{- cluster-tree Gregory W. Schwartz Hierarchical spectral clustering of data. -} {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-} module Main where -- Standard import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, catMaybes) import GHC.Generics -- Cabal import Data.Char (ord) import Data.List (intercalate) import Data.Monoid ((<>)) import Math.Graph.Types import Options.Generic import Safe (atMay) import System.IO (stdin) import Text.Read (readMaybe) import TextShow (showt) import qualified Control.Lens as L import qualified Data.Aeson as A import qualified Data.Aeson.Encode.Pretty as A import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as B import qualified Data.Csv as CSV import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map import qualified Data.Set as Set import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Vector as V import qualified Numeric.LinearAlgebra as H import qualified System.FilePath as File -- Local import Math.Clustering.Hierarchical.Spectral.Load import Math.Clustering.Hierarchical.Spectral.Types import Math.Graph.Components import qualified Math.Clustering.Hierarchical.Spectral.Dense as HD import qualified Math.Clustering.Hierarchical.Spectral.Eigen.AdjacencyMatrix as HS newtype Delimiter = Delimiter { unDelimiter :: Char } deriving (Read, Show) newtype Row = Row { unRow :: Int } deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show) newtype Column = Column { unColumn :: Int } deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show) newtype OutputTree = OutputTree { unOutputTree :: String } deriving (Read, Show) newtype MinSize = MinSize { unMinSize :: Int } deriving (Read, Show) newtype NumEigen = NumEigen { unNumEigen :: Int } deriving (Read, Show) data ClusteringType = Sparse | Dense deriving (Read, Show) data Components a = Single (ClusteringTree a) | Multiple [ClusteringTree a] instance A.ToJSON Q where toEncoding = A.genericToEncoding A.defaultOptions instance A.FromJSON Q instance (A.ToJSON a) => A.ToJSON (ClusteringVertex a) where toEncoding = A.genericToEncoding A.defaultOptions instance (A.FromJSON a) => A.FromJSON (ClusteringVertex a) -- | Command line arguments data Options = Options { clusteringType :: Maybe String "([Dense] | Sparse) Method for clustering data." , delimiter :: Maybe Char "([,] | CHAR) The delimiter of the CSV file. Format is row,column,value with no header." , minSize :: Maybe Int "([Nothing] | INT) Minimum size of a cluster." , numEigen :: Maybe Int "([1] | INT) Number of eigenvectors to use while clustering with kmeans. Takes from the first eigenvector. Recommended to start at 2 and work up from there if needed." , minModularity :: Maybe Double "([0] | DOUBLE) Minimum modularity to be over to continue recursion." , eigenGroup :: Maybe String "([SignGroup] | KMeansGroup) Whether to group the eigenvector using the sign or kmeans while clustering. While the default is sign, kmeans may be more accurate (but starting points are arbitrary)." , separateComponents :: Bool "Whether to first separate connected components of the graph first. Will output a dendrogram for each component with the name of the tree and the number of nodes within the tree, along with the base set by --output-tree." , outputTree :: Maybe String "([Nothing] | FILE) The name of the file to output the tree in JSON format." } deriving (Generic) modifiers :: Modifiers modifiers = lispCaseModifiers { shortNameModifier = short } where short "minSize" = Just 'S' short x = firstLetter x instance ParseRecord Options where parseRecord = parseRecordWithModifiers modifiers main :: IO () main = do opts <- getRecord "cluster-tree, Gregory W. Schwartz.\ \ Hierarchical spectral clustering of data Computes real\ \ symmetric part of matrix, so ensure the input is real\ \ and symmetric. Diagonal should be 0s for\ \ adjacency matrix.\ \ Format is an edge list of node1,node2,value with no header, fed in through STDIN.\ \ Must end with a newline." let readOrErr err = fromMaybe (error err) . readMaybe clusteringType' = maybe Dense (readOrErr "Cannot read --clustering-type") . unHelpful . clusteringType $ opts delim' = Delimiter . fromMaybe ',' . unHelpful . delimiter $ opts minSize' = fmap MinSize . unHelpful . minSize $ opts numEigen' = fmap NumEigen . unHelpful . numEigen $ opts minModularity' = fmap Q . unHelpful . minModularity $ opts eigenGroup' = maybe SignGroup (readOrErr "Cannot read --eigen-group") . unHelpful . eigenGroup $ opts separateComponents' = unHelpful . separateComponents $ opts outputTree' = fmap OutputTree . unHelpful . outputTree $ opts decodeOpt = CSV.defaultDecodeOptions { CSV.decDelimiter = fromIntegral (ord . unDelimiter $ delim') } encodeOpt = CSV.defaultEncodeOptions { CSV.encDelimiter = fromIntegral (ord . unDelimiter $ delim') } clusteringTree <- case clusteringType' of Dense -> do (items, mat) <- readDenseAdjMatrix decodeOpt stdin let cluster items = HD.hierarchicalSpectralClusterAdj eigenGroup' (fmap unNumEigen numEigen') (fmap unMinSize minSize') minModularity' items return $ if separateComponents' then Multiple . fmap (uncurry cluster) . getComponentMatsItems items $ mat else Single $ cluster items mat Sparse -> do (items, mat) <- readEigenSparseAdjMatrix decodeOpt stdin let cluster items = HS.hierarchicalSpectralCluster eigenGroup' (fmap unNumEigen numEigen') (fmap unMinSize minSize') minModularity' items return $ if separateComponents' then Multiple . fmap (uncurry cluster) . getComponentMatsItems items $ mat else Single $ cluster items mat body <- case clusteringTree of (Single ct) -> do let clustering = zip ([1..] :: [Int]) . getClusterItemsTree $ ct body :: [(T.Text, T.Text)] body = concatMap (\(!c, xs) -> fmap (\ !x -> (x, showt c)) . V.toList $ xs) clustering case outputTree' of Nothing -> return () Just (OutputTree file) -> B.writeFile file . A.encodePretty . clusteringTreeToDendrogram $ ct return body (Multiple cts) -> do let clustering = fmap (L.over L._2 (zip ([1..] :: [Int]) . getClusterItemsTree)) . zip ([1..] :: [Int]) $ cts body :: [(T.Text, T.Text)] body = concatMap (\ (!t, xs) -> concatMap (\ (!c, ys) -> fmap (\ x -> (x, showt t <> "/" <> showt c)) . V.toList $ ys ) xs ) clustering case outputTree' of Nothing -> return () Just (OutputTree file) -> do let getSize :: ClusteringTree a -> Int getSize = sum . fmap V.length . getClusterItemsTree getFileName :: Int -> Int -> String getFileName t n = uncurry (File.) . L.over L._2 (\x -> intercalate "_" ["tree", show t, "size", show n, x]) . File.splitFileName $ file write :: (A.ToJSON a) => Int -> ClusteringTree a -> IO () write t tree = do B.writeFile (getFileName t (getSize tree)) . A.encodePretty . clusteringTreeToDendrogram $ tree mapM_ (uncurry write) . zip [1..] $ cts return body -- | Print final result. B.putStr . (<>) "item,cluster\n" . CSV.encodeWith encodeOpt $ body return ()