{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module ModelSpec (spec) where import Test.Hspec import Control.Monad import Data.List import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Time.Calendar import qualified Hledger as HL import DateParser import Model hiding (context) spec :: Spec spec = do describe "suggest" suggestSpec describe "accountsByFrequency" accByFreqSpec describe "setCurrentComment" setCurrentCommentSpec describe "setTransactionComment" setTransactionCommentSpec describe "isDuplicateTransaction" isDuplicateTransactionSpec describe "isSubsetTransaction" isSubsetTransactionSpec suggestSpec :: Spec suggestSpec = do context "at the account prompt" $ do it "suggests nothing for an empty journal" $ suggest HL.nulljournal german (AccountQuestion HL.nulltransaction "") `shouldReturn` Nothing it "suggests the accounts in order" $ do let postings = [("x", 1), ("y", 2), ("z", 3)] j = mkJournal [ ((2017, 1, 1), "Foo", postings) ] forM_ (zip (inits postings) postings) $ \(posts, next) -> do let t = mkTransaction ((2016, 1, 1), "Foo", map (\(x,y) -> (x, y+1)) posts) suggest j german (AccountQuestion t "") `shouldReturn` Just (fst next) context "at the amount prompt" $ do it "suggests amounts from the similar transaction" $ do let postings = [("x", 1), ("y", 2), ("z", 3)] j = mkJournal [ ((2017, 1, 1), "Foo", postings) ] forM_ (zip (inits postings) postings) $ \(posts, next) -> do let t = mkTransaction ((2016, 1, 1), "Foo", posts) suggest j german (AmountQuestion (fst next) t "") `shouldReturn` Just ("€" <> T.pack (show $ snd next) <> ".00") it "suggests the balancing amount if accounts don't match with similar transaction" $ do let postings = [("x", 1), ("y", 2), ("z", 3)] j = mkJournal [ ((2017, 1, 1), "Foo", postings) ] t = mkTransaction ((2016, 1, 1), "Foo", [("foo", 3)]) suggest j german (AmountQuestion "y" t "") `shouldReturn` Just "€-3.00" it "initially doesn't suggest an amount if there is no similar transaction" $ do let j = mkJournal [ ((2017, 1, 1), "Foo", [("x", 2), ("y", 3)]) ] t = mkTransaction ((2016, 1, 1), "Bar", []) suggest j german (AmountQuestion "y" t "") `shouldReturn` Nothing it "suggests the balancing amount if there is no similar transaction for the second account" $ do let j = mkJournal [ ((2017, 1, 1), "Foo", [("x", 2), ("y", 3)]) ] t = mkTransaction ((2016, 1, 1), "Bar", [("foo", 3)]) suggest j german (AmountQuestion "y" t "") `shouldReturn` Just "€-3.00" accByFreqSpec :: Spec accByFreqSpec = do it "sorts according to frequency" $ do let postings = [("x", 1), ("y", 2), ("y", 3)] j = mkJournal [ ((2017, 1, 1), "Foo", postings) ] accountsByFrequency j `shouldBe` ["y", "x"] it "includes subaccounts" $ do let j = mkJournal [ ((2017, 1, 1), "Foo", [("x:y", 2)]) ] accountsByFrequency j `shouldContain` ["x"] it "only counts explicit occurences for sorting" $ do let j = mkJournal [ ((2017, 1, 1), "Foo", [("x:y", 2), ("x:y", 3), ("x:z", 4)]) ] accountsByFrequency j `shouldBe` ["x:y", "x:z", "x"] it "includes accounts from the 'account directive'" $ do let j = (mkJournal [ ((2017, 1, 1), "Foo", [("x:y", 2)]) ]) { HL.jdeclaredaccounts = [("foo:bar", HL.nullaccountdeclarationinfo)]} accountsByFrequency j `shouldContain` ["foo:bar"] accountsByFrequency j `shouldContain` ["foo"] setCurrentCommentSpec :: Spec setCurrentCommentSpec = do it "works at the date prompt" $ worksOn (DateQuestion "") it "works at the description prompt" $ worksOn (DescriptionQuestion (fromGregorian 2017 2 3) "") it "works at the account prompt" $ worksOn (AccountQuestion HL.nulltransaction "") it "works at the amount prompt" $ worksOn (AmountQuestion "foo" HL.nulltransaction "") it "works at the final prompt" $ worksOn (FinalQuestion HL.nulltransaction False) where worksOn :: Step -> Expectation worksOn step = let comment = "a fancy comment" in getCurrentComment (setCurrentComment comment step) `shouldBe` comment setTransactionCommentSpec :: Spec setTransactionCommentSpec = do it "works at the date prompt" $ worksOn (DateQuestion "") it "works at the description prompt" $ worksOn (DescriptionQuestion (fromGregorian 2017 2 3) "") it "works at the account prompt" $ worksOn (AccountQuestion HL.nulltransaction "") it "works at the amount prompt" $ worksOn (AmountQuestion "foo" HL.nulltransaction "") it "works at the final prompt" $ worksOn (FinalQuestion HL.nulltransaction False) where worksOn :: Step -> Expectation worksOn step = let comment = "a fancy comment" in getTransactionComment (setTransactionComment comment step) `shouldBe` comment isDuplicateTransactionSpec :: Spec isDuplicateTransactionSpec = do it "considers exact copies as duplicates" $ let trans = ((2017,9,23), "Test", [("Test", 1), ("Toast", -1)]) in isDuplicateTransaction (mkJournal [trans]) (mkTransaction trans) it "ignores the order of postings" $ let t1 = ((2017,9,23), "Test", [("Test", 1), ("Toast", -1)]) t2 = ((2017,9,23), "Test", [("Toast", -1), ("Test", 1)]) in isDuplicateTransaction (mkJournal [t1]) (mkTransaction t2) it "ignores comments and tags" $ do let t1 = mkTransaction ((2017,9,23), "Test", [("Test", 1), ("Toast", -1)]) t2 = t1 { HL.tcomment = "Foo" } t3 = t1 { HL.ttags = [("Foo", "Bar")] } isDuplicateTransaction (HL.addTransaction t2 HL.nulljournal) t1 `shouldBe` True isDuplicateTransaction (HL.addTransaction t3 HL.nulljournal) t1 `shouldBe` True it "considers date and description" $ do let t1 = ((2017,9,23), "Test", [("Test", 1), ("Toast", -1)]) t2 = ((2017,9,24), "Test", [("Test", 1), ("Toast", -1)]) t3 = ((2017,9,23), "Foo", [("Test", 1), ("Toast", -1)]) isDuplicateTransaction (mkJournal [t1]) (mkTransaction t2) `shouldBe` False isDuplicateTransaction (mkJournal [t1]) (mkTransaction t3) `shouldBe` False it "considers date, amount and account of postings" $ do let t1 = ((2017,9,23), "Test", [("Test", 1), ("Toast", -1)]) t2 = ((2017,9,23), "Test", [("Foo", 1), ("Toast", -1)]) t3 = ((2017,9,23), "Test", [("Test", 2), ("Toast", -1)]) t4 = ((2017,9,23), "Test", [("Test", 1), ("Toast", -1), ("Foo", 2), ("Bar", -2)]) t5p1 = (mkPosting ("Test", 1)) { HL.pdate = Just (fromGregorian 2017 9 23 )} t5 = (mkTransaction t1) { HL.tpostings = [t5p1, mkPosting ("Toast", -1)]} isDuplicateTransaction (mkJournal [t1]) (mkTransaction t2) `shouldBe` False isDuplicateTransaction (mkJournal [t1]) (mkTransaction t3) `shouldBe` False isDuplicateTransaction (mkJournal [t1]) (mkTransaction t4) `shouldBe` False isDuplicateTransaction (mkJournal [t1]) t5 `shouldBe` False it "ignores amount presentation" $ do let a1 = (HL.eur 0.5) { HL.astyle = HL.amountstyle} -- We use 'read' in the following because hledger-lib 1.19 changed the -- type of 'asprecision' from Int to 'AmountPrecision'. 'read' works in -- both cases. a2 = (HL.eur 0.5) { HL.astyle = HL.amountstyle { HL.asprecision = HL.Precision 15 } } p1 = mkPosting ("Test", -1) p2 = HL.nullposting { HL.paccount = "Toast", HL.pamount = HL.mixedAmount a1 } p3 = HL.nullposting { HL.paccount = "Toast", HL.pamount = HL.mixedAmount a2 } t0 = mkTransaction ((2017,9,23), "Test", []) t1 = t0 { HL.tpostings = [p1,p2,p2] } t2 = t0 { HL.tpostings = [p1,p3,p3] } isDuplicateTransaction (HL.addTransaction t1 HL.nulljournal) t2 `shouldBe` True isSubsetTransactionSpec :: Spec isSubsetTransactionSpec = it "ignores amount presentation" $ do let t1 = mkTransaction ((2021,3,12), "Test", [("Test", 1)]) t2' = mkTransaction ((2021,3,12), "Test", [("Toast", -1)]) testPosting = HL.nullposting { HL.paccount = "Test" , HL.pamount = HL.mixed [ (HL.eur 1) { HL.astyle = HL.amountstyle { HL.asdecimalpoint = Just ';' }}]} t2 = t2' { HL.tpostings = testPosting : HL.tpostings t2' } isSubsetTransaction t1 t2 `shouldBe` True -- Helpers type Date = (Integer,Int,Int) -- y, d, m -- | Creates a mock-journal from a list of transactions -- -- Transactions consists of the date, a description and a list of postings in -- for form of (account, amount) mkJournal :: [(Date, Text, [(Text, Int)])] -> HL.Journal mkJournal = foldl (\j t -> HL.addTransaction (mkTransaction t) j) HL.nulljournal mkTransaction :: (Date, Text, [(Text, Int)]) -> HL.Transaction mkTransaction ((year,month,day), desc, postings) = HL.nulltransaction { HL.tdate = fromGregorian year month day , HL.tdescription = desc , HL.tpostings = map mkPosting postings } mkPosting :: (Text, Int) -> HL.Posting mkPosting (account, amount) = HL.nullposting { HL.paccount = account , HL.pamount = HL.mixed [HL.eur (fromIntegral amount)] }