# HIndent test codes This file is a test suite. Each section maps to an HSpec test, and each line that is followed by a Haskell code fence is tested to make sure re-formatting that code snippet produces the same result. You can browse through this document to see what HIndent's style is like, or contribute additional sections to it, or regression tests. ## Shebangs No newlines after a shebang ```haskell given #!/usr/bin/env stack -- stack runghc main = pure () -- https://github.com/mihaimaruseac/hindent/issues/208 ``` ```haskell expect #!/usr/bin/env stack -- stack runghc main = pure () -- https://github.com/mihaimaruseac/hindent/issues/208 ``` Double shebangs ```haskell #!/usr/bin/env stack #!/usr/bin/env stack main = pure () ``` ## Modules Empty module ```haskell ``` ### Module headers Without an export list ```haskell module X where x = 1 ``` With an export list ```haskell module X ( x , y , Z , P(x, z) , module Foo ) where ``` With an export list; indentation 4 ```haskell 4 module X ( x , y , Z , P(x, z) ) where ``` ### Module-level pragmas A `WARNING` for a module without an export list. ```haskell module Foo {-# WARNING "Debug purpose only." #-} where ``` A `DEPRECATED` for a module with an export list. ```haskell module Foo {-# DEPRECATED "Use Bar." #-} ( x , y , z ) where ``` A pragma's name is converted to the SHOUT_CASE. ```haskell given {-# lAnGuAgE CPP #-} ``` ```haskell expect {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} ``` Pragmas, GHC options, and haddock options. ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoRebindableSyntax #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-import-lists #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -w #-} {-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK show-extensions #-} module Foo where ``` Accept pragmas via `OPTIONS -XFOO` ```haskell {-# OPTIONS -XPatternSynonyms #-} import Foo (pattern Bar) ``` Accept pragmas via `OPTIONS_GHC -XFOO` ```haskell {-# OPTIONS_GHC -XPatternSynonyms #-} import Foo (pattern Bar) ``` A pragma's length is adjusted automatically ```haskell given {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} ``` ```haskell expect {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} ``` Collect multiple extensions correctly ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-} {-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-} import Language.C.Types (pattern TypeName) ``` Collect multiple extensions separated by commas correctly ```haskell given {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications, PatternSynonyms #-} import Foo (pattern Bar) foo = bar @Int 3 ``` ```haskell expect {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications, PatternSynonyms #-} import Foo (pattern Bar) foo = bar @Int 3 ``` Do not collect pragma-like comments ```haskell -- {-# LANGUAGE StaticPointers #-} {- {-# LANGUAGE StaticPointers #-} -} -- @static@ is no longer a valid identifier -- once `StaticPointers` is enabled. static = 3 ``` ## Imports, foreign imports, and foreign exports Import lists ```haskell import Control.Lens (_2, _Just) import Data.Text import Data.Text import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text (a, b, c) import Data.Text (a, b, c) import Data.Text hiding (a, b, c) ``` Shorter identifiers come first ```haskell import Foo ((!), (!!)) ``` Import with `ExplicitNamespaces`. ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE ExplicitNamespaces #-} import Prlude (type FilePath) ``` Import a pattern ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-} import Foo (pattern Bar) ``` Sorted ```haskell given import B import A ``` ```haskell expect import A import B ``` Explicit imports - capitals first (typeclasses/types), then operators, then identifiers ```haskell given import qualified MegaModule as M ((>>>), MonadBaseControl, void, MaybeT(..), join, Maybe(Nothing, Just), liftIO, Either, (<<<), Monad(return, (>>=), (>>))) ``` ```haskell expect import qualified MegaModule as M ( Either , Maybe(Just, Nothing) , MaybeT(..) , Monad((>>), (>>=), return) , MonadBaseControl , (<<<) , (>>>) , join , liftIO , void ) ``` Pretty import specification ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-} import A hiding ( foobarbazqux , foobarbazqux , foobarbazqux , foobarbazqux , foobarbazqux , foobarbazqux , foobarbazqux ) import Name hiding () import {-# SOURCE #-} safe qualified Module as M hiding (a, b, c, d, e, f) ``` An import declaration importing lots of data constructors ```haskell import Direction ( Direction(East, North, NorthEast, NorthWest, South, SouthEast, SouthWest, West) , allDirections ) ``` Preserve newlines between import groups ```haskell -- https://github.com/mihaimaruseac/hindent/issues/200 import GHC.Monad import CommentAfter -- Comment here shouldn't affect newlines import HelloWorld import CommentAfter -- Comment here shouldn't affect newlines -- Comment here shouldn't affect newlines import CommentAfter ``` `PackageImports` ```haskell -- https://github.com/mihaimaruseac/hindent/issues/480 {-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-} import qualified "base" Prelude as P ``` Importing a `#` ```haskell -- https://github.com/mihaimaruseac/hindent/issues/547 import Diagrams.Prelude ((#)) ``` ### Foreign imports and exports A `ccall` foreign export ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-} foreign export ccall "test" test :: IO () ``` A `ccall` unsafe foreign import ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-} foreign import ccall unsafe "test" test :: IO () ``` A `capi` foreign import ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE CApiFFI #-} {-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-} foreign import capi safe "foo" test :: IO Int ``` A `stdcall` foreign import ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-} foreign import stdcall safe "test" bar :: IO () ``` A `prim` foreign import ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-} foreign import prim safe "test" test :: IO () ``` A `javascript` foreign import ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-} foreign import javascript safe "test" test :: IO () ``` ## Declarations Data family ```haskell data family Foo a ``` `StandaloneKindSignatures` ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneKindSignatures #-} type Foo :: Type -> Type -> Type ``` Default declaration ```haskell default (Integer, Double) ``` ### `ANN` pragmas Value annotation. ```haskell {-# ANN foo "annotation" #-} ``` Type annotation. ```haskell {-# ANN type Foo "annotation" #-} ``` Module annotation. ```haskell {-# ANN module "annotation" #-} ``` ### Class declarations Default signatures ```haskell -- https://github.com/chrisdone/hindent/issues/283 class Foo a where bar :: a -> a -> a default bar :: Monoid a => a -> a -> a bar = mappend ``` `TypeOperators` and `MultiParamTypeClasses` ```haskell -- https://github.com/chrisdone/hindent/issues/277 {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} class (a :< b) c ``` #### Class constraints Empty ```haskell class () => Foo a ``` Long ```haskell class ( Foo a , Bar a , Baz a , Hoge a , Fuga a , Piyo a , Hogera a , Hogehoge a , Spam a , Ham a ) => Quux a ``` #### Class methods With class constraints ```haskell class Foo f where myEq :: (Eq a) => f a -> f a -> Bool ``` Long signatures ```haskell class Foo a where fooBarBazQuuxHogeFuga :: a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a ``` #### Associated type synonyms Associated type synonyms ```haskell class Foo a where type Bar b ``` Associated type synonyms annotated with injectivity information ```haskell -- https://github.com/commercialhaskell/hindent/issues/528 class C a where type F a = b | b -> a ``` ### Class instance declarations Without methods ```haskell instance C a ``` With methods ```haskell instance C a where foobar = do x y k p ``` With type operators ```haskell -- https://github.com/mihaimaruseac/hindent/issues/342 instance Foo (->) instance Foo (^>) instance Foo (T.<^) ``` With a type alias ```haskell instance Foo a where type Bar a = Int ``` A `where` clause between instance functions ```haskell instance Pretty HsModule where pretty' = undefined where a = b commentsBefore = Nothing ``` With a `SPECIALISE` pragma ```haskell instance (Show a) => Show (Foo a) where {-# SPECIALISE instance Show (Foo String) #-} show = undefined ``` With associated data types ```haskell -- https://github.com/mihaimaruseac/hindent/issues/493 instance GM 'Practice where data MatchConfig 'Practice = MatchConfig'Practice { teamSize :: Int , ladder :: Ladder } ``` #### With overlapping pragmas `OVERLAPPING` ```haskell -- https://github.com/mihaimaruseac/hindent/issues/386 instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} Arbitrary (Set Int) where arbitrary = undefined ``` `OVERLAPPABLE` ```haskell instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} Arbitrary Int where arbitrary = undefined ``` `OVERLAPS` ```haskell instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} Arbitrary String where arbitrary = undefined ``` `INCOHERENT` ```haskell instance {-# INCOHERENT #-} Arbitrary String where arbitrary = undefined ``` #### With class constraints Short name ```haskell -- https://github.com/mihaimaruseac/hindent/issues/244 instance Num a => C a ``` Long name ```haskell -- https://github.com/mihaimaruseac/hindent/issues/244 instance Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuum a => C a where f = undefined ``` #### Explicit foralls Without class constraints ```haskell -- https://github.com/mihaimaruseac/hindent/issues/218 instance forall x. C ``` With class constraints ```haskell -- https://github.com/mihaimaruseac/hindent/issues/218 instance forall x. Show x => C x ``` #### Symbol class constructor Infix ```haskell instance Bool :?: Bool ``` Prefix ```haskell instance (:?:) Int Bool ``` ### Data declarations Data declaration with underscore ```haskell data Stanza = MkStanza { _stanzaBuildInfo :: BuildInfo , stanzaIsSourceFilePath :: FilePath -> Bool } ``` A data declaration with typeclass constraints ```haskell data Ord a => Foo = Foo a ``` Multiple constructors at once ```haskell data Foo = Foo { foo, bar, baz, qux, quux :: Int } ``` No fields ```haskell data Foo ``` Single field ```haskell data Foo = Foo ``` Multiple unnamed fields ```haskell data HttpException = InvalidStatusCode Int | MissingContentHeader ``` A lot of unnamed fields in a constructor ```haskell data Foo = Foo String String String String String String String String String String String ``` A banged field ```haskell data Foo = Foo !Int ``` A record constructor with a field ```haskell data Foo = Foo { foo :: Int } ``` Multiple constructors with fields ```haskell data Expression a = VariableExpression { id :: Id Expression , label :: a } | FunctionExpression { var :: Id Expression , body :: Expression a , label :: a } | ApplyExpression { func :: Expression a , arg :: Expression a , label :: a } | ConstructorExpression { id :: Id Constructor , label :: a } ``` A mixture of constructors with unnamed fields and record constructors ```haskell -- https://github.com/mihaimaruseac/hindent/issues/393 data X = X { x :: Int , x' :: Int } | X' ``` An infix data constructor ```haskell data Foo = Int :--> Int ``` An `UNPACK`ed field. ```haskell data Foo = Foo { x :: {-# UNPACK #-} Int } ``` An `NOUNPACK`ed field. ```haskell data Foo = Foo { x :: {-# NOUNPACK #-} !Int } ``` A lazy field. ```haskell data Foo = Foo { x :: ~Int } ``` #### Fields with `forall` constraints Single ```haskell -- https://github.com/mihaimaruseac/hindent/issues/278 data Link c1 c2 a c = forall b. (c1 a b, c2 b c) => Link (Proxy b) ``` Multiple ```haskell -- https://github.com/mihaimaruseac/hindent/issues/443 {-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-} data D = forall a b c. D a b c ``` #### Derivings With a single constructor ```haskell data Simple = Simple deriving (Show) ``` With multiple constructors ```haskell data Stuffs = Things | This | That deriving (Show) ``` With a record constructor ```haskell -- From https://github.com/mihaimaruseac/hindent/issues/167 data Person = Person { firstName :: !String -- ^ First name , lastName :: !String -- ^ Last name , age :: !Int -- ^ Age } deriving (Eq, Show) ``` Multiple derivings ```haskell -- https://github.com/mihaimaruseac/hindent/issues/289 newtype Foo = Foo Proxy deriving ( Functor , Applicative , Monad , Semigroup , Monoid , Alternative , MonadPlus , Foldable , Traversable ) ``` Various deriving strategies ```haskell -- https://github.com/mihaimaruseac/hindent/issues/503 {-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveVia #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} module Foo where import Data.Typeable import GHC.Generics newtype Number a = Number a deriving (Generic) deriving stock (Ord) deriving newtype (Eq) deriving anyclass (Typeable) deriving (Show) via a ``` `StandaloneDeriving` ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia #-} {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-} data Foo = Foo deriving instance Eq Foo deriving stock instance Ord Foo deriving via (Foo a) instance Show (Bar a) ``` #### GADT declarations With a kind signature ```haskell data Ty :: (* -> *) where TCon :: { field1 :: Int , field2 :: Bool} -> Ty Bool TCon' :: (a :: *) -> a -> Ty a ``` Without a kind signature ```haskell data Foo where Foo :: forall v. Ord v => v -> v -> Foo ``` With a `forall` but no contexts ```haskell data Foo where Foo :: forall v. v -> v -> Foo ``` With a context but no `forall`s ```haskell data Foo where Foo :: (Ord v) => v -> v -> Foo ``` With methods with record signatures ```haskell -- https://github.com/mihaimaruseac/hindent/issues/581 data Test where Test :: Eq a => { test :: a } -> Test ``` ### Data instance declarations Without type applications ```haskell data instance Foo Int = FInt ``` With type applications ```haskell data instance Foo @k a = FString ``` ### Function declarations Case inside `do` and lambda ```haskell foo = \x -> do case x of Just _ -> 1 Nothing -> 2 ``` A `case` inside a `let`. ```haskell f = do let (x, xs) = case gs of [] -> undefined (x':xs') -> (x', xs') undefined ``` A `do` inside a lambda. ```haskell printCommentsAfter = case commentsAfter p of xs -> do forM_ xs $ \(L loc c) -> do eolCommentsArePrinted ``` Case with natural pattern (See NPat of https://hackage.haskell.org/package/ghc-lib-parser- ```haskell foo = case x of 0 -> pure () _ -> undefined ``` ```haskell s8_stripPrefix bs1@(S.PS _ _ l1) bs2 | bs1 `S.isPrefixOf` bs2 = Just (S.unsafeDrop l1 bs2) | otherwise = Nothing ``` A `do` inside a guard arm ```haskell f | x == 1 = do a b ``` `if` having a long condition ```haskell foo = if fooooooo || baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa || apsdgiuhasdpfgiuahdfpgiuah || bazzzzzzzzzzzzz then a else b ``` A long signature inside a where clause ```haskell cppSplitBlocks :: ByteString -> [CodeBlock] cppSplitBlocks inp = undefined where spanCPPLines :: [(Int, ByteString)] -> ([(Int, ByteString)], [(Int, ByteString)]) spanCPPLines = undefined ``` A `forall` type inside a where clause ```haskell replaceAllNotUsedAnns :: HsModule -> HsModule replaceAllNotUsedAnns = everywhere app where app :: forall a. Data a => (a -> a) app = undefined f :: a f = undefined where ggg :: forall a. Typeable a => a -> a ggg = undefined ``` Prefix notation for operators ```haskell (+) a b = a ``` Guards and pattern guards ```haskell f x | x <- Just x , x <- Just x = case x of Just x -> e | otherwise = do e where x = y ``` Where clause ```haskell sayHello = do name <- getLine putStrLn $ greeting name where greeting name = "Hello, " ++ name ++ "!" ``` An empty line is inserted after an empty `where` ```haskell given f = evalState -- A comment where ``` ```haskell expect f = evalState -- A comment where ``` Multiple function declarations with an empty `where` ```haskell f = undefined where g = undefined ``` Let inside a `where` ```haskell g x = let x = 1 in x where foo = let y = 2 z = 3 in y ``` The indent after a top-level `where` has always 2 spaces. ```haskell 4 f = undefined where g = undefined ``` The indent after a `where` inside a `case` depends on the indent space setting ```haskell 4 f = case x of x -> undefined where y = undefined ``` #### Pattern matchings View pattern ```haskell foo (f -> Just x) = print x foo _ = Nothing ``` Match against a list ```haskell head [] = undefined head [x] = x head xs = head $ init xs foo [Coord _ _, Coord _ _] = undefined ``` Multiple matchings ```haskell head' [] = Nothing head' (x:_) = Just x ``` n+k patterns ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE NPlusKPatterns #-} f (n+5) = 0 ``` Binary symbol data constructor in pattern ```haskell f (x :| _) = x f' ((:|) x _) = x f'' ((Data.List.NonEmpty.:|) x _) = x g (x:xs) = x g' ((:) x _) = x ``` Infix constructor pattern ```haskell -- https://github.com/mihaimaruseac/hindent/issues/424 a = from $ \(author `InnerJoin` post) -> pure () ``` Unboxed sum pattern matching. ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE UnboxedSums #-} f (# (# n, _ #) | #) = (# n | #) f (# | b #) = (# | b #) ``` Pattern matching against a infix constructor with a module name prefix ```haskell foo (a FOO.:@: b) = undefined ``` ##### Pattern matchings against record Short ```haskell fun Rec {alpha = beta, gamma = delta, epsilon = zeta, eta = theta, iota = kappa} = do beta + delta + zeta + theta + kappa ``` Long ```haskell fun Rec { alpha = beta , gamma = delta , epsilon = zeta , eta = theta , iota = kappa , lambda = mu } = beta + delta + zeta + theta + kappa + mu + beta + delta + zeta + theta + kappa ``` Another long one ```haskell resetModuleStartLine m@HsModule { hsmodAnn = epa@EpAnn {..} , hsmodName = Just (L (SrcSpanAnn _ (RealSrcSpan sp _)) _) } = undefined ``` Symbol constructor, short ```haskell fun ((:..?) {}) = undefined ``` Symbol constructor, long ```haskell fun (:..?) { alpha = beta , gamma = delta , epsilon = zeta , eta = theta , iota = kappa , lambda = mu } = beta + delta + zeta + theta + kappa + mu + beta + delta + zeta + theta + kappa ``` Symbol field ```haskell f (X {(..?) = x}) = x ``` Punned symbol field ```haskell f' (X {(..?)}) = (..?) ``` `RecordWileCards` ```haskell -- https://github.com/mihaimaruseac/hindent/issues/274 foo (bar@Bar {..}) = Bar {..} resetModuleNameColumn m@HsModule {hsmodName = Just (L (SrcSpanAnn epa@EpAnn {..} sp) name)} = m bar Bar {baz = before, ..} = Bar {baz = after, ..} ``` As pattern ```haskell f all@(x:xs) = all ``` ### Infix declarations infixl ```haskell infixl 1 ^-^ ``` infixr ```haskell infixr 1 ^-^ ``` infix ```haskell infix 1 ^-^ ``` ### Pattern synonym declarations Unidirectional with a pattern type signature ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-} pattern Foo :: Int -> Int -> [Int] pattern Foo x y <- [x, y] ``` Bidirectional record pattern ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-} pattern Pair {x, y} = (x, y) ``` #### Explicit bidirectional With a prefix constructor ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-} pattern Fst x <- (x, x) where Fst x = (x, 0) ``` With an infix constructor ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-} pattern x :| xs <- x : xs where a :| b = a : b ``` ### Pragma declarations `INLINE` ```haskell -- https://github.com/mihaimaruseac/hindent/issues/255 {-# INLINE f #-} f :: Int -> Int f n = n ``` `NOINLINE` with an operator enclosed by parentheses ```haskell -- https://github.com/mihaimaruseac/hindent/issues/415 {-# NOINLINE (<>) #-} ``` `INLINABLE` ```haskell {-# INLINABLE f #-} f :: a f = undefined ``` `OPAQUE` ```haskell since 9.4.0 {-# OPAQUE f #-} f :: a f = undefined ``` `INLINE` with levels ```haskell {-# INLINE [0] f #-} {-# INLINE [~1] g #-} ``` A `DEPRECATED`. ```haskell {-# DEPRECATED giveUp "Never give up." #-} giveUp = undefined ``` A `WARNING`. ```haskell {-# WARNING debugCode "The use of 'debugCode'" #-} ``` A `COMPLETE` ```haskell {-# COMPLETE Single, Anylist #-} ``` Top-level `SPECIALISE` ```haskell {-# SPECIALISE lookup :: [(Int, Int)] -> Int -> Maybe Int #-} ``` A `SCC` ```haskell {-# SCC bar #-} ``` #### Rule declarations Without `forall`s ```haskell {-# RULES "foo/bar" foo = bar #-} ``` With `forall` but no type signatures ```haskell {-# RULES "piyo/pochi" forall a. piyo a = pochi a a #-} ``` With `forall` and type signatures ```haskell {-# RULES "hoge/fuga" forall (a :: Int). hoge a = fuga a a #-} ``` ### Role annotation declarations `normal` ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE RoleAnnotations #-} type role Foo nominal ``` `representational` ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE RoleAnnotations #-} type role Bar representational ``` `phantom` ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE RoleAnnotations #-} type role Baz phantom ``` ### Type family declarations Without annotations ```haskell type family Id a ``` With annotations ```haskell type family Id a :: * ``` With injectivity annotations ```haskell type family Id a = r | r -> a ``` Closed type families ```haskell type family Closed (a :: k) :: Bool where Closed (x @Int) = 'Int Closed x = 'True ``` ### Type family instance declarations Without holes ```haskell type instance Id Int = Int ``` With a hole ```haskell type instance Id _ = String ``` ### Type signature declarations Multiple function signatures at once ```haskell a, b, c :: Int ``` Type using a numeric value ```haskell f :: Foo 0 ``` Type using a character value ```haskell f :: Foo 'a' ``` Type using a unicode string value ```haskell f :: Foo "あ" ``` A dot not enclosed by spaces is printed correctly if `OverloadedRecordDot` is not enabled. ```haskell given f :: forall a.(Data a, Typeable a) => a ``` ```haskell expect f :: forall a. (Data a, Typeable a) => a ``` Short ```haskell -- https://github.com/mihaimaruseac/hindent/issues/390 fun :: Short fun = undefined ``` Always break after `::` on overlong signatures ```haskell -- https://github.com/mihaimaruseac/hindent/issues/390 someFunctionSignature :: Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiith -> Enough -> (Arguments -> To ()) -> Overflow (The Line Limit) ``` A long type is broken into lines ```haskell -- https://github.com/mihaimaruseac/hindent/issues/359 thing :: ( ResB.BomEx , Maybe [( Entity BomSnapshot , ( [ResBS.OrderSubstituteAggr] , ( Maybe (Entity BomSnapshotHistory) , Maybe (Entity BomSnapshotHistory))))]) -> [(ResB.BomEx, Maybe ResBS.BomSnapshotAggr)] ``` Long parameter list with a `forall` ```haskell fooooooooo :: forall a. Fooooooooooooooo a -> Fooooooooooooooo a -> Fooooooooooooooo a -> Fooooooooooooooo a ``` Implicit parameters ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE ImplicitParams #-} f :: (?x :: Int) => Int ``` Quasiquotes in types ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} fun :: [a|bc|] ``` Tuples ```haskell fun :: (a, b, c) -> (a, b) ``` Infix operator ```haskell -- https://github.com/mihaimaruseac/hindent/issues/301 (+) :: () ``` With a record ```haskell url :: r {url :: String} => r -> Integer ``` `forall` type ```haskell f :: (forall a. Data a => a -> a) -> (forall a b. Data a => a -> b) g :: forall a b. a -> b ``` An infix operator containing `#` ```haskell (#!) :: Int -> Int -> Int ``` Multiple line function signature inside a `where` ```haskell 4 foo = undefined where go :: Fooooooooooooooooooooooo -> Fooooooooooooooooooooooo -> Fooooooooooooooooooooooo -> Fooooooooooooooooooooooo go = undefined ``` Types with many type applications ```haskell foo :: Foo LongLongType LongLongType LongLongType LongLongType LongLongType LongLongType -> Int ``` #### Promoted types Class constraints should leave `::` on same line ```haskell -- see https://github.com/chrisdone/hindent/pull/266#issuecomment-244182805 fun :: (Class a, Class b) => fooooooooooo bar mu zot -> fooooooooooo bar mu zot -> c ``` An infix operator containing `#` ```haskell (#!) :: Int -> Int -> Int ``` Prefix promoted symbol type constructor ```haskell a :: '(T.:->) 'True 'False b :: (T.:->) 'True 'False c :: '(:->) 'True 'False d :: (:->) 'True 'False ``` ##### Promoted lists Short ```haskell fun1 :: Def ('[ Ref s (Stored Uint32), IBool] T.:-> IBool) fun1 = undefined fun2 :: Def ('[ Ref s (Stored Uint32), IBool] :-> IBool) fun2 = undefined ``` Long ```haskell -- https://github.com/mihaimaruseac/hindent/issues/522 type OurContext = '[ AuthHandler W.Request (ExtendedPayloadWrapper UserSession) , BasicAuthCheck GameInstanceId , BasicAuthCheck (RegionId, RegionName) , BasicAuthCheck Alert.SourceId , M.MultipartOptions M.Tmp ] ``` Nested ```haskell -- https://github.com/mihaimaruseac/hindent/issues/348 a :: A '[ 'True] -- nested promoted list with multiple elements. b :: A '[ '[ 'True, 'False], '[ 'False, 'True]] ``` #### Symbol type constructors Infix ```haskell f :: a :?: b ``` Prefix ```haskell f' :: (:?:) a b ``` #### Type signature with class constraints Single ```haskell -- https://github.com/mihaimaruseac/hindent/issues/244 x :: Num a => a x = undefined ``` Multiple ```haskell fun :: (Class a, Class b) => a -> b -> c ``` Multiple without parentheses ```haskell -- https://github.com/mihaimaruseac/hindent/issues/554 g :: Semigroup a => Monoid a => Maybe a -> a ``` Long constraints ```haskell -- https://github.com/mihaimaruseac/hindent/issues/222 foo :: ( Foooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo , Foooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ) => A ``` Class constraints should leave `::` on same line ```haskell -- see https://github.com/mihaimaruseac/hindent/pull/266#issuecomment-244182805 fun :: (Class a, Class b) => fooooooooooo bar mu zot -> fooooooooooo bar mu zot -> c ``` Symbol class constructor in class constraint ```haskell f :: (a :?: b) => (a, b) f' :: ((:?:) a b) => (a, b) ``` #### Unboxed types Short unboxed sums ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE UnboxedSums #-} f :: (# (# Int, String #) | String #) -> (# Int | String #) ``` Long unboxed sums ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE UnboxedSums #-} f' :: (# (# Int, String #) | Either Bool Int | Either Bool Int | Either Bool Int | Either Bool Int | Either Bool Int | String #) -> (# Int | String #) ``` Large unboxed tuples ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE UnboxedTuples #-} f :: (# Looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong , Looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong , Looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong #) ``` ### Type synonym declarations Short ```haskell type EventSource a = (AddHandler a, a -> IO ()) ``` Long ```haskell -- https://github.com/mihaimaruseac/hindent/issues/290 type MyContext m = ( MonadState Int m , MonadReader Int m , MonadError Text m , MonadMask m , Monoid m , Functor m) ``` Very higher-kinded type ```haskell -- https://github.com/mihaimaruseac/hindent/issues/534 type SomeTypeSynonym = RecordWithManyFields FieldNumber1 FieldNumber2 FieldNumber3 FieldNumber4 FieldNumber5 FieldNumber6 FieldNumber7 FieldNumber8 FieldNumber9 FieldNumber10 FieldNumber11 FieldNumber12 FieldNumber13 FieldNumber14 FieldNumber15 ``` Infix type constructor ```haskell -- https://github.com/mihaimaruseac/hindent/issues/417 type API = api1 :<|> api2 ``` Type with a string ```haskell -- https://github.com/mihaimaruseac/hindent/issues/451 type Y = X "abc\n\n\ndef" ``` `TypeOperators` ```haskell -- https://github.com/mihaimaruseac/hindent/issues/277 {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} type m ~> n = () ``` #### Functional dependencies Short ```haskell -- https://github.com/commercialhaskell/hindent/issues/323 class Foo a b | a -> b where f :: a -> b ``` Long ```haskell -- https://github.com/commercialhaskell/hindent/issues/323 class Foo a b c d e f | a b c d e -> f , a b c d f -> e , a b c e f -> d , a b d e f -> c , a c d e f -> b , b c d e f -> a where foo :: a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f ``` #### With class constraints Single ```haskell -- https://github.com/commercialhaskell/hindent/issues/459 class Class1 a => Class2 a where f :: a -> Int ``` Multiple ```haskell -- https://github.com/commercialhaskell/hindent/issues/459 class (Eq a, Show a) => Num a where (+), (-), (*) :: a -> a -> a negate :: a -> a abs, signum :: a -> a fromInteger :: Integer -> a ``` #### MINIMAL pragmas Monad example ```haskell class A where {-# MINIMAL return, ((>>=) | (join, fmap)) #-} ``` Very long names #310 ```haskell class A where {-# MINIMAL averylongnamewithnoparticularmeaning | ananotherverylongnamewithnomoremeaning #-} ``` ## Expressions A minus sign ```haskell f = -(3 + 5) ``` Lists ```haskell exceptions = [InvalidStatusCode, MissingContentHeader, InternalServerError] exceptions = [ InvalidStatusCode , MissingContentHeader , InternalServerError , InvalidStatusCode , MissingContentHeader , InternalServerError ] ``` Multi-way if ```haskell x = if | x <- Just x , x <- Just x -> case x of Just x -> e Nothing -> p | otherwise -> e ``` Type application ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} a = fun @Int 12 ``` An expression with a SCC pragma ```haskell foo = {-# SCC foo #-} undefined ``` A hole ```haskell foo = 3 + _ ``` Implicit value ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE ImplicitParams #-} foo = ?undefined ``` `UnboxedSums` ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE UnboxedSums #-} f = (# | Bool #) ``` `StaticPointers` ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE StaticPointers #-} f = static 1 ``` `OverloadedLabels` ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLabels #-} f = #foo ``` ### Arrows `-<` ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-} f = proc foo -> do bar -< baz aaa >- bbb ``` `-<<` ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-} f = proc foo -> do g bar -<< baz aaaaa >>- h bbb ``` `(| ... |)` ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-} f = proc g -> (|foo (bar -< g) (baz -< g)|) zz ``` Lambda equation. ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-} f = proc g -> \x -> x -< g ``` Case expression. ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-} f = proc g -> case h of [] -> i -< () (_:_) -> j -< () ``` Lambda case ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} f = proc g -> \case _ -> h -< () ``` `if ... then ... else` ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-} f = proc g -> if x then h -< g else t -< g ``` `let ... in` ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-} f = proc g -> let x = undefined y = undefined in returnA -< g ``` ### Case expressions Normal case ```haskell strToMonth :: String -> Int strToMonth month = case month of "Jan" -> 1 "Feb" -> 2 _ -> error $ "Unknown month " ++ month ``` Inside a `where` and `do` ```haskell g x = case x of a -> x where foo = case x of _ -> do launchMissiles where y = 2 ``` Empty case ```haskell -- https://github.com/mihaimaruseac/hindent/issues/414 {-# LANGUAGE EmptyCase #-} f1 = case () of {} ``` Empty lambda case ```haskell -- https://github.com/mihaimaruseac/hindent/issues/414 {-# LANGUAGE EmptyCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} f2 = \case {} ``` A guard in a case ```haskell f = case g of [] | even h -> Nothing _ -> undefined ``` cases ```haskell since 9.4.1 {-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} foo = \cases 1 1 -> 1 _ _ -> 2 ``` ### `do` expressions Long function applications ```haskell test = do alphaBetaGamma deltaEpsilonZeta etaThetaIota kappaLambdaMu nuXiOmicron piRh79 alphaBetaGamma deltaEpsilonZeta etaThetaIota kappaLambdaMu nuXiOmicron piRho80 alphaBetaGamma deltaEpsilonZeta etaThetaIota kappaLambdaMu nuXiOmicron piRhoS81 ``` Do as a left-hand side of an infix operation ```haskell -- https://github.com/mihaimaruseac/hindent/issues/238 -- https://github.com/mihaimaruseac/hindent/issues/296 block = do ds <- inBraces $ inWhiteSpace declarations return $ Block ds "block" ``` #### Bindings Short ```haskell foo = do mcp <- findCabalFiles (takeDirectory abssrcpath) (takeFileName abssrcpath) print mcp ``` Large ```haskell -- https://github.com/mihaimaruseac/hindent/issues/221 x = do config <- execParser options comments <- case config of Diff False args -> commentsFromDiff args Diff True args -> commentsFromDiff ("--cached" : args) Files args -> commentsFromFiles args mapM_ (putStrLn . Fixme.formatTodo) (concatMap Fixme.getTodos comments) ``` #### `let` bindings With type signatures but no class constraints ```haskell f = do let g :: Int g = 3 print g ``` With both type signatures and class constraints ```haskell f = do let try :: Typeable b => b try = undefined undefined ``` #### `RecursiveDo` `rec` ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo #-} f = do a <- foo rec b <- a c c <- a b return $ b + c ``` `mdo` ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo #-} g = mdo foo bar ``` #### `QualifiedDo` Qualified do ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE QualifiedDo #-} f = Module.Path.do a <- foo return a ``` Qualified do with `mdo` ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo #-} {-# LANGUAGE QualifiedDo #-} f = Module.Path.mdo a <- foo return a ``` ### Function applications Long line, tuple ```haskell a = test (alphaBetaGamma, deltaEpsilonZeta, etaThetaIota, kappaLambdaMu, nuXiOmic79) (alphaBetaGamma, deltaEpsilonZeta, etaThetaIota, kappaLambdaMu, nuXiOmicr80) ( alphaBetaGamma , deltaEpsilonZeta , etaThetaIota , kappaLambdaMu , nuXiOmicro81) ``` Long line, tuple section ```haskell a = test (, alphaBetaGamma, , deltaEpsilonZeta, , etaThetaIota, kappaLambdaMu, nu79) (, alphaBetaGamma, , deltaEpsilonZeta, , etaThetaIota, kappaLambdaMu, nuX80) ( , alphaBetaGamma , , deltaEpsilonZeta , , etaThetaIota , kappaLambdaMu , nuXi81 ,) ``` Linebreaks after very short names if the total line length goes over the limit ```haskell -- https://github.com/mihaimaruseac/hindent/issues/405 t = f "this is a very loooooooooooooooooooooooooooong string that goes over the line length" argx argy argz t = function "this is a very loooooooooooooooooooooooooooong string that goes over the line length" argx argy argz ``` ### Lambda expressions Lazy patterns ```haskell f = \ ~a -> undefined -- \~a yields parse error on input ‘\~’ ``` Bang patterns ```haskell f = \ !a -> undefined -- \!a yields parse error on input ‘\!’ ``` An infix operator with a lambda expression ```haskell a = for xs $ \x -> do left x right x ``` Nested lambdas ```haskell foo :: IO () foo = alloca 10 $ \a -> alloca 20 $ \b -> cFunction fooo barrr muuu (fooo barrr muuu) (fooo barrr muuu) ``` In a `case` ```haskell f x = case filter (\y -> isHappy y x) of [] -> Nothing (z:_) -> Just (\a b -> makeSmile z a b) ``` ### Let ... in expressions With bang parameters ```haskell f = let !x = 3 in x ``` With implicit parameters ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE ImplicitParams #-} f = let ?x = 42 in f ``` inside a `do` ```haskell -- https://github.com/mihaimaruseac/hindent/issues/467 main :: IO () main = do let x = 5 in when (x > 0) (return ()) ``` ### List comprehensions Short ```haskell map f xs = [f x | x <- xs] ``` Long ```haskell defaultExtensions = [ e | EnableExtension {extensionField1 = extensionField1} <- knownExtensions knownExtensions , let a = b -- comment , let c = d -- comment ] ``` Another long one ```haskell -- https://github.com/mihaimaruseac/hindent/issues/357 foo = [ (x, y) | x <- [1 .. 10] , y <- [11 .. 20] , even x , even x , even x , even x , even x , odd y ] ``` With operators ```haskell defaultExtensions = [e | e@EnableExtension {} <- knownExtensions] \\ map EnableExtension badExtensions ``` Transform list comprehensions ```haskell list = [ (x, y, map the v) | x <- [1 .. 10] , y <- [1 .. 10] , let v = x + y , then group by v using groupWith , then take 10 , then group using permutations , t <- concat v , then takeWhile by t < 3 ] ``` #### Parallel list comprehensions Short ```haskell zip xs ys = [(x, y) | x <- xs | y <- ys] ``` Long ```haskell fun xs ys = [ (alphaBetaGamma, deltaEpsilonZeta) | x <- xs , z <- zs | y <- ys , cond , let t = t ] ``` ### Operators With `do` ```haskell a = for xs $ do left x right x ``` With lambda-case ```haskell a = for xs $ \case Left x -> x ``` Qualified operator as an argument ```haskell -- https://github.com/mihaimaruseac/hindent/issues/273 foo = foldr1 (V.++) [V.empty, V.empty] ``` Apply an infix operator in prefix style ```haskell -- https://github.com/mihaimaruseac/hindent/issues/273 ys = (++) [] [] ``` Qualified operator ```haskell -- https://github.com/mihaimaruseac/hindent/issues/273 xs = V.empty V.++ V.empty ``` In parentheses ```haskell cat = (++) ``` Qualified operator in parentheses ```haskell -- https://github.com/mihaimaruseac/hindent/issues/273 cons = (V.++) ``` A list constructor enclosed by parentheses ```haskell cons = (:) ``` A data constructor enclosed by parentheses ```haskell -- https://github.com/mihaimaruseac/hindent/issues/422 data T a = a :@ a test = (:@) ``` Force indent and print RHS in a top-level expression ```haskell -- https://github.com/mihaimaruseac/hindent/issues/473 a = template $ haskell [ SomeVeryLongName , AnotherLongNameEvenLongToBreakTheLine , LastLongNameInList ] ``` #### Operator chains Applicative style ```haskell x = Value <$> thing <*> secondThing <*> thirdThing <*> fourthThing <*> Just thisissolong <*> Just stilllonger <*> evenlonger ``` `$` chain ```haskell f = Right $ S.lazyByteStrings $ addPrefix prefix $ S.toLazyByteString $ prettyPrint m ``` Arithmetic operations ```haskell f = aaaaaaaaaa * bbbbbbbbbbbbbb / cccccccccccccccccccccc + dddddddddddddd * eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee - ffffffffffffffff / -ggggggggggggg ``` Lens operators ```haskell updateUsr usr = usr & userFirstName .~ "newfirst" & userLastName .~ "newlast" & userEmail .~ "newemail" & userPassword .~ "newpass" ``` ### Primitive type values `Char` ```haskell a = 'a' ``` `\n` as a `Char` ```haskell a = '\n' ``` `String` with a `\n` ```haskell a = "bcd\nefgh" ``` Multiple line string ```haskell foo = "hoge \ \ fuga" where bar = "foo \ \ bar" ``` Hex integers ```haskell a = 0xa5 ``` Unboxed integers ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-} a = 0# ``` Unboxed floating point numbers ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-} a = 3.3# ``` Unboxed `Char` ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-} a = 'c'# ``` Unboxed `String` ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-} a = "Foo"# ``` `NumericUnderscores` ```haskell -- https://github.com/mihaimaruseac/hindent/issues/542 {-# LANGUAGE NumericUnderscores #-} foo = 10_000 ``` ### Quasi-quotes Body has multiple lines. ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} f = [s|First line Second line|] ``` Body has a top-level declaration. ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} f = [d| f :: Int -> Int f = undefined |] ``` Typed quote. ```haskell f = [||a||] ``` Preserve the trailing newline. ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} f = [s|foo |] ``` ### Ranges from ```haskell a = [1 ..] ``` from to ```haskell a = [1 .. 9] ``` from then ```haskell b = [1,3 ..] ``` from then to ```haskell c = [1,3 .. 9] ``` ### Records No fields ```haskell -- https://github.com/mihaimaruseac/hindent/issues/366 foo = Nothing {} ``` Short ```haskell getGitProvider :: EventProvider GitRecord () getGitProvider = EventProvider {getModuleName = "Git", getEvents = getRepoCommits} ``` Medium ```haskell commitToEvent :: FolderPath -> TimeZone -> Commit -> Event.Event commitToEvent gitFolderPath timezone commit = Event.Event {pluginName = getModuleName getGitProvider, eventIcon = "glyphicon-cog"} ``` Long ```haskell commitToEvent :: FolderPath -> TimeZone -> Commit -> Event.Event commitToEvent gitFolderPath timezone commit = Event.Event { pluginName = getModuleName getGitProvider , eventIcon = "glyphicon-cog" , eventDate = localTimeToUTC timezone (commitDate commit) } ``` Another long one ```haskell -- https://github.com/mihaimaruseac/hindent/issues/358 foo = assert sanityCheck BomSnapshotAggr { snapshot = Just bs , previousId = M.bomSnapshotHistoryPreviousId . entityVal <$> bsp , nextId = M.bomSnapshotHistoryNextId . entityVal <$> bsn , bomEx = bx'' , orderSubstitutes = S.fromList . map OrderSubstituteAggrByCreatedAtAsc $ subs , snapshotSubstitute = msub } ``` Record body may be in one line even if a new line is inserted after the variable name. ```haskell addCommentsToNode mkNodeComment newComments nodeInfo@(NodeInfo (SrcSpanInfo _ _) existingComments) = nodeInfo {nodeInfoComments = existingComments <> map mkBeforeNodeComment newComments} ``` Symbol constructor ```haskell f = (:..?) {} ``` Symbol field ```haskell f x = x {(..?) = wat} g x = Rec {(..?)} ``` A field updater in a `do` inside a `let ... in`. ```haskell f = undefined where g h = let x = undefined in do foo pure h { grhssLocalBinds = HsValBinds x (ValBinds (newSigs newSigMethods)) } ``` `OverloadedRecordDot` ```haskell since 9.2.2 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedRecordDot #-} data Rectangle = Rectangle { width :: Int , height :: Int } area :: Rectangle -> Int area r = r.width * r.height foo = (.x.y) ``` `OverloadedRecordUpdate` ```haskell since 9.2.0 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedRecordDot #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedRecordUpdate #-} foo = bar {baz.qux = 1} ``` ### Sections With a LHS ```haskell double = (2 *) ``` With a RHS ```haskell halve = (/ 2) ``` With a large RHS ```haskell foo = (`elem` concat [ [20, 68, 92, 112, 28, 124, 116, 80] , [21, 84, 87, 221, 127, 255, 241, 17] ]) ``` ## Template Haskell Expression brackets ```haskell add1 x = [|x + 1|] ``` Pattern brackets ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} mkPat = [p|(x, y)|] ``` Type brackets ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} foo :: $([t|Bool|]) -> a ``` A quoted TH name from a type name ```haskell -- https://github.com/mihaimaruseac/hindent/issues/412 {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} data (-) q = ''(-) ``` Quoted list constructors ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} cons = '(:) ``` Pattern splices ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} f $pat = () g = case x of $(mkPat y z) -> True _ -> False ``` Typed splice ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} foo = $$bar ``` ## Comments Only comments ```haskell -- foo ``` Double comments in a line ```haskell f = undefined {- Comment 1 -} {- Comment 2 -} -- Comment 3 ``` Comments within a declaration ```haskell bob -- after bob = foo -- next to foo -- line after foo (bar foo -- next to bar foo bar -- next to bar ) -- next to the end paren of (bar) -- line after (bar) mu -- next to mu -- line after mu -- another line after mu zot -- next to zot -- line after zot (case casey -- after casey of Just -- after Just -> do justice -- after justice * foo (blah * blah + z + 2 / 4 + a - -- before a line break 2 * -- inside this mess z / 2 / 2 / aooooo / aaaaa -- bob comment ) + (sdfsdfsd fsdfsdf) -- blah comment putStrLn "") [1, 2, 3] [ 1 -- foo , ( 2 -- bar , 2.5 -- mu ) , 3 ] -- in the end of the function where alpha = alpha -- between alpha and beta beta = beta -- after beta foo = 1 -- after foo gamma = do delta epsilon -- in the end of a do-block 1 gamma = do delta epsilon -- the very last block is detected differently ``` Comments in a do expression ```haskell gamma = do -- in the beginning of a do-block delta ``` Comments in a class instance ```haskell instance Pretty MatchForCase -- TODO: Do not forget to handle comments! where pretty' = undefined ``` Comments in a case expression ```haskell -- https://github.com/mihaimaruseac/hindent/issues/553 f x = case x of -- Bla bla Nothing -> 0 Just y -> y ``` Haddock comments ```haskell -- | Module comment. module X where -- | Main doc. main :: IO () main = return () data X = X -- ^ X is for xylophone. | Y -- ^ Y is for why did I eat that pizza. data X = X { field1 :: Int -- ^ Field1 is the first field. , field11 :: Char -- ^ This field comment is on its own line. , field2 :: Int -- ^ Field2 is the second field. , field3 :: Char -- ^ This is a long comment which starts next to -- the field but continues onto the next line, it aligns exactly -- with the field name. , field4 :: Char -- ^ This is a long comment which starts on the following line -- from from the field, lines continue at the sme column. } foo :: String -- ^ Reason for eating pizza. -> Int -- ^ How many did you eat pizza? -> String -- ^ The report. foo = undefined ``` Haddock for a class method ```haskell -- https://github.com/mihaimaruseac/hindent/issues/607 class Foo a where -- | Doc foo :: a ``` Module header with haddock comments ```haskell -- | A module module HIndent -- Foo ( -- * Formatting functions. reformat , -- * Testing test ) where ``` Comments around regular declarations ```haskell -- This is some random comment. -- | Main entry point. main = putStrLn "Hello, World!" -- This is another random comment. ``` Multi-line comments ```haskell bob {- after bob -} = foo {- next to foo -} {- line after foo -} (bar foo {- next to bar foo -} bar {- next to bar -} ) {- next to the end paren of (bar) -} {- line after (bar) -} mu {- next to mu -} {- line after mu -} {- another line after mu -} zot {- next to zot -} {- line after zot -} (case casey {- after casey -} of Just {- after Just -} -> do justice {- after justice -} * foo (blah * blah + z + 2 / 4 + a - {- before a line break -} 2 * {- inside this mess -} z / 2 / 2 / aooooo / aaaaa {- bob comment -} ) + (sdfsdfsd fsdfsdf) {- blah comment -} putStrLn "") [1, 2, 3] [ 1 {- foo -} , ( 2 {- bar -} , 2.5 {- mu -} ) , 3 ] foo = 1 {- after foo -} ``` Multi-line comments with multi-line contents ```haskell {- | This is some random comment. Here is more docs and such. Etc. -} main = putStrLn "Hello, World!" {- This is another random comment. -} ``` Comments on functions in where clause ```haskell -- https://github.com/mihaimaruseac/hindent/issues/540 topLevelFunc1 = f where -- comment on func in where clause -- stays in the where clause f = undefined topLevelFunc2 = f . g -- Another comment where {- multi line comment -} f = undefined -- single line comment -- single line comment -- Different size of indent g :: a g = undefined ``` Comments in a 'where' clause ```haskell foo = undefined where bar -- A comment = undefined where a = b baz = undefined ``` Haddocks around data constructors ```haskell data Foo -- | A haddock comment for 'Bar'. = Bar -- | A haddock comment for 'Baz'. | Baz -- | A haddock comment for 'Quuz'. | Quuz ``` ## Identifiers Unicode ```haskell α = γ * "ω" -- υ ``` `rec` and `mdo` are valid identifiers unless `RecursiveDo` is enabled ```haskell -- https://github.com/mihaimaruseac/hindent/issues/328 rec = undefined mdo = undefined ``` The first character of an infix operator can be `@` unless `TypeApplications` is enabled. ```haskell -- https://github.com/mihaimaruseac/hindent/issues/421 a @: b = a + b main = print (2 @: 2) ``` ## Complex input A complex, slow-to-print decl ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} quasiQuotes = [ ( ''[] , \(typeVariable:_) _automaticPrinter -> (let presentVar = varE (presentVarName typeVariable) in lamE [varP (presentVarName typeVariable)] [|(let typeString = "[" ++ fst $(presentVar) ++ "]" in ( typeString , \xs -> case fst $(presentVar) of "GHC.Types.Char" -> ChoicePresentation "String" [ ( "String" , StringPresentation "String" (concatMap getCh (map (snd $(presentVar)) xs))) , ( "List of characters" , ListPresentation typeString (map (snd $(presentVar)) xs)) ] where getCh (CharPresentation "GHC.Types.Char" ch) = ch getCh (ChoicePresentation _ ((_, CharPresentation _ ch):_)) = ch getCh _ = "" _ -> ListPresentation typeString (map (snd $(presentVar)) xs)))|])) ] ``` Random snippet from hindent itself ```haskell exp' (App _ op a) = do (fits, st) <- fitsOnOneLine (spaced (map pretty (f : args))) if fits then put st else do pretty f newline spaces <- getIndentSpaces indented spaces (lined (map pretty args)) where (f, args) = flatten op [a] flatten :: Exp NodeInfo -> [Exp NodeInfo] -> (Exp NodeInfo, [Exp NodeInfo]) flatten (App _ f' a') b = flatten f' (a' : b) flatten f' as = (f', as) ``` Quasi quotes ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} exp = [name|exp|] f [qq|pattern|] = () ``` ## C preprocessor Conditionals (`#if`) ```haskell isDebug :: Bool #if DEBUG isDebug = True #else isDebug = False #endif ``` Macro definitions (`#define`) ```haskell #define STRINGIFY(x) #x f = STRINGIFY (y) ``` Escaped newlines ```haskell #define LONG_MACRO_DEFINITION \ data Pair a b = Pair \ { first :: a \ , second :: b \ } #define SHORT_MACRO_DEFINITION \ x ``` Language extensions are effective across CPP boundaries. ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-} #if 1 pattern Foo :: Int -> Bar #else pattern Foo :: Int -> Bar #endif ``` ## Literate Haskell Code with `>`s ```haskell > -- https://github.com/mihaimaruseac/hindent/issues/103 > foo :: a > foo = undefined ```