{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Data.PlanarGraph( Arc(..)
                       , Direction(..), rev

                       , Dart(..), arc, direction
                       , twin, isPositive

                       , World(..)

                       , Dual

                       , VertexId(..)

                       , PlanarGraph
                       , embedding, vertexData, dartData, faceData
                       , edgeData

                       , planarGraph, planarGraph', fromAdjacencyLists

                       , numVertices, numDarts, numEdges, numFaces
                       , darts', darts, edges', edges, vertices', vertices, faces', faces

                       , tailOf, headOf, endPoints
                       , incidentEdges, incomingEdges, outgoingEdges, neighboursOf

                       , vDataOf, eDataOf, fDataOf, endPointDataOf, endPointData

                       , dual

                       , FaceId(..)
                       , leftFace, rightFace, boundary, boundaryVertices

                       , EdgeOracle
                       , edgeOracle, buildEdgeOracle
                       , findEdge
                       , hasEdge
                       ) where

import           Control.Applicative (Alternative(..))
import           Control.Lens
import           Control.Monad (forM_)
import           Control.Monad.ST (ST)
import           Control.Monad.State.Strict
import           Data.Bifunctor
import           Data.Bitraversable
import           Data.Ext
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import           Data.Maybe (catMaybes, isJust)
import           Data.Permutation
import           Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
import           Data.Traversable (fmapDefault,foldMapDefault)
import           Data.Util
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic as GV
import qualified Data.Vector.Mutable as MV
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as UV
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable as UMV

import           Debug.Trace

-- $setup
-- >>> :{
-- let dart i s = Dart (Arc i) (read s)
--     (aA:aB:aC:aD:aE:aG:_) = take 6 [Arc 0..]
--     myGraph :: PlanarGraph Test Primal_ () String ()
--     myGraph = planarGraph [ [ (Dart aA Negative, "a-")
--                             , (Dart aC Positive, "c+")
--                             , (Dart aB Positive, "b+")
--                             , (Dart aA Positive, "a+")
--                             ]
--                           , [ (Dart aE Negative, "e-")
--                             , (Dart aB Negative, "b-")
--                             , (Dart aD Negative, "d-")
--                             , (Dart aG Positive, "g+")
--                             ]
--                           , [ (Dart aE Positive, "e+")
--                             , (Dart aD Positive, "d+")
--                             , (Dart aC Negative, "c-")
--                             ]
--                           , [ (Dart aG Negative, "g-")
--                             ]
--                           ]
-- :}

-- TODO: Add a fig. of the Graph


-- | An Arc is a directed edge in a planar graph. The type s is used to tie
-- this arc to a particular graph.
newtype Arc s = Arc { _unArc :: Int } deriving (Eq,Ord,Enum,Bounded)

instance Show (Arc s) where
  show (Arc i) = "Arc " ++ show i

data Direction = Negative | Positive deriving (Eq,Ord,Bounded,Enum)

instance Show Direction where
  show Positive = "+1"
  show Negative = "-1"

instance Read Direction where
  readsPrec _ "-1" = [(Negative,"")]
  readsPrec _ "+1" = [(Positive,"")]
  readsPrec _ _    = []

-- | Reverse the direcion
rev          :: Direction -> Direction
rev Negative = Positive
rev Positive = Negative

-- | A dart represents a bi-directed edge. I.e. a dart has a direction, however
-- the dart of the oposite direction is always present in the planar graph as
-- well.
data Dart s = Dart { _arc       :: !(Arc s)
                   , _direction :: !Direction
                   } deriving (Eq,Ord)
makeLenses ''Dart

instance Show (Dart s) where
  show (Dart a d) = "Dart (" ++ show a ++ ") " ++ show d

-- | Get the twin of this dart (edge)
-- >>> twin (dart 0 "+1")
-- Dart (Arc 0) -1
-- >>> twin (dart 0 "-1")
-- Dart (Arc 0) +1
twin            :: Dart s -> Dart s
twin (Dart a d) = Dart a (rev d)

-- | test if a dart is Positive
isPositive   :: Dart s -> Bool
isPositive d = d^.direction == Positive

instance Enum (Dart s) where
  toEnum x
    | even x    = Dart (Arc $ x `div` 2)       Positive
    | otherwise = Dart (Arc $ (x `div` 2) + 1) Negative
  -- get the back edge by adding one

  fromEnum (Dart (Arc i) d) = case d of
                                Positive -> 2*i
                                Negative -> 2*i + 1

-- | The world in which the graph lives
data World = Primal_ | Dual_ deriving (Show,Eq)

type family Dual (sp :: World) where
  Dual Primal_ = Dual_
  Dual Dual_   = Primal_

-- | A vertex in a planar graph. A vertex is tied to a particular planar graph
-- by the phantom type s, and to a particular world w.
newtype VertexId s (w :: World) = VertexId { _unVertexId :: Int } deriving (Eq,Ord,Enum)
-- VertexId's are in the range 0...|orbits|-1
makeLenses ''VertexId

instance Show (VertexId s w) where
  show (VertexId i) = "VertexId " ++ show i

-- * The graph type itself

-- | A *connected* Planar graph with bidirected edges. I.e. the edges (darts) are
-- directed, however, for every directed edge, the edge in the oposite
-- direction is also in the graph.
-- The types v, e, and f are the are the types of the data associated with the
-- vertices, edges, and faces, respectively.
-- The orbits in the embedding are assumed to be in counterclockwise order.
data PlanarGraph s (w :: World) v e f = PlanarGraph { _embedding  :: Permutation (Dart s)
                                                    , _vertexData :: V.Vector v
                                                    , _rawDartData :: V.Vector e
                                                    , _faceData    :: V.Vector f
                                      deriving (Show,Eq)
makeLenses ''PlanarGraph

-- | lens to access the Dart Data
dartData :: Lens (PlanarGraph s w v e f) (PlanarGraph s w v e' f)
                 (V.Vector (Dart s, e)) (V.Vector (Dart s, e'))
dartData = lens darts (\g xs -> g&rawDartData .~ reorderEdgeData xs)

-- | edgeData is just an alias for 'dartData'
edgeData :: Lens (PlanarGraph s w v e f) (PlanarGraph s w v e' f)
                 (V.Vector (Dart s, e)) (V.Vector (Dart s, e'))
edgeData = dartData

-- | Reorders the edge data to be in the right order to set edgeData
reorderEdgeData    :: Foldable f => f (Dart s, e) -> V.Vector e
reorderEdgeData ds = V.create $ do
                                  v <- MV.new (F.length ds)
                                  forM_ (F.toList ds) $ \(d,x) ->
                                    MV.write v (fromEnum d) x
                                  pure v

-- | Construct a planar graph
planarGraph'      :: Permutation (Dart s) -> PlanarGraph s w () () ()
planarGraph' perm = PlanarGraph perm vData eData fData
    d = size perm
    e = d `div` 2
    v = V.length (perm^.orbits)
    f = e - v + 2

    vData  = V.replicate v ()
    eData  = V.replicate d ()
    fData  = V.replicate f ()

-- | Construct a planar graph, given the darts in cyclic order around each
-- vertex.
-- running time: \(O(n)\).
planarGraph    :: [[(Dart s,e)]] -> PlanarGraph s Primal_ () e ()
planarGraph ds = (planarGraph' perm)&dartData .~ (V.fromList . concat $ ds)
    n     = sum . map length $ ds
    perm  = toCycleRep n $ map (map fst) ds

-- | Construct a planar graph from a adjacency matrix. For every vertex, all
-- vertices should be given in counter clockwise order.
-- running time: \(O(n)\).
fromAdjacencyLists      :: forall s w f. (Foldable f, Functor f)
                        => [(VertexId s w, f (VertexId s w))]
                        -> PlanarGraph s w () () ()
fromAdjacencyLists adjM = planarGraph' . toCycleRep n $ perm
    n    = sum . fmap length $ perm
    perm = map toOrbit  $ adjM'

    adjM' = fmap (second F.toList) adjM

    -- -- | Assign Arcs
    -- adjM' = (^._1) . foldr assignArcs (SP [] 0) $ adjM

    -- Build an edgeOracle, so that we can query the arcId assigned to
    -- an edge in O(1) time.
    oracle :: EdgeOracle s w Int
    oracle = fmap (^.core) . assignArcs . buildEdgeOracle
           . map (second $ map ext)  $ adjM'

    toOrbit (u,adjU) = concatMap (toDart u) adjU

    -- if u = v we have a self-loop, so we add both a positive and a negative dart
    toDart u v = let Just a = findEdge u v oracle
                 in case u `compare` v of
                      LT -> [Dart (Arc a) Positive]
                      EQ -> [Dart (Arc a) Positive, Dart (Arc a) Negative]
                      GT -> [Dart (Arc a) Negative]

assignArcs   :: EdgeOracle s w e -> EdgeOracle s w (Int :+ e)
assignArcs o = evalState (traverse f o) 0
    f   :: e -> State Int (Int :+ e)
    f e = do i <- get ; put (i+1) ; pure (i :+ e)

--     -- Go through all of the edges we find an edge (u,v), with u <= v,
--     -- assign an ArcId to this edge (and increment the next available arcId).
--     -- if u > v. Don't assign anything.
-- assignArcs                     :: (Ord v, Foldable f)
--                                    => (v, f v)
--                                    -> SP [(v, [v :+ Maybe Int])] Int
--                                    -> SP [(v, [v :+ Maybe Int])] Int
-- assignArcs (u,adjU) (SP acc i) = first (\adjU' -> (u,adjU'):acc)
--                                    . foldr (assignArcs' u) (SP [] i)
--                                    . F.toList $ adjU

--     -- Go through all edges that have u as one endpoint.
-- assignArcs'   :: Ord v => v -> v -> SP [v :+ Maybe Int] Int
--                                  -> SP [v :+ Maybe Int] Int
-- assignArcs' u v (SP acc i)
--       | u <= v    = SP ((v :+ Just i)  : acc) (i+1)
--       | otherwise = SP ((v :+ Nothing) : acc) i

-- -- - m: a Map, mapping edges, represented by a pair of vertexId's (u,v) with
-- --            u < v, to arcId's.
-- -- - a: the next available unused arcID
-- -- - x: the data value we are interested in computing
-- type STR' s b = STR (SM.Map (VertexId s Primal_,VertexId s Primal_) Int) Int b

-- -- | Construct a planar graph from a adjacency matrix. For every vertex, all
-- -- vertices should be given in counter clockwise order.
-- --
-- -- running time: \(O(n \log n)\).
-- fromAdjacencyLists      :: forall s.
--                            [(VertexId s Primal_, C.CList (VertexId s Primal_))]
--                         -> PlanarGraph s Primal_ () () ()
-- fromAdjacencyLists adjM = planarGraph' . toCycleRep n $ perm
--   where
--     n    = sum . fmap length $ adjM
--     perm = trd' . foldr toOrbit (STR mempty 0 mempty) $ adjM

--     -- | Given a vertex with its adjacent vertices (u,vs) (in CCW order) convert this
--     -- vertex with its adjacent vertices into an Orbit
--     toOrbit                     :: (VertexId s Primal_, C.CList (VertexId s Primal_))
--                                 -> STR' s [[Dart s]]
--                                 -> STR' s [[Dart s]]
--     toOrbit (u,vs) (STR m a dss) =
--       let (STR m' a' ds') = foldr (toDart . (u,)) (STR m a mempty) . C.toList $ vs
--       in STR m' a' (ds':dss)

--     -- | Given an edge (u,v) and a triplet (m,a,ds) we construct a new dart
--     -- representing this edge.
--     toDart                    :: (VertexId s Primal_,VertexId s Primal_)
--                               -> STR' s [Dart s]
--                               -> STR' s [Dart s]
--     toDart (u,v) (STR m a ds) = let dir = if u < v then Positive else Negative
--                                     t'  = (min u v, max u v)
--                                in case SM.lookup t' m of
--       Just a' -> STR m                  a     (Dart (Arc a') dir : ds)
--       Nothing -> STR (SM.insert t' a m) (a+1) (Dart (Arc a)  dir : ds)


-- | Get the number of vertices
-- >>> numVertices myGraph
-- 4
numVertices :: PlanarGraph s w v e f -> Int
numVertices g = V.length (g^.embedding.orbits)

-- | Get the number of Darts
-- >>> numDarts myGraph
-- 12
numDarts :: PlanarGraph s w v e f -> Int
numDarts g = size (g^.embedding)

-- | Get the number of Edges
-- >>> numEdges myGraph
-- 6
numEdges :: PlanarGraph s w v e f -> Int
numEdges g = numDarts g `div` 2

-- | Get the number of faces
-- >>> numFaces myGraph
-- 4
numFaces   :: PlanarGraph s w v e f -> Int
numFaces g = numEdges g - numVertices g + 2

-- | Enumerate all vertices
-- >>> vertices' myGraph
-- [VertexId 0,VertexId 1,VertexId 2,VertexId 3]
vertices'   :: PlanarGraph s w v e f -> V.Vector (VertexId s w)
vertices' g = VertexId <$> V.enumFromN 0 (V.length (g^.embedding.orbits))

-- | Enumerate all vertices, together with their vertex data

-- >>> vertices myGraph
-- [(VertexId 0,()),(VertexId 1,()),(VertexId 2,()),(VertexId 3,())]
vertices   :: PlanarGraph s w v e f -> V.Vector (VertexId s w, v)
vertices g = V.zip (vertices' g) (g^.vertexData)

-- | Enumerate all darts
darts' :: PlanarGraph s w v e f -> V.Vector (Dart s)
darts' = elems . _embedding

-- | Get all darts together with their data
-- >>> mapM_ print $ darts myGraph
-- (Dart (Arc 0) -1,"a-")
-- (Dart (Arc 2) +1,"c+")
-- (Dart (Arc 1) +1,"b+")
-- (Dart (Arc 0) +1,"a+")
-- (Dart (Arc 4) -1,"e-")
-- (Dart (Arc 1) -1,"b-")
-- (Dart (Arc 3) -1,"d-")
-- (Dart (Arc 5) +1,"g+")
-- (Dart (Arc 4) +1,"e+")
-- (Dart (Arc 3) +1,"d+")
-- (Dart (Arc 2) -1,"c-")
-- (Dart (Arc 5) -1,"g-")
darts   :: PlanarGraph s w v e f -> V.Vector (Dart s, e)
darts g = (\d -> (d,g^.eDataOf d)) <$> darts' g

-- | Enumerate all edges. We report only the Positive darts
edges' :: PlanarGraph s w v e f -> V.Vector (Dart s)
edges' = V.filter isPositive . darts'

-- | Enumerate all edges with their edge data. We report only the Positive
-- darts.
-- >>> mapM_ print $ edges myGraph
-- (Dart (Arc 2) +1,"c+")
-- (Dart (Arc 1) +1,"b+")
-- (Dart (Arc 0) +1,"a+")
-- (Dart (Arc 5) +1,"g+")
-- (Dart (Arc 4) +1,"e+")
-- (Dart (Arc 3) +1,"d+")
edges :: PlanarGraph s w v e f -> V.Vector (Dart s, e)
edges = V.filter (isPositive . fst) . darts

-- | The tail of a dart, i.e. the vertex this dart is leaving from
-- running time: \(O(1)\)
tailOf     :: Dart s -> PlanarGraph s w v e f -> VertexId s w
tailOf d g = VertexId . fst $ lookupIdx (g^.embedding) d

-- | The vertex this dart is heading in to
-- running time: \(O(1)\)
headOf   :: Dart s -> PlanarGraph s w v e f -> VertexId s w
headOf d = tailOf (twin d)

-- | endPoints d g = (tailOf d g, headOf d g)
-- running time: \(O(1)\)
endPoints :: Dart s -> PlanarGraph s w v e f -> (VertexId s w, VertexId s w)
endPoints d g = (tailOf d g, headOf d g)

-- | All edges incident to vertex v, in counterclockwise order around v.
-- running time: \(O(k)\), where \(k\) is the output size
incidentEdges                :: VertexId s w -> PlanarGraph s w v e f
                             -> V.Vector (Dart s)
incidentEdges (VertexId v) g = g^.embedding.orbits.ix' v

-- | All incoming edges incident to vertex v, in counterclockwise order around v.
incomingEdges     :: VertexId s w -> PlanarGraph s w v e f -> V.Vector (Dart s)
incomingEdges v g = V.filter (not . isPositive) $ incidentEdges v g

-- | All outgoing edges incident to vertex v, in counterclockwise order around v.
outgoingEdges     :: VertexId s w -> PlanarGraph s w v e f -> V.Vector (Dart s)
outgoingEdges v g = V.filter isPositive $ incidentEdges v g

-- | Gets the neighbours of a particular vertex, in counterclockwise order
-- around the vertex.
-- running time: \(O(k)\), where \(k\) is the output size
neighboursOf     :: VertexId s w -> PlanarGraph s w v e f -> V.Vector (VertexId s w)
neighboursOf v g = otherVtx <$> incidentEdges v g
    otherVtx d = let u = tailOf d g in if u == v then headOf d g else u

-- outgoingNeighbours :: VertexId s w -> PlanarGraph s w v e f -> V.Vector (VertexId s w)
-- outgoingNeighbours = undefined

-- incomingNeighbours :: VertexId s w -> PlanarGraph s w v e f -> V.Vector (VertexId s w)
-- incomingNeighbours = undefined

-- * Access data

-- | Get the vertex data associated with a node. Note that updating this data may be
-- expensive!!
-- running time: \(O(1)\)
vDataOf              :: VertexId s w -> Lens' (PlanarGraph s w v e f) v
vDataOf (VertexId i) = vertexData.ix' i

-- | Edge data of a given dart
-- running time: \(O(1)\)
eDataOf   :: Dart s -> Lens' (PlanarGraph s w v e f) e
eDataOf d = rawDartData.ix' (fromEnum d)

-- | Data of a face of a given face
-- running time: \(O(1)\)
fDataOf                       :: FaceId s w -> Lens' (PlanarGraph s w v e f) f
fDataOf (FaceId (VertexId i)) = faceData.ix' i

-- | Data corresponding to the endpoints of the dart
endPointDataOf   :: Dart s -> Getter (PlanarGraph s w v e f) (v,v)
endPointDataOf d = to $ endPointData d

-- | Data corresponding to the endpoints of the dart
-- running time: \(O(1)\)
endPointData     :: Dart s -> PlanarGraph s w v e f -> (v,v)
endPointData d g = let (u,v) = endPoints d g in (g^.vDataOf u, g^.vDataOf v)

-- * The Dual graph

-- | The dual of this graph
-- >>> :{
--  let fromList = V.fromList
--      answer = fromList [ fromList [dart 0 "-1"]
--                        , fromList [dart 2 "+1",dart 4 "+1",dart 1 "-1",dart 0 "+1"]
--                        , fromList [dart 1 "+1",dart 3 "-1",dart 2 "-1"]
--                        , fromList [dart 4 "-1",dart 3 "+1",dart 5 "+1",dart 5 "-1"]
--                        ]
--  in (dual myGraph)^.embedding.orbits == answer
-- :}
-- True
-- running time: \(O(n)\).
dual   :: PlanarGraph s w v e f -> PlanarGraph s (Dual w) f e v
dual g = let perm = g^.embedding
         in PlanarGraph (cycleRep (elems perm) (apply perm . twin))

-- | A face
newtype FaceId s w = FaceId { _unFaceId :: VertexId s (Dual w) } deriving (Eq,Ord)

instance Show (FaceId s w) where
  show (FaceId (VertexId i)) = "FaceId " ++ show i

-- | Enumerate all faces in the planar graph
faces' :: PlanarGraph s w v e f -> V.Vector (FaceId s w)
faces' = fmap FaceId . vertices' . dual

-- | All faces with their face data.
faces   :: PlanarGraph s w v e f -> V.Vector (FaceId s w, f)
faces g = V.zip (faces' g) (g^.faceData)

-- | The face to the left of the dart
-- >>> leftFace (dart 1 "+1") myGraph
-- FaceId 1
-- >>> leftFace (dart 1 "-1") myGraph
-- FaceId 2
-- >>> leftFace (dart 2 "+1") myGraph
-- FaceId 2
-- >>> leftFace (dart 0 "+1") myGraph
-- FaceId 0
-- running time: \(O(1)\).
leftFace     :: Dart s -> PlanarGraph s w v e f -> FaceId s w
leftFace d g = FaceId . headOf d $ dual g

-- | The face to the right of the dart
-- >>> rightFace (dart 1 "+1") myGraph
-- FaceId 2
-- >>> rightFace (dart 1 "-1") myGraph
-- FaceId 1
-- >>> rightFace (dart 2 "+1") myGraph
-- FaceId 1
-- >>> rightFace (dart 0 "+1") myGraph
-- FaceId 1
-- running time: \(O(1)\).
rightFace     :: Dart s -> PlanarGraph s w v e f -> FaceId s w
rightFace d g = FaceId . tailOf d $ dual g

-- | The darts bounding this face, for internal faces in clockwise order, for
-- the outer face in counter clockwise order.
-- running time: \(O(k)\), where \(k\) is the output size.
boundary              :: FaceId s w -> PlanarGraph s w v e f -> V.Vector (Dart s)
boundary (FaceId v) g = incidentEdges v $ dual g

-- | The vertices bounding this face, for internal faces in clockwise order, for
-- the outer face in counter clockwise order.
-- running time: \(O(k)\), where \(k\) is the output size.
boundaryVertices     :: FaceId s w -> PlanarGraph s w v e f -> V.Vector (VertexId s w)
boundaryVertices f g = fmap (flip tailOf g) $ boundary f g

-- Testing stuff

-- testPerm :: Permutation (Dart s)
-- testPerm = let (a:b:c:d:e:g:_) = take 6 [Arc 0..]
--            in toCycleRep 12 [ [ Dart a Negative
--                               , Dart c Positive
--                               , Dart b Positive
--                               , Dart a Positive
--                               ]
--                             , [ Dart e Negative
--                               , Dart b Negative
--                               , Dart d Negative
--                               , Dart g Positive
--                               ]
--                             , [ Dart e Positive
--                               , Dart d Positive
--                               , Dart c Negative
--                               ]
--                             , [ Dart g Negative
--                               ]
--                             ]

data Test

-- testG :: PlanarGraph Test Primal_ () String ()
-- testG = planarGraph' [ [ (Dart aA Negative, "a-")
--                        , (Dart aC Positive, "c+")
--                        , (Dart aB Positive, "b+")
--                        , (Dart aA Positive, "a+")
--                        ]
--                      , [ (Dart aE Negative, "e-")
--                        , (Dart aB Negative, "b-")
--                        , (Dart aD Negative, "d-")
--                        , (Dart aG Positive, "g+")
--                        ]
--                      , [ (Dart aE Positive, "e+")
--                        , (Dart aD Positive, "d+")
--                        , (Dart aC Negative, "c-")
--                        ]
--                      , [ (Dart aG Negative, "g-")
--                        ]
--                      ]
--   where
--     (aA:aB:aC:aD:aE:aG:_) = take 6 [Arc 0..]


-- type ArcID = Int

-- -- | ST' is a strict triple (m,a,x) containing:
-- --
-- -- - m: a Map, mapping edges, represented by a pair of vertexId's (u,v) with
-- --            u < v, to arcId's.
-- -- - a: the next available unused arcID
-- -- - x: the data value we are interested in computing
-- type ST' a = ST (SM.Map (VertexID,VertexID) ArcID) ArcID a

-- * Testing Connectivity

-- | Edge Oracle:
-- main idea: store adjacency lists in such a way that we store an edge (u,v)
-- either in u's adjacency list or in v's. This can be done s.t. all adjacency
-- lists have length at most 6.
-- note: Every edge is stored exactly once (i.e. either at u or at v, but not both)
newtype EdgeOracle s w a =
  EdgeOracle { _unEdgeOracle :: V.Vector (V.Vector (VertexId s w :+ a)) }
                         deriving (Show,Eq)

instance Functor (EdgeOracle s w) where
  fmap = fmapDefault

instance Foldable (EdgeOracle s w) where
  foldMap = foldMapDefault

instance Traversable (EdgeOracle s w) where
  traverse f (EdgeOracle v) = EdgeOracle <$> traverse g v
      -- g   :: V.Vector (VertexId :+ a) -> f (V.Vector (VertexId :+ b))
      g = traverse (bitraverse pure f)

edgeOracle   :: PlanarGraph s w v e f -> EdgeOracle s w ()
edgeOracle g = buildEdgeOracle [ (v, ext <$> neighboursOf v g)
                               | v <- F.toList $ vertices' g

-- | Builds an edge oracle that can be used to efficiently test if two vertices
-- are connected by an edge.
-- running time: \(O(n)\)
buildEdgeOracle        :: forall f s w e. (Foldable f)
                       => [(VertexId s w, f (VertexId s w :+ e))] -> EdgeOracle s w e
buildEdgeOracle inAdj' = EdgeOracle $ V.create $ do
                          counts <- UV.thaw initCounts
                          marks  <- UMV.replicate (UMV.length counts) False
                          outV   <- MV.new (UMV.length counts)
                          build counts marks outV initQ
                          pure outV
    -- main idea: maintain a vector with counts; i.e. how many unprocessed
    -- vertices are adjacent to u, and a bit vector with marks to keep track if
    -- a vertex has been processed yet. When we process a vertex, we keep only
    -- the adjacencies of unprocessed verticese.
    -- Convert to a vector representation
    inAdj = V.create $ do
              mv <- MV.new (length inAdj')
              forM_ inAdj' $ \(VertexId i,adjI) ->
                MV.write mv i (V.fromList . F.toList $ adjI)
              pure mv

    initCounts = V.convert . fmap GV.length $ inAdj
    -- initial vertices available for processing
    initQ = GV.ifoldr (\i k q -> if k <= 6 then i : q else q) [] initCounts

    -- | Construct the adjacencylist for vertex i. I.e. by retaining only adjacent
    -- vertices that have not been processed yet.
    extractAdj         :: UMV.MVector s' Bool -> Int
                       -> ST s' (V.Vector (VertexId s w :+ e))
    extractAdj marks i = let p = fmap not . UMV.read marks . (^.core.unVertexId)
                         in GV.filterM  p $ inAdj V.! i

    -- | Decreases the number of adjacencies that vertex j has
    -- if it has <= 6 adjacencies left it has become available for processing
    decrease                          :: UMV.MVector s' Int -> (VertexId s w :+ e')
                                      -> ST s' (Maybe Int)
    decrease counts (VertexId j :+ _) = do k <- UMV.read counts j
                                           let k'  = k - 1
                                           UMV.write counts j k'
                                           pure $ if k' <= 6 then Just j else Nothing

    -- The actual algorithm that builds the items
    build :: UMV.MVector s' Int -> UMV.MVector s' Bool
          -> MV.MVector s' (V.Vector (VertexId s w :+ e)) -> [Int] -> ST s' ()
    build _      _     _    []    = pure ()
    build counts marks outV (i:q) = do
             b <- UMV.read marks i
             nq <- if b then pure []
                        else do
                          adjI <- extractAdj marks i
                          MV.write outV i adjI
                          UMV.write marks i True
                          V.toList <$> mapM (decrease counts) adjI
             build counts marks outV (catMaybes nq <> q)

-- | Test if u and v are connected by an edge.
-- running time: \(O(1)\)
hasEdge     :: VertexId s w -> VertexId s w -> EdgeOracle s w a -> Bool
hasEdge u v = isJust . findEdge u v

-- | Find the edge data corresponding to edge (u,v) if such an edge exists
-- running time: \(O(1)\)
findEdge :: VertexId s w -> VertexId s w -> EdgeOracle s w a -> Maybe a
findEdge  (VertexId u) (VertexId v) (EdgeOracle os) = find' u v <|> find' v u
    find' j i = fmap (^.extra) . F.find (\(VertexId k :+ _) -> j == k) $ os V.! i


data TestG

type Vertex = VertexId TestG Primal_

testEdges :: [(Vertex,[Vertex])]
testEdges = map (\(i,vs) -> (VertexId i, map VertexId vs))
            [ (0, [1])
            , (1, [0,1,2,4])
            , (2, [1,3,4])
            , (3, [2,5])
            , (4, [1,2,5])
            , (5, [3,4])