{-| Various additional validation checks that can be performed on a Journal. Some are called as part of reading a file in strict mode, others can be called only via the check command. -} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-} module Hledger.Data.JournalChecks ( journalCheckAccounts, journalCheckCommodities, journalCheckPayees, journalCheckPairedConversionPostings, journalCheckRecentAssertions, journalCheckTags, module Hledger.Data.JournalChecks.Ordereddates, module Hledger.Data.JournalChecks.Uniqueleafnames, ) where import Data.Char (isSpace) import Data.List.Extra import Data.Maybe import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M import qualified Data.Text as T import Safe (atMay, lastMay, headMay) import Text.Printf (printf) import Hledger.Data.Errors import Hledger.Data.Journal import Hledger.Data.JournalChecks.Ordereddates import Hledger.Data.JournalChecks.Uniqueleafnames import Hledger.Data.Posting (isVirtual, postingDate, transactionAllTags) import Hledger.Data.Types import Hledger.Data.Amount (amountIsZero, amountsRaw, missingamt, amounts) import Hledger.Data.Transaction (transactionPayee, showTransactionLineFirstPart, partitionAndCheckConversionPostings) import Data.Time (Day, diffDays) import Hledger.Utils import Data.Ord import Hledger.Data.Dates (showDate) -- | Check that all the journal's postings are to accounts with -- account directives, returning an error message otherwise. journalCheckAccounts :: Journal -> Either String () journalCheckAccounts j = mapM_ checkacct (journalPostings j) where checkacct p@Posting{paccount=a} | a `elem` journalAccountNamesDeclared j = Right () | otherwise = Left $ printf (unlines [ "%s:%d:" ,"%s" ,"Strict account checking is enabled, and" ,"account %s has not been declared." ,"Consider adding an account directive. Examples:" ,"" ,"account %s" ,"account %s ; type:A ; (L,E,R,X,C,V)" ]) f l ex (show a) a a where (f,l,_mcols,ex) = makePostingAccountErrorExcerpt p -- | Check that all the commodities used in this journal's postings have been declared -- by commodity directives, returning an error message otherwise. journalCheckCommodities :: Journal -> Either String () journalCheckCommodities j = mapM_ checkcommodities (journalPostings j) where checkcommodities p = case findundeclaredcomm p of Nothing -> Right () Just (comm, _) -> Left $ printf (unlines [ "%s:%d:" ,"%s" ,"Strict commodity checking is enabled, and" ,"commodity %s has not been declared." ,"Consider adding a commodity directive. Examples:" ,"" ,"commodity %s1000.00" ,"commodity 1.000,00 %s" ]) f l ex (show comm) comm comm where (f,l,_mcols,ex) = makePostingErrorExcerpt p finderrcols where -- Find the first undeclared commodity symbol in this posting's amount -- or balance assertion amount, if any. The boolean will be true if -- the undeclared symbol was in the posting amount. findundeclaredcomm :: Posting -> Maybe (CommoditySymbol, Bool) findundeclaredcomm Posting{pamount=amt,pbalanceassertion} = case (findundeclared postingcomms, findundeclared assertioncomms) of (Just c, _) -> Just (c, True) (_, Just c) -> Just (c, False) _ -> Nothing where postingcomms = map acommodity $ filter (not . isIgnorable) $ amountsRaw amt where -- Ignore missing amounts and zero amounts without commodity (#1767) isIgnorable a = (T.null (acommodity a) && amountIsZero a) || a == missingamt assertioncomms = [acommodity a | Just a <- [baamount <$> pbalanceassertion]] findundeclared = find (`M.notMember` jcommodities j) -- Calculate columns suitable for highlighting the excerpt. -- We won't show these in the main error line as they aren't -- accurate for the actual data. -- Find the best position for an error column marker when this posting -- is rendered by showTransaction. -- Reliably locating a problem commodity symbol in showTransaction output -- is really tricky. Some examples: -- -- assets "C $" -1 @ $ 2 -- ^ -- assets $1 = $$1 -- ^ -- assets [ANSI RED]$-1[ANSI RESET] -- ^ -- -- To simplify, we will mark the whole amount + balance assertion region, like: -- assets "C $" -1 @ $ 2 -- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ -- XXX refine this region when it's easy finderrcols p' t txntxt = case transactionFindPostingIndex (==p') t of Nothing -> Nothing Just pindex -> Just (amtstart, Just amtend) where tcommentlines = max 0 (length (T.lines $ tcomment t) - 1) errrelline = 1 + tcommentlines + pindex -- XXX doesn't count posting coment lines errline = fromMaybe "" (T.lines txntxt `atMay` (errrelline-1)) acctend = 4 + T.length (paccount p') + if isVirtual p' then 2 else 0 amtstart = acctend + (T.length $ T.takeWhile isSpace $ T.drop acctend errline) + 1 amtend = amtstart + (T.length $ T.stripEnd $ T.takeWhile (/=';') $ T.drop amtstart errline) -- | Check that all the journal's transactions have payees declared with -- payee directives, returning an error message otherwise. journalCheckPayees :: Journal -> Either String () journalCheckPayees j = mapM_ checkpayee (jtxns j) where checkpayee t | payee `elem` journalPayeesDeclared j = Right () | otherwise = Left $ printf (unlines [ "%s:%d:" ,"%s" ,"Strict payee checking is enabled, and" ,"payee %s has not been declared." ,"Consider adding a payee directive. Examples:" ,"" ,"payee %s" ]) f l ex (show payee) payee where payee = transactionPayee t (f,l,_mcols,ex) = makeTransactionErrorExcerpt t finderrcols -- Calculate columns suitable for highlighting the excerpt. -- We won't show these in the main error line as they aren't -- accurate for the actual data. finderrcols t' = Just (col, Just col2) where col = T.length (showTransactionLineFirstPart t') + 2 col2 = col + T.length (transactionPayee t') - 1 -- | Check that all the journal's tags (on accounts, transactions, postings..) -- have been declared with tag directives, returning an error message otherwise. journalCheckTags :: Journal -> Either String () journalCheckTags j = do mapM_ checkaccttags $ jdeclaredaccounts j mapM_ checktxntags $ jtxns j where checkaccttags (a, adi) = mapM_ (checkaccttag.fst) $ aditags adi where checkaccttag tagname | tagname `elem` declaredtags = Right () | otherwise = Left $ printf msg f l ex (show tagname) tagname where (f,l,_mcols,ex) = makeAccountTagErrorExcerpt (a, adi) tagname checktxntags txn = mapM_ (checktxntag . fst) $ transactionAllTags txn where checktxntag tagname | tagname `elem` declaredtags = Right () | otherwise = Left $ printf msg f l ex (show tagname) tagname where (f,l,_mcols,ex) = makeTransactionErrorExcerpt txn finderrcols where finderrcols _txn' = Nothing -- don't bother for now -- Just (col, Just col2) -- where -- col = T.length (showTransactionLineFirstPart txn') + 2 -- col2 = col + T.length tagname - 1 declaredtags = journalTagsDeclared j ++ builtinTags msg = (unlines [ "%s:%d:" ,"%s" ,"Strict tag checking is enabled, and" ,"tag %s has not been declared." ,"Consider adding a tag directive. Examples:" ,"" ,"tag %s" ]) -- | Tag names which have special significance to hledger. builtinTags = [ "type" -- declares an account's type ,"t" -- generated by timedot letters notation -- optionally generated on periodic transactions and auto postings ,"generated-transaction" ,"generated-posting" -- used internally, not shown (but queryable) ,"_generated-transaction" ,"_generated-posting" ,"_conversion-matched" ] -- | In each tranaction, check that any conversion postings occur in adjacent pairs. journalCheckPairedConversionPostings :: Journal -> Either String () journalCheckPairedConversionPostings j = mapM_ (transactionCheckPairedConversionPostings (jaccounttypes j)) $ jtxns j transactionCheckPairedConversionPostings :: M.Map AccountName AccountType -> Transaction -> Either String () transactionCheckPairedConversionPostings accttypes t = case partitionAndCheckConversionPostings True accttypes (zip [0..] $ tpostings t) of Left err -> Left $ T.unpack err Right _ -> Right () ---------- -- | The number of days allowed between an account's latest balance assertion -- and latest posting (7). maxlag = 7 -- | Check that accounts with balance assertions have no posting more -- than maxlag days after their latest balance assertion. -- Today's date is provided for error messages. journalCheckRecentAssertions :: Day -> Journal -> Either String () journalCheckRecentAssertions today j = let acctps = groupOn paccount $ sortOn paccount $ journalPostings j in case mapMaybe (findRecentAssertionError today) acctps of [] -> Right () firsterr:_ -> Left firsterr -- | Do the recentassertions check for one account: given a list of postings to the account, -- if any of them contain a balance assertion, identify the latest balance assertion, -- and if any postings are >maxlag days later than the assertion, -- return an error message identifying the first of them. -- Postings on the same date will be handled in parse order (hopefully). findRecentAssertionError :: Day -> [Posting] -> Maybe String findRecentAssertionError today ps = do let rps = sortOn (Data.Ord.Down . postingDate) ps let (afterlatestassertrps, untillatestassertrps) = span (isNothing.pbalanceassertion) rps latestassertdate <- postingDate <$> headMay untillatestassertrps let withinlimit date = diffDays date latestassertdate <= maxlag firsterrorp <- lastMay $ dropWhileEnd (withinlimit.postingDate) afterlatestassertrps let lag = diffDays (postingDate firsterrorp) latestassertdate let acct = paccount firsterrorp let (f,l,_mcols,ex) = makePostingAccountErrorExcerpt firsterrorp let comm = case map acommodity $ amounts $ pamount firsterrorp of [] -> "" (t:_) | T.length t == 1 -> t (t:_) -> t <> " " Just $ chomp $ printf (unlines [ "%s:%d:", "%s\n", "The recentassertions check is enabled, so accounts with balance assertions must", "have a balance assertion within %d days of their latest posting.", "In account \"%s\", this posting is %d days later", "than the last balance assertion, which was on %s.", "", "Consider adding a more recent balance assertion for this account. Eg:", "", "%s\n %s %s0 = %s0 ; (adjust asserted amount)" ]) f l (textChomp ex) maxlag acct lag (showDate latestassertdate) (show today) acct comm comm -- -- | Print the last balance assertion date & status of all accounts with balance assertions. -- printAccountLastAssertions :: Day -> [BalanceAssertionInfo] -> IO () -- printAccountLastAssertions today acctassertioninfos = do -- forM_ acctassertioninfos $ \BAI{..} -> do -- putStr $ printf "%-30s %s %s, %d days ago\n" -- baiAccount -- (if baiLatestClearedAssertionStatus==Unmarked then " " else show baiLatestClearedAssertionStatus) -- (show baiLatestClearedAssertionDate) -- (diffDays today baiLatestClearedAssertionDate)