module Hix.Bootstrap where import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift) import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader (ask) import Data.List.NonEmpty ((<|)) import qualified Data.Text as Text import Distribution.Compiler (PerCompilerFlavor (PerCompilerFlavor)) import qualified Distribution.PackageDescription as Cabal import Distribution.PackageDescription ( BuildInfo, GenericPackageDescription, PackageDescription, UnqualComponentName, buildType, licenseFiles, unPackageName, unUnqualComponentName, ) import Distribution.Pretty (Pretty, pretty) import Distribution.Simple (Dependency (Dependency), depVerRange) import Distribution.Types.PackageDescription (license) import Distribution.Utils.ShortText (ShortText, fromShortText) import qualified Distribution.Verbosity as Cabal import Exon (exon) import Path (Abs, Dir, File, Path, Rel, parent, parseRelFile, relfile, toFilePath, ()) import System.FilePattern.Directory (getDirectoryFilesIgnore) import Hix.Compat (readGenericPackageDescription) import qualified Hix.Data.BootstrapProjectConfig import Hix.Data.BootstrapProjectConfig (BootstrapProjectConfig) import qualified Hix.Data.ComponentConfig import Hix.Data.ComponentConfig (PackageName (PackageName)) import Hix.Data.Error (pathText, tryIO) import qualified Hix.Data.NewProjectConfig import qualified Hix.Data.ProjectFile import Hix.Data.ProjectFile (ProjectFile (ProjectFile), createFile) import qualified Hix.Monad import Hix.Monad (Env (Env), M, noteBootstrap) import qualified Hix.Prelude import Hix.Prelude (Prelude, findPrelude) data ExprAttr = ExprAttr { name :: Text, value :: Expr } | ExprAttrNil deriving stock (Eq, Show, Generic) data Expr = ExprString Text | ExprLit Text | ExprList [Expr] | ExprAttrs [ExprAttr] | ExprPrefix Text Expr deriving stock (Eq, Show, Generic) exprStrings :: [Text] -> Expr exprStrings = ExprList . fmap ExprString data CabalInfo = CabalInfo { path :: Path Rel Dir, info :: GenericPackageDescription } deriving stock (Eq, Show, Generic) data ComponentType = Library | Executable Text | Benchmark Text | Test Text deriving stock (Eq, Show, Generic) data PreludeWithVersion = PreludeWithVersion { prelude :: Prelude, dep :: Maybe Dependency } deriving stock (Eq, Show, Generic) data HixComponent = HixComponent { special :: ComponentType, known :: [ExprAttr], prelude :: Maybe PreludeWithVersion } deriving stock (Eq, Show, Generic) data HixPackage = HixPackage { name :: PackageName, src :: Path Rel Dir, known :: [ExprAttr], meta :: [ExprAttr], description :: ExprAttr, components :: [HixComponent] } deriving stock (Eq, Show, Generic) indent :: Functor t => Int -> t Text -> t Text indent n = fmap (Text.replicate n " " <>) withSemicolon :: NonEmpty Text -> NonEmpty Text withSemicolon = \case e :| [] -> [e <> ";"] h :| h1 : t -> h <| withSemicolon (h1 :| t) renderAttrs :: Int -> [ExprAttr] -> [Text] renderAttrs ind attrs = attrs >>= \case ExprAttr k v -> case renderExpr ind v of e :| [] -> [[exon|#{k} = #{e};|]] h :| (h1 : t) -> [exon|#{k} = #{h}|] : toList (withSemicolon (h1 :| t)) ExprAttrNil -> [] renderExpr :: Int -> Expr -> NonEmpty Text renderExpr ind = \case ExprString s -> indent ind [[exon|"#{Text.replace "\"" "\\\"" s}"|]] ExprLit e -> [e] ExprList l -> "[" :| (indent (ind + 2) (toList . renderExpr ind =<< l)) ++ ["]"] ExprAttrs a -> case renderAttrs ind a of [] -> ["{}"] as -> "{" :| indent (ind + 2) as ++ ["}"] ExprPrefix p (renderExpr ind -> h :| t) -> [exon|#{p} #{h}|] :| t renderRootExpr :: Expr -> Text renderRootExpr = Text.unlines . toList . renderExpr 0 readCabal :: Path Abs Dir -> Path Rel File -> M CabalInfo readCabal cwd path = do info <- liftIO (readGenericPackageDescription Cabal.verbose (toFilePath (cwd path))) pure CabalInfo {path = dir, info} where dir = parent path class RenderCabalOption a where renderCabalOption :: a -> Text instance {-# overlappable #-} Pretty a => RenderCabalOption a where renderCabalOption = show . pretty instance RenderCabalOption ShortText where renderCabalOption = toText . fromShortText instance RenderCabalOption String where renderCabalOption = toText checkEmpty :: Text -> Expr -> ExprAttr checkEmpty key = \case ExprString value | Text.null value -> ExprAttrNil ExprList value | null value -> ExprAttrNil value -> ExprAttr key value singleOpt :: RenderCabalOption a => Text -> (e -> Maybe a) -> e -> ExprAttr singleOpt key get entity = maybe ExprAttrNil (checkEmpty key . ExprString) (renderCabalOption <$> get entity) single :: RenderCabalOption a => Text -> (e -> a) -> e -> ExprAttr single key get = singleOpt key (Just . get) multiOpt :: RenderCabalOption a => Text -> (e -> Maybe [a]) -> e -> ExprAttr multiOpt key get entity = maybe ExprAttrNil (checkEmpty key . exprStrings) (fmap renderCabalOption <$> get entity) multi :: RenderCabalOption a => Text -> (e -> [a]) -> e -> ExprAttr multi key get = multiOpt key (Just . get) multiOrSingle :: ∀ a e . RenderCabalOption a => Text -> (e -> [a]) -> e -> ExprAttr multiOrSingle key get entity = check (renderCabalOption <$> get entity) where check :: [Text] -> ExprAttr check [] = ExprAttrNil check [sing] = ExprAttr key (ExprString sing) check values = ExprAttr key (exprStrings values) mkAttrs :: [e -> ExprAttr] -> e -> [ExprAttr] mkAttrs a e = (fmap ($ e) a) notNil :: ExprAttr -> Bool notNil = \case ExprAttrNil -> False _ -> True nonEmptyAttrs :: Text -> [ExprAttr] -> ExprAttr nonEmptyAttrs key = filter notNil >>> \case [] -> ExprAttrNil as -> ExprAttr key (ExprAttrs as) -- TODO extract version and put it in a file knownPackageKeys :: PackageDescription -> [ExprAttr] knownPackageKeys = mkAttrs [ single "author" (.author), single "build-type" buildType, single "copyright" (.copyright), single "license" license, singleOpt "license-file" (head . licenseFiles), single "version" (.package.pkgVersion) ] metaPackageKeys :: PackageDescription -> [ExprAttr] metaPackageKeys = mkAttrs [ single "maintainer" (.maintainer), single "homepage" (.homepage), single "synopsis" (.synopsis) ] ghcFlavour :: PerCompilerFlavor a -> a ghcFlavour (PerCompilerFlavor a _) = a notDefaultGhcOption :: String -> Bool notDefaultGhcOption = \case "-threaded" -> False "-rtsopts" -> False "-with-rtsopts=-N" -> False _ -> True knownComponentKeys :: Maybe Prelude -> BuildInfo -> (Maybe PreludeWithVersion, [ExprAttr]) knownComponentKeys prelude info = (preludeWithVersion, vals) where vals = mkAttrs [ multi "dependencies" (const deps), multi "default-extensions" (.defaultExtensions), multiOrSingle "source-dirs" (.hsSourceDirs), singleOpt "language" (.defaultLanguage), multi "ghc-options" (filter notDefaultGhcOption . ghcFlavour . (.options)), misc ] info misc e = nonEmptyAttrs "component" (mkAttrs [ multi "other-modules" (.otherModules) ] e) (preludeWithVersion, deps) | Just p <- prelude = let (v, res) = foldl (amendPrelude p) (Nothing, []) info.targetBuildDepends in (Just (PreludeWithVersion p v), res) | otherwise = (Nothing, filter notBase info.targetBuildDepends) amendPrelude p (Nothing, ds) dep@(Dependency (Cabal.unPackageName -> dname) _ _) | dname == p.preludePackage = (Just dep, ds) amendPrelude _ (v, ds) d = (v, d : ds) notBase :: Cabal.Dependency -> Bool notBase = \case Cabal.Dependency "base" _ _ -> False _ -> True convertComponent :: ComponentType -> BuildInfo -> [ExprAttr] -> HixComponent convertComponent special info extra = HixComponent {known = knownCommon <> extra, ..} where (prelude, knownCommon) = knownComponentKeys preludeBasic info preludeBasic = findPrelude info.mixins convertLibrary :: Cabal.Library -> HixComponent convertLibrary lib = convertComponent Library lib.libBuildInfo extra where extra = mkAttrs [ multi "reexported-modules" (.reexportedModules) ] lib convertExecutable :: UnqualComponentName -> Cabal.Executable -> HixComponent convertExecutable name exe = convertComponent (Executable (toText (unUnqualComponentName name))) exe.buildInfo [] convertTestsuite :: UnqualComponentName -> Cabal.TestSuite -> HixComponent convertTestsuite name test = convertComponent (Test (toText (unUnqualComponentName name))) test.testBuildInfo [] convertBenchmark :: UnqualComponentName -> Cabal.Benchmark -> HixComponent convertBenchmark name bench = convertComponent (Benchmark (toText (unUnqualComponentName name))) bench.benchmarkBuildInfo [] convert :: CabalInfo -> HixPackage convert cinfo = HixPackage { name = PackageName (toText (unPackageName pkg.package.pkgName)), src = cinfo.path, known = knownPackageKeys pkg, meta = metaPackageKeys pkg, description = single "description" (.description) pkg, components } where components = maybeToList (convertLibrary . (.condTreeData) <$> info.condLibrary) <> (uncurry convertExecutable . second (.condTreeData) <$> info.condExecutables) <> (uncurry convertTestsuite . second (.condTreeData) <$> info.condTestSuites) <> (uncurry convertBenchmark . second (.condTreeData) <$> info.condBenchmarks) pkg = info.packageDescription info = renderComponent :: HixComponent -> ExprAttr renderComponent HixComponent {..} = ExprAttr key cabalConfig where cabalConfig = ExprAttrs (enable <> foldMap preludeAttrs prelude <> known) preludeAttrs p = [ExprAttr "prelude" (ExprAttrs [ ExprAttr "package" (preludePackageAttrs p), ExprAttr "module" (ExprString (toText p.prelude.preludeModule)) ])] preludePackageAttrs p | Just dep <- p.dep = ExprAttrs [ (ExprAttr "name" (ExprString (toText p.prelude.preludePackage))), (ExprAttr "version" (ExprString (show (pretty (depVerRange dep))))) ] | otherwise = ExprString (toText p.prelude.preludePackage) key = case special of Library -> "library" Executable name -> [exon|executables.#{name}|] Test name -> [exon|tests.#{name}|] Benchmark name -> [exon|benchmarks.#{name}|] enable = case special of Library -> [ExprAttr "enable" (ExprLit "true")] _ -> [] flakePackage :: HixPackage -> ExprAttr flakePackage pkg = ExprAttr name attrs where attrs = ExprAttrs (src : pkg.description : (ExprAttr "cabal" cabalConfig : comps)) name = src = ExprAttr "src" (ExprLit [exon|./#{Text.dropWhileEnd ('/' ==) (pathText pkg.src)}|]) cabalConfig = ExprAttrs (pkg.known <> (if null pkg.meta then [] else [ExprAttr "meta" (ExprAttrs pkg.meta)])) comps = renderComponent <$> pkg.components mainPackage :: [HixPackage] -> ExprAttr mainPackage = \case pkg : _ : _ -> ExprAttr "main" (ExprString _ -> ExprAttrNil flake :: BootstrapProjectConfig -> [HixPackage] -> Expr flake conf pkgs = ExprAttrs [ (ExprAttr "description" (ExprString "A Haskell project")), (ExprAttr "inputs.hix.url" (ExprString conf.hixUrl.unHixUrl)), (ExprAttr "outputs" (ExprPrefix "{hix, ...}: hix.lib.flake" (ExprAttrs [ (ExprAttr "packages" (ExprAttrs (flakePackage <$> pkgs))), mainPackage pkgs ]))) ] bootstrapFiles :: BootstrapProjectConfig -> M [ProjectFile] bootstrapFiles conf = do Env {cwd} <- ask cabals <- paths =<< lift (tryIO (getDirectoryFilesIgnore (toFilePath cwd) ["**/*.cabal"] ["dist-newstyle/**"])) pkgs <- fmap convert <$> traverse (readCabal cwd) cabals pure [ ProjectFile {path = [relfile|flake.nix|], content = renderRootExpr (flake conf pkgs)} ] where paths = traverse (noteBootstrap "File path error" . parseRelFile) bootstrapProject :: BootstrapProjectConfig -> M () bootstrapProject conf = traverse_ createFile =<< bootstrapFiles conf