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hie-bios-0.2.0: Set up a GHC API session

Safe HaskellNone




withGHC Source #


:: FilePath

A target file displayed in an error message.

-> Ghc a

Ghc actions created by the Ghc utilities.

-> IO a 

Converting the Ghc monad to the IO monad.

withGHC' :: Ghc a -> IO a Source #

withGhcT :: (ExceptionMonad m, MonadIO m, Monad m) => GhcT m a -> m a Source #

getDynamicFlags :: IO DynFlags Source #

Return the DynFlags currently in use in the GHC session.

getSystemLibDir :: IO (Maybe FilePath) Source #

Obtaining the directory for system libraries.

withDynFlags :: GhcMonad m => (DynFlags -> DynFlags) -> m a -> m a Source #

withCmdFlags :: GhcMonad m => [String] -> m a -> m a Source #

setNoWarningFlags :: DynFlags -> DynFlags Source #

Set DynFlags equivalent to "-w:".

setAllWarningFlags :: DynFlags -> DynFlags Source #

Set DynFlags equivalent to "-Wall".