{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, CPP #-} {-| Utilities for top-level modules and ghci. See also Hledger.Read and Hledger.Utils. -} module Hledger.Cli.Utils ( withJournalDo, journalReload, journalReloadIfChanged, journalFileIsNewer, journalSpecifiedFileIsNewer, fileModificationTime, openBrowserOn, writeFileWithBackup, writeFileWithBackupIfChanged, readFileStrictly, Test(TestList), ) where import Control.Exception as C import Data.List import Data.Maybe import Safe (readMay) import System.Console.CmdArgs import System.Directory (getModificationTime, getDirectoryContents, copyFile) import System.Exit import System.FilePath ((), splitFileName, takeDirectory) import System.Info (os) import System.Process (readProcessWithExitCode) import System.Time (ClockTime, getClockTime, diffClockTimes, TimeDiff(TimeDiff)) import Test.HUnit import Text.Printf #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 706 import System.Time (ClockTime(TOD)) import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds) #endif import Hledger.Cli.Options import Hledger.Data import Hledger.Read import Hledger.Utils -- | Parse the user's specified journal file and run a hledger command on -- it, or throw an error. withJournalDo :: CliOpts -> (CliOpts -> Journal -> IO ()) -> IO () withJournalDo opts cmd = do -- We kludgily read the file before parsing to grab the full text, unless -- it's stdin, or it doesn't exist and we are adding. We read it strictly -- to let the add command work. rulespath <- rulesFilePathFromOpts opts journalpath <- journalFilePathFromOpts opts ej <- readJournalFile Nothing rulespath journalpath either error' (cmd opts . journalApplyAliases (aliasesFromOpts opts)) ej -- -- | Get a journal from the given string and options, or throw an error. -- readJournalWithOpts :: CliOpts -> String -> IO Journal -- readJournalWithOpts opts s = readJournal Nothing Nothing Nothing s >>= either error' return -- | Re-read a journal from its data file, or return an error string. journalReload :: Journal -> IO (Either String Journal) journalReload j = readJournalFile Nothing Nothing $ journalFilePath j -- | Re-read a journal from its data file mostly, only if the file has -- changed since last read (or if there is no file, ie data read from -- stdin). The provided options are mostly ignored. Return a journal or -- the error message while reading it, and a flag indicating whether it -- was re-read or not. journalReloadIfChanged :: CliOpts -> Journal -> IO (Either String Journal, Bool) journalReloadIfChanged _ j = do let maybeChangedFilename f = do newer <- journalSpecifiedFileIsNewer j f return $ if newer then Just f else Nothing changedfiles <- catMaybes `fmap` mapM maybeChangedFilename (journalFilePaths j) if not $ null changedfiles then do whenLoud $ printf "%s has changed, reloading\n" (head changedfiles) jE <- journalReload j return (jE, True) else return (Right j, False) -- | Has the journal's main data file changed since the journal was last -- read ? journalFileIsNewer :: Journal -> IO Bool journalFileIsNewer j@Journal{filereadtime=tread} = do tmod <- fileModificationTime $ journalFilePath j return $ diffClockTimes tmod tread > (TimeDiff 0 0 0 0 0 0 0) -- | Has the specified file (presumably one of journal's data files) -- changed since journal was last read ? journalSpecifiedFileIsNewer :: Journal -> FilePath -> IO Bool journalSpecifiedFileIsNewer Journal{filereadtime=tread} f = do tmod <- fileModificationTime f return $ diffClockTimes tmod tread > (TimeDiff 0 0 0 0 0 0 0) -- | Get the last modified time of the specified file, or if it does not -- exist or there is some other error, the current time. fileModificationTime :: FilePath -> IO ClockTime fileModificationTime f | null f = getClockTime | otherwise = (do #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 706 clo <- getModificationTime f #else utc <- getModificationTime f let nom = utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds utc let clo = TOD (read $ show nom) 0 -- XXX #endif return clo ) `C.catch` \(_::C.IOException) -> getClockTime -- | Attempt to open a web browser on the given url, all platforms. openBrowserOn :: String -> IO ExitCode openBrowserOn u = trybrowsers browsers u where trybrowsers (b:bs) u = do (e,_,_) <- readProcessWithExitCode b [u] "" case e of ExitSuccess -> return ExitSuccess ExitFailure _ -> trybrowsers bs u trybrowsers [] u = do putStrLn $ printf "Could not start a web browser (tried: %s)" $ intercalate ", " browsers putStrLn $ printf "Please open your browser and visit %s" u return $ ExitFailure 127 browsers | os=="darwin" = ["open"] | os=="mingw32" = ["c:/Program Files/Mozilla Firefox/firefox.exe"] | otherwise = ["sensible-browser","gnome-www-browser","firefox"] -- jeffz: write a ffi binding for it using the Win32 package as a basis -- start by adding System/Win32/Shell.hsc and follow the style of any -- other module in that directory for types, headers, error handling and -- what not. -- ::ShellExecute(NULL, "open", "www.somepage.com", NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL); -- | Back up this file with a (incrementing) numbered suffix then -- overwrite it with this new text, or give an error, but only if the text -- is different from the current file contents, and return a flag -- indicating whether we did anything. writeFileWithBackupIfChanged :: FilePath -> String -> IO Bool writeFileWithBackupIfChanged f t = do s <- readFile f if t == s then return False else backUpFile f >> writeFile f t >> return True -- | Back up this file with a (incrementing) numbered suffix, then -- overwrite it with this new text, or give an error. writeFileWithBackup :: FilePath -> String -> IO () writeFileWithBackup f t = backUpFile f >> writeFile f t readFileStrictly :: FilePath -> IO String readFileStrictly f = readFile f >>= \s -> C.evaluate (length s) >> return s -- | Back up this file with a (incrementing) numbered suffix, or give an error. backUpFile :: FilePath -> IO () backUpFile fp = do fs <- safeGetDirectoryContents $ takeDirectory $ fp let (d,f) = splitFileName fp versions = catMaybes $ map (f `backupNumber`) fs next = maximum (0:versions) + 1 f' = printf "%s.%d" f next copyFile fp (d f') safeGetDirectoryContents :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath] safeGetDirectoryContents "" = getDirectoryContents "." safeGetDirectoryContents fp = getDirectoryContents fp -- | Does the second file represent a backup of the first, and if so which version is it ? backupNumber :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Maybe Int backupNumber f g = case regexMatch ("^" ++ f ++ "\\.([0-9]+)$") g of Just (_, ((_,suffix):_)) -> readMay suffix _ -> Nothing