{-| Print some statistics for the journal. -} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-} module Hledger.Cli.Commands.Stats ( statsmode ,stats ) where import Data.Default (def) import Data.List (nub, sortOn) import Data.List.Extra (nubSort) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Data.HashSet (size, fromList) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as TB import Data.Time.Calendar (Day, addDays, diffDays) import System.Console.CmdArgs.Explicit hiding (Group) import Text.Printf (printf) import qualified Data.Map as Map import Hledger import Hledger.Cli.CliOptions import Hledger.Cli.Utils (writeOutputLazyText) import Text.Tabular.AsciiWide import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (getPOSIXTime) statsmode = hledgerCommandMode $(embedFileRelative "Hledger/Cli/Commands/Stats.txt") [flagReq ["output-file","o"] (\s opts -> Right $ setopt "output-file" s opts) "FILE" "write output to FILE." ] [generalflagsgroup1] hiddenflags ([], Just $ argsFlag "[QUERY]") -- like Register.summarisePostings -- | Print various statistics for the journal. stats :: CliOpts -> Journal -> IO () stats opts@CliOpts{reportspec_=rspec, progstarttime_} j = do let today = _rsDay rspec q = _rsQuery rspec l = ledgerFromJournal q j intervalspans = snd $ reportSpanBothDates j rspec showstats = showLedgerStats l today (ls, txncounts) = unzip $ map showstats intervalspans numtxns = sum txncounts b = unlinesB ls writeOutputLazyText opts $ TB.toLazyText b t <- getPOSIXTime let dt = t - progstarttime_ printf "Run time (throughput) : %.2fs (%.0f txns/s)\n" (realToFrac dt :: Float) (fromIntegral numtxns / realToFrac dt :: Float) showLedgerStats :: Ledger -> Day -> DateSpan -> (TB.Builder, Int) showLedgerStats l today span = (unlinesB $ map (renderRowB def{tableBorders=False, borderSpaces=False} . showRow) stats ,tnum) where showRow (label, value) = Group NoLine $ map (Header . textCell TopLeft) [fitText (Just w1) (Just w1) False True label `T.append` ": ", T.pack value] w1 = maximum $ map (T.length . fst) stats (stats, tnum) = ([ ("Main file", path) -- ++ " (from " ++ source ++ ")") ,("Included files", unlines $ drop 1 $ journalFilePaths j) ,("Transactions span", printf "%s to %s (%d days)" (start span) (end span) days) ,("Last transaction", maybe "none" show lastdate ++ showelapsed lastelapsed) ,("Transactions", printf "%d (%0.1f per day)" tnum txnrate) ,("Transactions last 30 days", printf "%d (%0.1f per day)" tnum30 txnrate30) ,("Transactions last 7 days", printf "%d (%0.1f per day)" tnum7 txnrate7) ,("Payees/descriptions", show $ size $ fromList $ map (tdescription) ts) ,("Accounts", printf "%d (depth %d)" acctnum acctdepth) ,("Commodities", printf "%s (%s)" (show $ length cs) (T.intercalate ", " cs)) ,("Market prices", printf "%s (%s)" (show $ length mktprices) (T.intercalate ", " mktpricecommodities)) -- Transactions this month : %(monthtxns)s (last month in the same period: %(lastmonthtxns)s) -- Unmarked transactions : %(unmarked)s -- Days since reconciliation : %(reconcileelapsed)s -- Days since last transaction : %(recentelapsed)s ] ,tnum) where j = ljournal l path = journalFilePath j ts = sortOn tdate $ filter (spanContainsDate span . tdate) $ jtxns j as = nub $ map paccount $ concatMap tpostings ts cs = either error' Map.keys $ commodityStylesFromAmounts $ concatMap (amountsRaw . pamount) $ concatMap tpostings ts -- PARTIAL: lastdate | null ts = Nothing | otherwise = Just $ tdate $ last ts lastelapsed = fmap (diffDays today) lastdate showelapsed Nothing = "" showelapsed (Just days) = printf " (%d %s)" days' direction where days' = abs days direction | days >= 0 = "days ago" :: String | otherwise = "days from now" tnum = length ts -- Integer would be better start (DateSpan (Just d) _) = show d start _ = "" end (DateSpan _ (Just d)) = show d end _ = "" days = fromMaybe 0 $ daysInSpan span txnrate | days==0 = 0 | otherwise = fromIntegral tnum / fromIntegral days :: Double tnum30 = length $ filter withinlast30 ts withinlast30 t = d >= addDays (-30) today && (d<=today) where d = tdate t txnrate30 = fromIntegral tnum30 / 30 :: Double tnum7 = length $ filter withinlast7 ts withinlast7 t = d >= addDays (-7) today && (d<=today) where d = tdate t txnrate7 = fromIntegral tnum7 / 7 :: Double acctnum = length as acctdepth | null as = 0 | otherwise = maximum $ map accountNameLevel as mktprices = jpricedirectives j mktpricecommodities = nubSort $ map pdcommodity mktprices