module Util.Binary ( runGetA
                   , runPutA
                   , putFloatbe
                   , putFloatle
                   , putFloathost
                   , putDoublebe
                   , putDoublele
                   , putDoublehost
                   , putLength16beByteString
                   , putLength32beByteString
                   , putWithLength16be
                   , putWithLength32be
                   , putChar8
                   , getChar8
                   , getFloatbe
                   , getFloatle
                   , getFloathost
                   , getDoublebe
                   , getDoublele
                   , getDoublehost
                   , getLength8ByteString
                   , getLength16beByteString
                   , getLength32beByteString
                   , getWithLength16be
                   , matchWord8
                   , matchChar8

import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import Data.Binary.Get
import Data.Binary.Put
import Data.Word
import Data.Char

import Util.FloatCast


runGetA :: (Monad m) => (Int -> m BS.ByteString) -> (BS.ByteString -> m ()) -> Get a -> m (Either String a) -- FIXME improve String error type
runGetA readA unreadA getA = feed (runGetIncremental getA) (readA 2048)
    --feed :: Decoder a -> m BS.ByteString -> m a
    feed (Done unused _pos output) _input = do unreadA unused ; return $ Right output
    feed (Fail unused pos msg) _input = do unreadA unused ; return $ Left $ "runGetA: pos " ++ show pos ++ ": " ++ show msg
    feed (Partial k) input = do
      chunk <- input
      if BS.null chunk then
        feed (k Nothing) input
        feed (k (Just chunk)) input

runPutA :: (BL.ByteString -> m ()) -> Put -> m ()
runPutA = (. runPut)

-- Floats/Doubles

-- | Write a 'Float' in big endian IEEE-754 format.
putFloatbe :: Float -> Put
putFloatbe = putWord32be . floatToWord
{-# INLINE putFloatbe #-}

-- | Write a 'Float' in little endian IEEE-754 format.
putFloatle :: Float -> Put
putFloatle = putWord32le . floatToWord
{-# INLINE putFloatle #-}

-- | Write a 'Float' in native in IEEE-754 format and host endian.
putFloathost :: Float -> Put
putFloathost = putWord32host . floatToWord
{-# INLINE putFloathost #-}

-- | Write a 'Double' in big endian IEEE-754 format.
putDoublebe :: Double -> Put
putDoublebe = putWord64be . doubleToWord
{-# INLINE putDoublebe #-}

-- | Write a 'Double' in little endian IEEE-754 format.
putDoublele :: Double -> Put
putDoublele = putWord64le . doubleToWord
{-# INLINE putDoublele #-}

-- | Write a 'Double' in native in IEEE-754 format and host endian.
putDoublehost :: Double -> Put
putDoublehost = putWord64host . doubleToWord
{-# INLINE putDoublehost #-}


putLength16beByteString :: BS.ByteString -> Put
putLength16beByteString bs = do
    putWord16be (fromIntegral (BS.length bs))
    putByteString bs

putLength32beByteString :: BS.ByteString -> Put
putLength32beByteString bs = do
    putWord32be (fromIntegral (BS.length bs))
    putByteString bs


putWithLength16be :: Put -> Put
putWithLength16be putA = do
  let bl = runPut putA
      len = BL.length bl
  putWord16be (fromIntegral len)
  putLazyByteString bl

putWithLength32be :: Put -> Put
putWithLength32be putA = do
  let bl = runPut putA
      len = BL.length bl
  putWord32be (fromIntegral len)
  putLazyByteString bl


putChar8 :: Char -> Put
putChar8 c = do
  putWord8 $ fromIntegral $ ord c

getChar8 :: Get Char
getChar8 = (chr . fromIntegral ) <$> getWord8

-- Double/Float reads

-- | Read a 'Float' in big endian IEEE-754 format.
getFloatbe :: Get Float
getFloatbe = wordToFloat <$> getWord32be
{-# INLINE getFloatbe #-}

-- | Read a 'Float' in little endian IEEE-754 format.
getFloatle :: Get Float
getFloatle = wordToFloat <$> getWord32le
{-# INLINE getFloatle #-}

-- | Read a 'Float' in IEEE-754 format and host endian.
getFloathost :: Get Float
getFloathost = wordToFloat <$> getWord32host
{-# INLINE getFloathost #-}

-- | Read a 'Double' in big endian IEEE-754 format.
getDoublebe :: Get Double
getDoublebe = wordToDouble <$> getWord64be
{-# INLINE getDoublebe #-}

-- | Read a 'Double' in little endian IEEE-754 format.
getDoublele :: Get Double
getDoublele = wordToDouble <$> getWord64le
{-# INLINE getDoublele #-}

-- | Read a 'Double' in IEEE-754 format and host endian.
getDoublehost :: Get Double
getDoublehost = wordToDouble <$> getWord64host
{-# INLINE getDoublehost #-}


getLength8ByteString :: Get BS.ByteString
getLength8ByteString = getWord8 >>= getByteString . fromIntegral

getLength16beByteString :: Get BS.ByteString
getLength16beByteString = getWord16be >>= getByteString . fromIntegral

getLength32beByteString :: Get BS.ByteString
getLength32beByteString = getWord32be >>= getByteString . fromIntegral


getWithLength16be :: Get a -> Get (a, Word16)
getWithLength16be getA = do
  pos0 <- bytesRead
  res <- getA
  pos1 <- bytesRead
  return (res, fromIntegral (pos1 - pos0))


matchWord8 :: Word8 -> Get ()
matchWord8 expected = do
  actual <- getWord8
  if expected == actual
    then return ()
    else fail $ "expected " ++ show expected ++ ", actual " ++ show actual

matchChar8 :: Char -> Get ()
matchChar8 expected = do
  matchWord8 $ fromIntegral $ ord expected
