module Hint.Context ( isModuleInterpreted, loadModules, getLoadedModules, setTopLevelModules, setImports, setImportsQ, setImportsF, reset, PhantomModule(..), cleanPhantomModules, supportString, supportShow ) where import Prelude hiding (mod) import Data.Char import Data.Either (partitionEithers) import Data.List import Control.Arrow ((***)) import Control.Monad (liftM, filterM, unless, guard, foldM, (>=>)) import Control.Monad.Trans (liftIO) import Control.Monad.Catch import Hint.Base import Hint.Conversions import qualified Hint.CompatPlatform as Compat import qualified Hint.GHC as GHC import System.Random import System.FilePath import System.Directory #if defined(NEED_PHANTOM_DIRECTORY) import Data.Maybe (maybe) import Hint.Configuration (setGhcOption) import System.IO.Temp #endif type ModuleText = String -- When creating a phantom module we have a situation similar to that of -- @Hint.Util.safeBndFor@: we want to avoid picking a module name that is -- already in-scope. Additionally, since this may be used with sandboxing in -- mind we want to avoid easy-to-guess names. Thus, we do a trick similar -- to the one in safeBndFor, but including a random number instead of an -- additional digit. Finally, to avoid clashes between two processes -- that are concurrently running with the same random seed (e.g., initialized -- with the system time with not enough resolution), we also include the process id newPhantomModule :: MonadInterpreter m => m PhantomModule newPhantomModule = do n <- liftIO randomIO p <- liftIO Compat.getPID (ls,is) <- allModulesInContext let nums = concat [show (abs n::Int), show p, filter isDigit $ concat (ls ++ is)] let mod_name = 'M':nums -- tmp_dir <- getPhantomDirectory -- return PhantomModule{pmName = mod_name, pmFile = tmp_dir mod_name <.> "hs"} getPhantomDirectory :: MonadInterpreter m => m FilePath getPhantomDirectory = #if defined(NEED_PHANTOM_DIRECTORY) -- When a module is loaded by file name, ghc-8.4.1 loses track of the -- file location after the first time it has been loaded, so we create -- a directory for the phantom modules and add it to the search path. do mfp <- fromState phantomDirectory case mfp of Just fp -> return fp Nothing -> do tmp_dir <- liftIO getTemporaryDirectory fp <- liftIO $ createTempDirectory tmp_dir "hint" onState (\s -> s{ phantomDirectory = Just fp }) setGhcOption $ "-i" ++ fp return fp #else liftIO getTemporaryDirectory #endif allModulesInContext :: MonadInterpreter m => m ([ModuleName], [ModuleName]) allModulesInContext = runGhc getContextNames getContext :: GHC.GhcMonad m => m ([GHC.Module], [GHC.ImportDecl GHC.GhcPs]) getContext = GHC.getContext >>= foldM f ([], []) where f :: (GHC.GhcMonad m) => ([GHC.Module], [GHC.ImportDecl GHC.GhcPs]) -> GHC.InteractiveImport -> m ([GHC.Module], [GHC.ImportDecl GHC.GhcPs]) f (ns, ds) i = case i of (GHC.IIDecl d) -> return (ns, d : ds) m@(GHC.IIModule _) -> do n <- iiModToMod m; return (n : ns, ds) modToIIMod :: GHC.Module -> GHC.InteractiveImport modToIIMod = GHC.IIModule . GHC.moduleName iiModToMod :: GHC.GhcMonad m => GHC.InteractiveImport -> m GHC.Module iiModToMod (GHC.IIModule m) = GHC.findModule m Nothing iiModToMod _ = error "iiModToMod!" getContextNames :: GHC.GhcMonad m => m([String], [String]) getContextNames = fmap (map name *** map decl) getContext where name = GHC.moduleNameString . GHC.moduleName decl = GHC.moduleNameString . GHC.unLoc . GHC.ideclName setContext :: GHC.GhcMonad m => [GHC.Module] -> [GHC.ImportDecl GHC.GhcPs] -> m () setContext ms ds = let ms' = map modToIIMod ms ds' = map GHC.IIDecl ds is = ms' ++ ds' in GHC.setContext is -- Explicitly-typed variants of getContext/setContext, for use where we modify -- or override the context. setContextModules :: GHC.GhcMonad m => [GHC.Module] -> [GHC.Module] -> m () setContextModules as = setContext as . map (GHC.simpleImportDecl . GHC.moduleName) fileTarget :: FilePath -> GHC.Target fileTarget f = GHC.Target (GHC.TargetFile f $ Just next_phase) True Nothing where next_phase = GHC.Cpp GHC.HsSrcFile addPhantomModule :: MonadInterpreter m => (ModuleName -> ModuleText) -> m PhantomModule addPhantomModule mod_text = do pm <- newPhantomModule let t = fileTarget (pmFile pm) m = GHC.mkModuleName (pmName pm) -- liftIO $ writeFile (pmFile pm) (mod_text $ pmName pm) -- onState (\s -> s{activePhantoms = pm:activePhantoms s}) mayFail (do -- GHC.load will remove all the modules from scope, so first -- we save the context... (old_top, old_imps) <- runGhc getContext -- runGhc1 GHC.addTarget t res <- runGhc1 GHC.load (GHC.LoadUpTo m) -- if isSucceeded res then do runGhc2 setContext old_top old_imps return $ Just () else return Nothing) `catchIE` (\err -> case err of WontCompile _ -> do removePhantomModule pm throwM err _ -> throwM err) -- return pm removePhantomModule :: MonadInterpreter m => PhantomModule -> m () removePhantomModule pm = do -- We don't want to actually unload this module, because that -- would mean that all the real modules might get reloaded and the -- user didn't require that (they may be in a non-compiling state!). -- However, this means that we can't actually delete the file, because -- it is an active target. Therefore, we simply take it out of scope -- and mark it as "delete me when possible" (i.e., next time the -- @loadModules@ function is called). -- isLoaded <- moduleIsLoaded $ pmName pm safeToRemove <- if isLoaded then do -- take it out of scope mod <- findModule (pmName pm) (mods, imps) <- runGhc getContext let mods' = filter (mod /=) mods runGhc2 setContext mods' imps -- let isNotPhantom = isPhantomModule . moduleToString >=> return . not null `liftM` filterM isNotPhantom mods' else return True -- let file_name = pmFile pm runGhc1 GHC.removeTarget (GHC.targetId $ fileTarget file_name) -- onState (\s -> s{activePhantoms = filter (pm /=) $ activePhantoms s}) -- if safeToRemove then mayFail $ do res <- runGhc1 GHC.load GHC.LoadAllTargets return $ guard (isSucceeded res) >> Just () `finally` do liftIO $ removeFile (pmFile pm) else onState (\s -> s{zombiePhantoms = pm:zombiePhantoms s}) -- Returns a tuple with the active and zombie phantom modules respectively getPhantomModules :: MonadInterpreter m => m ([PhantomModule], [PhantomModule]) getPhantomModules = do active <- fromState activePhantoms zombie <- fromState zombiePhantoms return (active, zombie) isPhantomModule :: MonadInterpreter m => ModuleName -> m Bool isPhantomModule mn = do (as,zs) <- getPhantomModules return $ mn `elem` map pmName (as ++ zs) -- | Tries to load all the requested modules from their source file. -- Modules my be indicated by their ModuleName (e.g. \"My.Module\") or -- by the full path to its source file. -- -- The interpreter is 'reset' both before loading the modules and in the event -- of an error. -- -- /IMPORTANT/: Like in a ghci session, this will also load (and interpret) -- any dependency that is not available via an installed package. Make -- sure that you are not loading any module that is also being used to -- compile your application. In particular, you need to avoid modules -- that define types that will later occur in an expression that you will -- want to interpret. -- -- The problem in doing this is that those types will have two incompatible -- representations at runtime: 1) the one in the compiled code and 2) the -- one in the interpreted code. When interpreting such an expression (bringing -- it to program-code) you will likely get a segmentation fault, since the -- latter representation will be used where the program assumes the former. -- -- The rule of thumb is: never make the interpreter run on the directory -- with the source code of your program! If you want your interpreted code to -- use some type that is defined in your program, then put the defining module -- on a library and make your program depend on that package. loadModules :: MonadInterpreter m => [String] -> m () loadModules fs = do -- first, unload everything, and do some clean-up reset doLoad fs `catchIE` (\e -> reset >> throwM e) doLoad :: MonadInterpreter m => [String] -> m () doLoad fs = mayFail $ do targets <- mapM (\f->runGhc2 GHC.guessTarget f Nothing) fs -- runGhc1 GHC.setTargets targets res <- runGhc1 GHC.load GHC.LoadAllTargets -- loading the targets removes the support module reinstallSupportModule return $ guard (isSucceeded res) >> Just () -- | Returns True if the module was interpreted. isModuleInterpreted :: MonadInterpreter m => ModuleName -> m Bool isModuleInterpreted m = findModule m >>= runGhc1 GHC.moduleIsInterpreted -- | Returns the list of modules loaded with 'loadModules'. getLoadedModules :: MonadInterpreter m => m [ModuleName] getLoadedModules = do (active_pms, zombie_pms) <- getPhantomModules ms <- map modNameFromSummary `liftM` getLoadedModSummaries return $ ms \\ map pmName (active_pms ++ zombie_pms) modNameFromSummary :: GHC.ModSummary -> ModuleName modNameFromSummary = moduleToString . GHC.ms_mod getLoadedModSummaries :: MonadInterpreter m => m [GHC.ModSummary] getLoadedModSummaries = do all_mod_summ <- runGhc GHC.getModuleGraph filterM (runGhc1 GHC.isLoaded . GHC.ms_mod_name) (GHC.mgModSummaries all_mod_summ) -- | Sets the modules whose context is used during evaluation. All bindings -- of these modules are in scope, not only those exported. -- -- Modules must be interpreted to use this function. setTopLevelModules :: MonadInterpreter m => [ModuleName] -> m () setTopLevelModules ms = do loaded_mods_ghc <- getLoadedModSummaries -- let not_loaded = ms \\ map modNameFromSummary loaded_mods_ghc unless (null not_loaded) $ throwM $ NotAllowed ("These modules have not been loaded:\n" ++ unlines not_loaded) -- active_pms <- fromState activePhantoms ms_mods <- mapM findModule (nub $ ms ++ map pmName active_pms) -- let mod_is_interpr = runGhc1 GHC.moduleIsInterpreted not_interpreted <- filterM (fmap not . mod_is_interpr) ms_mods unless (null not_interpreted) $ throwM $ NotAllowed ("These modules are not interpreted:\n" ++ unlines (map moduleToString not_interpreted)) -- (_, old_imports) <- runGhc getContext runGhc2 setContext ms_mods old_imports -- | Sets the modules whose exports must be in context. -- -- Warning: 'setImports', 'setImportsQ', and 'setImportsF' are mutually exclusive. -- If you have a list of modules to be used qualified and another list -- unqualified, then you need to do something like -- -- > setImportsQ ((zip unqualified $ repeat Nothing) ++ qualifieds) setImports :: MonadInterpreter m => [ModuleName] -> m () setImports ms = setImportsF $ map (\m -> ModuleImport m NotQualified NoImportList) ms -- | Sets the modules whose exports must be in context; some -- of them may be qualified. E.g.: -- -- @setImportsQ [("Prelude", Nothing), ("Data.Map", Just "M")]@. -- -- Here, "map" will refer to and "" to setImportsQ :: MonadInterpreter m => [(ModuleName, Maybe String)] -> m () setImportsQ ms = setImportsF $ map (\(m,q) -> ModuleImport m (maybe NotQualified (QualifiedAs . Just) q) NoImportList) ms -- | Sets the modules whose exports must be in context; some -- may be qualified or have imports lists. E.g.: -- -- @setImportsF [ModuleImport "Prelude" NotQualified NoImportList, ModuleImport "Data.Text" (QualifiedAs $ Just "Text") (HidingList ["pack"])]@ setImportsF :: MonadInterpreter m => [ModuleImport] -> m () setImportsF ms = do regularMods <- mapM (findModule . modName) regularImports mapM_ (findModule . modName) phantomImports -- just to be sure they exist -- old_qual_hack_mod <- fromState importQualHackMod maybe (return ()) removePhantomModule old_qual_hack_mod -- new_pm <- if null phantomImports then return Nothing else do new_pm <- addPhantomModule $ \mod_name -> unlines $ ("module " ++ mod_name ++ " where ") : map newImportLine phantomImports onState (\s -> s{importQualHackMod = Just new_pm}) return $ Just new_pm -- pm <- maybe (return []) (findModule . pmName >=> return . return) new_pm (old_top_level, _) <- runGhc getContext let new_top_level = pm ++ old_top_level runGhc2 setContextModules new_top_level regularMods -- onState (\s ->s{qualImports = phantomImports}) where (regularImports, phantomImports) = partitionEithers $ map (\m -> if isQualified m || hasImportList m then Right m else Left m) ms isQualified m = modQual m /= NotQualified hasImportList m = modImp m /= NoImportList newImportLine m = concat ["import ", case modQual m of NotQualified -> modName m ImportAs q -> modName m ++ " as " ++ q QualifiedAs Nothing -> "qualified " ++ modName m QualifiedAs (Just q) -> "qualified " ++ modName m ++ " as " ++ q ,case modImp m of NoImportList -> "" ImportList l -> " (" ++ intercalate "," l ++ ")" HidingList l -> " hiding (" ++ intercalate "," l ++ ")" ] -- | 'cleanPhantomModules' works like 'reset', but skips the -- loading of the support module that installs '_show'. Its purpose -- is to clean up all temporary files generated for phantom modules. cleanPhantomModules :: MonadInterpreter m => m () cleanPhantomModules = do -- Remove all modules from context runGhc2 setContext [] [] -- -- Unload all previously loaded modules runGhc1 GHC.setTargets [] _ <- runGhc1 GHC.load GHC.LoadAllTargets -- -- At this point, GHCi would call rts_revertCAFs and -- reset the buffering of stdin, stdout and stderr. -- Should we do any of these? -- -- liftIO $ rts_revertCAFs -- -- We now remove every phantom module and forget about qual imports old_active <- fromState activePhantoms old_zombie <- fromState zombiePhantoms onState (\s -> s{activePhantoms = [], zombiePhantoms = [], importQualHackMod = Nothing, qualImports = []}) liftIO $ mapM_ (removeFile . pmFile) (old_active ++ old_zombie) #if defined(NEED_PHANTOM_DIRECTORY) old_phantomdir <- fromState phantomDirectory onState (\s -> s{phantomDirectory = Nothing}) liftIO $ do maybe (return ()) removeDirectory old_phantomdir #endif -- | All imported modules are cleared from the context, and -- loaded modules are unloaded. It is similar to a @:load@ in -- GHCi, but observe that not even the Prelude will be in -- context after a reset. reset :: MonadInterpreter m => m () reset = do -- clean up context cleanPhantomModules -- -- Now, install a support module installSupportModule -- Load a phantom module with all the symbols from the prelude we need installSupportModule :: MonadInterpreter m => m () installSupportModule = do mod <- addPhantomModule support_module onState (\st -> st{hintSupportModule = mod}) mod' <- findModule (pmName mod) runGhc2 setContext [mod'] [] -- where support_module m = unlines [ "module " ++ m ++ "( ", " " ++ _String ++ ",", " " ++ _show ++ ")", "where", "", "import qualified Prelude as " ++ _P ++ " (String, Show(show))", "", "type " ++ _String ++ " = " ++ _P ++ ".String", "", _show ++ " :: " ++ _P ++ ".Show a => a -> " ++ _P ++ ".String", _show ++ " = " ++ _P ++ ".show" ] where _String = altStringName m _show = altShowName m _P = altPreludeName m -- Call it when the support module is an active phantom module but has been -- unloaded as a side effect by GHC (e.g. by calling GHC.loadTargets) reinstallSupportModule :: MonadInterpreter m => m () reinstallSupportModule = do pm <- fromState hintSupportModule removePhantomModule pm installSupportModule altStringName :: ModuleName -> String altStringName mod_name = "String_" ++ mod_name altShowName :: ModuleName -> String altShowName mod_name = "show_" ++ mod_name altPreludeName :: ModuleName -> String altPreludeName mod_name = "Prelude_" ++ mod_name supportString :: MonadInterpreter m => m String supportString = do mod_name <- fromState (pmName . hintSupportModule) return $ concat [mod_name, ".", altStringName mod_name] supportShow :: MonadInterpreter m => m String supportShow = do mod_name <- fromState (pmName . hintSupportModule) return $ concat [mod_name, ".", altShowName mod_name] -- SHOULD WE CALL THIS WHEN MODULES ARE LOADED / UNLOADED? -- foreign import ccall "revertCAFs" rts_revertCAFs :: IO ()