hledger-lib-1.3.2: Core data types, parsers and functionality for the hledger accounting tools

Safe HaskellNone




An Account has a name, a list of subaccounts, an optional parent account, and subaccounting-excluding and -including balances.



accountsFromPostings :: [Posting] -> [Account] Source #

Derive 1. an account tree and 2. each account's total exclusive and inclusive changes from a list of postings. This is the core of the balance command (and of *ledger). The accounts are returned as a list in flattened tree order, and also reference each other as a tree. (The first account is the root of the tree.)

nameTreeToAccount :: AccountName -> FastTree AccountName -> Account Source #

Convert an AccountName tree to an Account tree

tieAccountParents :: Account -> Account Source #

Tie the knot so all subaccounts' parents are set correctly.

parentAccounts :: Account -> [Account] Source #

Get this account's parent accounts, from the nearest up to the root.

accountsLevels :: Account -> [[Account]] Source #

List the accounts at each level of the account tree.

mapAccounts :: (Account -> Account) -> Account -> Account Source #

Map a (non-tree-structure-modifying) function over this and sub accounts.

anyAccounts :: (Account -> Bool) -> Account -> Bool Source #

Is the predicate true on any of this account or its subaccounts ?

sumAccounts :: Account -> Account Source #

Add subaccount-inclusive balances to an account tree.

clipAccounts :: Int -> Account -> Account Source #

Remove all subaccounts below a certain depth.

clipAccountsAndAggregate :: Int -> [Account] -> [Account] Source #

Remove subaccounts below the specified depth, aggregating their balance at the depth limit (accounts at the depth limit will have any sub-balances merged into their exclusive balance).

pruneAccounts :: (Account -> Bool) -> Account -> Maybe Account Source #

Remove all leaf accounts and subtrees matching a predicate.

flattenAccounts :: Account -> [Account] Source #

Flatten an account tree into a list, which is sometimes convenient. Note since accounts link to their parents/subs, the tree's structure remains intact and can still be used. It's a tree/list!

filterAccounts :: (Account -> Bool) -> Account -> [Account] Source #

Filter an account tree (to a list).

lookupAccount :: AccountName -> [Account] -> Maybe Account Source #

Search an account list by name.

Orphan instances