{-| A history-aware add command to help with data entry. |-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-signatures -fno-warn-unused-do-bind #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, RecordWildCards, TypeOperators, FlexibleContexts, OverloadedStrings, PackageImports, LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} module Hledger.Cli.Commands.Add ( addmode ,add ,appendToJournalFileOrStdout ,journalAddTransaction ) where import Control.Exception as E import Control.Monad (when) import Control.Monad.Trans.Class import Control.Monad.State.Strict (evalState, evalStateT) import Control.Monad.Trans (liftIO) import Data.Char (toUpper, toLower) import Data.Either (isRight) import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity(..)) import Data.List (isPrefixOf) import Data.Maybe (fromJust, fromMaybe, isJust) import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.IO as T import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.IO as TL import Data.Time.Calendar (Day) import Data.Time.Format (formatTime, defaultTimeLocale) import Lens.Micro ((^.)) import Safe (headDef, headMay, atMay) import System.Console.CmdArgs.Explicit (flagNone) import System.Console.Haskeline (runInputT, defaultSettings, setComplete) import System.Console.Haskeline.Completion (CompletionFunc, completeWord, isFinished, noCompletion, simpleCompletion) import System.Console.Wizard (Wizard, defaultTo, line, output, retryMsg, linePrewritten, nonEmpty, parser, run) import System.Console.Wizard.Haskeline import System.IO ( stderr, hPutStr, hPutStrLn ) import Text.Megaparsec import Text.Megaparsec.Char import Text.Printf import Hledger import Hledger.Cli.CliOptions import Hledger.Cli.Commands.Register (postingsReportAsText) import Hledger.Cli.Utils (journalSimilarTransaction) addmode = hledgerCommandMode $(embedFileRelative "Hledger/Cli/Commands/Add.txt") [flagNone ["no-new-accounts"] (setboolopt "no-new-accounts") "don't allow creating new accounts"] [generalflagsgroup2] [] ([], Just $ argsFlag "[DATE [DESCRIPTION [ACCOUNT1 [AMOUNT1 [ACCOUNT2 [ETC...]]]]]]") -- | State used while entering transactions. data EntryState = EntryState { esOpts :: CliOpts -- ^ command line options ,esArgs :: [String] -- ^ command line arguments remaining to be used as defaults ,esToday :: Day -- ^ today's date ,esDefDate :: Day -- ^ the default date for next transaction ,esJournal :: Journal -- ^ the journal we are adding to ,esSimilarTransaction :: Maybe Transaction -- ^ the most similar historical txn ,esPostings :: [Posting] -- ^ postings entered so far in the current txn } deriving (Show) defEntryState = EntryState { esOpts = defcliopts ,esArgs = [] ,esToday = nulldate ,esDefDate = nulldate ,esJournal = nulljournal ,esSimilarTransaction = Nothing ,esPostings = [] } data RestartTransactionException = RestartTransactionException deriving (Show) instance Exception RestartTransactionException -- data ShowHelpException = ShowHelpException deriving (Show) -- instance Exception ShowHelpException -- | Read multiple transactions from the console, prompting for each -- field, and append them to the journal file. If the journal came -- from stdin, this command has no effect. add :: CliOpts -> Journal -> IO () add opts j | journalFilePath j == "-" = return () | otherwise = do hPutStrLn stderr $ "Adding transactions to journal file " <> journalFilePath j showHelp let today = opts^.rsDay es = defEntryState{esOpts=opts ,esArgs=listofstringopt "args" $ rawopts_ opts ,esToday=today ,esDefDate=today ,esJournal=j } getAndAddTransactions es `E.catch` (\(_::UnexpectedEOF) -> putStr "") showHelp = hPutStr stderr $ unlines [ "Any command line arguments will be used as defaults." ,"Use tab key to complete, readline keys to edit, enter to accept defaults." ,"An optional (CODE) may follow transaction dates." ,"An optional ; COMMENT may follow descriptions or amounts." ,"If you make a mistake, enter < at any prompt to go one step backward." ,"To end a transaction, enter . when prompted." ,"To quit, enter . at a date prompt or press control-d or control-c." ] -- | Loop reading transactions from the console, prompting, validating -- and appending each one to the journal file, until end of input or -- ctrl-c (then raise an EOF exception). If provided, command-line -- arguments are used as defaults; otherwise defaults come from the -- most similar recent transaction in the journal. getAndAddTransactions :: EntryState -> IO () getAndAddTransactions es@EntryState{..} = (do let defaultPrevInput = PrevInput{prevDateAndCode=Nothing, prevDescAndCmnt=Nothing, prevAccount=[], prevAmountAndCmnt=[]} mt <- runInputT (setComplete noCompletion defaultSettings) (System.Console.Wizard.run $ haskeline $ confirmedTransactionWizard defaultPrevInput es []) case mt of Nothing -> error "Could not interpret the input, restarting" -- caught below causing a restart, I believe -- PARTIAL: Just t -> do j <- if debug_ esOpts > 0 then do hPutStrLn stderr "Skipping journal add due to debug mode." return esJournal else do j' <- journalAddTransaction esJournal esOpts t hPutStrLn stderr "Saved." return j' hPutStrLn stderr "Starting the next transaction (. or ctrl-D/ctrl-C to quit)" getAndAddTransactions es{esJournal=j, esDefDate=tdate t} ) `E.catch` (\(_::RestartTransactionException) -> hPutStrLn stderr "Restarting this transaction." >> getAndAddTransactions es) data TxnParams = TxnParams { txnDate :: Day , txnCode :: Text , txnDesc :: Text , txnCmnt :: Text } deriving (Show) data PrevInput = PrevInput { prevDateAndCode :: Maybe String , prevDescAndCmnt :: Maybe String , prevAccount :: [String] , prevAmountAndCmnt :: [String] } deriving (Show) data AddingStage = EnterDateAndCode | EnterDescAndComment (Day, Text) | EnterAccount TxnParams | EnterAmountAndComment TxnParams String | EndStage Transaction | EnterNewPosting TxnParams (Maybe Posting) confirmedTransactionWizard :: PrevInput -> EntryState -> [AddingStage] -> Wizard Haskeline Transaction confirmedTransactionWizard prevInput es [] = confirmedTransactionWizard prevInput es [EnterDateAndCode] confirmedTransactionWizard prevInput es@EntryState{..} stack@(currentStage : _) = case currentStage of EnterDateAndCode -> dateAndCodeWizard prevInput es >>= \case Just (date, code) -> do let es' = es { esArgs = drop 1 esArgs , esDefDate = date } dateAndCodeString = formatTime defaultTimeLocale yyyymmddFormat date ++ T.unpack (if T.null code then "" else " (" <> code <> ")") yyyymmddFormat = "%Y-%m-%d" confirmedTransactionWizard prevInput{prevDateAndCode=Just dateAndCodeString} es' (EnterDescAndComment (date, code) : stack) Nothing -> confirmedTransactionWizard prevInput es stack EnterDescAndComment (date, code) -> descriptionAndCommentWizard prevInput es >>= \case Just (desc, comment) -> do let mbaset = journalSimilarTransaction esOpts esJournal desc es' = es { esArgs = drop 1 esArgs , esPostings = [] , esSimilarTransaction = mbaset } descAndCommentString = T.unpack $ desc <> (if T.null comment then "" else " ; " <> comment) prevInput' = prevInput{prevDescAndCmnt=Just descAndCommentString} when (isJust mbaset) . liftIO $ do hPutStrLn stderr "Using this similar transaction for defaults:" T.hPutStr stderr $ showTransaction (fromJust mbaset) confirmedTransactionWizard prevInput' es' ((EnterNewPosting TxnParams{txnDate=date, txnCode=code, txnDesc=desc, txnCmnt=comment} Nothing) : stack) Nothing -> confirmedTransactionWizard prevInput es (drop 1 stack) EnterNewPosting txnParams@TxnParams{..} p -> case (esPostings, p) of ([], Nothing) -> confirmedTransactionWizard prevInput es (EnterAccount txnParams : stack) (_, Just _) -> confirmedTransactionWizard prevInput es (EnterAccount txnParams : stack) (_, Nothing) -> do let t = nulltransaction{tdate=txnDate ,tstatus=Unmarked ,tcode=txnCode ,tdescription=txnDesc ,tcomment=txnCmnt ,tpostings=esPostings } case balanceTransaction defbalancingopts t of -- imprecise balancing (?) Right t' -> confirmedTransactionWizard prevInput es (EndStage t' : stack) Left err -> do liftIO (hPutStrLn stderr $ "\n" ++ (capitalize err) ++ "please re-enter.") let notFirstEnterPost stage = case stage of EnterNewPosting _ Nothing -> False _ -> True confirmedTransactionWizard prevInput es{esPostings=[]} (dropWhile notFirstEnterPost stack) EnterAccount txnParams -> accountWizard prevInput es >>= \case Just account | account `elem` [".", ""] -> case (esPostings, postingsBalanced esPostings) of ([],_) -> liftIO (hPutStrLn stderr "Please enter some postings first.") >> confirmedTransactionWizard prevInput es stack (_,False) -> liftIO (hPutStrLn stderr "Please enter more postings to balance the transaction.") >> confirmedTransactionWizard prevInput es stack (_,True) -> confirmedTransactionWizard prevInput es (EnterNewPosting txnParams Nothing : stack) | otherwise -> do let prevAccount' = replaceNthOrAppend (length esPostings) account (prevAccount prevInput) confirmedTransactionWizard prevInput{prevAccount=prevAccount'} es{esArgs=drop 1 esArgs} (EnterAmountAndComment txnParams account : stack) Nothing -> do let notPrevAmountAndNotEnterDesc stage = case stage of EnterAmountAndComment _ _ -> False EnterDescAndComment _ -> False _ -> True confirmedTransactionWizard prevInput es{esPostings=init esPostings} (dropWhile notPrevAmountAndNotEnterDesc stack) EnterAmountAndComment txnParams account -> amountAndCommentWizard prevInput es >>= \case Just (amt, comment) -> do let p = nullposting{paccount=T.pack $ stripbrackets account ,pamount=mixedAmount amt ,pcomment=comment ,ptype=accountNamePostingType $ T.pack account } amountAndCommentString = showAmount amt ++ T.unpack (if T.null comment then "" else " ;" <> comment) prevAmountAndCmnt' = replaceNthOrAppend (length esPostings) amountAndCommentString (prevAmountAndCmnt prevInput) es' = es{esPostings=esPostings++[p], esArgs=drop 2 esArgs} confirmedTransactionWizard prevInput{prevAmountAndCmnt=prevAmountAndCmnt'} es' (EnterNewPosting txnParams (Just posting) : stack) Nothing -> confirmedTransactionWizard prevInput es (drop 1 stack) EndStage t -> do output . T.unpack $ showTransaction t y <- let def = "y" in retryMsg "Please enter y or n." $ parser ((fmap (\c -> if c == '<' then Nothing else Just c)) . headMay . map toLower . strip) $ defaultTo' def $ nonEmpty $ line $ green $ printf "Save this transaction to the journal ?%s: " (showDefault def) case y of Just 'y' -> return t Just _ -> throw RestartTransactionException Nothing -> confirmedTransactionWizard prevInput es (drop 2 stack) where replaceNthOrAppend n newElem xs = take n xs ++ [newElem] ++ drop (n + 1) xs dateAndCodeWizard PrevInput{..} EntryState{..} = do let def = headDef (T.unpack $ showDate esDefDate) esArgs retryMsg "A valid hledger smart date is required. Eg: 2022-08-30, 8/30, 30, yesterday." $ parser (parseSmartDateAndCode esToday) $ withCompletion (dateCompleter def) $ defaultTo' def $ nonEmpty $ maybeExit $ -- maybeShowHelp $ linePrewritten (green $ printf "Date%s: " (showDefault def)) (fromMaybe "" prevDateAndCode) "" where parseSmartDateAndCode refdate s = if s == "<" then return Nothing else either (const Nothing) (\(d,c) -> return $ Just (fixSmartDate refdate d, c)) edc where edc = runParser (dateandcodep <* eof) "" $ T.pack $ lowercase s dateandcodep :: SimpleTextParser (SmartDate, Text) dateandcodep = do d <- smartdate c <- optional codep skipNonNewlineSpaces eof return (d, fromMaybe "" c) -- defday = fixSmartDate today $ fromparse $ (parse smartdate "" . lowercase) defdate -- datestr = showDate $ fixSmartDate defday smtdate descriptionAndCommentWizard PrevInput{..} EntryState{..} = do let def = headDef "" esArgs s <- withCompletion (descriptionCompleter esJournal def) $ defaultTo' def $ nonEmpty $ linePrewritten (green $ printf "Description%s: " (showDefault def)) (fromMaybe "" prevDescAndCmnt) "" if s == "<" then return Nothing else do let (desc,comment) = (T.pack $ strip a, T.pack $ strip $ dropWhile (==';') b) where (a,b) = break (==';') s return $ Just (desc, comment) postingsBalanced :: [Posting] -> Bool postingsBalanced ps = isRight $ balanceTransaction defbalancingopts nulltransaction{tpostings=ps} accountWizard PrevInput{..} EntryState{..} = do let pnum = length esPostings + 1 historicalp = fmap ((!! (pnum - 1)) . (++ (repeat nullposting)) . tpostings) esSimilarTransaction historicalacct = case historicalp of Just p -> showAccountName Nothing (ptype p) (paccount p) Nothing -> "" def = headDef (T.unpack historicalacct) esArgs endmsg | canfinish && null def = " (or . or enter to finish this transaction)" | canfinish = " (or . to finish this transaction)" | otherwise = "" retryMsg "A valid hledger account name is required. Eg: assets:cash, expenses:food:eating out." $ parser (parseAccountOrDotOrNull def canfinish) $ withCompletion (accountCompleter esJournal def) $ defaultTo' def $ -- nonEmpty $ linePrewritten (green $ printf "Account %d%s%s: " pnum (endmsg::String) (showDefault def)) (fromMaybe "" $ prevAccount `atMay` length esPostings) "" where canfinish = not (null esPostings) && postingsBalanced esPostings parseAccountOrDotOrNull :: String -> Bool -> String -> Maybe (Maybe String) parseAccountOrDotOrNull _ _ "<" = dbg' $ Just Nothing parseAccountOrDotOrNull _ _ "." = dbg' $ Just $ Just "." -- . always signals end of txn parseAccountOrDotOrNull "" True "" = dbg' $ Just $ Just "" -- when there's no default and txn is balanced, "" also signals end of txn parseAccountOrDotOrNull def@(_:_) _ "" = dbg' $ Just $ Just def -- when there's a default, "" means use that parseAccountOrDotOrNull _ _ s = dbg' $ fmap (Just . T.unpack) $ either (const Nothing) validateAccount $ flip evalState esJournal $ runParserT (accountnamep <* eof) "" (T.pack s) -- otherwise, try to parse the input as an accountname where validateAccount :: Text -> Maybe Text validateAccount t | no_new_accounts_ esOpts && notElem t (journalAccountNamesDeclaredOrImplied esJournal) = Nothing | otherwise = Just t dbg' = id -- strace amountAndCommentWizard PrevInput{..} EntryState{..} = do let pnum = length esPostings + 1 (mhistoricalp,followedhistoricalsofar) = case esSimilarTransaction of Nothing -> (Nothing,False) Just Transaction{tpostings=ps} -> ( if length ps >= pnum then Just (ps !! (pnum-1)) else Nothing , all sameamount $ zip esPostings ps ) where sameamount (p1,p2) = mixedAmountUnstyled (pamount p1) == mixedAmountUnstyled (pamount p2) def | (d:_) <- esArgs = d | Just hp <- mhistoricalp, followedhistoricalsofar = showamt $ pamount hp | pnum > 1 && not (mixedAmountLooksZero balancingamt) = showamt balancingamtfirstcommodity | otherwise = "" retryMsg "A valid hledger amount is required. Eg: 1, $2, 3 EUR, \"4 red apples\"." $ parser parseAmountAndComment $ withCompletion (amountCompleter def) $ defaultTo' def $ nonEmpty $ linePrewritten (green $ printf "Amount %d%s: " pnum (showDefault def)) (fromMaybe "" $ prevAmountAndCmnt `atMay` length esPostings) "" where parseAmountAndComment s = if s == "<" then return Nothing else either (const Nothing) (return . Just) $ runParser (evalStateT (amountandcommentp <* eof) nodefcommodityj) "" (T.pack s) nodefcommodityj = esJournal{jparsedefaultcommodity=Nothing} amountandcommentp :: JournalParser Identity (Amount, Text) amountandcommentp = do a <- amountp lift skipNonNewlineSpaces c <- T.pack <$> fromMaybe "" `fmap` optional (char ';' >> many anySingle) -- eof return (a,c) balancingamt = maNegate . sumPostings $ filter isReal esPostings balancingamtfirstcommodity = mixed . take 1 $ amounts balancingamt showamt = wbUnpack . showMixedAmountB noColour . mixedAmountSetPrecision -- what should this be ? -- 1 maxprecision (show all decimal places or none) ? -- 2 maxprecisionwithpoint (show all decimal places or .0 - avoids some but not all confusion with thousands separators) ? -- 3 canonical precision for this commodity in the journal ? -- 4 maximum precision entered so far in this transaction ? -- 5 3 or 4, whichever would show the most decimal places ? -- I think 1 or 4, whichever would show the most decimal places NaturalPrecision -- -- let -- (amt,comment) = (strip a, strip $ dropWhile (==';') b) where (a,b) = break (==';') amtcmt -- a = fromparse $ runParser (amountp <|> return missingamt) (jparsestate esJournal) "" amt -- awithoutjps = fromparse $ runParser (amountp <|> return missingamt) mempty "" amt -- defamtaccepted = Just (showAmount a) == mdefamt -- es2 = if defamtaccepted then es1 else es1{esHistoricalPostings=Nothing} -- mdefaultcommodityapplied = if acommodity a == acommodity awithoutjps then Nothing else Just $ acommodity a -- when (isJust mdefaultcommodityapplied) $ -- liftIO $ hPutStrLn stderr $ printf "using default commodity (%s)" (fromJust mdefaultcommodityapplied) maybeExit = parser (\s -> if s=="." then throw UnexpectedEOF else Just s) -- maybeShowHelp :: Wizard Haskeline String -> Wizard Haskeline String -- maybeShowHelp wizard = maybe (liftIO showHelp >> wizard) return $ -- parser (\s -> if s=="?" then Nothing else Just s) wizard -- Completion helpers dateCompleter :: String -> CompletionFunc IO dateCompleter = completer ["today","tomorrow","yesterday"] descriptionCompleter :: Journal -> String -> CompletionFunc IO descriptionCompleter j = completer (map T.unpack $ journalDescriptions j) accountCompleter :: Journal -> String -> CompletionFunc IO accountCompleter j = completer (map T.unpack $ journalAccountNamesDeclaredOrImplied j) amountCompleter :: String -> CompletionFunc IO amountCompleter = completer [] -- | Generate a haskeline completion function from the given -- completions and default, that case insensitively completes with -- prefix matches, or infix matches above a minimum length, or -- completes the null string with the default. completer :: [String] -> String -> CompletionFunc IO completer completions def = completeWord Nothing "" completionsFor where simpleCompletion' s = (simpleCompletion s){isFinished=False} completionsFor "" = return [simpleCompletion' def] completionsFor i = return (map simpleCompletion' ciprefixmatches) where ciprefixmatches = [c | c <- completions, i `isPrefixOf` c] -- mixed-case completions require haskeline > -- ciprefixmatches = [c | c <- completions, lowercase i `isPrefixOf` lowercase c] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- utilities defaultTo' = flip defaultTo withCompletion f = withSettings (setComplete f defaultSettings) green s = "\ESC[1;32m\STX"++s++"\ESC[0m\STX" showDefault "" = "" showDefault s = " [" ++ s ++ "]" -- | Append this transaction to the journal's file and transaction list. journalAddTransaction :: Journal -> CliOpts -> Transaction -> IO Journal journalAddTransaction j@Journal{jtxns=ts} opts t = do let f = journalFilePath j appendToJournalFileOrStdout f $ showTransaction t -- unelided shows all amounts explicitly, in case there's a price, cf #283 when (debug_ opts > 0) $ do putStrLn $ printf "\nAdded transaction to %s:" f TL.putStrLn =<< registerFromString (showTransaction t) return j{jtxns=ts++[t]} -- | Append a string, typically one or more transactions, to a journal -- file, or if the file is "-", dump it to stdout. Tries to avoid -- excess whitespace. -- -- XXX This writes unix line endings (\n), some at least, -- even if the file uses dos line endings (\r\n), which could leave -- mixed line endings in the file. See also writeFileWithBackupIfChanged. -- appendToJournalFileOrStdout :: FilePath -> Text -> IO () appendToJournalFileOrStdout f s | f == "-" = T.putStr s' | otherwise = appendFile f $ T.unpack s' where s' = "\n" <> ensureOneNewlineTerminated s -- | Replace a string's 0 or more terminating newlines with exactly one. ensureOneNewlineTerminated :: Text -> Text ensureOneNewlineTerminated = (<>"\n") . T.dropWhileEnd (=='\n') -- | Convert a string of journal data into a register report. registerFromString :: T.Text -> IO TL.Text registerFromString s = do j <- readJournal' s return . postingsReportAsText opts $ postingsReport rspec j where ropts = defreportopts{empty_=True} rspec = defreportspec{_rsReportOpts=ropts} opts = defcliopts{reportspec_=rspec} capitalize :: String -> String capitalize "" = "" capitalize (c:cs) = toUpper c : cs