module HLint.Default where import Control.Arrow import Control.Exception import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Trans.State import qualified Data.Foldable import Data.Foldable(asum, sequenceA_, traverse_, for_) import Data.Traversable(traverse, for) import Control.Applicative import Data.Function import Data.Int import Data.Char import Data.List as Data.List import Data.List as X import Data.Maybe import Data.Monoid import System.IO import Control.Concurrent.Chan import System.Mem.Weak import Control.Exception.Base import System.Exit import Data.Either import Numeric import IO as System.IO import List as Data.List import Maybe as Data.Maybe import Monad as Control.Monad import Char as Data.Char -- I/O warn = putStrLn (show x) ==> print x warn = mapM_ putChar ==> putStr warn = hGetChar stdin ==> getChar warn = hGetLine stdin ==> getLine warn = hGetContents stdin ==> getContents warn = hPutChar stdout ==> putChar warn = hPutStr stdout ==> putStr warn = hPutStrLn stdout ==> putStrLn warn = hPrint stdout ==> print warn = hWaitForInput a 0 ==> hReady a warn = hPutStrLn a (show b) ==> hPrint a b warn = hIsEOF stdin ==> isEOF -- EXIT warn = exitWith ExitSuccess ==> exitSuccess -- ORD warn = not (a == b) ==> a /= b where note = "incorrect if either value is NaN" warn = not (a /= b) ==> a == b where note = "incorrect if either value is NaN" warn = not (a > b) ==> a <= b where note = "incorrect if either value is NaN" warn = not (a >= b) ==> a < b where note = "incorrect if either value is NaN" warn = not (a < b) ==> a >= b where note = "incorrect if either value is NaN" warn = not (a <= b) ==> a > b where note = "incorrect if either value is NaN" warn = compare x y /= GT ==> x <= y warn = compare x y == LT ==> x < y warn = compare x y /= LT ==> x >= y warn = compare x y == GT ==> x > y warn = compare x y == EQ ==> x == y warn = compare x y /= EQ ==> x /= y --warning = x == a || x == b || x == c ==> x `elem` [a,b,c] where note = ValidInstance "Eq" x --warning = x /= a && x /= b && x /= c ==> x `notElem` [a,b,c] where note = ValidInstance "Eq" x --warn = compare (f x) (f y) ==> Data.Ord.comparing f x y -- not that great --warn = on compare f ==> Data.Ord.comparing f -- not that great warn = head (sort x) ==> minimum x warn = last (sort x) ==> maximum x warn = head (sortBy f x) ==> minimumBy f x where _ = isCompare f warn = last (sortBy f x) ==> maximumBy f x where _ = isCompare f warn "Avoid reverse" = reverse (sort x) ==> sortBy (flip compare) x warn "Avoid reverse" = reverse (sortBy f x) ==> sortBy (flip f) x where _ = isCompare f hint = flip (g `on` h) ==> flip g `on` h hint = (f `on` g) `on` h ==> f `on` (g . h) -- READ/SHOW warn = showsPrec 0 x "" ==> show x warn = readsPrec 0 ==> reads warn = showsPrec 0 ==> shows hint = showIntAtBase 16 intToDigit ==> showHex hint = showIntAtBase 8 intToDigit ==> showOct -- LIST warn = concat (map f x) ==> concatMap f x warn = concat (fmap f x) ==> concatMap f x hint = concat [a, b] ==> a ++ b hint "Use map once" = map f (map g x) ==> map (f . g) x hint "Fuse concatMap/map" = concatMap f (map g x) ==> concatMap (f . g) x hint = x !! 0 ==> head x warn = take n (repeat x) ==> replicate n x where _ = noQuickCheck -- takes too long warn = map f (replicate n x) ==> replicate n (f x) where _ = noQuickCheck -- takes too long warn = map f (repeat x) ==> repeat (f x) where _ = noQuickCheck -- takes forever warn = cycle [x] ==> repeat x where _ = noQuickCheck -- takes forever warn = head (reverse x) ==> last x warn = head (drop n x) ==> x !! n where _ = isNat n warn = reverse (tail (reverse x)) ==> init x where note = IncreasesLaziness warn "Avoid reverse" = reverse (reverse x) ==> x where note = IncreasesLaziness -- warn = take (length x - 1) x ==> init x -- not true for x == [] warn = isPrefixOf (reverse x) (reverse y) ==> isSuffixOf x y warn = foldr (++) [] ==> concat warn = foldr (++) "" ==> concat warn = foldl (++) [] ==> concat where note = IncreasesLaziness warn = foldl (++) "" ==> concat where note = IncreasesLaziness warn = foldl f (head x) (tail x) ==> foldl1 f x warn = foldr f (last x) (init x) ==> foldr1 f x warn = span (not . p) ==> break p warn = break (not . p) ==> span p warn = (takeWhile p x, dropWhile p x) ==> span p x warn = fst (span p x) ==> takeWhile p x warn = snd (span p x) ==> dropWhile p x warn = fst (break p x) ==> takeWhile (not . p) x warn = snd (break p x) ==> dropWhile (not . p) x warn = concatMap (++ "\n") ==> unlines warn = map id ==> id warn = concatMap id ==> concat warn = or (map p x) ==> any p x warn = and (map p x) ==> all p x warn = zipWith (,) ==> zip warn = zipWith3 (,,) ==> zip3 hint = length x == 0 ==> null x where note = IncreasesLaziness hint = x == [] ==> null x hint "Use null" = length x /= 0 ==> not (null x) where note = IncreasesLaziness hint "Use :" = (\x -> [x]) ==> (:[]) warn = map (uncurry f) (zip x y) ==> zipWith f x y hint = map f (zip x y) ==> zipWith (curry f) x y where _ = isVar f warn = not (elem x y) ==> notElem x y hint = foldr f z (map g x) ==> foldr (f . g) z x warn = x ++ concatMap (' ':) y ==> unwords (x:y) warn = intercalate " " ==> unwords hint = concat (intersperse x y) ==> intercalate x y where _ = notEq x " " hint = concat (intersperse " " x) ==> unwords x warn "Use any" = null (filter f x) ==> not (any f x) warn "Use any" = filter f x == [] ==> not (any f x) warn = filter f x /= [] ==> any f x warn = any id ==> or warn = all id ==> and warn = any ((==) a) ==> elem a where note = ValidInstance "Eq" a warn = any (== a) ==> elem a warn = any (a ==) ==> elem a where note = ValidInstance "Eq" a warn = all ((/=) a) ==> notElem a where note = ValidInstance "Eq" a warn = all (/= a) ==> notElem a where note = ValidInstance "Eq" a warn = all (a /=) ==> notElem a where note = ValidInstance "Eq" a warn = elem True ==> or warn = notElem False ==> and warn = findIndex ((==) a) ==> elemIndex a warn = findIndex (a ==) ==> elemIndex a warn = findIndex (== a) ==> elemIndex a warn = findIndices ((==) a) ==> elemIndices a warn = findIndices (a ==) ==> elemIndices a warn = findIndices (== a) ==> elemIndices a warn = lookup b (zip l [0..]) ==> elemIndex b l hint "Length always non-negative" = length x >= 0 ==> True hint "Use null" = length x > 0 ==> not (null x) where note = IncreasesLaziness hint "Use null" = length x >= 1 ==> not (null x) where note = IncreasesLaziness warn "Take on a non-positive" = take i x ==> [] where _ = isNegZero i warn "Drop on a non-positive" = drop i x ==> x where _ = isNegZero i warn = last (scanl f z x) ==> foldl f z x warn = head (scanr f z x) ==> foldr f z x warn = iterate id ==> repeat where _ = noQuickCheck -- takes forever warn = zipWith f (repeat x) ==> map (f x) warn = zipWith f y (repeat z) ==> map (\x -> f x z) y -- BY warn = deleteBy (==) ==> delete warn = groupBy (==) ==> group warn = insertBy compare ==> insert warn = intersectBy (==) ==> intersect warn = maximumBy compare ==> maximum warn = minimumBy compare ==> minimum warn = nubBy (==) ==> nub warn = sortBy compare ==> sort warn = unionBy (==) ==> union -- FOLDS warn = foldr (>>) (return ()) ==> sequence_ where _ = noQuickCheck warn = foldr (&&) True ==> and warn = foldl (&&) True ==> and where note = IncreasesLaziness warn = foldr1 (&&) ==> and where note = RemovesError "on []"; _ = noQuickCheck warn = foldl1 (&&) ==> and where note = RemovesError "on []" warn = foldr (||) False ==> or warn = foldl (||) False ==> or where note = IncreasesLaziness warn = foldr1 (||) ==> or where note = RemovesError "on []" warn = foldl1 (||) ==> or where note = RemovesError "on []" warn = foldl (+) 0 ==> sum warn = foldr (+) 0 ==> sum warn = foldl1 (+) ==> sum where note = RemovesError "on []" warn = foldr1 (+) ==> sum where note = RemovesError "on []" warn = foldl (*) 1 ==> product warn = foldr (*) 1 ==> product warn = foldl1 (*) ==> product where note = RemovesError "on []" warn = foldr1 (*) ==> product where note = RemovesError "on []" warn = foldl1 max ==> maximum warn = foldr1 max ==> maximum warn = foldl1 min ==> minimum warn = foldr1 min ==> minimum warn = foldr mplus mzero ==> msum where _ = noQuickCheck -- FUNCTION warn = (\x -> x) ==> id warn = (\x y -> x) ==> const warn = (\(x,y) -> y) ==> snd warn = (\(x,y) -> x) ==> fst hint "Use curry" = (\x y -> f (x,y)) ==> curry f hint "Use uncurry" = (\(x,y) -> f x y) ==> uncurry f where note = IncreasesLaziness warn "Redundant $" = (($) . f) ==> f warn "Redundant $" = (f $) ==> f hint = (\x -> y) ==> const y where _ = isAtom y && not (isWildcard y) warn "Redundant flip" = flip f x y ==> f y x where _ = isApp original hint = (\a b -> g (f a) (f b)) ==> g `Data.Function.on` f warn "Evaluate" = id x ==> x warn "Redundant id" = id . x ==> x warn "Redundant id" = x . id ==> x -- CHAR warn = a >= 'a' && a <= 'z' ==> isAsciiLower a warn = a >= 'A' && a <= 'Z' ==> isAsciiUpper a warn = a >= '0' && a <= '9' ==> isDigit a warn = a >= '0' && a <= '7' ==> isOctDigit a warn = isLower a || isUpper a ==> isAlpha a warn = isUpper a || isLower a ==> isAlpha a -- BOOL warn "Redundant ==" = x == True ==> x hint "Redundant ==" = x == False ==> not x warn "Redundant ==" = True == a ==> a hint "Redundant ==" = False == a ==> not a warn "Redundant /=" = a /= True ==> not a hint "Redundant /=" = a /= False ==> a warn "Redundant /=" = True /= a ==> not a hint "Redundant /=" = False /= a ==> a warn "Redundant if" = (if a then x else x) ==> x where note = IncreasesLaziness warn "Redundant if" = (if a then True else False) ==> a warn "Redundant if" = (if a then False else True) ==> not a warn "Redundant if" = (if a then t else (if b then t else f)) ==> if a || b then t else f warn "Redundant if" = (if a then (if b then t else f) else f) ==> if a && b then t else f warn "Redundant if" = (if x then True else y) ==> x || y where _ = notEq y False warn "Redundant if" = (if x then y else False) ==> x && y where _ = notEq y True hint "Use if" = case a of {True -> t; False -> f} ==> if a then t else f hint "Use if" = case a of {False -> f; True -> t} ==> if a then t else f hint "Use if" = case a of {True -> t; _ -> f} ==> if a then t else f hint "Use if" = case a of {False -> f; _ -> t} ==> if a then t else f hint "Redundant if" = (if c then (True, x) else (False, x)) ==> (c, x) where note = IncreasesLaziness hint "Redundant if" = (if c then (False, x) else (True, x)) ==> (not c, x) where note = IncreasesLaziness hint = or [x, y] ==> x || y hint = or [x, y, z] ==> x || y || z hint = and [x, y] ==> x && y hint = and [x, y, z] ==> x && y && z warn "Redundant if" = (if x then False else y) ==> not x && y where _ = notEq y True warn "Redundant if" = (if x then y else True) ==> not x || y where _ = notEq y False warn "Redundant not" = not (not x) ==> x -- warn "Too strict if" = (if c then f x else f y) ==> f (if c then x else y) where note = IncreasesLaziness -- also breaks types, see #87 -- ARROW warn = id *** g ==> second g warn = f *** id ==> first f warn = zip (map f x) (map g x) ==> map (f Control.Arrow.&&& g) x hint = (\(x,y) -> (f x, g y)) ==> f Control.Arrow.*** g hint = (\x -> (f x, g x)) ==> f Control.Arrow.&&& g hint = (\(x,y) -> (f x,y)) ==> Control.Arrow.first f hint = (\(x,y) -> (x,f y)) ==> Control.Arrow.second f hint = (f (fst x), g (snd x)) ==> (f Control.Arrow.*** g) x hint "Redundant pair" = (fst x, snd x) ==> x where note = DecreasesLaziness -- FUNCTOR warn "Functor law" = fmap f (fmap g x) ==> fmap (f . g) x where _ = noQuickCheck warn "Functor law" = f <$> g <$> x ==> f . g <$> x where _ = noQuickCheck warn "Functor law" = fmap id ==> id where _ = noQuickCheck warn "Functor law" = id <$> x ==> x where _ = noQuickCheck hint = fmap f $ x ==> f Control.Applicative.<$> x where _ = (isApp x || isAtom x) && noQuickCheck -- MONAD warn "Monad law, left identity" = return a >>= f ==> f a where _ = noQuickCheck warn "Monad law, left identity" = f =<< return a ==> f a where _ = noQuickCheck warn "Monad law, right identity" = m >>= return ==> m where _ = noQuickCheck warn "Monad law, right identity" = return =<< m ==> m where _ = noQuickCheck warn = liftM ==> fmap hint = m >>= return . f ==> fmap f m where _ = noQuickCheck -- cannot be fmap, because is in Functor not Monad hint = return . f =<< m ==> fmap f m where _ = noQuickCheck warn = (if x then y else return ()) ==> Control.Monad.when x $ _noParen_ y where _ = not (isAtom y) && noQuickCheck warn = (if x then y else return ()) ==> Control.Monad.when x y where _ = isAtom y && noQuickCheck warn = (if x then return () else y) ==> Control.Monad.unless x $ _noParen_ y where _ = not (isAtom y) && noQuickCheck warn = (if x then return () else y) ==> Control.Monad.unless x y where _ = isAtom y && noQuickCheck warn = sequence (map f x) ==> mapM f x where _ = noQuickCheck warn = sequence_ (map f x) ==> mapM_ f x where _ = noQuickCheck hint = flip mapM ==> Control.Monad.forM where _ = noQuickCheck hint = flip mapM_ ==> Control.Monad.forM_ where _ = noQuickCheck hint = flip forM ==> mapM where _ = noQuickCheck hint = flip forM_ ==> mapM_ where _ = noQuickCheck warn = when (not x) ==> unless x where _ = noQuickCheck warn = x >>= id ==> Control.Monad.join x where _ = noQuickCheck warn = id =<< x ==> Control.Monad.join x where _ = noQuickCheck hint = a >> return () ==> Control.Monad.void a where _ = (isAtom a || isApp a) && noQuickCheck warn = fmap (const ()) ==> Control.Monad.void where _ = noQuickCheck warn = const () <$> x ==> Control.Monad.void x where _ = noQuickCheck warn = flip (>=>) ==> (<=<) where _ = noQuickCheck warn = flip (<=<) ==> (>=>) where _ = noQuickCheck warn = flip (>>=) ==> (=<<) where _ = noQuickCheck warn = flip (=<<) ==> (>>=) where _ = noQuickCheck hint = (\x -> f x >>= g) ==> f Control.Monad.>=> g where _ = noQuickCheck hint = (\x -> f =<< g x) ==> f Control.Monad.<=< g where _ = noQuickCheck warn = a >> forever a ==> forever a where _ = noQuickCheck hint = liftM2 id ==> ap where _ = noQuickCheck warn = mapM (uncurry f) (zip l m) ==> zipWithM f l m where _ = noQuickCheck -- STATE MONAD warn = fst (runState x y) ==> evalState x y where _ = noQuickCheck warn = snd (runState x y) ==> execState x y where _ = noQuickCheck -- MONAD LIST warn = fmap unzip (mapM f x) ==> Control.Monad.mapAndUnzipM f x where _ = noQuickCheck warn = sequence (zipWith f x y) ==> Control.Monad.zipWithM f x y where _ = noQuickCheck warn = sequence_ (zipWith f x y) ==> Control.Monad.zipWithM_ f x y where _ = noQuickCheck warn = sequence (replicate n x) ==> Control.Monad.replicateM n x where _ = noQuickCheck warn = sequence_ (replicate n x) ==> Control.Monad.replicateM_ n x where _ = noQuickCheck warn = mapM f (replicate n x) ==> Control.Monad.replicateM n (f x) where _ = noQuickCheck warn = mapM_ f (replicate n x) ==> Control.Monad.replicateM_ n (f x) where _ = noQuickCheck warn = mapM f (map g x) ==> mapM (f . g) x where _ = noQuickCheck warn = mapM_ f (map g x) ==> mapM_ (f . g) x where _ = noQuickCheck warn = mapM id ==> sequence where _ = noQuickCheck warn = mapM_ id ==> sequence_ where _ = noQuickCheck -- APPLICATIVE / TRAVERSABLE warn = flip traverse ==> for where _ = noQuickCheck warn = flip for ==> traverse where _ = noQuickCheck warn = flip traverse_ ==> for_ where _ = noQuickCheck warn = flip for_ ==> traverse_ where _ = noQuickCheck warn = foldr (*>) (pure ()) ==> sequenceA_ where _ = noQuickCheck warn = foldr (<|>) empty ==> asum where _ = noQuickCheck warn = liftA2 (flip ($)) ==> (<**>) where _ = noQuickCheck warn = Just <$> a <|> pure Nothing ==> optional a where _ = noQuickCheck -- LIST COMP hint "Use list comprehension" = (if b then [x] else []) ==> [x | b] hint "Redundant list comprehension" = [x | x <- y] ==> y where _ = isVar x -- SEQ warn "Redundant seq" = x `seq` x ==> x warn "Redundant $!" = id $! x ==> x warn "Redundant seq" = x `seq` y ==> y where _ = isWHNF x warn "Redundant $!" = f $! x ==> f x where _ = isWHNF x warn "Redundant evaluate" = evaluate x ==> return x where _ = isWHNF x -- MAYBE warn = maybe x id ==> Data.Maybe.fromMaybe x warn = maybe False (const True) ==> Data.Maybe.isJust warn = maybe True (const False) ==> Data.Maybe.isNothing warn = not (isNothing x) ==> isJust x warn = not (isJust x) ==> isNothing x warn = maybe [] (:[]) ==> maybeToList warn = catMaybes (map f x) ==> mapMaybe f x hint = (case x of Nothing -> y; Just a -> a) ==> fromMaybe y x warn = (if isNothing x then y else f (fromJust x)) ==> maybe y f x warn = (if isJust x then f (fromJust x) else y) ==> maybe y f x warn = maybe Nothing (Just . f) ==> fmap f hint = map fromJust . filter isJust ==> Data.Maybe.catMaybes warn = x == Nothing ==> isNothing x warn = Nothing == x ==> isNothing x warn = x /= Nothing ==> Data.Maybe.isJust x warn = Nothing /= x ==> Data.Maybe.isJust x warn = concatMap (maybeToList . f) ==> Data.Maybe.mapMaybe f warn = concatMap maybeToList ==> catMaybes warn = maybe n Just x ==> Control.Monad.mplus x n hint = (case x of Just a -> a; Nothing -> y) ==> fromMaybe y x warn = (if isNothing x then y else fromJust x) ==> fromMaybe y x warn = (if isJust x then fromJust x else y) ==> fromMaybe y x warn = isJust x && (fromJust x == y) ==> x == Just y warn = mapMaybe f (map g x) ==> mapMaybe (f . g) x warn = fromMaybe a (fmap f x) ==> maybe a f x warn = mapMaybe id ==> catMaybes hint = [x | Just x <- a] ==> Data.Maybe.catMaybes a hint = (case m of Nothing -> Nothing; Just x -> x) ==> Control.Monad.join m hint = maybe Nothing id ==> join hint "Too strict maybe" = maybe (f x) (f . g) ==> f . maybe x g where note = IncreasesLaziness -- EITHER warn = [a | Left a <- a] ==> lefts a warn = [a | Right a <- a] ==> rights a warn = either Left (Right . f) ==> fmap f -- INFIX hint "Use infix" = elem x y ==> x `elem` y where _ = not (isInfixApp original) && not (isParen result) hint "Use infix" = notElem x y ==> x `notElem` y where _ = not (isInfixApp original) && not (isParen result) hint "Use infix" = isInfixOf x y ==> x `isInfixOf` y where _ = not (isInfixApp original) && not (isParen result) hint "Use infix" = isSuffixOf x y ==> x `isSuffixOf` y where _ = not (isInfixApp original) && not (isParen result) hint "Use infix" = isPrefixOf x y ==> x `isPrefixOf` y where _ = not (isInfixApp original) && not (isParen result) hint "Use infix" = union x y ==> x `union` y where _ = not (isInfixApp original) && not (isParen result) hint "Use infix" = intersect x y ==> x `intersect` y where _ = not (isInfixApp original) && not (isParen result) -- MATHS warn "Redundant fromIntegral" = fromIntegral x ==> x where _ = isLitInt x warn "Redundant fromInteger" = fromInteger x ==> x where _ = isLitInt x hint = x + negate y ==> x - y hint = 0 - x ==> negate x warn "Redundant negate" = negate (negate x) ==> x hint = log y / log x ==> logBase x y hint = sin x / cos x ==> tan x hint = n `rem` 2 == 0 ==> even n hint = n `rem` 2 /= 0 ==> odd n hint = not (even x) ==> odd x hint = not (odd x) ==> even x hint = x ** 0.5 ==> sqrt x hint "Use 1" = x ^ 0 ==> 1 hint = round (x - 0.5) ==> floor x -- CONCURRENT hint = mapM_ (writeChan a) ==> writeList2Chan a -- EXCEPTION hint = flip Control.Exception.catch ==> handle hint = flip handle ==> Control.Exception.catch hint = flip (catchJust p) ==> handleJust p hint = flip (handleJust p) ==> catchJust p hint = Control.Exception.bracket b (const a) (const t) ==> Control.Exception.bracket_ b a t hint = Control.Exception.bracket (openFile x y) hClose ==> withFile x y hint = Control.Exception.bracket (openBinaryFile x y) hClose ==> withBinaryFile x y hint = throw (ErrorCall a) ==> error a warn = toException NonTermination ==> nonTermination warn = toException NestedAtomically ==> nestedAtomically -- WEAK POINTERS warn = mkWeak a a b ==> mkWeakPtr a b warn = mkWeak a (a, b) c ==> mkWeakPair a b c -- FOLDABLE warn "Use Foldable.forM_" = (case m of Nothing -> return (); Just x -> f x) ==> Data.Foldable.forM_ m f where _ = noQuickCheck warn "Use Foldable.forM_" = when (isJust m) (f (fromJust m)) ==> Data.Foldable.forM_ m f where _ = noQuickCheck -- EVALUATE -- TODO: These should be moved in to HSE\Evaluate.hs and applied -- through a special evaluate hint mechanism warn "Evaluate" = True && x ==> x warn "Evaluate" = False && x ==> False warn "Evaluate" = True || x ==> True warn "Evaluate" = False || x ==> x warn "Evaluate" = not True ==> False warn "Evaluate" = not False ==> True warn "Evaluate" = Nothing >>= k ==> Nothing warn "Evaluate" = k =<< Nothing ==> Nothing warn "Evaluate" = either f g (Left x) ==> f x warn "Evaluate" = either f g (Right y) ==> g y warn "Evaluate" = fst (x,y) ==> x warn "Evaluate" = snd (x,y) ==> y warn "Evaluate" = f (fst p) (snd p) ==> uncurry f p warn "Evaluate" = init [x] ==> [] warn "Evaluate" = null [] ==> True warn "Evaluate" = length [] ==> 0 warn "Evaluate" = foldl f z [] ==> z warn "Evaluate" = foldr f z [] ==> z warn "Evaluate" = foldr1 f [x] ==> x warn "Evaluate" = scanr f z [] ==> [z] warn "Evaluate" = scanr1 f [] ==> [] warn "Evaluate" = scanr1 f [x] ==> [x] warn "Evaluate" = take n [] ==> [] where note = IncreasesLaziness warn "Evaluate" = drop n [] ==> [] where note = IncreasesLaziness warn "Evaluate" = takeWhile p [] ==> [] warn "Evaluate" = dropWhile p [] ==> [] warn "Evaluate" = span p [] ==> ([],[]) warn "Evaluate" = lines "" ==> [] warn "Evaluate" = unwords [] ==> "" warn "Evaluate" = x - 0 ==> x warn "Evaluate" = x * 1 ==> x warn "Evaluate" = x / 1 ==> x warn "Evaluate" = concat [a] ==> a warn "Evaluate" = concat [] ==> [] warn "Evaluate" = zip [] [] ==> [] warn "Evaluate" = const x y ==> x -- FOLDABLE + TUPLES warn "Using foldr on tuple" = foldr f (x,b) z ==> f b z warn "Using foldr' on tuple" = foldr' f (x,b) z ==> f b z warn "Using foldl on tuple" = foldl f (x,b) z ==> f z b warn "Using foldl' on tuple" = foldl' f (x,b) z ==> f z b warn "Using foldMap on tuple" = foldMap f (x,b) ==> f b warn "Using foldr1 on tuple" = foldr1 f (x,b) ==> b warn "Using foldl1 on tuple" = foldl1 f (x,b) ==> b warn "Using elem on tuple" = elem x (x,b) ==> x == b warn "Using fold on tuple" = fold (x,b) ==> b warn "Using toList on tuple" = toList (x,b) ==> b warn "Using maximum on tuple" = maximum (x,b) ==> b warn "Using minimum on tuple" = minimum (x,b) ==> b warn "Using sum on tuple" = sum (x,b) ==> b warn "Using product on tuple" = product (x,b) ==> b warn "Using concat on tuple" = concat (x,b) ==> b warn "Using and on tuple" = and (x,b) ==> b warn "Using or on tuple" = or (x,b) ==> b warn "Using any on tuple" = any f (x,b) ==> f b warn "Using all on tuple" = all f (x,b) ==> f b warn "Using foldr on tuple" = foldr f (x,y,b) z ==> f b z warn "Using foldr' on tuple" = foldr' f (x,y,b) z ==> f b z warn "Using foldl on tuple" = foldl f (x,y,b) z ==> f z b warn "Using foldl' on tuple" = foldl' f (x,y,b) z ==> f z b warn "Using foldMap on tuple" = foldMap f (x,y,b) ==> f b warn "Using foldr1 on tuple" = foldr1 f (x,y,b) ==> b warn "Using foldl1 on tuple" = foldl1 f (x,y,b) ==> b warn "Using elem on tuple" = elem x (x,y,b) ==> x == b warn "Using fold on tuple" = fold (x,y,b) ==> b warn "Using toList on tuple" = toList (x,y,b) ==> b warn "Using maximum on tuple" = maximum (x,y,b) ==> b warn "Using minimum on tuple" = minimum (x,y,b) ==> b warn "Using sum on tuple" = sum (x,y,b) ==> b warn "Using product on tuple" = product (x,y,b) ==> b warn "Using concat on tuple" = concat (x,y,b) ==> b warn "Using and on tuple" = and (x,y,b) ==> b warn "Using or on tuple" = or (x,y,b) ==> b warn "Using any on tuple" = any f (x,y,b) ==> f b warn "Using all on tuple" = all f (x,y,b) ==> f b warn "Using null on tuple" = null x ==> False where _ = isTuple x warn "Using length on tuple" = length x ==> 1 where _ = isTuple x -- COMPLEX {- -- these would be a good idea, but we have not yet proven them and they seem to have side conditions warn "Use isPrefixOf" = take (length t) s == t ==> t `Data.List.isPrefixOf` s warn "Use isPrefixOf" = (take i s == t) ==> _eval_ ((i >= length t) && (t `Data.List.isPrefixOf` s)) where _ = (isList t || isLit t) && isPos i -} {- -- clever hint, but not actually a good idea hint = (do a <- f; g a) ==> f >>= g where _ = (isAtom f || isApp f) -} test = hints named test are to allow people to put test code within hint files testPrefix = and any prefix also works {- yes = concat . map f -- concatMap f yes = foo . bar . concat . map f . baz . bar -- concatMap f . baz . bar yes = map f (map g x) -- map (f . g) x yes = (\x->if x==e then l' else [x]) -- concatMap (\x->if x==e then l' else [x]) yes = f x where f x = concat . map head -- concatMap head yes = concat . map f . g -- concatMap f . g yes = concat $ map f x -- concatMap f x yes = "test" ++ concatMap (' ':) ["of","this"] -- unwords ("test":["of","this"]) yes = if f a then True else b -- f a || b yes = not (a == b) -- a /= b yes = not (a /= b) -- a == b yes = not . (a ==) -- (a /=) yes = not . (== a) -- (/= a) yes = not . (a /=) -- (a ==) yes = not . (/= a) -- (== a) yes = if a then 1 else if b then 1 else 2 -- if a || b then 1 else 2 no = if a then 1 else if b then 3 else 2 yes = a >>= return . bob -- fmap bob a yes = (x !! 0) + (x !! 2) -- head x yes = if b < 42 then [a] else [] -- [a | b < 42] no = take n (foo xs) == "hello" yes = head (reverse xs) -- last xs yes = reverse xs `isPrefixOf` reverse ys -- isSuffixOf xs ys no = putStrLn $ show (length xs) ++ "Test" yes = ftable ++ map (\ (c, x) -> (toUpper c, urlEncode x)) ftable -- toUpper Control.Arrow.*** urlEncode yes = map (\(a,b) -> a) xs -- fst yes = map (\(a,_) -> a) xs -- fst yes = readFile $ args !! 0 -- head args yes = if Debug `elem` opts then ["--debug"] else [] -- ["--debug" | Debug `elem` opts] yes = if nullPS s then return False else if headPS s /= '\n' then return False else alter_input tailPS >> return True \ -- if nullPS s || (headPS s /= '\n') then return False else alter_input tailPS >> return True yes = if foo then do stuff; moreStuff; lastOfTheStuff else return () \ -- Control.Monad.when foo $ do stuff ; moreStuff ; lastOfTheStuff yes = if foo then stuff else return () -- Control.Monad.when foo stuff yes = foo $ \(a, b) -> (a, y + b) -- Control.Arrow.second ((+) y) no = foo $ \(a, b) -> (a, a + b) yes = map (uncurry (+)) $ zip [1 .. 5] [6 .. 10] -- zipWith (+) [1 .. 5] [6 .. 10] no = do iter <- textBufferGetTextIter tb ; textBufferSelectRange tb iter iter no = flip f x $ \y -> y*y+y no = \x -> f x (g x) no = foo (\ v -> f v . g) yes = concat . intersperse " " -- unwords yes = Prelude.concat $ intersperse " " xs -- unwords xs yes = concat $ Data.List.intersperse " " xs -- unwords xs yes = if a then True else False -- a yes = if x then true else False -- x && true yes = elem x y -- x `elem` y yes = foo (elem x y) -- x `elem` y no = x `elem` y no = elem 1 [] : [] test a = foo (\x -> True) -- const True h a = flip f x (y z) -- f (y z) x h a = flip f x $ y z yes x = case x of {True -> a ; False -> b} -- if x then a else b yes x = case x of {False -> a ; _ -> b} -- if x then b else a no = const . ok . toResponse $ "saved" yes = case x z of Nothing -> y z; Just pat -> pat -- fromMaybe (y z) (x z) yes = if p then s else return () -- Control.Monad.when p s warn = a $$$$ b $$$$ c ==> a . b $$$$$ c yes = when (not . null $ asdf) -- unless (null asdf) yes = id 1 -- 1 yes = case concat (map f x) of [] -> [] -- concatMap f x yes = [v | v <- xs] -- xs no = [Left x | Left x <- xs] when p s = if p then s else return () no = x ^^ 18.5 instance Arrow (->) where first f = f *** id yes = fromInteger 12 -- 12 import Prelude hiding (catch); no = catch import Control.Exception as E; no = E.catch main = do f; putStrLn $ show x -- print x main = map (writer,) $ map arcObj $ filter (rdfPredEq (Res dctreferences)) ts -- map ((writer,) . arcObj) (filter (rdfPredEq (Res dctreferences)) ts) h x y = return $! (x, y) -- return (x, y) h x y = return $! x getInt = do { x <- readIO "0"; return $! (x :: Int) } foo = evaluate [12] -- return [12] test = \ a -> f a >>= \ b -> return (a, b) fooer input = catMaybes . map Just $ input -- mapMaybe Just yes = mapMaybe id -- catMaybes main = print $ map (\_->5) [2,3,5] -- const 5 main = head $ drop n x main = head $ drop (-3) x -- x main = head $ drop 2 x -- x !! 2 main = drop 0 x -- x main = take 0 x -- [] main = take (-5) x -- [] main = take (-y) x main = take 4 x main = let (first, rest) = (takeWhile p l, dropWhile p l) in rest -- span p l main = map $ \ d -> ([| $d |], [| $d |]) pairs (x:xs) = map (\y -> (x,y)) xs ++ pairs xs {-# ANN foo "HLint: ignore" #-};foo = map f (map g x) -- @Ignore ??? yes = fmap lines $ abc 123 -- lines Control.Applicative.<$> abc 123 no = fmap lines $ abc $ def 123 test = foo . not . not -- id test = map (not . not) xs -- id used = not . not . any (`notElem` special) . fst . derives -- any (`notElem` special) . fst . derives test = foo . id . map -- map test = food id xs yes = baz baz >> return () -- Control.Monad.void (baz baz) no = foo >>= bar >>= something >>= elsee >> return () no = f (#) x data Pair = P {a :: !Int}; foo = return $! P{a=undefined} data Pair = P {a :: !Int}; foo = return $! P undefined foo = return $! Just undefined -- return (Just undefined) foo = return $! (a,b) -- return (a,b) foo = return $! 1 foo = return $! "test" bar = [x | (x,_) <- pts] return' x = x `seq` return x foo = last (sortBy (compare `on` fst) xs) -- maximumBy (compare `on` fst) xs g = \ f -> parseFile f >>= (\ cu -> return (f, cu)) foo = bar $ \(x,y) -> x x y foo = (\x -> f x >>= g) -- f Control.Monad.>=> g foo = (\f -> h f >>= g) -- h Control.Monad.>=> g foo = (\f -> h f >>= f) foo = bar $ \x -> [x,y] foo = bar $ \x -> [z,y] -- const [z,y] f condition tChar tBool = if condition then _monoField tChar else _monoField tBool foo = maybe Bar{..} id -- Data.Maybe.fromMaybe Bar{..} foo = (\a -> Foo {..}) 1 foo = zipWith SymInfo [0 ..] (repeat ty) -- map (\ x -> SymInfo x ty) [0 ..] f rec = rec import Prelude \ yes = flip mapM -- Control.Monad.forM import Control.Monad \ yes = flip mapM -- forM import Control.Monad(forM) \ yes = flip mapM -- forM import Control.Monad(forM_) \ yes = flip mapM -- Control.Monad.forM import qualified Control.Monad \ yes = flip mapM -- Control.Monad.forM import qualified Control.Monad as CM \ yes = flip mapM -- CM.forM import qualified Control.Monad as CM(forM,filterM) \ yes = flip mapM -- CM.forM import Control.Monad as CM(forM,filterM) \ yes = flip mapM -- forM import Control.Monad hiding (forM) \ yes = flip mapM -- Control.Monad.forM import Control.Monad hiding (filterM) \ yes = flip mapM -- forM import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as DTL \ main = DTL.concat $ map (`DTL.snoc` '-') [DTL.pack "one", DTL.pack "two", DTL.pack "three"] import Text.Blaze.Html5.Attributes as A \ main = (stringValue id') -}