{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} module Main where import GHC.Paths (libdir, ghc) import HieDb (HieDb, HieModuleRow (..), LibDir (..), ModuleInfo (..), withHieDb, withHieFile, addRefsFromLoaded, deleteMissingRealFiles, defaultSkipOptions) import HieDb.Query (getAllIndexedMods, lookupHieFile, resolveUnitId, lookupHieFileFromSource) import HieDb.Run (Command (..), Options (..), runCommand) import HieDb.Types (HieDbErr (..), SourceFile(..), runDbM) import HieDb.Utils (makeNc) import HieDb.Compat (stringToUnit, moduleNameString, mkModuleName, getFileHash) import System.Directory (findExecutable, getCurrentDirectory, removeDirectoryRecursive) import System.Exit (ExitCode (..), die) import System.FilePath (()) import System.Process (callProcess, proc, readCreateProcessWithExitCode) import System.Environment (lookupEnv) import System.IO.Temp import System.IO import Test.Hspec (Expectation, Spec, afterAll_, around, beforeAll_, describe, hspec, it, runIO, shouldBe, shouldEndWith) import Test.Orphans () import Data.IORef import Data.List (sort) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) main :: IO () main = hspec spec spec :: Spec spec = describe "hiedb" $ beforeAll_ compileTestModules $ afterAll_ cleanTestData $ do cliSpec apiSpec apiSpec :: Spec apiSpec = describe "api" $ beforeAll_ (runCommandTest (Index [testTmp])) $ around withTestDb $ describe "HieDb.Query" $ do describe "getAllIndexedMods" $ do it "returns all indexed modules" $ \conn -> do mods <- getAllIndexedMods conn case mods of [m1,m2] -> do moduleNameString (modInfoName (hieModInfo m1)) `shouldBe` "Sub.Module2" moduleNameString (modInfoName (hieModInfo m2)) `shouldBe` "Module1" xs -> fail $ "Was expecting 2 modules, but got " <> show (length xs) describe "resolveUnitId" $ do it "resolves unit when module unambiguous" $ \conn -> do res <- resolveUnitId conn (mkModuleName "Module1") case res of Left e -> fail $ "Unexpected error: " <> show e Right unit -> unit `shouldBe` stringToUnit "main" it "returns NotIndexed error on not-indexed module" $ \conn -> do let notIndexedModule = mkModuleName "NotIndexed" res <- resolveUnitId conn notIndexedModule case res of Left (NotIndexed modName Nothing) -> modName `shouldBe` notIndexedModule Left e -> fail $ "Unexpected error: " <> show e Right unit -> fail $ "Unexpected success: " <> show unit describe "lookupHieFile" $ do it "Should lookup indexed Module" $ \conn -> do let modName = mkModuleName "Module1" res <- lookupHieFile conn modName (stringToUnit "main") case res of Just modRow -> do hieModuleHieFile modRow `shouldEndWith` "Module1.hie" let modInfo = hieModInfo modRow modInfoIsReal modInfo `shouldBe` False modInfoName modInfo `shouldBe` modName Nothing -> fail "Should have looked up indexed file" it "Should return Nothing for not indexed Module" $ \conn -> do res <- lookupHieFile conn (mkModuleName "NotIndexed") (stringToUnit "main") case res of Nothing -> pure () Just _ -> fail "Lookup suceeded unexpectedly" describe "deleteMissingRealFiles" $ do it "Should delete missing indexed files and nothing else" $ \conn -> do originalMods <- getAllIndexedMods conn -- Index a new real file, and delete it let contents = unlines [ "module Test123 where" , "import Prelude" , "foobarbaz :: Int" , "foobarbaz = 1" ] fp <- withSystemTempFile "Test.hs" $ \fp h -> do hPutStr h contents hClose h runGhc $ "-fno-code" : -- don't produce unnecessary .o and .hi files "-fwrite-ide-info" : "-hiedir=" <> testTmp : [fp] let hie_f = testTmp "Test123.hie" hash <- getFileHash hie_f nc <- newIORef =<< makeNc runDbM nc $ withHieFile hie_f $ addRefsFromLoaded conn hie_f (RealFile fp) hash pure fp -- Check that it was indexed before <- lookupHieFileFromSource conn fp case before of Nothing -> fail $ "File "<> show fp <> "wasn't indexed" Just _ -> pure () deleteMissingRealFiles conn -- Check that it was deleted from the db after <- lookupHieFileFromSource conn fp case after of Nothing -> pure () Just _ -> fail $ "deleteMissingRealFiles didn't delete file: " <> show fp -- Check that the other modules are still indexed afterMods <- getAllIndexedMods conn originalMods `shouldBe` afterMods cliSpec :: Spec cliSpec = -- TODO commands not covered: init, type-refs, ref-graph, dump, reachable, unreachable, html describe "Command line" $ do describe "index" $ it "indexes testing project .hie files" $ do runHieDbCli ["index", testTmp, "--quiet"] `succeedsWithStdin` "" describe "ls" $ it "lists the indexed modules" $ do cwd <- getCurrentDirectory let expectedOutput = fmap (\x -> cwd testTmp x) [ "Sub/Module2.hie\tSub.Module2\tmain" , "Module1.hie\tModule1\tmain" ] (exitCode, actualStdin, _actualStdErr) <- runHieDbCli ["ls"] exitCode `shouldBe` ExitSuccess sort (lines actualStdin) `shouldBe` sort expectedOutput describe "name-refs" $ it "lists all references of given function" $ do runHieDbCli ["name-refs", "function2"] `succeedsWithStdin` unlines [ "Module1:3:7-3:16" , "Module1:12:1-12:10" , "Module1:13:1-13:10" ] describe "point-refs" $ it "list references at given point" $ runHieDbCli ["point-refs", "Module1", "13", "2"] `succeedsWithStdin` unlines [ "Module1:3:7-3:16" , "Module1:12:1-12:10" , "Module1:13:1-13:10" ] describe "point-types" $ do it "Prints types of symbol under cursor" $ runHieDbCli ["point-types", "Module1", "10", "10" ] `succeedsWithStdin` unlines [ "Bool -> Bool" {- type of `not` function under cursor -} ] it "Fails for symbols that don't have type associated" $ do (exitCode, actualStdout, actualStderr) <- runHieDbCli ["point-types", "Module1", "8", "21"] actualStdout `shouldBe` "" exitCode `shouldBe` ExitFailure 1 actualStderr `shouldBe` "No symbols found at (8,21) in Module1\n" describe "point-defs" $ do it "outputs the location of symbol when definition site can be found is indexed" $ runHieDbCli ["point-defs", "Module1", "13", "29"] `succeedsWithStdin` unlines [ "Sub.Module2:8:1-8:8" ] it "Fails with informative error message when there's no symbol at given point" $ do (exitCode, actualStdout, actualStderr) <- runHieDbCli ["point-defs", "Module1", "13", "13"] actualStdout `shouldBe` "" exitCode `shouldBe` ExitFailure 1 actualStderr `shouldBe` "No symbols found at (13,13) in Module1\n" it "fails with informative error message when the difinition can't be found" $ do (exitCode, actualStdout, actualStderr) <- runHieDbCli ["point-defs", "Module1", "13", "24"] actualStdout `shouldBe` "" exitCode `shouldBe` ExitFailure 1 actualStderr `shouldBe` #if MIN_VERSION_base(4,20,0) "Couldn't find name: $ from module GHC.Internal.Base(ghc-internal)\n" #else "Couldn't find name: $ from module GHC.Base(base)\n" #endif describe "point-info" $ do it "gives information about symbol at specified location" $ runHieDbCli ["point-info", "Sub.Module2", "11", "11"] `succeedsWithStdin` unlines [ "Span: test/data/Sub/Module2.hs:11:7-23" , "Constructors: {(ConDeclH98, ConDecl)}" , "Identifiers:" , "Symbol:c:Data1Constructor1:Sub.Module2:main" , "Data1Constructor1 defined at test/data/Sub/Module2.hs:11:7-23" , " Details: Nothing {declaration of constructor bound at: test/data/Sub/Module2.hs:11:7-23}" , "Types:\n" ] it "correctly prints type signatures" $ runHieDbCli ["point-info", "Module1", "10", "10"] `succeedsWithStdin` unlines [ "Span: test/data/Module1.hs:10:8-10" , "Constructors: {(HsVar, HsExpr)}" , "Identifiers:" , "Symbol:v:not:GHC.Classes:ghc-prim" , "not defined at " , " Details: Just Bool -> Bool {usage}" , "Types:" , "Bool -> Bool" , "" ] describe "name-def" $ it "lookup definition of name" $ runHieDbCli ["name-def", "showInt"] `succeedsWithStdin` "Sub.Module2:8:1-8:8\n" describe "type-def" $ it "lookup definition of type" $ runHieDbCli ["type-def", "Data1"] `succeedsWithStdin` "Sub.Module2:10:1-12:28\n" describe "cat" $ describe "dumps module source stored in .hie file" $ do module1Src <- runIO . readFile $ "test" "data" "Module1.hs" it "when given --hiefile" $ do cwd <- getCurrentDirectory runHieDbCli ["cat", "--hiefile" , cwd testTmp "Module1.hie"] `succeedsWithStdin` (module1Src <> "\n") it "when given module name" $ runHieDbCli ["cat", "Module1"] `succeedsWithStdin` (module1Src <> "\n") describe "lookup-hie" $ it "looks up location of .hie file" $ do cwd <- getCurrentDirectory runHieDbCli ["lookup-hie", "Module1"] `succeedsWithStdin` (cwd testTmp "Module1.hie\n") describe "module-uids" $ it "lists uids for given module" $ runHieDbCli ["module-uids", "Module1"] `succeedsWithStdin` "main\n" describe "ls-exports" $ do it "shows exports for Module1" $ do cwd <- getCurrentDirectory runHieDbCli ["ls-exports", "Module1"] `succeedsWithStdin` unlines (fmap (\x -> cwd testTmp x) [ "Module1.hie\tfunction1" , "Module1.hie\tfunction2" ]) it "shows all the exports" $ do cwd <- getCurrentDirectory runHieDbCli ["ls-exports"] `succeedsWithStdinSorted` unlines (fmap (\x -> cwd testTmp x) [ "Module1.hie\tfunction1" , "Module1.hie\tfunction2" , "Sub/Module2.hie\tshowInt" , "Sub/Module2.hie\tData1" , "Sub/Module2.hie\tData1(Data1Constructor1)" , "Sub/Module2.hie\tData1(Data1Constructor2)" ]) describe "rm" $ it "removes given module from DB" $ do runHieDbCli ["rm", "Module1"] `succeedsWithStdin` "" -- Check with 'ls' comand that there's just one module left cwd <- getCurrentDirectory runHieDbCli ["ls"] `succeedsWithStdin` (cwd testTmp "Sub/Module2.hie\tSub.Module2\tmain\n") succeedsWithStdin :: IO (ExitCode, String, String) -> String -> Expectation succeedsWithStdin action expectedStdin = do (exitCode, actualStdin, _actualStdErr) <- action exitCode `shouldBe` ExitSuccess actualStdin `shouldBe` expectedStdin succeedsWithStdinSorted :: IO (ExitCode, String, String) -> String -> Expectation succeedsWithStdinSorted action expectedStdin = do (exitCode, actualStdin, _actualStdErr) <- action exitCode `shouldBe` ExitSuccess sort (lines actualStdin) `shouldBe` sort (lines expectedStdin) runHieDbCli :: [String] -> IO (ExitCode, String, String) runHieDbCli args = do hiedb <- findHieDbExecutable let argsWithTestDb = "--database" : testDb : args let createProc = proc hiedb argsWithTestDb putStrLn $ unwords $ "RUNNING: hiedb" : argsWithTestDb readCreateProcessWithExitCode createProc "" findHieDbExecutable :: IO FilePath findHieDbExecutable = maybe (die "Did not find hiedb executable") pure =<< findExecutable "hiedb" cleanTestData :: IO () cleanTestData = removeDirectoryRecursive testTmp runGhc :: [String] -> IO () runGhc args = do hc <- fromMaybe ghc <$> lookupEnv "HC" callProcess hc args compileTestModules :: IO () compileTestModules = do runGhc $ "-fno-code" : -- don't produce unnecessary .o and .hi files "-fwrite-ide-info" : "-hiedir=" <> testTmp : testModules testModules :: [FilePath] testModules = fmap (\m -> "test" "data" m) [ "Module1.hs" , "Sub" "Module2.hs" ] testDb :: FilePath testDb = testTmp "test.hiedb" testTmp :: FilePath testTmp = "test" "tmp" withTestDb :: (HieDb -> IO a) -> IO a withTestDb = withHieDb testDb runCommandTest :: Command -> IO () runCommandTest = runCommand (LibDir libdir) testOpts testOpts :: Options testOpts = Options { database = testDb , trace = False , quiet = True , colour = False , context = Nothing , reindex = False , keepMissing = False , srcBaseDir = Nothing , skipIndexingOptions = defaultSkipOptions }