Îõ³h& û ´  NoneÁ hgettextàNewer versions of Cabal have removed this function in favour of more configurable implementation None4hgettextDefault main function, same as :defaultMainWithHooks $ installGetTextHooks simpleUserHookshgettextÊInstalls hooks, used by GetText module to install PO files to the system.ÅPre-existing hook handlers are executed before the GetText handlers.hgettextinitial user hookshgettextpatched user hooks Safe-Inferred  hgettext– wraps GNU gettext@ function. It returns translated string for the input messages. If translated string not found the input string will be returned.>The most common usage of this function is to declare function __: __ = unsafePerformIO . getText2and wrap all text strings into this function, e.g. "printHello = putStrLn (__ "Hello")hgettext2 wraps GNU dgettext function. It works similar to " but also could take domain name.hgettext3 wraps GNU dcgettext function. It works similar to  but also takes category idhgettext“ wraps GNU ngettext function. It translates text string in the user's native language, by lookilng up the approppiate plural form of the message.hgettext3 wraps GNU dngettext function. It works similar to  but also takes domain namehgettext4 wraps GNU dcngettext function. It works similar to  but also takes category idhgettextâ sets the base directory of the hierarchy containing message catalogs for a given message domain.Throws   if fails hgettext  sets domain for future  callThrows   if failshgettextdomain name, if  ! --- default domain will be usedhgettext message idhgettext return valuehgettextdomain name, if  ! --- default domain will be usedhgettext locale facethgettext message idhgettext return valuehgettextmsgid in singular formhgettextmsgid in plural formhgettext'number, used to choose appropriate formhgettextèresult string, by default if number is 1 than singular form of msgid is returned, otherwise --- pluralhgettextdomain name, if  ! --- default domain will be usedhgettextmsgid in singular formhgettextmsgid in plural formhgettext'number, used to choose appropriate formhgettextèresult string, by default if number is 1 than singular form of msgid is returned, otherwise --- pluralhgettextdomain name, if  ! --- default domain will be usedhgettext locale facethgettextmsgid in singular formhgettextmsgid in plural formhgettext'number, used to choose appropriate formhgettextèresult string, by default if number is 1 than singular form of msgid is returned, otherwise --- pluralhgettext domain namehgettextpath to the locale folder or  % to return base directory for domainhgettext return value hgettextdomain name, if  " than returns current domain namehgettext return value       hgettext- Distribution.Simple.I18N.GetTextText.I18N.GetTextInternalgettextDefaultMaininstallGetTextHooksgetTextdGetText dcGetTextnGetText dnGetText dcnGetTextbindTextDomain textDomain matchFileGlobfromPackageNamebaseGHC.IO.ExceptionIOError GHC.MaybeNothing