{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} import Control.Applicative ((<$>)) import Control.Monad (forever, void, forM_, (<=<)) import Pipes import System.Console.CmdArgs import qualified Data.Set as S import qualified Data.Map as M import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as L import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.IO as L import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BC import qualified Data.Aeson.Encode.Pretty as Aeson import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson import qualified Data.PoliMorf as P import qualified NLP.HistPL.LMF as LMF import qualified NLP.HistPL.DAWG as D import qualified NLP.HistPL.Lexicon as H import qualified NLP.HistPL.Fusion as F import qualified NLP.HistPL.Analyse as A import qualified NLP.HistPL.Transliter.Impact as I import Paths_hist_pl (version) import Data.Version (showVersion) --------------------------------------- -- Command line options --------------------------------------- -- | A description of the hist-pl tool histDesc :: String histDesc = "HistPL " ++ showVersion version data HistPL = Create { lmfPath :: FilePath , poliPath :: FilePath , outPath :: FilePath } | Print { binPath :: FilePath } | Analyse { binPath :: FilePath , transFlag :: Bool , rmHypFlag :: Bool , compact :: Bool , printCont :: Int , printDefs :: Bool } deriving (Data, Typeable, Show) createMode :: HistPL createMode = Create { lmfPath = def &= typ "HistPL-LMF" &= argPos 0 , poliPath = def &= typ "PoliMorf" &= argPos 1 , outPath = def &= typ "HistPL-Binary" &= argPos 2 } printMode :: HistPL printMode = Print { binPath = def &= typ "HistPL-Binary" &= argPos 0 } anaMode :: HistPL anaMode = Analyse { binPath = def &= typ "HistPL-Binary" &= argPos 0 , transFlag = False &= (help . unwords) [ "Perform pre-transliteration using the set of rules prepared for" , "IMPACT documents." ] , rmHypFlag = False &= (help . unwords) [ "Remove all instances of the \"-\\n\" string." , "Useful with IMPACT documents." ] , compact = False &= help "Compact JSON output" , printCont = 1 &= (help . unwords) [ "Printing contemporary interpretations:" , "0 -- never, 1 -- when no hist (default), 2 -- always." ] , printDefs = False &= help "Print definitions." } argModes :: Mode (CmdArgs HistPL) argModes = cmdArgsMode $ modes [createMode, printMode, anaMode] &= summary histDesc &= program "hist-pl" --------------------------------------- -- Main --------------------------------------- main :: IO () main = exec =<< cmdArgsRun argModes exec :: HistPL -> IO () exec Create{..} = do -- putStrLn "Reading PoliMorf..." poli <- F.mkPoli . filter P.atomic <$> P.readPoliMorf poliPath -- putStrLn "Reading historical dictionary of Polish..." hist <- LMF.readLMF lmfPath -- putStrLn "Creating the binary version of the dictionary..." runEffect $ fromListI (addForms poli hist) >-> H.save outPath where addForms poli hist = [ ( lexEntry , formSet (corr poli lexEntry) ) | lexEntry <- hist ] corr = F.buildCorresp F.byForms F.posFilter F.sumChoice formSet lexSet = S.fromList $ concat [ M.keys (D.forms val) | val <- M.elems lexSet ] exec Print{..} = do hpl <- H.open binPath runEffect $ for (H.load hpl) (lift . L.putStrLn . LMF.showLexEntry . snd) exec Analyse{..} = do hpl <- H.open binPath xs <- L.lines . rmHyp <$> L.getContents forM_ xs $ BC.putStrLn <=< onLine hpl where rmHyp | rmHypFlag = A.rmHyphen | otherwise = id onLine hpl = fmap (encode . A.jsonAna jsonConf) . A.mapL (A.anaWord hpl . trans) . A.tokenize . L.toStrict trans | transFlag = T.pack . I.transliter I.impactRules . T.unpack | otherwise = id encode | compact = Aeson.encode | otherwise = Aeson.encodePretty jsonConf = A.defaultJConf { A.showCont = case printCont of 0 -> A.NoShowCont 2 -> A.ForceShowCont _ -> A.ShowCont , A.showDefs = printDefs } --------------------------------------- -- Misc --------------------------------------- fromListI :: (Monad m) => [a] -> Producer (Maybe a) m r fromListI xs = do mapM_ (yield . Just) xs forever $ yield Nothing