => (a -> String) -> [(a,[a])] -> [a] -- Algorithm: -- Divide everyone up into those who have no dependencies [Id] -- And those who depend on a particular Id, Dep :-> Maybe [(Key,[Dep])] -- Where d :-> Just (k, ds), k depends on firstly d, then remaining on ds -- For each with no dependencies, add to list, then take its dep hole and -- promote them either to Nothing (if ds == []) or into a new slot. -- k :-> Nothing means the key has already been freed dependencyOrder shw status = f (map fst noDeps) $ Map.map Just $ Map.fromListWith (++) [(d, [(k,ds)]) | (k,d:ds) <- hasDeps] where (noDeps, hasDeps) = partition (null . snd) status f [] mp | null bad = [] | otherwise = error $ unlines $ "Internal invariant broken, database seems to be cyclic" : map (" " ++) bad ++ ["... plus " ++ show (length badOverflow) ++ " more ..." | not $ null badOverflow] where (bad,badOverflow) = splitAt 10 [shw i | (i, Just _) <- Map.toList mp] f (x:xs) mp = x : f (now++xs) later where Just free = Map.lookupDefault (Just []) x mp (now,later) = foldl' g ([], Map.insert x Nothing mp) free g (free, mp) (k, []) = (k:free, mp) g (free, mp) (k, d:ds) = case Map.lookupDefault (Just []) d mp of Nothing -> g (free, mp) (k, ds) Just todo -> (free, Map.insert d (Just $ (k,ds) : todo) mp) prepareForDependencyOrder :: Database -> IO (Map.HashMap Ids.Id (Key, Result)) prepareForDependencyOrder db = do current <- readIORef $ databaseStep db Map.insert (-1) (Key "alwaysRerun", alwaysRerunResult current) . resultsOnly <$> Ids.toList (databaseValues db) -- | Returns a list of profile entries, and a mapping linking a non-error Id to its profile entry toReport :: Database -> IO ([ProfileEntry], IntMap Int) toReport db = do status <- prepareForDependencyOrder db let order = let shw i = maybe "" (show . fst) $ Map.lookup i status in dependencyOrder shw $ map (second (getResultDepsDefault [-1] . resultDeps . snd)) $ Map.toList status ids = IntMap.fromList $ zip order [0..] steps = let xs = nubOrd $ concat [[resultChanged, resultBuilt, resultVisited] | (_k, Result{..}) <- Map.elems status] in Map.fromList $ zip (sortBy (flip compare) xs) [0..] f (k, Result{..}) = ProfileEntry {prfName = show k ,prfBuilt = fromStep resultBuilt ,prfVisited = fromStep resultVisited ,prfChanged = fromStep resultChanged ,prfDepends = map pure $ mapMaybe (`IntMap.lookup` ids) $ getResultDepsDefault [-1] resultDeps ,prfExecution = resultExecution } where fromStep i = fromJust $ Map.lookup i steps pure ([maybe (error "toReport") f $ Map.lookup i status | i <- order], ids) alwaysRerunResult :: Step -> Result alwaysRerunResult current = Result (Value $ toDyn "") (Step 0) (Step 0) current (ResultDeps []) 0 mempty generateHTML :: Maybe [Int] -> [ProfileEntry] -> IO LBS.ByteString generateHTML dirtyKeys xs = do report <- readDataFileHTML "profile.html" let f "data/profile-data.js" = pure $ LBS.pack $ "var profile =\n" ++ generateJSONProfile xs f "data/build-data.js" = pure $ LBS.pack $ "var build =\n" ++ generateJSONBuild dirtyKeys f other = error other runTemplate f report generateJSONBuild :: Maybe [Ids.Id] -> String generateJSONBuild (Just dirtyKeys) = jsonList [jsonList (map show dirtyKeys)] generateJSONBuild Nothing = jsonList [] generateJSONProfile :: [ProfileEntry] -> String generateJSONProfile = jsonListLines . map showEntry where showEntry ProfileEntry{..} = jsonList $ [show prfName ,showTime prfExecution ,show prfBuilt ,show prfChanged ,show prfVisited ] ++ [show prfDepends | not (null prfDepends)] showTime x = if '.' `elem` y then dropWhileEnd (== '.') $ dropWhileEnd (== '0') y else y where y = showDP 4 x jsonListLines :: [String] -> String jsonListLines xs = "[" ++ intercalate "\n," xs ++ "\n]" jsonList :: [String] -> String jsonList xs = "[" ++ intercalate "," xs ++ "]" -- Very hard to abstract over TH, so we do it with CPP #ifdef FILE_EMBED #define FILE(x) (pure (LBS.fromStrict $(embedFile =<< runIO (x)))) #else #define FILE(x) (LBS.readFile =<< (x)) #endif libraries :: [(String, IO LBS.ByteString)] libraries = [("jquery.js", FILE(JQuery.file)) ,("jquery.dgtable.js", FILE(DGTable.file)) ,("jquery.flot.js", FILE(Flot.file Flot.Flot)) ,("jquery.flot.stack.js", FILE(Flot.file Flot.FlotStack)) ] -- | Template Engine. Perform the following replacements on a line basis: -- -- * ==> -- -- * ==> runTemplate :: (FilePath -> IO LBS.ByteString) -> LBS.ByteString -> IO LBS.ByteString runTemplate ask = lbsMapLinesIO f where link = LBS.pack "\n" `LBS.append` res `LBS.append` LBS.pack "\n" | Just file <- LBS.stripPrefix link y = do res <- grab file; pure $ LBS.pack "" | otherwise = pure x where y = LBS.dropWhile isSpace x grab = asker . takeWhile (/= '\"') . LBS.unpack asker o@(splitFileName -> ("lib/",x)) = case lookup x libraries of Nothing -> error $ "Template library, unknown library: " ++ o Just act -> act asker "shake.js" = readDataFileHTML "shake.js" asker "data/metadata.js" = do time <- getCurrentTime pure $ LBS.pack $ "var version = \"0\"" ++ "\nvar generated = " ++ show (formatTime defaultTimeLocale (iso8601DateFormat (Just "%H:%M:%S")) time) asker x = ask x -- Perform a mapM on each line and put the result back together again lbsMapLinesIO :: (LBS.ByteString -> IO LBS.ByteString) -> LBS.ByteString -> IO LBS.ByteString -- If we do the obvious @fmap LBS.unlines . mapM f@ then all the monadic actions are run on all the lines -- before it starts producing the lazy result, killing streaming and having more stack usage. -- The real solution (albeit with too many dependencies for something small) is a streaming library, -- but a little bit of unsafePerformIO does the trick too. lbsMapLinesIO f = pure . LBS.unlines . map (unsafePerformIO . f) . LBS.lines