module Data.Geometry.Ipe.IpeGeometryTypes where

import Data.Geometry.Point
import Data.Geometry.Line
import Data.Geometry.Polygon
import Data.Geometry.Geometry
import Data.Geometry.Ipe.IpeTypes

import qualified Data.Map as M

-- | An ipe point.

data IpePoint' a = IpePoint (Point2' a) AMap
    deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)

instance IsPoint2Functor IpePoint' where
    p2fmap f (IpePoint p a) = IpePoint (f p) a

instance HasPoints IpePoint' where
    points (IpePoint p _) = [p]

instance HasAttributes (IpePoint' a) where
    attrs (IpePoint _ a) = a
    updateWith f (IpePoint p a) = IpePoint p (f a)

-- | create a default ipe point from a given point
fromPoint :: Point2' a -> IpePoint' a
fromPoint = flip IpePoint $ M.fromList [("name","mark/disk(sx)")]

-- | A polyline

data IpePolyline' a = IpePolyline [LineSegment2' a] AMap
                      deriving (Show, Eq)

instance IsPoint2Functor IpePolyline' where
    p2fmap f (IpePolyline lines a) = IpePolyline (map (p2fmap f) lines) a

instance HasPoints IpePolyline' where
    points = points . toPolyLine

instance HasAttributes (IpePolyline' a) where
    attrs (IpePolyline _ a) = a
    updateWith f (IpePolyline p a) = IpePolyline p (f a)

toPolyLine                    :: IpePolyline' a -> Polyline2' a
toPolyLine (IpePolyline ls _) = Polyline2 ls

fromPolyline :: Polyline2' a -> IpePolyline' a
fromPolyline (Polyline2 ls) = IpePolyline ls M.empty

-- | Polygons

data IpeSimplePolygon' a = IpeSimplePolygon [Point2' a] AMap
                     deriving (Show, Eq)

instance IsPoint2Functor IpeSimplePolygon' where
    p2fmap f (IpeSimplePolygon pts a) = IpeSimplePolygon (map f pts) a

instance HasPoints IpeSimplePolygon' where
    points (IpeSimplePolygon pts _) = pts

instance HasAttributes (IpeSimplePolygon' a) where
    attrs (IpeSimplePolygon _ a) = a
    updateWith f (IpeSimplePolygon p a) = IpeSimplePolygon p (f a)

instance IsPolygon IpeSimplePolygon' where
    isSimple = const True
    containsHoles = const False

-- note a ipeMultiPolygon consists of ``SimplePolygon''s, not ``IpeSimplePolygon''s
data IpeMultiPolygon' a = IpeMultiPolygon [SimplePolygon' a] AMap
                     deriving (Show, Eq)

instance IsPoint2Functor IpeMultiPolygon' where
    p2fmap f (IpeMultiPolygon polys a) = IpeMultiPolygon (map (p2fmap f) polys) a

instance HasPoints IpeMultiPolygon' where
    points (IpeMultiPolygon polys _) = concatMap points polys

instance HasAttributes (IpeMultiPolygon' a) where
    attrs (IpeMultiPolygon _ a) = a
    updateWith f (IpeMultiPolygon p a) = IpeMultiPolygon p (f a)

--  TODO whether or not there are holes or the thing is simple actually depends
-- on the thing, so we need code here rather than a simple const False
instance IsPolygon IpeMultiPolygon' where
    isSimple = const False
    containsHoles = const False