{-# LANGUAGE ImplicitParams #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-} -- |Debug utilities module Ide.Plugin.Eval.Util ( asS, timed, isLiterate, handleMaybe, handleMaybeM, response, response', gStrictTry, logWith, ) where import Control.Monad (join) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO (liftIO)) import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift) import Control.Monad.Trans.Except ( ExceptT (..), runExceptT, throwE, ) import Data.Aeson (Value (Null)) import Data.Bifunctor (first) import Data.String (IsString (fromString)) import qualified Data.Text as T import Development.IDE ( IdeState, Priority (..), ideLogger, logPriority, ) import Exception (ExceptionMonad, SomeException (..), evaluate, gcatch) import GHC.Exts (toList) import GHC.Stack (HasCallStack, callStack, srcLocFile, srcLocStartCol, srcLocStartLine) import Language.Haskell.LSP.Types ( ErrorCode (InternalError), ResponseError (ResponseError), ) import Outputable ( Outputable (ppr), ppr, showSDocUnsafe, ) import System.FilePath (takeExtension) import System.Time.Extra ( duration, showDuration, ) asS :: Outputable a => a -> String asS = showSDocUnsafe . ppr timed :: MonadIO m => (t -> String -> m a) -> t -> m b -> m b timed out name op = do (secs, r) <- duration op _ <- out name (showDuration secs) return r -- |Log using hie logger, reports source position of logging statement logWith :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, Show a1, Show a2) => IdeState -> a1 -> a2 -> m () logWith state key val = liftIO . logPriority (ideLogger state) logLevel $ T.unwords [T.pack logWithPos, asT key, asT val] where logWithPos = let stk = toList callStack pr pos = concat [srcLocFile pos, ":", show . srcLocStartLine $ pos, ":", show . srcLocStartCol $ pos] in if null stk then "" else pr . snd . head $ stk asT :: Show a => a -> T.Text asT = T.pack . show -- | Set to Info to see extensive debug info in hie log, set to Debug in production logLevel :: Priority logLevel = Debug -- Info isLiterate :: FilePath -> Bool isLiterate x = takeExtension x `elem` [".lhs", ".lhs-boot"] handleMaybe :: Monad m => e -> Maybe b -> ExceptT e m b handleMaybe msg = maybe (throwE msg) return handleMaybeM :: Monad m => e -> m (Maybe b) -> ExceptT e m b handleMaybeM msg act = maybe (throwE msg) return =<< lift act response :: Functor f => ExceptT String f c -> f (Either ResponseError c) response = fmap (first (\msg -> ResponseError InternalError (fromString msg) Nothing)) . runExceptT response' :: ExceptT String IO a -> IO (Either ResponseError Value, Maybe a) response' act = do res <- gStrictTry $ runExceptT act case join res of Left e -> return (Left (ResponseError InternalError (fromString e) Nothing), Nothing) Right a -> return (Right Null, Just a) gStrictTry :: ExceptionMonad m => m b -> m (Either String b) gStrictTry op = gcatch (op >>= fmap Right . gevaluate) showErr gevaluate :: MonadIO m => a -> m a gevaluate = liftIO . evaluate showErr :: Monad m => SomeException -> m (Either String b) showErr = return . Left . show