module Hledger.Data.Period
import Data.Time.Calendar
import Data.Time.Calendar.MonthDay
import Data.Time.Calendar.OrdinalDate
import Data.Time.Calendar.WeekDate
import Data.Time.Format
import Text.Printf
import Hledger.Data.Types
periodAsDateSpan :: Period -> DateSpan
periodAsDateSpan (DayPeriod d) = DateSpan (Just d) (Just $ addDays 1 d)
periodAsDateSpan (WeekPeriod b) = DateSpan (Just b) (Just $ addDays 7 b)
periodAsDateSpan (MonthPeriod y m) = DateSpan (Just $ fromGregorian y m 1) (Just $ fromGregorian y' m' 1)
(y',m') | m==12 = (y+1,1)
| otherwise = (y,m+1)
periodAsDateSpan (QuarterPeriod y q) = DateSpan (Just $ fromGregorian y m 1) (Just $ fromGregorian y' m' 1)
(y', q') | q==4 = (y+1,1)
| otherwise = (y,q+1)
quarterAsMonth q = (q1) * 3 + 1
m = quarterAsMonth q
m' = quarterAsMonth q'
periodAsDateSpan (YearPeriod y) = DateSpan (Just $ fromGregorian y 1 1) (Just $ fromGregorian (y+1) 1 1)
periodAsDateSpan (PeriodBetween b e) = DateSpan (Just b) (Just e)
periodAsDateSpan (PeriodFrom b) = DateSpan (Just b) Nothing
periodAsDateSpan (PeriodTo e) = DateSpan Nothing (Just e)
periodAsDateSpan (PeriodAll) = DateSpan Nothing Nothing
dateSpanAsPeriod :: DateSpan -> Period
dateSpanAsPeriod (DateSpan (Just b) (Just e)) = simplifyPeriod $ PeriodBetween b e
dateSpanAsPeriod (DateSpan (Just b) Nothing) = PeriodFrom b
dateSpanAsPeriod (DateSpan Nothing (Just e)) = PeriodTo e
dateSpanAsPeriod (DateSpan Nothing Nothing) = PeriodAll
simplifyPeriod :: Period -> Period
simplifyPeriod (PeriodBetween b e) =
case (toGregorian b, toGregorian e) of
((by,1,1), (ey,1,1)) | by+1==ey -> YearPeriod by
((by,1,1), (ey,4,1)) | by==ey -> QuarterPeriod by 1
((by,4,1), (ey,7,1)) | by==ey -> QuarterPeriod by 2
((by,7,1), (ey,10,1)) | by==ey -> QuarterPeriod by 3
((by,10,1), (ey,1,1)) | by+1==ey -> QuarterPeriod by 4
((by,bm,1), (ey,em,1)) | by==ey && bm+1==em -> MonthPeriod by bm
((by,12,1), (ey,1,1)) | by+1==ey -> MonthPeriod by 12
_ | let ((by,bw,bd), (ey,ew,ed)) = (toWeekDate b, toWeekDate (addDays (1) e))
in by==ey && bw==ew && bd==1 && ed==7 -> WeekPeriod b
((by,bm,bd), (ey,em,ed)) |
(by==ey && bm==em && bd+1==ed) ||
(by+1==ey && bm==12 && em==1 && bd==31 && ed==1) ||
(by==ey && bm+1==em && isLastDayOfMonth by bm bd && ed==1)
-> DayPeriod b
_ -> PeriodBetween b e
simplifyPeriod p = p
isLastDayOfMonth y m d =
case m of
1 -> d==31
2 | isLeapYear y -> d==29
| otherwise -> d==28
3 -> d==31
4 -> d==30
5 -> d==31
6 -> d==30
7 -> d==31
8 -> d==31
9 -> d==30
10 -> d==31
11 -> d==30
12 -> d==31
_ -> False
isStandardPeriod = isStandardPeriod' . simplifyPeriod
isStandardPeriod' (DayPeriod _) = True
isStandardPeriod' (WeekPeriod _) = True
isStandardPeriod' (MonthPeriod _ _) = True
isStandardPeriod' (QuarterPeriod _ _) = True
isStandardPeriod' (YearPeriod _) = True
isStandardPeriod' _ = False
showPeriod (DayPeriod b) = formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%0C%y/%m/%d" b
showPeriod (WeekPeriod b) = formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%0C%y/%m/%dw%V" b
showPeriod (MonthPeriod y m) = printf "%04d/%02d" y m
showPeriod (QuarterPeriod y q) = printf "%04dq%d" y q
showPeriod (YearPeriod y) = printf "%04d" y
showPeriod (PeriodBetween b e) = formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%0C%y/%m/%d" b
++ formatTime defaultTimeLocale "-%0C%y/%m/%d" (addDays (1) e)
showPeriod (PeriodFrom b) = formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%0C%y/%m/%d-" b
showPeriod (PeriodTo e) = formatTime defaultTimeLocale "-%0C%y/%m/%d" (addDays (1) e)
showPeriod PeriodAll = "-"
periodStart :: Period -> Maybe Day
periodStart p = mb
DateSpan mb _ = periodAsDateSpan p
periodEnd :: Period -> Maybe Day
periodEnd p = me
DateSpan _ me = periodAsDateSpan p
periodNext :: Period -> Period
periodNext (DayPeriod b) = DayPeriod (addDays 1 b)
periodNext (WeekPeriod b) = WeekPeriod (addDays 7 b)
periodNext (MonthPeriod y 12) = MonthPeriod (y+1) 1
periodNext (MonthPeriod y m) = MonthPeriod y (m+1)
periodNext (QuarterPeriod y 4) = QuarterPeriod (y+1) 1
periodNext (QuarterPeriod y q) = QuarterPeriod y (q+1)
periodNext (YearPeriod y) = YearPeriod (y+1)
periodNext p = p
periodPrevious :: Period -> Period
periodPrevious (DayPeriod b) = DayPeriod (addDays (1) b)
periodPrevious (WeekPeriod b) = WeekPeriod (addDays (7) b)
periodPrevious (MonthPeriod y 1) = MonthPeriod (y1) 12
periodPrevious (MonthPeriod y m) = MonthPeriod y (m1)
periodPrevious (QuarterPeriod y 1) = QuarterPeriod (y1) 4
periodPrevious (QuarterPeriod y q) = QuarterPeriod y (q1)
periodPrevious (YearPeriod y) = YearPeriod (y1)
periodPrevious p = p
periodNextIn :: DateSpan -> Period -> Period
periodNextIn (DateSpan _ (Just e)) p =
case mb of
Just b -> if b < e then p' else p
_ -> p
p' = periodNext p
mb = periodStart p'
periodNextIn _ p = periodNext p
periodPreviousIn :: DateSpan -> Period -> Period
periodPreviousIn (DateSpan (Just b) _) p =
case me of
Just e -> if e > b then p' else p
_ -> p
p' = periodPrevious p
me = periodEnd p'
periodPreviousIn _ p = periodPrevious p
periodMoveTo :: Day -> Period -> Period
periodMoveTo d (DayPeriod _) = DayPeriod d
periodMoveTo d (WeekPeriod _) = WeekPeriod $ mondayBefore d
periodMoveTo d (MonthPeriod _ _) = MonthPeriod y m where (y,m,_) = toGregorian d
periodMoveTo d (QuarterPeriod _ _) = QuarterPeriod y q
(y,m,_) = toGregorian d
q = quarterContainingMonth m
periodMoveTo d (YearPeriod _) = YearPeriod y where (y,_,_) = toGregorian d
periodMoveTo _ p = p
periodGrow :: Period -> Period
periodGrow (DayPeriod b) = WeekPeriod $ mondayBefore b
periodGrow (WeekPeriod b) = MonthPeriod y m
where (y,m) = yearMonthContainingWeekStarting b
periodGrow (MonthPeriod y m) = QuarterPeriod y (quarterContainingMonth m)
periodGrow (QuarterPeriod y _) = YearPeriod y
periodGrow (YearPeriod _) = PeriodAll
periodGrow p = p
periodShrink :: Day -> Period -> Period
periodShrink _ p@(DayPeriod _) = p
periodShrink today (WeekPeriod b)
| today >= b && diffDays today b < 7 = DayPeriod today
| m /= weekmonth = DayPeriod $ fromGregorian weekyear weekmonth 1
| otherwise = DayPeriod b
(_,m,_) = toGregorian b
(weekyear,weekmonth) = yearMonthContainingWeekStarting b
periodShrink today (MonthPeriod y m)
| (y',m') == (y,m) = WeekPeriod $ mondayBefore today
| otherwise = WeekPeriod $ startOfFirstWeekInMonth y m
where (y',m',_) = toGregorian today
periodShrink today (QuarterPeriod y q)
| quarterContainingMonth thismonth == q = MonthPeriod y thismonth
| otherwise = MonthPeriod y (firstMonthOfQuarter q)
where (_,thismonth,_) = toGregorian today
periodShrink today (YearPeriod y)
| y == thisyear = QuarterPeriod y thisquarter
| otherwise = QuarterPeriod y 1
(thisyear,thismonth,_) = toGregorian today
thisquarter = quarterContainingMonth thismonth
periodShrink today _ = YearPeriod y
where (y,_,_) = toGregorian today
mondayBefore d = addDays (fromIntegral (1 wd)) d
(_,_,wd) = toWeekDate d
yearMonthContainingWeekStarting weekstart = (y,m)
thu = addDays 3 weekstart
(y,yd) = toOrdinalDate thu
(m,_) = dayOfYearToMonthAndDay (isLeapYear y) yd
quarterContainingMonth m = (m1) `div` 3 + 1
firstMonthOfQuarter q = (q1)*3 + 1
startOfFirstWeekInMonth y m
| monthstartday <= 4 = mon
| otherwise = addDays 7 mon
monthstart = fromGregorian y m 1
mon = mondayBefore monthstart
(_,_,monthstartday) = toWeekDate monthstart