module Main ( main ) where import Hledger.Interest import Hledger.Query import Hledger.Read import Hledger.Utils import Control.Exception ( bracket ) import Control.Monad import Data.List ( sortOn ) import Data.Maybe import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Version import System.Console.GetOpt import System.Environment import System.Exit import System.IO import Paths_hledger_interest ( version ) data Options = Options { optVerbose :: Bool , optShowVersion :: Bool , optShowHelp :: Bool , optInput :: [FilePath] , optSourceAcc :: String , optTargetAcc :: String , optDCC :: Maybe DayCountConvention , optRate :: Maybe Rate , optBalanceToday :: Bool , optIgnoreAssertions :: Bool } defaultOptions :: Options defaultOptions = Options { optVerbose = True , optShowVersion = False , optShowHelp = False , optInput = [] , optSourceAcc = "" , optTargetAcc = "" , optDCC = Nothing , optRate = Nothing , optBalanceToday = False , optIgnoreAssertions = False } options :: [OptDescr (Options -> Options)] options = [ Option ['h'] ["help"] (NoArg (\o -> o { optShowHelp = True })) "print this message and exit" , Option ['V'] ["version"] (NoArg (\o -> o { optShowVersion = True })) "show version number and exit" , Option ['v'] ["verbose"] (NoArg (\o -> o { optVerbose = True })) "echo input ledger to stdout (default)" , Option ['q'] ["quiet"] (NoArg (\o -> o { optVerbose = False })) "don't echo input ledger to stdout" , Option [] ["today"] (NoArg (\o -> o { optBalanceToday = True })) "compute interest up until today" , Option ['f'] ["file"] (ReqArg (\f o -> o { optInput = f : optInput o }) "FILE") "input ledger file (pass '-' for stdin)" , Option ['s'] ["source"] (ReqArg (\a o -> o { optSourceAcc = a }) "ACCOUNT") "interest source account" , Option ['t'] ["target"] (ReqArg (\a o -> o { optTargetAcc = a }) "ACCOUNT") "interest target account" , Option ['I'] ["ignore-assertions"] (NoArg (\o -> o { optIgnoreAssertions = True })) "ignore any failing balance assertions" , Option [] ["act"] (NoArg (\o -> o { optDCC = Just diffAct })) "use 'act' day counting convention" , Option [] ["30-360"] (NoArg (\o -> o { optDCC = Just diff30_360 })) "use '30/360' day counting convention" , Option [] ["30E-360"] (NoArg (\o -> o { optDCC = Just diff30E_360 })) "use '30E/360' day counting convention" , Option [] ["30E-360isda"] (NoArg (\o -> o { optDCC = Just diff30E_360isda })) "use '30E/360isda' day counting convention" , Option [] ["constant"] (ReqArg (\r o -> o { optRate = Just (constant (read r)) }) "RATE") "constant interest rate" , Option [] ["annual"] (ReqArg (\r o -> o { optRate = Just (perAnno (read r)) }) "RATE") "annual interest rate" , Option [] ["annual-schedule"] (ReqArg (\r o -> o { optRate = Just (perAnnoSchedule (read r)) }) "SCHEDULE") "schedule of annual interest rates.\nsyntax: '[(Date1,Rate1),(Date2,Rate2),...]'" , Option [] ["bgb288"] (NoArg (\o -> o { optRate = Just bgb288, optDCC = Just diffAct })) "compute interest according to German BGB288" , Option [] ["db24"] (NoArg (\o -> o { optRate = Just db24, optDCC = Just diff30E_360 })) "HACK: Deutsche Bank 24" , Option [] ["ing-diba"] (NoArg (\o -> o { optRate = Just ingDiba, optDCC = Just diffAct })) "HACK: compute interest according for Ing-Diba Tagesgeld account" ] usageMessage :: String usageMessage = usageInfo header options where header = "Usage: hledger-interest [OPTION...] ACCOUNT" commandLineError :: String -> IO a commandLineError err = do hPutStrLn stderr (err ++ usageMessage) exitFailure parseOpts :: [String] -> IO (Options, [String]) parseOpts argv = case getOpt Permute options argv of (o,n,[] ) -> return (foldl (flip id) defaultOptions o, n) (_,_,errs) -> commandLineError (concat errs) main :: IO () main = bracket (return ()) (\() -> hFlush stdout >> hFlush stderr) $ \() -> do (opts, args) <- getArgs >>= parseOpts when (optShowVersion opts) (putStrLn (showVersion version) >> exitSuccess) when (optShowHelp opts) (putStr usageMessage >> exitSuccess) when (null (optSourceAcc opts)) (commandLineError "required --source option is missing\n") when (null (optTargetAcc opts)) (commandLineError "required --target option is missing\n") when (isNothing (optDCC opts)) (commandLineError "no day counting convention specified\n") when (isNothing (optRate opts)) (commandLineError "no interest rate specified\n") let ledgerInputOptions = definputopts { ignore_assertions_ = optIgnoreAssertions opts } jnl' <- readJournalFiles ledgerInputOptions (reverse (optInput opts)) >>= either fail return interestAcc <- case args of [] -> commandLineError "required argument ACCOUNT is missing\n" [acc] -> return acc _ -> commandLineError "only one interest ACCOUNT may be specified\n" let jnl = filterJournalTransactions (Acct (toRegex' interestAcc)) jnl' ts = sortOn tdate (jtxns jnl) cfg = Config { interestAccount = T.pack interestAcc , sourceAccount = T.pack (optSourceAcc opts) , targetAccount = T.pack (optTargetAcc opts) , dayCountConvention = fromJust (optDCC opts) , interestRate = fromJust (optRate opts) } thisDay <- getCurrentDay let finalize | optBalanceToday opts = computeInterest thisDay | otherwise = return () ts' = runComputer cfg (mapM_ processTransaction ts >> finalize) result | optVerbose opts = ts' ++ ts | otherwise = ts' mapM_ (putStr . showTransactionUnelided) (sortOn tdate result)