
A reader for CSV data, using an extra rules file to help interpret the data.

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}

module Hledger.Read.CsvReader (
  -- * Reader
  -- * Misc.
  -- rules,
  -- * Tests
import Prelude ()
import Prelude.Compat hiding (getContents)
import Control.Exception hiding (try)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Monad.State.Strict (StateT, get, modify', evalStateT)
-- import Test.HUnit
import Data.Char (toLower, isDigit, isSpace)
import Data.List.Compat
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Ord
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Time.Calendar (Day)
#if MIN_VERSION_time(1,5,0)
import Data.Time.Format (parseTimeM, defaultTimeLocale)
import Data.Time.Format (parseTime)
import System.Locale (defaultTimeLocale)
import Safe
import System.Directory (doesFileExist)
import System.FilePath
import System.IO (stderr)
import Test.HUnit hiding (State)
import Text.CSV (parseCSV, CSV)
import Text.Megaparsec.Compat hiding (parse)
import qualified Text.Parsec as Parsec
import Text.Printf (hPrintf,printf)

import Hledger.Data
import Hledger.Utils.UTF8IOCompat (getContents)
import Hledger.Utils
import Hledger.Read.Common (amountp, statusp, genericSourcePos)

reader :: Reader
reader = Reader
  {rFormat     = "csv"
  ,rExtensions = ["csv"]
  ,rParser     = parse
  ,rExperimental = False

-- | Parse and post-process a "Journal" from CSV data, or give an error.
-- XXX currently ignores the string and reads from the file path
parse :: Maybe FilePath -> Bool -> FilePath -> Text -> ExceptT String IO Journal
parse rulesfile _ f t = do
  r <- liftIO $ readJournalFromCsv rulesfile f t
  case r of Left e -> throwError e
            Right j -> return $ journalNumberAndTieTransactions j
-- XXX does not use parseAndFinaliseJournal like the other readers

-- | Read a Journal from the given CSV data (and filename, used for error
-- messages), or return an error. Proceed as follows:
-- @
-- 1. parse CSV conversion rules from the specified rules file, or from
--    the default rules file for the specified CSV file, if it exists,
--    or throw a parse error; if it doesn't exist, use built-in default rules
-- 2. parse the CSV data, or throw a parse error
-- 3. convert the CSV records to transactions using the rules
-- 4. if the rules file didn't exist, create it with the default rules and filename
-- 5. return the transactions as a Journal 
-- @
readJournalFromCsv :: Maybe FilePath -> FilePath -> Text -> IO (Either String Journal)
readJournalFromCsv Nothing "-" _ = return $ Left "please use --rules-file when reading CSV from stdin"
readJournalFromCsv mrulesfile csvfile csvdata =
 handle (\e -> return $ Left $ show (e :: IOException)) $ do
  let throwerr = throw.userError

  -- parse rules
  let rulesfile = fromMaybe (rulesFileFor csvfile) mrulesfile
  rulesfileexists <- doesFileExist rulesfile
  rulestext <-
    if rulesfileexists
    then do
      hPrintf stderr "using conversion rules file %s\n" rulesfile
      liftIO $ (readFile' rulesfile >>= expandIncludes (takeDirectory rulesfile))
    else return $ defaultRulesText rulesfile
  rules <- liftIO (runExceptT $ parseAndValidateCsvRules rulesfile rulestext) >>= either throwerr return 
  dbg2IO "rules" rules

  -- apply skip directive
  let skip = maybe 0 oneorerror $ getDirective "skip" rules
          oneorerror "" = 1
          oneorerror s  = readDef (throwerr $ "could not parse skip value: " ++ show s) s

  -- parse csv
  -- parsec seems to fail if you pass it "-" here XXX try again with megaparsec
  let parsecfilename = if csvfile == "-" then "(stdin)" else csvfile
  records <- (either throwerr id .
              dbg2 "validateCsv" . validateCsv skip .
              dbg2 "parseCsv")
             `fmap` parseCsv parsecfilename (T.unpack csvdata)
  dbg1IO "first 3 csv records" $ take 3 records

  -- identify header lines
  -- let (headerlines, datalines) = identifyHeaderLines records
  --     mfieldnames = lastMay headerlines

    -- convert CSV records to transactions
    txns = snd $ mapAccumL
                   (\pos r -> 
                        SourcePos name line col = pos
                        line' = (mpMkPos . (+1) . mpUnPos) line
                        pos' = SourcePos name line' col
                        (pos, transactionFromCsvRecord pos' rules r)
                   (initialPos parsecfilename) records

  -- heuristic: if the records appear to have been in reverse date order,
  -- reverse them all as well as doing a txn date sort,
  -- so that same-day txns' original order is preserved
    txns' | length txns > 1 && tdate (head txns) > tdate (last txns) = reverse txns
          | otherwise = txns

  when (not rulesfileexists) $ do
    hPrintf stderr "created default conversion rules file %s, edit this for better results\n" rulesfile
    writeFile rulesfile $ T.unpack rulestext

  return $ Right nulljournal{jtxns=sortBy (comparing tdate) txns'}

parseCsv :: FilePath -> String -> IO (Either Parsec.ParseError CSV)
parseCsv path csvdata =
  case path of
    "-" -> liftM (parseCSV "(stdin)") getContents
    _   -> return $ parseCSV path csvdata

-- | Return the cleaned up and validated CSV data, or an error.
validateCsv :: Int -> Either Parsec.ParseError CSV -> Either String [CsvRecord]
validateCsv _ (Left e) = Left $ show e
validateCsv numhdrlines (Right rs) = validate $ drop numhdrlines $ filternulls rs
    filternulls = filter (/=[""])
    validate [] = Left "no CSV records found"
    validate rs@(first:_)
      | isJust lessthan2 = let r = fromJust lessthan2 in Left $ printf "CSV record %s has less than two fields" (show r)
      | isJust different = let r = fromJust different in Left $ printf "the first CSV record %s has %d fields but %s has %d" (show first) length1 (show r) (length r)
      | otherwise        = Right rs
        length1   = length first
        lessthan2 = headMay $ filter ((<2).length) rs
        different = headMay $ filter ((/=length1).length) rs

-- -- | The highest (0-based) field index referenced in the field
-- -- definitions, or -1 if no fields are defined.
-- maxFieldIndex :: CsvRules -> Int
-- maxFieldIndex r = maximumDef (-1) $ catMaybes [
--                    dateField r
--                   ,statusField r
--                   ,codeField r
--                   ,amountField r
--                   ,amountInField r
--                   ,amountOutField r
--                   ,currencyField r
--                   ,accountField r
--                   ,account2Field r
--                   ,date2Field r
--                   ]

-- rulesFileFor :: CliOpts -> FilePath -> FilePath
-- rulesFileFor CliOpts{rules_file_=Just f} _ = f
-- rulesFileFor CliOpts{rules_file_=Nothing} csvfile = replaceExtension csvfile ".rules"
rulesFileFor :: FilePath -> FilePath
rulesFileFor = (++ ".rules")

csvFileFor :: FilePath -> FilePath
csvFileFor = reverse . drop 6 . reverse

defaultRulesText :: FilePath -> Text
defaultRulesText csvfile = T.pack $ unlines
  ["# hledger csv conversion rules for " ++ csvFileFor (takeFileName csvfile)
  ,"# cf http://hledger.org/manual#csv-files"
  ,"account1 assets:bank:checking"
  ,"fields date, description, amount"
  ,"#skip 1"
  ,"#date-format %-d/%-m/%Y"
  ,"#date-format %-m/%-d/%Y"
  ,"#date-format %Y-%h-%d"
  ,"#currency $"
  ,"if ITUNES"
  ," account2 expenses:entertainment"
  ," account2 assets:bank:savings\n"

-- Conversion rules parsing

Grammar for the CSV conversion rules, more or less:





QUOTED-FIELD-NAME: " (any CHAR except double-quote)+ "

BARE-FIELD-NAME: any CHAR except space, tab, #, ;


JOURNAL-FIELD: date | date2 | status | code | description | comment | account1 | account2 | amount | JOURNAL-PSEUDO-FIELD

JOURNAL-PSEUDO-FIELD: amount-in | amount-out | currency




CSV-FIELD: ( FIELD-NAME | FIELD-NUMBER ) (corresponding to a CSV field)














SPACE-CHAR: space | tab

CHAR: any character except newline

DIGIT: 0-9


{- |
A set of data definitions and account-matching patterns sufficient to
convert a particular CSV data file into meaningful journal transactions.
data CsvRules = CsvRules {
  rdirectives        :: [(DirectiveName,String)],
  rcsvfieldindexes   :: [(CsvFieldName, CsvFieldIndex)],
  rassignments       :: [(JournalFieldName, FieldTemplate)],
  rconditionalblocks :: [ConditionalBlock]
} deriving (Show, Eq)

type CsvRulesParser a = StateT CsvRules SimpleTextParser a

type DirectiveName    = String
type CsvFieldName     = String
type CsvFieldIndex    = Int
type JournalFieldName = String
type FieldTemplate    = String
type ConditionalBlock = ([RecordMatcher], [(JournalFieldName, FieldTemplate)]) -- block matches if all RecordMatchers match
type RecordMatcher    = [RegexpPattern] -- match if any regexps match any of the csv fields
-- type FieldMatcher     = (CsvFieldName, [RegexpPattern]) -- match if any regexps match this csv field
type DateFormat       = String
type RegexpPattern           = String

rules = CsvRules {

addDirective :: (DirectiveName, String) -> CsvRules -> CsvRules
addDirective d r = r{rdirectives=d:rdirectives r}

addAssignment :: (JournalFieldName, FieldTemplate) -> CsvRules -> CsvRules
addAssignment a r = r{rassignments=a:rassignments r}

setIndexesAndAssignmentsFromList :: [CsvFieldName] -> CsvRules -> CsvRules
setIndexesAndAssignmentsFromList fs r = addAssignmentsFromList fs . setCsvFieldIndexesFromList fs $ r

setCsvFieldIndexesFromList :: [CsvFieldName] -> CsvRules -> CsvRules
setCsvFieldIndexesFromList fs r = r{rcsvfieldindexes=zip fs [1..]}

addAssignmentsFromList :: [CsvFieldName] -> CsvRules -> CsvRules
addAssignmentsFromList fs r = foldl' maybeAddAssignment r journalfieldnames
    maybeAddAssignment rules f = (maybe id addAssignmentFromIndex $ elemIndex f fs) rules
        addAssignmentFromIndex i = addAssignment (f, "%"++show (i+1))

addConditionalBlock :: ConditionalBlock -> CsvRules -> CsvRules
addConditionalBlock b r = r{rconditionalblocks=b:rconditionalblocks r}

getDirective :: DirectiveName -> CsvRules -> Maybe FieldTemplate
getDirective directivename = lookup directivename . rdirectives

instance ShowErrorComponent String where
  showErrorComponent = id

-- | An error-throwing action that parses this file's content 
-- as CSV conversion rules, interpolating any included files first, 
-- and runs some extra validation checks.
parseRulesFile :: FilePath -> ExceptT String IO CsvRules
parseRulesFile f = 
  liftIO (readFile' f >>= expandIncludes (takeDirectory f)) >>= parseAndValidateCsvRules f

-- | Look for hledger rules file-style include directives in this text,
-- and interpolate the included files, recursively.
-- Included file paths may be relative to the directory of the
-- provided file path.
-- This is a cheap hack to avoid rewriting the CSV rules parser.
expandIncludes :: FilePath -> T.Text -> IO T.Text
expandIncludes basedir content = do
  let (ls,rest) = break (T.isPrefixOf "include") $ T.lines content
  case rest of
    [] -> return $ T.unlines ls
    ((T.stripPrefix "include" -> Just f):ls') -> do
      let f'       = basedir </> dropWhile isSpace (T.unpack f)
          basedir' = takeDirectory f'
      included <- readFile' f' >>= expandIncludes basedir'
      return $ T.unlines [T.unlines ls, included, T.unlines ls']
    ls' -> return $ T.unlines $ ls ++ ls'   -- should never get here

-- | An error-throwing action that parses this text as CSV conversion rules 
-- and runs some extra validation checks. The file path is for error messages.
parseAndValidateCsvRules :: FilePath -> T.Text -> ExceptT String IO CsvRules
parseAndValidateCsvRules rulesfile s = do
  let rules = parseCsvRules rulesfile s
  case rules of
    Left e -> ExceptT $ return $ Left $ parseErrorPretty e
    Right r -> do
               r_ <- liftIO $ runExceptT $ validateRules r
               ExceptT $ case r_ of
                 Left  s -> return $ Left $ parseErrorPretty $ mpMkParseError rulesfile s
                 Right r -> return $ Right r

-- | Parse this text as CSV conversion rules. The file path is for error messages.
parseCsvRules :: FilePath -> T.Text -> Either (ParseError Char MPErr) CsvRules
-- parseCsvRules rulesfile s = runParser csvrulesfile nullrules{baseAccount=takeBaseName rulesfile} rulesfile s
parseCsvRules rulesfile s =
  runParser (evalStateT rulesp rules) rulesfile s

-- | Return the validated rules, or an error.
validateRules :: CsvRules -> ExceptT String IO CsvRules
validateRules rules = do
  unless (isAssigned "date")   $ ExceptT $ return $ Left "Please specify (at top level) the date field. Eg: date %1\n"
  unless ((amount && not (amountin || amountout)) ||
          (not amount && (amountin && amountout)))
    $ ExceptT $ return $ Left "Please specify (at top level) either the amount field, or both the amount-in and amount-out fields. Eg: amount %2\n"
  ExceptT $ return $ Right rules
    amount = isAssigned "amount"
    amountin = isAssigned "amount-in"
    amountout = isAssigned "amount-out"
    isAssigned f = isJust $ getEffectiveAssignment rules [] f

-- parsers

rulesp :: CsvRulesParser CsvRules
rulesp = do
  many $ choiceInState
    [blankorcommentlinep                                                <?> "blank or comment line"
    ,(directivep        >>= modify' . addDirective)                     <?> "directive"
    ,(fieldnamelistp    >>= modify' . setIndexesAndAssignmentsFromList) <?> "field name list"
    ,(fieldassignmentp  >>= modify' . addAssignment)                    <?> "field assignment"
    ,(conditionalblockp >>= modify' . addConditionalBlock)              <?> "conditional block"
  r <- get
  return r{rdirectives=reverse $ rdirectives r
          ,rassignments=reverse $ rassignments r
          ,rconditionalblocks=reverse $ rconditionalblocks r

blankorcommentlinep :: CsvRulesParser ()
blankorcommentlinep = lift (pdbg 3 "trying blankorcommentlinep") >> choiceInState [blanklinep, commentlinep]

blanklinep :: CsvRulesParser ()
blanklinep = lift (many spacenonewline) >> newline >> return () <?> "blank line"

commentlinep :: CsvRulesParser ()
commentlinep = lift (many spacenonewline) >> commentcharp >> lift restofline >> return () <?> "comment line"

commentcharp :: CsvRulesParser Char
commentcharp = oneOf (";#*" :: [Char])

directivep :: CsvRulesParser (DirectiveName, String)
directivep = (do
  lift $ pdbg 3 "trying directive"
  d <- fmap T.unpack $ choiceInState $ map (lift . mptext . T.pack) directives
  v <- (((char ':' >> lift (many spacenonewline)) <|> lift (some spacenonewline)) >> directivevalp)
       <|> (optional (char ':') >> lift (many spacenonewline) >> lift eolof >> return "")
  return (d, v)
  ) <?> "directive"

directives =
  -- ,"default-account1"
  -- ,"default-currency"
  -- ,"skip-lines" -- old
   -- ,"base-account"
   -- ,"base-currency"

directivevalp :: CsvRulesParser String
directivevalp = anyChar `manyTill` lift eolof

fieldnamelistp :: CsvRulesParser [CsvFieldName]
fieldnamelistp = (do
  lift $ pdbg 3 "trying fieldnamelist"
  string "fields"
  optional $ char ':'
  lift (some spacenonewline)
  let separator = lift (many spacenonewline) >> char ',' >> lift (many spacenonewline)
  f <- fromMaybe "" <$> optional fieldnamep
  fs <- some $ (separator >> fromMaybe "" <$> optional fieldnamep)
  lift restofline
  return $ map (map toLower) $ f:fs
  ) <?> "field name list"

fieldnamep :: CsvRulesParser String
fieldnamep = quotedfieldnamep <|> barefieldnamep

quotedfieldnamep :: CsvRulesParser String
quotedfieldnamep = do
  char '"'
  f <- some $ noneOf ("\"\n:;#~" :: [Char])
  char '"'
  return f

barefieldnamep :: CsvRulesParser String
barefieldnamep = some $ noneOf (" \t\n,;#~" :: [Char])

fieldassignmentp :: CsvRulesParser (JournalFieldName, FieldTemplate)
fieldassignmentp = do
  lift $ pdbg 3 "trying fieldassignmentp"
  f <- journalfieldnamep
  v <- fieldvalp
  return (f,v)
  <?> "field assignment"

journalfieldnamep :: CsvRulesParser String
journalfieldnamep = do
  lift (pdbg 2 "trying journalfieldnamep")
  T.unpack <$> choiceInState (map (lift . mptext . T.pack) journalfieldnames)

-- Transaction fields and pseudo fields for CSV conversion. 
-- Names must precede any other name they contain, for the parser 
-- (amount-in before amount; date2 before date). TODO: fix
journalfieldnames = [

assignmentseparatorp :: CsvRulesParser ()
assignmentseparatorp = do
  lift $ pdbg 3 "trying assignmentseparatorp"
  choice [
    -- try (lift (many spacenonewline) >> oneOf ":="),
    try (lift (many spacenonewline) >> char ':'),
  _ <- lift (many spacenonewline)
  return ()

fieldvalp :: CsvRulesParser String
fieldvalp = do
  lift $ pdbg 2 "trying fieldvalp"
  anyChar `manyTill` lift eolof

conditionalblockp :: CsvRulesParser ConditionalBlock
conditionalblockp = do
  lift $ pdbg 3 "trying conditionalblockp"
  string "if" >> lift (many spacenonewline) >> optional newline
  ms <- some recordmatcherp
  as <- many (lift (some spacenonewline) >> fieldassignmentp)
  when (null as) $
    fail "start of conditional block found, but no assignment rules afterward\n(assignment rules in a conditional block should be indented)\n"
  return (ms, as)
  <?> "conditional block"

recordmatcherp :: CsvRulesParser [String]
recordmatcherp = do
  lift $ pdbg 2 "trying recordmatcherp"
  -- pos <- currentPos
  _  <- optional (matchoperatorp >> lift (many spacenonewline) >> optional newline)
  ps <- patternsp
  when (null ps) $
    fail "start of record matcher found, but no patterns afterward\n(patterns should not be indented)\n"
  return ps
  <?> "record matcher"

matchoperatorp :: CsvRulesParser String
matchoperatorp = fmap T.unpack $ choiceInState $ map mptext
  -- ,"!~"
  -- ,"="
  -- ,"!="

patternsp :: CsvRulesParser [String]
patternsp = do
  lift $ pdbg 3 "trying patternsp"
  ps <- many regexp
  return ps

regexp :: CsvRulesParser String
regexp = do
  lift $ pdbg 3 "trying regexp"
  notFollowedBy matchoperatorp
  c <- lift nonspace
  cs <- anyChar `manyTill` lift eolof
  return $ strip $ c:cs

-- fieldmatcher = do
--   pdbg 2 "trying fieldmatcher"
--   f <- fromMaybe "all" `fmap` (optional $ do
--          f' <- fieldname
--          lift (many spacenonewline)
--          return f')
--   char '~'
--   lift (many spacenonewline)
--   ps <- patterns
--   let r = "(" ++ intercalate "|" ps ++ ")"
--   return (f,r)
--   <?> "field matcher"

-- Converting CSV records to journal transactions

type CsvRecord = [String]

-- Convert a CSV record to a transaction using the rules, or raise an
-- error if the data can not be parsed.
transactionFromCsvRecord :: SourcePos -> CsvRules -> CsvRecord -> Transaction
transactionFromCsvRecord sourcepos rules record = t
    mdirective       = (`getDirective` rules)
    mfieldtemplate   = getEffectiveAssignment rules record
    render           = renderTemplate rules record
    mskip            = mdirective "skip"
    mdefaultcurrency = mdirective "default-currency"
    mparsedate       = parseDateWithFormatOrDefaultFormats (mdirective "date-format")

    -- render each field using its template and the csv record, and
    -- in some cases parse the rendered string (eg dates and amounts)
    mdateformat = mdirective "date-format"
    date        = render $ fromMaybe "" $ mfieldtemplate "date"
    date'       = fromMaybe (error' $ dateerror "date" date mdateformat) $ mparsedate date
    mdate2      = maybe Nothing (Just . render) $ mfieldtemplate "date2"
    mdate2'     = maybe Nothing (maybe (error' $ dateerror "date2" (fromMaybe "" mdate2) mdateformat) Just . mparsedate) mdate2
    dateerror datefield value mdateformat = unlines
      ["error: could not parse \""++value++"\" as a date using date format "++maybe "\"YYYY/M/D\", \"YYYY-M-D\" or \"YYYY.M.D\"" show mdateformat
      ,"the CSV record is:  "++intercalate ", " (map show record)
      ,"the "++datefield++" rule is:   "++(fromMaybe "required, but missing" $ mfieldtemplate datefield)
      ,"the date-format is: "++fromMaybe "unspecified" mdateformat
      ,"you may need to "
       ++"change your "++datefield++" rule, "
       ++maybe "add a" (const "change your") mdateformat++" date-format rule, "
       ++"or "++maybe "add a" (const "change your") mskip++" skip rule"
      ,"for m/d/y or d/m/y dates, use date-format %-m/%-d/%Y or date-format %-d/%-m/%Y"
    status      =
      case mfieldtemplate "status" of
        Nothing  -> Unmarked
        Just str -> either statuserror id .
                    runParser (statusp <* eof) "" .
                    T.pack $ render str
            statuserror err = error' $ unlines
              ["error: could not parse \""++str++"\" as a cleared status (should be *, ! or empty)"
              ,"the parse error is:      "++show err
    code        = maybe "" render $ mfieldtemplate "code"
    description = maybe "" render $ mfieldtemplate "description"
    comment     = maybe "" render $ mfieldtemplate "comment"
    precomment  = maybe "" render $ mfieldtemplate "precomment"
    currency    = maybe (fromMaybe "" mdefaultcurrency) render $ mfieldtemplate "currency"
    amountstr   = (currency++) $ simplifySign $ getAmountStr rules record
    amount      = either amounterror (Mixed . (:[])) $ runParser (evalStateT (amountp <* eof) mempty) "" $ T.pack amountstr
    amounterror err = error' $ unlines
      ["error: could not parse \""++amountstr++"\" as an amount"
      ,showRecord record
      ,"the amount rule is:      "++(fromMaybe "" $ mfieldtemplate "amount")
      ,"the currency rule is:    "++(fromMaybe "unspecified" $ mfieldtemplate "currency")
      ,"the default-currency is: "++fromMaybe "unspecified" mdefaultcurrency
      ,"the parse error is:      "++show err
      ,"you may need to "
       ++"change your amount or currency rules, "
       ++"or "++maybe "add a" (const "change your") mskip++" skip rule"
    -- Using costOfMixedAmount here to allow complex costs like "10 GBP @@ 15 USD".
    -- Aim is to have "10 GBP @@ 15 USD" applied to account2, but have "-15USD" applied to account1
    amount1        = costOfMixedAmount amount
    amount2        = (-amount)
    s `or` def  = if null s then def else s
    defaccount1 = fromMaybe "unknown" $ mdirective "default-account1"
    defaccount2 = case isNegativeMixedAmount amount2 of
                   Just True -> "income:unknown"
                   _         -> "expenses:unknown"
    account1    = T.pack $ maybe "" render (mfieldtemplate "account1") `or` defaccount1
    account2    = T.pack $ maybe "" render (mfieldtemplate "account2") `or` defaccount2
    balance     = maybe Nothing (parsebalance.render) $ mfieldtemplate "balance"
    parsebalance str 
      | all isSpace str  = Nothing
      | otherwise = Just $ either (balanceerror str) id $ runParser (evalStateT (amountp <* eof) mempty) "" $ T.pack $ (currency++) $ simplifySign str
    balanceerror str err = error' $ unlines
      ["error: could not parse \""++str++"\" as balance amount"
      ,showRecord record
      ,"the balance rule is:      "++(fromMaybe "" $ mfieldtemplate "balance")
      ,"the currency rule is:    "++(fromMaybe "unspecified" $ mfieldtemplate "currency")
      ,"the default-currency is: "++fromMaybe "unspecified" mdefaultcurrency
      ,"the parse error is:      "++show err

    -- build the transaction
    t = nulltransaction{
      tsourcepos               = genericSourcePos sourcepos,
      tdate                    = date',
      tdate2                   = mdate2',
      tstatus                  = status,
      tcode                    = T.pack code,
      tdescription             = T.pack description,
      tcomment                 = T.pack comment,
      tpreceding_comment_lines = T.pack precomment,
      tpostings                =
        [posting {paccount=account2, pamount=amount2, ptransaction=Just t}
        ,posting {paccount=account1, pamount=amount1, ptransaction=Just t, pbalanceassertion=balance}

getAmountStr :: CsvRules -> CsvRecord -> String
getAmountStr rules record =
   mamount    = getEffectiveAssignment rules record "amount"
   mamountin  = getEffectiveAssignment rules record "amount-in"
   mamountout = getEffectiveAssignment rules record "amount-out"
   render     = fmap (strip . renderTemplate rules record)
  case (render mamount, render mamountin, render mamountout) of
    (Just "", Nothing, Nothing) -> error' $ "amount has no value\n"++showRecord record
    (Just a,  Nothing, Nothing) -> a
    (Nothing, Just "", Just "") -> error' $ "neither amount-in or amount-out has a value\n"++showRecord record
    (Nothing, Just i,  Just "") -> i
    (Nothing, Just "", Just o)  -> negateStr o
    (Nothing, Just _,  Just _)  -> error' $ "both amount-in and amount-out have a value\n"++showRecord record
    _                           -> error' $ "found values for amount and for amount-in/amount-out - please use either amount or amount-in/amount-out\n"++showRecord record

type CsvAmountString = String

-- | Canonicalise the sign in a CSV amount string.
-- Such strings can be parenthesized, which is equivalent to having a minus sign.
-- Also they can end up with a double minus sign, which cancels out.
simplifySign :: CsvAmountString -> CsvAmountString
simplifySign ('(':s) | lastMay s == Just ')' = simplifySign $ negateStr $ init s
simplifySign ('-':'-':s) = s
simplifySign s = s

negateStr :: String -> String
negateStr ('-':s) = s
negateStr s       = '-':s

-- | Show a (approximate) recreation of the original CSV record.
showRecord :: CsvRecord -> String
showRecord r = "the CSV record is:       "++intercalate ", " (map show r)

-- | Given the conversion rules, a CSV record and a journal entry field name, find
-- the template value ultimately assigned to this field, either at top
-- level or in a matching conditional block.  Conditional blocks'
-- patterns are matched against an approximation of the original CSV
-- record: all the field values with commas intercalated.
getEffectiveAssignment :: CsvRules -> CsvRecord -> JournalFieldName -> Maybe FieldTemplate
getEffectiveAssignment rules record f = lastMay $ assignmentsFor f
    assignmentsFor f = map snd $ filter ((==f).fst) $ toplevelassignments ++ conditionalassignments
        toplevelassignments    = rassignments rules
        conditionalassignments = concatMap snd $ filter blockMatches $ blocksAssigning f
            blocksAssigning f = filter (any ((==f).fst) . snd) $ rconditionalblocks rules
            blockMatches :: ConditionalBlock -> Bool
            blockMatches (matchers,_) = all matcherMatches matchers
                matcherMatches :: RecordMatcher -> Bool
                -- matcherMatches pats = any patternMatches pats
                matcherMatches pats = patternMatches $  "(" ++ intercalate "|" pats ++ ")"
                    patternMatches :: RegexpPattern -> Bool
                    patternMatches pat = regexMatchesCI pat csvline
                        csvline = intercalate "," record

renderTemplate ::  CsvRules -> CsvRecord -> FieldTemplate -> String
renderTemplate rules record t = regexReplaceBy "%[A-z0-9]+" replace t
    replace ('%':pat) = maybe pat (\i -> atDef "" record (i-1)) mi
        mi | all isDigit pat = readMay pat
           | otherwise       = lookup pat $ rcsvfieldindexes rules
    replace pat       = pat

-- Parse the date string using the specified date-format, or if unspecified try these default formats:
-- YYYY/MM/DD, YYYY-MM-DD, YYYY.MM.DD, MM/DD/YYYY (month and day can be 1 or 2 digits, year must be 4).
parseDateWithFormatOrDefaultFormats :: Maybe DateFormat -> String -> Maybe Day
parseDateWithFormatOrDefaultFormats mformat s = firstJust $ map parsewith formats
    parsetime =
#if MIN_VERSION_time(1,5,0)
     parseTimeM True
    parsewith = flip (parsetime defaultTimeLocale) s
    formats = maybe
               -- ,"%-m/%-d/%Y"
                -- ,parseTime defaultTimeLocale "%Y/%m/%e" (take 5 s ++ "0" ++ drop 5 s)
                -- ,parseTime defaultTimeLocale "%Y-%m-%e" (take 5 s ++ "0" ++ drop 5 s)
                -- ,parseTime defaultTimeLocale "%m/%e/%Y" ('0':s)
                -- ,parseTime defaultTimeLocale "%m-%e-%Y" ('0':s)

-- tests

tests_Hledger_Read_CsvReader = TestList (test_parser)
                               -- ++ test_description_parsing)

-- test_description_parsing = [
--       "description-field 1" ~: assertParseDescription "description-field 1\n" [FormatField False Nothing Nothing (FieldNo 1)]
--     , "description-field 1 " ~: assertParseDescription "description-field 1 \n" [FormatField False Nothing Nothing (FieldNo 1)]
--     , "description-field %(1)" ~: assertParseDescription "description-field %(1)\n" [FormatField False Nothing Nothing (FieldNo 1)]
--     , "description-field %(1)/$(2)" ~: assertParseDescription "description-field %(1)/%(2)\n" [
--           FormatField False Nothing Nothing (FieldNo 1)
--         , FormatLiteral "/"
--         , FormatField False Nothing Nothing (FieldNo 2)
--         ]
--     ]
--   where
--     assertParseDescription string expected = do assertParseEqual (parseDescription string) (rules {descriptionField = expected})
--     parseDescription :: String -> Either ParseError CsvRules
--     parseDescription x = runParser descriptionfieldWrapper rules "(unknown)" x
--     descriptionfieldWrapper :: GenParser Char CsvRules CsvRules
--     descriptionfieldWrapper = do
--       descriptionfield
--       r <- getState
--       return r

test_parser =  [

   "convert rules parsing: empty file" ~: do
     -- let assertMixedAmountParse parseresult mixedamount =
     --         (either (const "parse error") showMixedAmountDebug parseresult) ~?= (showMixedAmountDebug mixedamount)
    assertParseEqual (parseCsvRules "unknown" "") rules

  -- ,"convert rules parsing: accountrule" ~: do
  --    assertParseEqual (parseWithState rules accountrule "A\na\n") -- leading blank line required
  --                ([("A",Nothing)], "a")

  ,"convert rules parsing: trailing comments" ~: do
     assertParse (parseWithState' rules rulesp "skip\n# \n#\n")

  ,"convert rules parsing: trailing blank lines" ~: do
     assertParse (parseWithState' rules rulesp "skip\n\n  \n")

  ,"convert rules parsing: empty field value" ~: do
     assertParse (parseWithState' rules rulesp "account1 \nif foo\n  account2 foo\n")

  -- not supported
  -- ,"convert rules parsing: no final newline" ~: do
  --    assertParse (parseWithState rules csvrulesfile "A\na")
  --    assertParse (parseWithState rules csvrulesfile "A\na\n# \n#")
  --    assertParse (parseWithState rules csvrulesfile "A\na\n\n  ")

                 -- (rules{
                 --   -- dateField=Maybe FieldPosition,
                 --   -- statusField=Maybe FieldPosition,
                 --   -- codeField=Maybe FieldPosition,
                 --   -- descriptionField=Maybe FieldPosition,
                 --   -- amountField=Maybe FieldPosition,
                 --   -- currencyField=Maybe FieldPosition,
                 --   -- baseCurrency=Maybe String,
                 --   -- baseAccount=AccountName,
                 --   accountRules=[
                 --        ([("A",Nothing)], "a")
                 --       ]
                 --  })
