{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-} {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} module HieDb.Query where import Algebra.Graph.AdjacencyMap (AdjacencyMap, edges, vertexSet, vertices, overlay) import Algebra.Graph.AdjacencyMap.Algorithm (dfs) import Algebra.Graph.Export.Dot hiding ((:=)) import qualified Algebra.Graph.Export.Dot as G import GHC import Compat.HieTypes -- import Module import Name import System.Directory import System.FilePath import Control.Monad (foldM, forM_) import Control.Monad.IO.Class import Data.List (foldl', intercalate) import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..)) import Data.Map.Strict (Map) import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map import Data.Set (Set) import qualified Data.Set as Set import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.IORef import Database.SQLite.Simple import HieDb.Dump (sourceCode) import HieDb.Compat import HieDb.Types import HieDb.Utils import qualified HieDb.Html as Html {-| List all modules indexed in HieDb. -} getAllIndexedMods :: HieDb -> IO [HieModuleRow] getAllIndexedMods (getConn -> conn) = query_ conn "SELECT * FROM mods" {-| List all module exports -} getAllIndexedExports :: HieDb -> IO [(ExportRow)] getAllIndexedExports (getConn -> conn) = query_ conn "SELECT * FROM exports" {-| List all exports of the given module -} getExportsForModule :: HieDb -> ModuleName -> IO [ExportRow] getExportsForModule (getConn -> conn) mn = query conn "SELECT exports.* FROM exports JOIN mods USING (hieFile) WHERE mods.mod = ?" (Only mn) {-| Find all the modules that export an identifier |-} findExporters :: HieDb -> OccName -> ModuleName -> Unit -> IO [ModuleName] findExporters (getConn -> conn) occ mn unit = query conn "SELECT mods.mod FROM exports JOIN mods USING (hieFile) WHERE occ = ? AND mod = ? AND unit = ?" (occ, mn, unit) {-| Lookup Unit associated with given ModuleName. HieDbErr is returned if no module with given name has been indexed or if ModuleName is ambiguous (i.e. there are multiple packages containing module with given name) -} resolveUnitId :: HieDb -> ModuleName -> IO (Either HieDbErr Unit) resolveUnitId (getConn -> conn) mn = do luid <- query conn "SELECT mod, unit, is_boot, hs_src, is_real, hash FROM mods WHERE mod = ? and is_boot = 0" (Only mn) return $ case luid of [] -> Left $ NotIndexed mn Nothing [x] -> Right $ modInfoUnit x (x:xs) -> Left $ AmbiguousUnitId $ x :| xs findReferences :: HieDb -> Bool -> OccName -> Maybe ModuleName -> Maybe Unit -> [FilePath] -> IO [Res RefRow] findReferences (getConn -> conn) isReal occ mn uid exclude = queryNamed conn thisQuery ([":occ" := occ, ":mod" := mn, ":unit" := uid, ":real" := isReal] ++ excludedFields) where excludedFields = zipWith (\n f -> (":exclude" <> T.pack (show n)) := f) [1 :: Int ..] exclude thisQuery = "SELECT refs.*,mods.mod,mods.unit,mods.is_boot,mods.hs_src,mods.is_real,mods.hash \ \FROM refs JOIN mods USING (hieFile) \ \WHERE refs.occ = :occ AND (:mod IS NULL OR refs.mod = :mod) AND (:unit is NULL OR refs.unit = :unit) AND \ \((NOT :real) OR (mods.is_real AND mods.hs_src IS NOT NULL))" <> " AND mods.hs_src NOT IN (" <> Query (T.intercalate "," (map (\(l := _) -> l) excludedFields)) <> ")" {-| Lookup 'HieModule' row from 'HieDb' given its 'ModuleName' and 'Unit' -} lookupHieFile :: HieDb -> ModuleName -> Unit -> IO (Maybe HieModuleRow) lookupHieFile (getConn -> conn) mn uid = do files <- query conn "SELECT * FROM mods WHERE mod = ? AND unit = ? AND is_boot = 0" (mn, uid) case files of [] -> return Nothing [x] -> return $ Just x xs -> error $ "DB invariant violated, (mod,unit) in mods not unique: " ++ show (moduleNameString mn, uid) ++ ". Entries: " ++ intercalate ", " (map hieModuleHieFile xs) {-| Lookup 'HieModule' row from 'HieDb' given the path to the Haskell source file -} lookupHieFileFromSource :: HieDb -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe HieModuleRow) lookupHieFileFromSource (getConn -> conn) fp = do files <- query conn "SELECT * FROM mods WHERE hs_src = ?" (Only fp) case files of [] -> return Nothing [x] -> return $ Just x xs -> error $ "DB invariant violated, hs_src in mods not unique: " ++ show fp ++ ". Entries: " ++ intercalate ", " (map (show . toRow) xs) findTypeRefs :: HieDb -> Bool -> OccName -> Maybe ModuleName -> Maybe Unit -> [FilePath] -> IO [Res TypeRef] findTypeRefs (getConn -> conn) isReal occ mn uid exclude = queryNamed conn thisQuery ([":occ" := occ, ":mod" := mn, ":unit" := uid, ":real" := isReal] ++ excludedFields) where excludedFields = zipWith (\n f -> (":exclude" <> T.pack (show n)) := f) [1 :: Int ..] exclude thisQuery = "SELECT typerefs.*, mods.mod,mods.unit,mods.is_boot,mods.hs_src,mods.is_real,mods.hash \ \FROM typerefs JOIN mods ON typerefs.hieFile = mods.hieFile \ \JOIN typenames ON typerefs.id = typenames.id \ \WHERE typenames.name = :occ AND (:mod IS NULL OR typenames.mod = :mod) AND \ \(:unit IS NULL OR typenames.unit = :unit) AND ((NOT :real) OR (mods.is_real AND mods.hs_src IS NOT NULL))" <> " AND mods.hs_src NOT IN (" <> Query (T.intercalate "," (map (\(l := _) -> l) excludedFields)) <> ")" <> " ORDER BY typerefs.depth ASC" findDef :: HieDb -> OccName -> Maybe ModuleName -> Maybe Unit -> IO [Res DefRow] findDef conn occ mn uid = queryNamed (getConn conn) "SELECT defs.*, mods.mod,mods.unit,mods.is_boot,mods.hs_src,mods.is_real,mods.hash \ \FROM defs JOIN mods USING (hieFile) \ \WHERE occ = :occ AND (:mod IS NULL OR mod = :mod) AND (:unit IS NULL OR unit = :unit)" [":occ" := occ,":mod" := mn, ":unit" := uid] findOneDef :: HieDb -> OccName -> Maybe ModuleName -> Maybe Unit -> IO (Either HieDbErr (Res DefRow)) findOneDef conn occ mn muid = wrap <$> findDef conn occ mn muid where wrap [x] = Right x wrap [] = Left $ NameNotFound occ mn muid wrap (x:xs) = Left $ AmbiguousUnitId (defUnit x :| map defUnit xs) defUnit (_:.i) = i searchDef :: HieDb -> String -> IO [Res DefRow] searchDef conn cs = query (getConn conn) "SELECT defs.*,mods.mod,mods.unit,mods.is_boot,mods.hs_src,mods.is_real,mods.hash \ \FROM defs JOIN mods USING (hieFile) \ \WHERE occ LIKE ? \ \LIMIT 200" (Only $ '_':cs++"%") {-| @withTarget db t f@ runs function @f@ with HieFile specified by HieTarget @t@. In case the target is given by ModuleName (and optionally Unit) it is first resolved from HieDb, which can lead to error if given file is not indexed/Module name is ambiguous. -} withTarget :: HieDb -> HieTarget -> (HieFile -> a) -> IO (Either HieDbErr a) withTarget conn target f = case target of Left fp -> processHieFile fp Right (mn,muid) -> do euid <- maybe (resolveUnitId conn mn) (return . Right) muid case euid of Left err -> return $ Left err Right uid -> do mModRow <- lookupHieFile conn mn uid case mModRow of Nothing -> return $ Left (NotIndexed mn $ Just uid) Just modRow -> processHieFile (hieModuleHieFile modRow) where processHieFile fp = do fp' <- canonicalizePath fp nc <- newIORef =<< makeNc runDbM nc $ do Right <$> withHieFile fp' (return . f) type Vertex = (String, String, String, Int, Int, Int, Int) declRefs :: HieDb -> IO () declRefs db = do graph <- getGraph db writeFile "refs.dot" ( export ( ( defaultStyle ( \( _, hie, occ, _, _, _, _ ) -> hie <> ":" <> occ ) ) { vertexAttributes = \( mod', _, occ, _, _, _, _ ) -> [ "label" G.:= ( mod' <> "." <> drop 1 occ ) , "fillcolor" G.:= case occ of ('v':_) -> "red"; ('t':_) -> "blue";_ -> "black" ] } ) graph ) getGraph :: HieDb -> IO (AdjacencyMap Vertex) getGraph (getConn -> conn) = do es <- query_ conn "SELECT mods.mod, decls.hieFile, decls.occ, decls.sl, decls.sc, decls.el, decls.ec, \ \rmods.mod, ref_decl.hieFile, ref_decl.occ, ref_decl.sl, ref_decl.sc, ref_decl.el, ref_decl.ec \ \FROM decls JOIN refs ON refs.hieFile = decls.hieFile \ \JOIN mods ON mods.hieFile = decls.hieFile \ \JOIN mods AS rmods ON rmods.mod = refs.mod AND rmods.unit = refs.unit AND rmods.is_boot = 0 \ \JOIN decls AS ref_decl ON ref_decl.hieFile = rmods.hieFile AND ref_decl.occ = refs.occ \ \WHERE ((refs.sl > decls.sl) OR (refs.sl = decls.sl AND refs.sc > decls.sc)) \ \AND ((refs.el < decls.el) OR (refs.el = decls.el AND refs.ec <= decls.ec))" vs <- query_ conn "SELECT mods.mod, decls.hieFile, decls.occ, decls.sl, decls.sc, decls.el, decls.ec \ \FROM decls JOIN mods USING (hieFile)" return $ overlay ( vertices vs ) ( edges ( map (\( x :. y ) -> ( x, y )) es ) ) getVertices :: HieDb -> [Symbol] -> IO [Vertex] getVertices (getConn -> conn) ss = Set.toList <$> foldM f Set.empty ss where f :: Set Vertex -> Symbol -> IO (Set Vertex) f vs s = foldl' (flip Set.insert) vs <$> one s one :: Symbol -> IO [Vertex] one s = do let n = toNsChar (occNameSpace $ symName s) : occNameString (symName s) m = moduleNameString $ moduleName $ symModule s u = unitString (moduleUnit $ symModule s) query conn "SELECT mods.mod, decls.hieFile, decls.occ, decls.sl, decls.sc, decls.el, decls.ec \ \FROM decls JOIN mods USING (hieFile) \ \WHERE ( decls.occ = ? AND mods.mod = ? AND mods.unit = ? ) " (n, m, u) getReachable :: HieDb -> [Symbol] -> IO [Vertex] getReachable db symbols = fst <$> getReachableUnreachable db symbols getUnreachable :: HieDb -> [Symbol] -> IO [Vertex] getUnreachable db symbols = snd <$> getReachableUnreachable db symbols html :: (NameCacheMonad m, MonadIO m) => HieDb -> [Symbol] -> m () html db symbols = do m <- liftIO $ getAnnotations db symbols forM_ (Map.toList m) $ \(fp, (mod', sps)) -> do code <- sourceCode fp let fp' = replaceExtension fp "html" liftIO $ putStrLn $ moduleNameString mod' ++ ": " ++ fp' liftIO $ Html.generate fp' mod' code $ Set.toList sps getAnnotations :: HieDb -> [Symbol] -> IO (Map FilePath (ModuleName, Set Html.Span)) getAnnotations db symbols = do (rs, us) <- getReachableUnreachable db symbols let m1 = foldl' (f Html.Reachable) Map.empty rs m2 = foldl' (f Html.Unreachable) m1 us return m2 where f :: Html.Color -> Map FilePath (ModuleName, Set Html.Span) -> Vertex -> Map FilePath (ModuleName, Set Html.Span) f c m v = let (fp, mod', sp) = g c v in Map.insertWith h fp (mod', Set.singleton sp) m g :: Html.Color -> Vertex -> (FilePath, ModuleName, Html.Span) g c (mod', fp, _, sl, sc, el, ec) = (fp, mkModuleName mod', Html.Span { Html.spStartLine = sl , Html.spStartColumn = sc , Html.spEndLine = el , Html.spEndColumn = ec , Html.spColor = c }) h :: (ModuleName, Set Html.Span) -> (ModuleName, Set Html.Span) -> (ModuleName, Set Html.Span) h (m, sps) (_, sps') = (m, sps <> sps') getReachableUnreachable :: HieDb -> [Symbol] -> IO ([Vertex], [Vertex]) getReachableUnreachable db symbols = do vs <- getVertices db symbols graph <- getGraph db let (xs, ys) = splitByReachability graph vs return (Set.toList xs, Set.toList ys) splitByReachability :: Ord a => AdjacencyMap a -> [a] -> (Set a, Set a) splitByReachability m vs = let s = Set.fromList (dfs vs m) in (s, vertexSet m Set.\\ s)