{-# LANGUAGE CPP, TypeFamilies, QuasiQuotes, TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleContexts #-} {-| A web-based UI. -} module Hledger.Cli.Commands.Web where import Control.Concurrent (forkIO, threadDelay) import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>)) import Control.Failure import Data.Either import System.FilePath ((), takeFileName) import System.IO.Storage (withStore, putValue, getValue) import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec (parse) import Yesod import Yesod.Helpers.Static import Text.Hamlet import Text.Hamlet.RT import Hledger.Cli.Commands.Add (journalAddTransaction) import Hledger.Cli.Commands.Balance import Hledger.Cli.Commands.Print import Hledger.Cli.Commands.Register import Hledger.Cli.Options hiding (value) import Hledger.Cli.Utils import Hledger.Cli.Version (version) import Hledger.Data hiding (today) import Hledger.Read (journalFromPathAndString) import Hledger.Read.Journal (someamount) #ifdef MAKE import Paths_hledger_make (getDataFileName) #else import Paths_hledger (getDataFileName) #endif defhost = "localhost" defport = 5000 browserstartdelay = 100000 -- microseconds hledgerorgurl = "http://hledger.org" manualurl = hledgerorgurl++"/MANUAL.html" data HledgerWebApp = HledgerWebApp { appRoot :: String ,appDir :: FilePath ,appOpts :: [Opt] ,appArgs :: [String] ,appJournal :: Journal ,appStatic :: Static } type Handler = GHandler HledgerWebApp HledgerWebApp mkYesod "HledgerWebApp" [$parseRoutes| /static StaticR Static appStatic / IndexR GET /journalonly JournalOnlyR GET POST /registeronly RegisterOnlyR GET /accounts AccountsOnlyR GET /journal JournalR GET POST /register RegisterR GET POST /addformrt AddformRTR GET |] style_css = StaticRoute ["style.css"] [] hledger_js = StaticRoute ["hledger.js"] [] jquery_js = StaticRoute ["jquery.js"] [] jquery_url_js = StaticRoute ["jquery.url.js"] [] dhtmlxcommon_js = StaticRoute ["dhtmlxcommon.js"] [] dhtmlxcombo_js = StaticRoute ["dhtmlxcombo.js"] [] instance Yesod HledgerWebApp where approot = appRoot defaultroute = JournalR -- | A bundle of useful data passed to templates. data TemplateData = TD { here :: HledgerWebAppRoute -- ^ the current page's route ,title :: String -- ^ page's title ,msg :: Maybe Html -- ^ transient message ,a :: String -- ^ a (acct/desc filter pattern) parameter ,p :: String -- ^ p (period expression) parameter ,j :: Journal -- ^ the current journal ,today :: Day -- ^ the current day } mktd = TD { here = IndexR ,title = "hledger" ,msg = Nothing ,a = "" ,p = "" ,j = nulljournal ,today = ModifiedJulianDay 0 } -- | The web command. web :: [Opt] -> [String] -> Journal -> IO () web opts args j = do let host = defhost port = fromMaybe defport $ portFromOpts opts baseurl = fromMaybe (printf "http://%s:%d" host port) $ baseUrlFromOpts opts unless (Debug `elem` opts) $ forkIO (browser baseurl) >> return () server baseurl port opts args j browser :: String -> IO () browser baseurl = do putStrLn "starting web browser" threadDelay browserstartdelay openBrowserOn baseurl return () server :: String -> Int -> [Opt] -> [String] -> Journal -> IO () server baseurl port opts args j = do printf "starting web server on port %d with base url %s\n" port baseurl dir <- getDataFileName "web" let app = HledgerWebApp{ appRoot=baseurl ,appDir=dir ,appStatic=fileLookupDir (dir "static") $ typeByExt -- ++[("hamlet","text/plain")] ,appOpts=opts ,appArgs=args ,appJournal=j } withStore "hledger" $ do putValue "hledger" "journal" j basicHandler' port Nothing app -- | Gather all the stuff we want for a typical hledger web request handler. getHandlerParameters :: Handler (String, String, [Opt], FilterSpec, Journal, Maybe Html, HledgerWebAppRoute) getHandlerParameters = do Just here <- getCurrentRoute (a, p, opts, fspec) <- getReportParameters (j, err) <- getLatestJournal opts msg <- getMessage' err return (a, p, opts, fspec, j, msg, here) where -- | Get current report parameters for this request. getReportParameters :: Handler (String, String, [Opt], FilterSpec) getReportParameters = do app <- getYesod t <- liftIO $ getCurrentLocalTime a <- fromMaybe "" <$> lookupGetParam "x" p <- fromMaybe "" <$> lookupGetParam "p" let opts = appOpts app ++ [Period p] args = appArgs app ++ [a] fspec = optsToFilterSpec opts args t return (a, p, opts, fspec) -- | Update our copy of the journal if the file changed. If there is an -- error while reloading, keep the old one and return the error, and set a -- ui message. getLatestJournal :: [Opt] -> Handler (Journal, Maybe String) getLatestJournal opts = do j <- liftIO $ fromJust `fmap` getValue "hledger" "journal" (jE, changed) <- liftIO $ journalReloadIfChanged opts j if not changed then return (j,Nothing) else case jE of Right j' -> do liftIO $ putValue "hledger" "journal" j' return (j',Nothing) Left e -> do setMessage $ string "error while reading" {- ++ ": " ++ e-} return (j, Just e) -- | Helper to work around a yesod feature (can't set and get a message in the same request.) getMessage' :: Maybe String -> Handler (Maybe Html) getMessage' newmsgstr = do oldmsg <- getMessage return $ maybe oldmsg (Just . string) newmsgstr ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- handlers & templates getIndexR :: Handler () getIndexR = redirect RedirectTemporary defaultroute ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | A combined accounts and journal view. getJournalR :: Handler RepHtml getJournalR = do (a, p, opts, fspec, j, msg, here) <- getHandlerParameters today <- liftIO getCurrentDay -- app <- getYesod -- t <- liftIO $ getCurrentLocalTime let -- args = appArgs app -- fspec' = optsToFilterSpec opts args t br = balanceReportAsHtml opts td $ balanceReport opts fspec j jr = journalReportAsHtml opts td $ journalReport opts fspec j td = mktd{here=here, title="hledger journal", msg=msg, a=a, p=p, j=j, today=today} editform' = editform td $ jtext j hamletToRepHtml $ pageLayout td [$hamlet| %div.ledger %div.accounts!style=float:left; ^br^ ^navlinks.td^ ^addform.td^ ^editform'^ ^importform^ %div#transactions.journal ^filterform.td^ ^jr^ |] postJournalR :: Handler RepPlain postJournalR = postJournalOnlyR ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | A combined accounts and register view. getRegisterR :: Handler RepHtml getRegisterR = do (a, p, opts, fspec, j, msg, here) <- getHandlerParameters today <- liftIO getCurrentDay -- app <- getYesod -- t <- liftIO $ getCurrentLocalTime let -- args = appArgs app -- opts' = Empty:opts -- fspec' = optsToFilterSpec opts' args t br = balanceReportAsHtml opts td $ balanceReport opts fspec j rr = registerReportAsHtml opts td $ registerReport opts fspec j td = mktd{here=here, title="hledger register", msg=msg, a=a, p=p, j=j, today=today} editform' = editform td $ jtext j hamletToRepHtml $ pageLayout td [$hamlet| %div.ledger %div.accounts!style=float:left; ^br^ ^navlinks.td^ ^addform.td^ ^editform'^ ^importform^ %div#transactions.register ^filterform.td^ ^rr^ |] postRegisterR :: Handler RepPlain postRegisterR = postJournalOnlyR ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | A simple accounts and balances view like hledger balance. getAccountsOnlyR :: Handler RepHtml getAccountsOnlyR = do (a, p, opts, fspec, j, msg, here) <- getHandlerParameters today <- liftIO getCurrentDay let td = mktd{here=here, title="hledger accounts", msg=msg, a=a, p=p, j=j, today=today} hamletToRepHtml $ pageLayout td $ balanceReportAsHtml opts td $ balanceReport opts fspec j -- | Render a balance report as HTML. balanceReportAsHtml :: [Opt] -> TemplateData -> BalanceReport -> Hamlet HledgerWebAppRoute balanceReportAsHtml _ td@TD{here=here,a=a,p=p} (items,total) = [$hamlet| %table.balancereport %tr %td ^accountsheading^ $forall items i ^itemAsHtml' i^ %tr.totalrule %td!colspan=2 %tr %td %td!align=right $mixedAmountAsHtml.total$ |] where accountsheading = [$hamlet| accounts \ $ %span#showmoreaccounts ^showmore^ ^showall^

|] where filteringaccts = not $ null a showmore = case (filteringaccts, items) of -- cunning parent account logic (True, ((acct, _, _, _):_)) -> let a' = if isAccountRegex a then a else acct a'' = accountNameToAccountRegex $ parentAccountName $ accountRegexToAccountName a' parenturl = (here, [("y",a''), ("p",p)]) in [$hamlet| \ | $ %a!href=@?parenturl@ show more ↑ |] _ -> nulltemplate showall = if filteringaccts then [$hamlet| \ | $ %a!href=@?allurl@ show all |] else nulltemplate where allurl = (here, [("p",p)]) itemAsHtml' = itemAsHtml td itemAsHtml :: TemplateData -> BalanceReportItem -> Hamlet HledgerWebAppRoute itemAsHtml TD{p=p} (acct, adisplay, adepth, abal) = [$hamlet| %tr.item.$current$ %td.account $indent$ %a!href=$aurl$ $adisplay$ %td.balance!align=right $mixedAmountAsHtml.abal$ |] where current = "" -- if not (null a) && containsRegex a acct then "current" else "" indent = preEscapedString $ concat $ replicate (2 * adepth) " " aurl = printf ".?a=%s%s" (accountNameToAccountRegex acct) p' :: String p' = if null p then "" else printf "&p=%s" p accountNameToAccountRegex :: String -> String accountNameToAccountRegex "" = "" accountNameToAccountRegex a = printf "^%s(:|$)" a accountRegexToAccountName :: String -> String accountRegexToAccountName = gsubRegexPR "^\\^(.*?)\\(:\\|\\$\\)$" "\\1" isAccountRegex :: String -> Bool isAccountRegex s = take 1 s == "^" && (take 5 $ reverse s) == ")$|:(" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | A basic journal view, like hledger print, with editing. getJournalOnlyR :: Handler RepHtml getJournalOnlyR = do (a, p, opts, fspec, j, msg, here) <- getHandlerParameters today <- liftIO getCurrentDay let td = mktd{here=here, title="hledger journal", msg=msg, a=a, p=p, j=j, today=today} editform' = editform td $ jtext j txns = journalReportAsHtml opts td $ journalReport opts fspec j hamletToRepHtml $ pageLayout td [$hamlet| %div.journal %div.nav2 %a#addformlink!href!onclick="return addformToggle()" add one transaction \ | $ %a#editformlink!href!onclick="return editformToggle()" edit the whole journal ^addform.td^ ^editform'^ #transactions ^txns^ |] -- | Render a journal report as HTML. journalReportAsHtml :: [Opt] -> TemplateData -> JournalReport -> Hamlet HledgerWebAppRoute journalReportAsHtml _ td items = [$hamlet| %table.journalreport $forall number.items i ^itemAsHtml' i^ |] where number = zip [1..] itemAsHtml' = itemAsHtml td itemAsHtml :: TemplateData -> (Int, JournalReportItem) -> Hamlet HledgerWebAppRoute itemAsHtml _ (n, t) = [$hamlet| %tr.item.$evenodd$ %td.transaction %pre $txn$ |] where evenodd = if even n then "even" else "odd" txn = trimnl $ showTransaction t where trimnl = reverse . dropWhile (=='\n') . reverse addform :: TemplateData -> Hamlet HledgerWebAppRoute addform td = [$hamlet| %script!type=text/javascript $$(document).ready(function() { /* dhtmlxcombo setup */ window.dhx_globalImgPath="../static/images/"; var desccombo = new dhtmlXCombo("description"); var acct1combo = new dhtmlXCombo("account1"); var acct2combo = new dhtmlXCombo("account2"); desccombo.enableFilteringMode(true); acct1combo.enableFilteringMode(true); acct2combo.enableFilteringMode(true); desccombo.setSize(300); acct1combo.setSize(300); acct2combo.setSize(300); /* desccombo.enableOptionAutoHeight(true, 20); */ /* desccombo.setOptionHeight(200); */ }); %form#addform!method=POST!style=display:none; %table.form %tr %td!colspan=4 %table %tr#descriptionrow %td Date: %td %input.textinput!size=15!name=date!value=$date$ %td!style=padding-left:1em; Description: %td %select!id=description!name=description %option $forall descriptions d %option!value=$d$ $d$ %tr.helprow %td %td .help $datehelp$ $ %td %td .help $deschelp$ ^postingsfields.td^ %tr#addbuttonrow %td!colspan=4 %input!type=hidden!name=action!value=add %input!type=submit!name=submit!value="add transaction" |] where -- datehelplink = helplink "dates" "..." datehelp = "eg: 2010/7/20" deschelp = "eg: supermarket (optional)" date = "today" descriptions = sort $ nub $ map tdescription $ jtxns $ j td postingsfields :: TemplateData -> Hamlet HledgerWebAppRoute postingsfields td = [$hamlet| ^p1^ ^p2^ |] where p1 = postingfields td 1 p2 = postingfields td 2 postingfields :: TemplateData -> Int -> Hamlet HledgerWebAppRoute postingfields td n = [$hamlet| %tr#postingrow %td!align=right $acctlabel$: %td %select!id=$acctvar$!name=$acctvar$ %option $forall acctnames a %option!value=$a$ $a$ ^amtfield^ %tr.helprow %td %td .help $accthelp$ %td %td .help $amthelp$ |] where numbered = (++ show n) acctvar = numbered "account" amtvar = numbered "amount" acctnames = sort $ journalAccountNamesUsed $ j td (acctlabel, accthelp, amtfield, amthelp) | n == 1 = ("To account" ,"eg: expenses:food" ,[$hamlet| %td!style=padding-left:1em; Amount: %td %input.textinput!size=15!name=$amtvar$!value="" |] ,"eg: $6" ) | otherwise = ("From account" ,"eg: assets:bank:checking" ,nulltemplate ,"" ) editform :: TemplateData -> String -> Hamlet HledgerWebAppRoute editform _ content = [$hamlet| %form#editform!method=POST!style=display:none; %table.form#editform %tr %td!colspan=2 %textarea!name=text!rows=30!cols=80 $content$ %tr#addbuttonrow %td %span.help ^formathelp^ %td!align=right %span.help Are you sure ? This will overwrite the journal. $ %input!type=hidden!name=action!value=edit %input!type=submit!name=submit!value="save journal" \ or $ %a!href!onclick="return editformToggle()" cancel |] where formathelp = helplink "file-format" "file format help" importform :: Hamlet HledgerWebAppRoute importform = [$hamlet| %form#importform!method=POST!style=display:none; %table.form %tr %td %input!type=file!name=file %input!type=hidden!name=action!value=import %input!type=submit!name=submit!value="import from file" \ or $ %a!href!onclick="return importformToggle()" cancel |] postJournalOnlyR :: Handler RepPlain postJournalOnlyR = do action <- runFormPost' $ maybeStringInput "action" case action of Just "edit" -> postEditForm Just "import" -> postImportForm _ -> postAddForm -- | Handle a journal add form post. postAddForm :: Handler RepPlain postAddForm = do (_, _, opts, _, _, _, _) <- getHandlerParameters today <- liftIO getCurrentDay -- get form input values. M means a Maybe value. (dateM, descM, acct1M, amt1M, acct2M, amt2M) <- runFormPost' $ (,,,,,) <$> maybeStringInput "date" <*> maybeStringInput "description" <*> maybeStringInput "account1" <*> maybeStringInput "amount1" <*> maybeStringInput "account2" <*> maybeStringInput "amount2" -- supply defaults and parse date and amounts, or get errors. let dateE = maybe (Left "date required") (either (\e -> Left $ showDateParseError e) Right . fixSmartDateStrEither today) dateM descE = Right $ fromMaybe "" descM acct1E = maybe (Left "to account required") Right acct1M acct2E = maybe (Left "from account required") Right acct2M amt1E = maybe (Left "amount required") (either (const $ Left "could not parse amount") Right . parse someamount "") amt1M amt2E = maybe (Right missingamt) (either (const $ Left "could not parse amount") Right . parse someamount "") amt2M strEs = [dateE, descE, acct1E, acct2E] amtEs = [amt1E, amt2E] [date,desc,acct1,acct2] = rights strEs [amt1,amt2] = rights amtEs errs = lefts strEs ++ lefts amtEs -- if no errors so far, generate a transaction and balance it or get the error. tE | not $ null errs = Left errs | otherwise = either (\e -> Left ["unbalanced postings: " ++ (head $ lines e)]) Right (balanceTransaction $ nulltransaction { tdate=parsedate date ,teffectivedate=Nothing ,tstatus=False ,tcode="" ,tdescription=desc ,tcomment="" ,tpostings=[ Posting False acct1 amt1 "" RegularPosting Nothing ,Posting False acct2 amt2 "" RegularPosting Nothing ] ,tpreceding_comment_lines="" }) -- display errors or add transaction case tE of Left errs -> do -- save current form values in session setMessage $ string $ intercalate "; " errs redirect RedirectTemporary RegisterR Right t -> do let t' = txnTieKnot t -- XXX move into balanceTransaction j <- liftIO $ fromJust `fmap` getValue "hledger" "journal" liftIO $ journalAddTransaction j opts t' setMessage $ string $ printf "Added transaction:\n%s" (show t') redirect RedirectTemporary RegisterR -- | Handle a journal edit form post. postEditForm :: Handler RepPlain postEditForm = do -- get form input values, or basic validation errors. E means an Either value. textM <- runFormPost' $ maybeStringInput "text" let textE = maybe (Left "No value provided") Right textM -- display errors or add transaction case textE of Left errs -> do -- XXX should save current form values in session setMessage $ string errs redirect RedirectTemporary JournalR Right t' -> do -- try to avoid unnecessary backups or saving invalid data j <- liftIO $ fromJust `fmap` getValue "hledger" "journal" filechanged' <- liftIO $ journalFileIsNewer j let f = filepath j told = jtext j tnew = filter (/= '\r') t' changed = tnew /= told || filechanged' -- changed <- liftIO $ writeFileWithBackupIfChanged f t'' if not changed then do setMessage $ string $ "No change" redirect RedirectTemporary JournalR else do jE <- liftIO $ journalFromPathAndString Nothing f tnew either (\e -> do setMessage $ string e redirect RedirectTemporary JournalR) (const $ do liftIO $ writeFileWithBackup f tnew setMessage $ string $ printf "Saved journal %s\n" (show f) redirect RedirectTemporary JournalR) jE -- | Handle an import page post. postImportForm :: Handler RepPlain postImportForm = do setMessage $ string $ "can't handle file upload yet" redirect RedirectTemporary JournalR -- -- get form input values, or basic validation errors. E means an Either value. -- fileM <- runFormPost' $ maybeFileInput "file" -- let fileE = maybe (Left "No file provided") Right fileM -- -- display errors or import transactions -- case fileE of -- Left errs -> do -- setMessage $ string errs -- redirect RedirectTemporary JournalR -- Right s -> do -- setMessage $ string $ s -- redirect RedirectTemporary JournalR ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | A simple postings view like hledger register. getRegisterOnlyR :: Handler RepHtml getRegisterOnlyR = do (a, p, opts, fspec, j, msg, here) <- getHandlerParameters today <- liftIO getCurrentDay let td = mktd{here=here, title="hledger register", msg=msg, a=a, p=p, j=j, today=today} hamletToRepHtml $ pageLayout td $ registerReportAsHtml opts td $ registerReport opts fspec j -- | Render a register report as HTML. registerReportAsHtml :: [Opt] -> TemplateData -> RegisterReport -> Hamlet HledgerWebAppRoute registerReportAsHtml _ td items = [$hamlet| %table.registerreport %tr.headings ^headings^ $forall number.items i ^itemAsHtml' i^ |] where number = zip [1..] headings = [$hamlet| %th.date!align=left Date %th.description!align=left Description %th.account!align=left Account %th.amount!align=right Amount %th.balance!align=right Balance |] itemAsHtml' = itemAsHtml td itemAsHtml :: TemplateData -> (Int, RegisterReportItem) -> Hamlet HledgerWebAppRoute itemAsHtml TD{p=p} (n, (ds, posting, b)) = [$hamlet| %tr.item.$evenodd$.$firstposting$ %td.date $date$ %td.description $desc$ %td.account %a!href=$aurl$ $acct$ %td.amount!align=right $mixedAmountAsHtml.pamount.posting$ %td.balance!align=right $mixedAmountAsHtml.b$ |] where evenodd = if even n then "even" else "odd" (firstposting, date, desc) = case ds of Just (da, de) -> ("firstposting", show da, de) Nothing -> ("", "", "") acct = paccount posting aurl = printf ".?a=%s%s" (accountNameToAccountRegex acct) p' :: String p' = if null p then "" else printf "&p=%s" p mixedAmountAsHtml b = preEscapedString $ addclass $ intercalate "
" $ lines $ show b where addclass = printf "%s" c c = case isNegativeMixedAmount b of Just True -> "negative amount" _ -> "positive amount" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | A standalone journal edit form page. getEditR :: Handler RepHtml getEditR = do (a, p, _, _, _, msg, here) <- getHandlerParameters today <- liftIO getCurrentDay -- reload journal's text without parsing, if changed -- XXX are we doing this right ? j <- liftIO $ fromJust `fmap` getValue "hledger" "journal" changed <- liftIO $ journalFileIsNewer j s <- liftIO $ if changed then readFile (filepath j) else return (jtext j) -- XXX readFile may throw an error let td = mktd{here=here, title="hledger journal edit", msg=msg, a=a, p=p, j=j, today=today} hamletToRepHtml $ pageLayout td $ editform td s ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Get the add form from template files reloaded at run-time. getAddformRTR :: Handler RepHtml getAddformRTR = do (a, p, _, _, j, msg, here) <- getHandlerParameters today <- liftIO getCurrentDay let td = mktd{here=here, title="hledger add transaction", msg=msg, a=a, p=p, j=j, today=today} descriptions = sort $ nub $ map tdescription $ jtxns j acctnames = sort $ journalAccountNamesUsed j postingData n = [ (["acctlabel"], hdstring acctlabel) ,(["acctvar"], hdstring acctvar) ,(["acctnames"], hdstringlist acctnames) ,(["amtfield"], HDHtml $ renderHamlet' amtfield) ,(["accthelp"], hdstring accthelp) ,(["amthelp"], hdstring amthelp) ] :: HamletMap HledgerWebAppRoute where numbered = (++ show n) acctvar = numbered "account" amtvar = numbered "amount" (acctlabel, accthelp, amtfield, amthelp) | n == 1 = ("To account" ,"eg: expenses:food" ,[$hamlet| %td!style=padding-left:1em; Amount: %td %input.textinput!size=15!name=$amtvar$!value="" |] ,"eg: $6" ) | otherwise = ("From account" ,"eg: assets:bank:checking" ,nulltemplate ,"" ) pfields1 <- renderHamletFile "addformpostingfields.hamlet" (postingData 1) pfields2 <- renderHamletFile "addformpostingfields.hamlet" (postingData 2) addform <- renderHamletFile "addform.hamlet" ([ (["date"], hdstring "today") ,(["desc"], hdstring "") ,(["descriptions"], hdstringlist descriptions) ,(["datehelp"], hdstring "eg: 2010/7/20") ,(["deschelp"], hdstring "eg: supermarket (optional)") ,(["postingfields1"], HDHtml pfields1) ,(["postingfields2"], HDHtml pfields2) ] :: HamletMap HledgerWebAppRoute) hamletToRepHtml $ pageLayout td $ htmlAsHamlet addform -- | Convert a string to a hamlet HDHtml data item. hdstring :: String -> HamletData HledgerWebAppRoute hdstring = HDHtml . string -- | Convert a simple list of strings to hamlet's complicated HDList type. hdstringlist :: [String] -> HamletData HledgerWebAppRoute hdstringlist ss = HDList [ [([], hdstring s)] | s <- ss ] instance Failure HamletException Handler where failure = error' . show renderHamletFile :: FilePath -> HamletMap HledgerWebAppRoute -> Handler Html renderHamletFile hfile hmap = do hrt <- readHamletFile hfile >>= parseHamletRT defaultHamletSettings renderHamletRT hrt hmap renderurlwithparams renderurlwithparams u [] = show u renderurlwithparams u ps = show u ++ "?" ++ intercalate "&" [k++"="++v | (k,v) <- ps] readHamletFile :: FilePath -> Handler String readHamletFile hfile = do dir <- (( "templates") . appDir) `fmap` getYesod liftIO $ readFile $ dir hfile htmlAsHamlet :: Html -> Hamlet HledgerWebAppRoute htmlAsHamlet h = [$hamlet|$h$|] parseHamletRT' :: Failure HamletException m => String -> m HamletRT parseHamletRT' s = parseHamletRT defaultHamletSettings s renderHamletRT' :: Failure HamletException m => HamletMap HledgerWebAppRoute -> HamletRT -> m Html renderHamletRT' m h = renderHamletRT h m renderurlwithparams renderHamlet' :: Hamlet HledgerWebAppRoute -> Html renderHamlet' h = h renderurlwithparams -- hamletToHamletRT :: Failure HamletException m => Hamlet HledgerWebAppRoute -> m HamletRT -- hamletToHamletRT h = stringToHamletRT $ show $ unsafeByteString $ renderHamlet show h ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Wrap a template with the standard hledger web ui page layout. pageLayout :: TemplateData -> Hamlet HledgerWebAppRoute -> Hamlet HledgerWebAppRoute pageLayout td@TD{title=basetitle, msg=msg, p=p, j=j, today=today} content = [$hamlet| !!! %html %head %title $title'$ %meta!http-equiv=Content-Type!content=$metacontent$ %script!type=text/javascript!src=@StaticR.jquery_js@ %script!type=text/javascript!src=@StaticR.jquery_url_js@ %script!type=text/javascript!src=@StaticR.dhtmlxcommon_js@ %script!type=text/javascript!src=@StaticR.dhtmlxcombo_js@ %script!type=text/javascript!src=@StaticR.hledger_js@ %link!rel=stylesheet!type=text/css!media=all!href=@StaticR.style_css@ %body ^navbar.td^ #messages $m$ #content ^content^ |] where m = fromMaybe (string "") msg metacontent = "text/html; charset=utf-8" (journaltitle, _) = journalTitleInfo j p today title' = basetitle ++ " - " ++ journaltitle navbar :: TemplateData -> Hamlet HledgerWebAppRoute navbar TD{p=p,j=j,today=today} = [$hamlet| #navbar %a.topleftlink!href=$hledgerorgurl$ hledger
$version$ %a.toprightlink!href=$manualurl$!target=hledgerhelp manual %h1 $journaltitle$ \ $ %span#journalinfo $journalinfo$ |] where (journaltitle, journalinfo) = journalTitleInfo j p today -- | Generate journal- and context-specific title and info strings for display. journalTitleInfo :: Journal -> String -> Day -> (String, String) journalTitleInfo j p today = (journaltitle, journalinfo) where journaltitle = printf "%s" (takeFileName $ filepath j) :: String journalinfo = printf "%s" (showspan span) :: String span = either (const $ DateSpan Nothing Nothing) snd (parsePeriodExpr today p) showspan (DateSpan Nothing Nothing) = "" showspan s = " (" ++ dateSpanAsText s ++ ")" navlinks :: TemplateData -> Hamlet HledgerWebAppRoute navlinks td = [$hamlet| #navlinks ^accountsjournallink^ \ | $ ^accountsregisterlink^ \ | $ %a#addformlink!href!onclick="return addformToggle()" add transaction %a#importformlink!href!onclick="return importformToggle()"!style=display:none; import transactions \ | $ %a#editformlink!href!onclick="return editformToggle()" edit journal |] -- \ | $ where accountsjournallink = navlink td "journal" JournalR accountsregisterlink = navlink td "register" RegisterR navlink :: TemplateData -> String -> HledgerWebAppRoute -> Hamlet HledgerWebAppRoute navlink TD{here=here,a=a,p=p} s dest = [$hamlet|%a#$s$link.$style$!href=@?u@ $s$|] where u = (dest, concat [(if null a then [] else [("z", a)]) ,(if null p then [] else [("p", p)])]) style | dest == here = "navlinkcurrent" | otherwise = "navlink" filterform :: TemplateData -> Hamlet HledgerWebAppRoute filterform TD{here=here,a=a,p=p} = [$hamlet| #filterformdiv %form#filterform.form!method=GET!style=display:$visible$; %table.form %tr.$filteringperiodclass$ %td filter by period: \ $ %td %input!name=p!size=60!value=$p$ ^phelp^ \ $ %td!align=right ^stopfilteringperiod^ %tr.$filteringclass$ %td filter by account/description: \ $ %td %input!name=a!size=60!value=$a$ ^ahelp^ \ $ %input!type=submit!value=filter $ \ $ %td!align=right ^stopfiltering^ |] where ahelp = helplink "filter-patterns" "?" phelp = helplink "period-expressions" "?" filtering = not $ null a filteringperiod = not $ null p visible = "block" filteringclass = if filtering then "filtering" else "" filteringperiodclass = if filteringperiod then "filtering" else "" stopfiltering = if filtering then [$hamlet|%a#stopfilterlink!href=@?u@ stop filtering acct/desc|] else nulltemplate where u = (here, if filteringperiod then [("p", p)] else []) stopfilteringperiod = if filteringperiod then [$hamlet|%a#stopfilterlink!href=@?u@ stop filtering period|] else nulltemplate where u = (here, if filtering then [("q", a)] else []) helplink :: String -> String -> Hamlet HledgerWebAppRoute helplink topic label = [$hamlet|%a!href=$u$!target=hledgerhelp $label$|] where u = manualurl ++ if null topic then "" else '#':topic nulltemplate = [$hamlet||]