check Check for various kinds of errors in your data. experimental _FLAGS hledger provides a number of built-in error checks to help prevent problems in your data. Some of these are run automatically; or, you can use this check command to run them on demand, with no output and a zero exit code if all is well. Some examples: hledger check # basic checks hledger check -s # basic + strict checks hledger check ordereddates uniqueleafnames # basic + specified checks Here are the checks currently available: Basic checks These are always run by this command and other commands: - parseable - data files are well-formed and can be successfully parsed - autobalanced - all transactions are balanced, inferring missing amounts where necessary, and possibly converting commodities using transaction prices or automatically-inferred transaction prices - assertions - all balance assertions in the journal are passing. (This check can be disabled with -I/--ignore-assertions.) Strict checks These are always run by this and other commands when -s/--strict is used (strict mode): - accounts - all account names used by transactions have been declared - commodities - all commodity symbols used have been declared Other checks These checks can be run by specifying their names as arguments to the check command: - ordereddates - transactions are ordered by date (similar to the old check-dates command) - uniqueleafnames - all account leaf names are unique (similar to the old check-dupes command) Addon checks Some checks are not yet integrated with this command, but are available as add-on commands in - hledger-check-tagfiles - all tag values containing / (a forward slash) exist as file paths - hledger-check-fancyassertions - more complex balance assertions are passing You could make your own similar scripts to perform custom checks; Cookbook -> Scripting may be helpful.