module Main ( main ) where import Hledger import Control.Exception ( bracket ) import Control.Monad import Distribution.Text ( display ) import System.Console.GetOpt import System.Environment import System.Exit import System.IO import Data.Time.Calendar import Text.Printf import Data.List import Data.Ord import Statistics.Math.RootFinding import Paths_hledger_irr ( version ) data Options = Options { optShowVersion :: Bool , optShowHelp :: Bool , optCashFlow :: Bool , optInput :: FilePath , optInvAcc :: String , optInterestAcc :: String , optBegin :: Maybe String , optEnd :: Maybe String , optInterval :: Maybe Interval } defaultOptions :: Options defaultOptions = Options { optShowVersion = False , optShowHelp = False , optCashFlow = False , optInput = "-" , optInvAcc = "" , optInterestAcc = "" , optBegin = Nothing , optEnd = Nothing , optInterval = Nothing } options :: [OptDescr (Options -> Options)] options = [ Option "h" ["help"] (NoArg (\o -> o { optShowHelp = True })) "print this message and exit" , Option "V" ["version"] (NoArg (\o -> o { optShowVersion = True })) "show version number and exit" , Option "c" ["cashflow"] (NoArg (\o -> o { optCashFlow = True })) "also show all revant transactions" , Option "f" ["file"] (ReqArg (\f o -> o { optInput = f }) "FILE") "input ledger file (pass '-' for stdin)" , Option "i" ["investment-account"] (ReqArg (\a o -> o { optInvAcc = a }) "ACCOUNT") "investment account" , Option "t" ["interest-account"] (ReqArg (\a o -> o { optInterestAcc = a }) "ACCOUNT") "interest/gain/fees/losses account" , Option "b" ["begin"] (ReqArg (\d o -> o { optBegin = Just d }) "DATE") "calculate interest from this date" , Option "e" ["end"] (ReqArg (\d o -> o { optEnd = Just d }) "DATE") "calculate interest until this date" , Option "D" ["daily"] (NoArg (\o -> o { optInterval = Just (Days 1) })) "calculate intereste for each day" , Option "W" ["weekly"] (NoArg (\o -> o { optInterval = Just (Weeks 1) })) "calculate intereste for each week" , Option "M" ["monthly"] (NoArg (\o -> o { optInterval = Just (Months 1) })) "calculate intereste for each month" , Option "Y" ["yearly"] (NoArg (\o -> o { optInterval = Just (Years 1) })) "calculate intereste for each year" ] usageMessage :: String usageMessage = usageInfo header options where header = "Usage: hledger-irr [OPTION...]" commandLineError :: String -> IO a commandLineError err = do hPutStrLn stderr (err ++ usageMessage) exitFailure parseOpts :: [String] -> IO (Options, [String]) parseOpts argv = case getOpt Permute options argv of (o,n,[] ) -> return (foldl (flip id) defaultOptions o, n) (_,_,errs) -> commandLineError (concat errs) main :: IO () main = bracket (return ()) (\() -> hFlush stdout >> hFlush stderr) $ \() -> do (opts, args) <- getArgs >>= parseOpts when (optShowVersion opts) (putStrLn (display version) >> exitSuccess) when (optShowHelp opts) (putStr usageMessage >> exitSuccess) when (null (optInvAcc opts)) (commandLineError "required --investment-account option is missing\n") when (null (optInterestAcc opts)) (commandLineError "required --interest-account option is missing\n") when (length args > 0) (commandLineError "no command line arguments allowed") jnl' <- readJournalFile Nothing Nothing (optInput opts) >>= either fail return let ts = jtxns $ filterJournalTransactions (Acct (optInvAcc opts)) jnl' when (null ts) $ do putStrLn "No relevant transactions found. Did you mis-spell your accounts?" exitFailure thisDay <- getCurrentDay let firstDay = minimum $ map transactionEffectiveDate ts let lastDay = maximum $ map transactionEffectiveDate ts let existingSpan = DateSpan (Just firstDay) (Just lastDay) let begin = maybe firstDay (fixSmartDateStr' thisDay) (optBegin opts) let end = maybe thisDay (fixSmartDateStr' thisDay) (optEnd opts) let wholeSpan = DateSpan (Just begin) (Just end) let spans = case optInterval opts of Nothing -> [wholeSpan] Just interval -> splitSpan interval $ spanIntersect existingSpan wholeSpan forM_ spans $ \(DateSpan (Just ibegin) (Just iend)) -> do let preQuery = And [ Acct (optInvAcc opts), EDate (openClosedSpan Nothing (Just ibegin))] pre_amount = negate $ unMix $ accountAmount preQuery ts let prefix = (ibegin, pre_amount) let eQuery = And [Acct (optInvAcc opts), EDate (openClosedSpan Nothing (Just iend))] let final = unMix $ accountAmount eQuery ts let postfix = (iend, final) let cfQuery = And [ Not (Or [Acct (optInvAcc opts), Acct (optInterestAcc opts)]), EDate (openClosedSpan (Just ibegin) (Just iend)) ] let cf = calculateCashFlow cfQuery ts let totalCF = sortBy (comparing fst) $ filter ((/=0) . aquantity . snd) $ prefix : cf ++ [postfix] when (optCashFlow opts) $ do mapM_ (putStrLn . showCashFlowEntry) totalCF -- 0% is always a solution, so require at least something here putStr $ printf "%s - %s: " (showDate ibegin) (showDate iend) case ridders 0.00001 (0.000001,1000) (aquantity . interestSum iend totalCF) of Root rate -> putStrLn (printf "%0.2f%%" ((rate-1)*100)) _ -> putStrLn "Error: Failed to find solution." openClosedSpan :: Maybe Day -> Maybe Day -> DateSpan openClosedSpan md1 md2 = DateSpan (fmap (addDays 1) md1) (fmap (addDays 1) md2) -- Bad hack – what to do? unMix :: MixedAmount -> Amount unMix = sum . amounts showCashFlowEntry :: (Day, Amount) -> String showCashFlowEntry (d, a) = showDate d ++ ": " ++ showAmount a type CashFlow = [(Day, Amount)] -- | Divide an amount's quantity by a constant. multiplyAmount :: Amount -> Double -> Amount multiplyAmount a@Amount{aquantity=q} d = a{aquantity=q*d} interestSum :: Day -> CashFlow -> Double -> Amount interestSum referenceDay cf rate = sum $ map go cf where go (t,m) = multiplyAmount m (rate ** (fromIntegral (referenceDay `diffDays` t) / 365)) calculateCashFlow :: Query -> [Transaction] -> CashFlow calculateCashFlow query = map go where go t = (transactionEffectiveDate t, amt) where amt = sum $ map (unMix . pamount) $ filter (matchesPosting query) $ realPostings t accountAmount :: Query -> [Transaction] -> MixedAmount accountAmount query = sumPostings . filter (matchesPosting query) . concatMap realPostings -- | Convert a smart date string to a day using -- the provided reference date, or raise an error. fixSmartDateStr' :: Day -> String -> Day fixSmartDateStr' d s = either (\e->error' $ printf "could not parse date %s %s" (show s) (show e)) id $ fixSmartDateStrEither' d s