{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE ParallelListComp #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-| The @roi@ command prints internal rate of return and time-weighted rate of return for and investment. -} module Hledger.Cli.Commands.Roi ( roimode , roi ) where import Control.Monad import System.Exit import Data.Time.Calendar import Text.Printf import Data.Function (on) import Data.List import Numeric.RootFinding import Data.Decimal import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.IO as TL import System.Console.CmdArgs.Explicit as CmdArgs import Text.Tabular.AsciiWide as Tab import Hledger import Hledger.Cli.CliOptions roimode = hledgerCommandMode $(embedFileRelative "Hledger/Cli/Commands/Roi.txt") [flagNone ["cashflow"] (setboolopt "cashflow") "show all amounts that were used to compute returns" ,flagReq ["investment"] (\s opts -> Right $ setopt "investment" s opts) "QUERY" "query to select your investment transactions" ,flagReq ["profit-loss","pnl"] (\s opts -> Right $ setopt "pnl" s opts) "QUERY" "query to select profit-and-loss or appreciation/valuation transactions" ] [generalflagsgroup1] hiddenflags ([], Just $ argsFlag "[QUERY]") -- One reporting span, data OneSpan = OneSpan Day -- start date, inclusive Day -- end date, exclusive MixedAmount -- value of investment at the beginning of day on spanBegin_ MixedAmount -- value of investment at the end of day on spanEnd_ [(Day,MixedAmount)] -- all deposits and withdrawals (but not changes of value) in the DateSpan [spanBegin_,spanEnd_) [(Day,MixedAmount)] -- all PnL changes of the value of investment in the DateSpan [spanBegin_,spanEnd_) deriving (Show) roi :: CliOpts -> Journal -> IO () roi CliOpts{rawopts_=rawopts, reportspec_=rspec@ReportSpec{rsOpts=ReportOpts{..}}} j = do d <- getCurrentDay -- We may be converting posting amounts to value, per hledger_options.m4.md "Effect of --value on reports". let priceOracle = journalPriceOracle infer_value_ j styles = journalCommodityStyles j today = rsToday rspec mixedAmountValue periodlast date = maybe id (mixedAmountApplyValuation priceOracle styles periodlast today date) value_ . mixedAmountToCost cost_ styles let ropts = rsOpts rspec showCashFlow = boolopt "cashflow" rawopts prettyTables = pretty_tables_ makeQuery flag = do q <- either usageError (return . fst) . parseQuery d . T.pack $ stringopt flag rawopts return . simplifyQuery $ And [queryFromFlags ropts{period_=PeriodAll}, q] investmentsQuery <- makeQuery "investment" pnlQuery <- makeQuery "pnl" let trans = dbg3 "investments" $ jtxns $ filterJournalTransactions investmentsQuery j journalSpan = let dates = map transactionDate2 trans in DateSpan (Just $ minimum dates) (Just $ addDays 1 $ maximum dates) requestedSpan = periodAsDateSpan period_ requestedInterval = interval_ wholeSpan = dbg3 "wholeSpan" $ spanDefaultsFrom requestedSpan journalSpan when (null trans) $ do putStrLn "No relevant transactions found. Check your investments query" exitFailure let spans = case requestedInterval of NoInterval -> [wholeSpan] interval -> splitSpan interval wholeSpan let priceDirectiveDates = dbg3 "priceDirectiveDates" $ map pddate $ jpricedirectives j tableBody <- forM spans $ \span@(DateSpan (Just spanBegin) (Just spanEnd)) -> do -- Spans are [spanBegin,spanEnd), and spanEnd is 1 day after then actual end date we are interested in let cashFlowApplyCostValue = map (\(d,amt) -> (d,mixedAmountValue spanEnd d amt)) valueBefore = mixedAmountValue spanEnd spanBegin $ total trans (And [ investmentsQuery , Date (DateSpan Nothing (Just spanBegin))]) valueAfter = mixedAmountValue spanEnd spanEnd $ total trans (And [investmentsQuery , Date (DateSpan Nothing (Just spanEnd))]) priceDates = dbg3 "priceDates" $ nub $ filter (spanContainsDate span) priceDirectiveDates cashFlow = ((map (\d -> (d,nullmixedamt)) priceDates)++) $ cashFlowApplyCostValue $ calculateCashFlow trans (And [ Not investmentsQuery , Not pnlQuery , Date span ] ) pnl = cashFlowApplyCostValue $ calculateCashFlow trans (And [ Not investmentsQuery , pnlQuery , Date span ] ) thisSpan = dbg3 "processing span" $ OneSpan spanBegin spanEnd valueBefore valueAfter cashFlow pnl irr <- internalRateOfReturn showCashFlow prettyTables thisSpan twr <- timeWeightedReturn showCashFlow prettyTables investmentsQuery trans mixedAmountValue thisSpan let cashFlowAmt = maNegate . maSum $ map snd cashFlow let smallIsZero x = if abs x < 0.01 then 0.0 else x return [ showDate spanBegin , showDate (addDays (-1) spanEnd) , T.pack $ showMixedAmount valueBefore , T.pack $ showMixedAmount cashFlowAmt , T.pack $ showMixedAmount valueAfter , T.pack $ showMixedAmount (valueAfter `maMinus` (valueBefore `maPlus` cashFlowAmt)) , T.pack $ printf "%0.2f%%" $ smallIsZero irr , T.pack $ printf "%0.2f%%" $ smallIsZero twr ] let table = Table (Tab.Group NoLine (map (Header . T.pack . show) (take (length tableBody) [1..]))) (Tab.Group DoubleLine [ Tab.Group SingleLine [Header "Begin", Header "End"] , Tab.Group SingleLine [Header "Value (begin)", Header "Cashflow", Header "Value (end)", Header "PnL"] , Tab.Group SingleLine [Header "IRR", Header "TWR"]]) tableBody TL.putStrLn $ Tab.render prettyTables id id id table timeWeightedReturn showCashFlow prettyTables investmentsQuery trans mixedAmountValue (OneSpan spanBegin spanEnd valueBeforeAmt valueAfter cashFlow pnl) = do let valueBefore = unMix valueBeforeAmt let initialUnitPrice = 100 :: Decimal let initialUnits = valueBefore / initialUnitPrice let changes = -- If cash flow and PnL changes happen on the same day, this -- will sort PnL changes to come before cash flows (on any -- given day), so that we will have better unit price computed -- first for processing cash flow. This is why pnl changes are Left -- and cashflows are Right sort $ (++) (map (\(date,amt) -> (date,Left $ maNegate amt)) pnl ) -- Aggregate all entries for a single day, assuming that intraday interest is negligible $ map (\date_cash -> let (dates, cash) = unzip date_cash in (head dates, Right (maSum cash))) $ groupBy ((==) `on` fst) $ sortOn fst $ map (\(d,a) -> (d, maNegate a)) $ cashFlow let units = tail $ scanl (\(_, _, unitPrice, unitBalance) (date, amt) -> let valueOnDate = unMix $ mixedAmountValue spanEnd date $ total trans (And [investmentsQuery, Date (DateSpan Nothing (Just date))]) in case amt of Right amt -> -- we are buying or selling let unitsBoughtOrSold = unMix amt / unitPrice in (valueOnDate, unitsBoughtOrSold, unitPrice, unitBalance + unitsBoughtOrSold) Left pnl -> -- PnL change let valueAfterDate = valueOnDate + unMix pnl unitPrice' = valueAfterDate/unitBalance in (valueOnDate, 0, unitPrice', unitBalance)) (0, 0, initialUnitPrice, initialUnits) changes let finalUnitBalance = if null units then initialUnits else let (_,_,_,u) = last units in u finalUnitPrice = if finalUnitBalance == 0 then initialUnitPrice else (unMix valueAfter) / finalUnitBalance -- Technically, totalTWR should be (100*(finalUnitPrice - initialUnitPrice) / initialUnitPrice), but initalUnitPrice is 100, so 100/100 == 1 totalTWR = roundTo 2 $ (finalUnitPrice - initialUnitPrice) years = fromIntegral (diffDays spanEnd spanBegin) / 365 :: Double annualizedTWR = 100*((1+(realToFrac totalTWR/100))**(1/years)-1) :: Double when showCashFlow $ do printf "\nTWR cash flow for %s - %s\n" (showDate spanBegin) (showDate (addDays (-1) spanEnd)) let (dates', amounts) = unzip changes cashflows' = map (either (const nullmixedamt) id) amounts pnls = map (either id (const nullmixedamt)) amounts (valuesOnDate,unitsBoughtOrSold', unitPrices', unitBalances') = unzip4 units add x lst = if valueBefore/=0 then x:lst else lst dates = add spanBegin dates' cashflows = add valueBeforeAmt cashflows' unitsBoughtOrSold = add initialUnits unitsBoughtOrSold' unitPrices = add initialUnitPrice unitPrices' unitBalances = add initialUnits unitBalances' TL.putStr $ Tab.render prettyTables id id T.pack (Table (Tab.Group NoLine (map (Header . showDate) dates)) (Tab.Group DoubleLine [ Tab.Group SingleLine [Header "Portfolio value", Header "Unit balance"] , Tab.Group SingleLine [Header "Pnl", Header "Cashflow", Header "Unit price", Header "Units"] , Tab.Group SingleLine [Header "New Unit Balance"]]) [ [value, oldBalance, pnl, cashflow, prc, udelta, balance] | value <- map showDecimal valuesOnDate | oldBalance <- map showDecimal (0:unitBalances) | balance <- map showDecimal unitBalances | pnl <- map showMixedAmount pnls | cashflow <- map showMixedAmount cashflows | prc <- map showDecimal unitPrices | udelta <- map showDecimal unitsBoughtOrSold ]) printf "Final unit price: %s/%s units = %s\nTotal TWR: %s%%.\nPeriod: %.2f years.\nAnnualized TWR: %.2f%%\n\n" (showMixedAmount valueAfter) (showDecimal finalUnitBalance) (showDecimal finalUnitPrice) (showDecimal totalTWR) years annualizedTWR return annualizedTWR internalRateOfReturn showCashFlow prettyTables (OneSpan spanBegin spanEnd valueBefore valueAfter cashFlow _pnl) = do let prefix = (spanBegin, maNegate valueBefore) postfix = (spanEnd, valueAfter) totalCF = filter (maIsNonZero . snd) $ prefix : (sortOn fst cashFlow) ++ [postfix] when showCashFlow $ do printf "\nIRR cash flow for %s - %s\n" (showDate spanBegin) (showDate (addDays (-1) spanEnd)) let (dates, amounts) = unzip totalCF TL.putStrLn $ Tab.render prettyTables id id id (Table (Tab.Group NoLine (map (Header . showDate) dates)) (Tab.Group SingleLine [Header "Amount"]) (map ((:[]) . T.pack . showMixedAmount) amounts)) -- 0% is always a solution, so require at least something here case totalCF of [] -> return 0 _ -> case ridders (RiddersParam 100 (AbsTol 0.00001)) (0.000000000001,10000) (interestSum spanEnd totalCF) of Root rate -> return ((rate-1)*100) NotBracketed -> error' $ "Error (NotBracketed): No solution for Internal Rate of Return (IRR).\n" ++ " Possible causes: IRR is huge (>1000000%), balance of investment becomes negative at some point in time." SearchFailed -> error' $ "Error (SearchFailed): Failed to find solution for Internal Rate of Return (IRR).\n" ++ " Either search does not converge to a solution, or converges too slowly." type CashFlow = [(Day, MixedAmount)] interestSum :: Day -> CashFlow -> Double -> Double interestSum referenceDay cf rate = sum $ map go cf where go (t,m) = realToFrac (unMix m) * rate ** (fromIntegral (referenceDay `diffDays` t) / 365) calculateCashFlow :: [Transaction] -> Query -> CashFlow calculateCashFlow trans query = filter (maIsNonZero . snd) $ map go trans where go t = (transactionDate2 t, total [t] query) total :: [Transaction] -> Query -> MixedAmount total trans query = sumPostings . filter (matchesPosting query) $ concatMap realPostings trans unMix :: MixedAmount -> Quantity unMix a = case (unifyMixedAmount $ mixedAmountCost a) of Just a -> aquantity a Nothing -> error' $ "Amounts could not be converted to a single cost basis: " ++ show (map showAmount $ amounts a) ++ "\nConsider using --value to force all costs to be in a single commodity." ++ "\nFor example, \"--cost --value=end, --infer-market-price\", where commodity is the one that was used to pay for the investment." -- Show Decimal rounded to two decimal places, unless it has less places already. This ensures that "2" won't be shown as "2.00" showDecimal :: Decimal -> String showDecimal d = if d == rounded then show d else show rounded where rounded = roundTo 2 d