module Data.Histogram.Bin.Bin2D (
, (><)
, (:><:)
, nBins2D
, toIndex2D
, fmapBinX
, fmapBinY
) where
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData(..))
import Data.Data (Data,Typeable)
import Text.Read (Read(..))
import Data.Histogram.Bin.Classes
import Data.Histogram.Bin.Read
data Bin2D binX binY = Bin2D { binX :: !binX
, binY :: !binY
deriving (Eq,Data,Typeable)
(><) :: binX -> binY -> Bin2D binX binY
(><) = Bin2D
type (:><:) = Bin2D
instance (Bin binX, Bin binY) => Bin (Bin2D binX binY) where
type BinValue (Bin2D binX binY) = (BinValue binX, BinValue binY)
toIndex (Bin2D bx by) (x,y)
| inRange bx x = toIndex bx x + toIndex by y * nBins bx
| otherwise = maxBound
fromIndex b@(Bin2D bx by) i = let (ix,iy) = toIndex2D b i
in (fromIndex bx ix, fromIndex by iy)
inRange (Bin2D bx by) !(x,y) = inRange bx x && inRange by y
nBins (Bin2D bx by) = nBins bx * nBins by
toIndex2D :: (Bin binX, Bin binY) => Bin2D binX binY -> Int -> (Int,Int)
toIndex2D !b !i = let (iy,ix) = divMod i (nBins $ binX b) in (ix,iy)
nBins2D :: (Bin bx, Bin by) => Bin2D bx by -> (Int,Int)
nBins2D (Bin2D bx by) = (nBins bx, nBins by)
fmapBinX :: (Bin bx, Bin bx') => (bx -> bx') -> Bin2D bx by -> Bin2D bx' by
fmapBinX f (Bin2D bx by)
| nBins bx' /= nBins bx = error "fmapBinX: new binnig algorithm has different number of bins"
| otherwise = Bin2D bx' by
bx' = f bx
fmapBinY ::(Bin by, Bin by') => (by -> by') -> Bin2D bx by -> Bin2D bx by'
fmapBinY f (Bin2D bx by)
| nBins by' /= nBins by = error "fmapBinY: new binnig algorithm has different number of bins"
| otherwise = Bin2D bx by'
by' = f by
instance (BinEq bx, BinEq by) => BinEq (Bin2D bx by) where
binEq (Bin2D bx by) (Bin2D bx' by') =
binEq bx bx' && binEq by by'
instance (Show bx, Show by) => Show (Bin2D bx by) where
show (Bin2D bx by) = concat [ "# Bin2D\n"
, "# X\n"
, show bx
, "# Y\n"
, show by
instance (Read bx, Read by) => Read (Bin2D bx by) where
readPrec = do
keyword "Bin2D"
keyword "X"
bx <- readPrec
keyword "Y"
by <- readPrec
return $ Bin2D bx by
instance (NFData bx, NFData by) => NFData (Bin2D bx by) where
rnf (Bin2D bx by) = rnf bx `seq`
rnf by `seq`