-- | -- Module : Algorithms.Geometry.PolyLineSimplification.ImaiIri -- Copyright : (C) Frank Staals -- License : see the LICENSE file -- Maintainer : Frank Staals -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Algorithms.Geometry.PolyLineSimplification.ImaiIri ( simplify , simplifyWith ) where import Algorithms.Graph.BFS (bfs') import Control.Lens import Data.Ext import qualified Data.Foldable as F import Data.Geometry.LineSegment import Data.Geometry.Point import Data.Geometry.PolyLine import Data.Geometry.Vector import qualified Data.LSeq as LSeq import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..)) import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq import Data.Tree import qualified Data.Vector as V import Witherable import Data.RealNumber.Rational type R = RealNumber 5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Line simplification with the Imai-Iri alogrithm. Given a distance -- value eps and a polyline pl, constructs a simplification of pl -- (i.e. with vertices from pl) s.t. all other vertices are within -- dist eps to the original polyline. -- -- Running time: \( O(n^2) \) time. simplify :: (Ord r, Fractional r, Arity d) => r -> PolyLine d p r -> PolyLine d p r simplify eps = simplifyWith $ \shortcut subPoly -> all (closeTo shortcut) (subPoly^.points) where closeTo seg (p :+ _) = sqDistanceToSeg p seg <= epsSq epsSq = eps*eps -- | Given a function that tests if the shortcut is valid, compute a -- simplification using the Imai-Iri algorithm. -- -- Running time: \( O(Tn^2 \) time, where \(T\) is the time to -- evaluate the predicate. simplifyWith :: (LineSegment d p r -> PolyLine d p r -> Bool) -> PolyLine d p r -> PolyLine d p r simplifyWith isValid pl = pl&points %~ (LSeq.promise @2 . extract path) where g = mkGraph isValid pl spt = bfs' 0 g path = case pathsTo (pl^.points.to F.length - 1) spt of [] -> error "no path found?" (pth:_) -> pth ---------------------------------------- type Graph = V.Vector [Int] -- | Constructs the shortcut graph mkGraph :: (LineSegment d p r -> PolyLine d p r -> Bool) -> PolyLine d p r -> Graph mkGraph isValid = flip V.snoc [] . V.imap f . V.fromList . F.toList . allPrefixes where f i subPl = catMaybes $ zipWith isValid' [i+1..] . F.toList . allSuffixes $ subPl isValid' j subPoly = let shortcut = ClosedLineSegment (subPoly^.start) (subPoly^.end) in if isValid shortcut subPoly then Just j else Nothing -- | Generates all prefixes of the polyline; i.e. all contiguous -- polylines all starting at the original starting point. allPrefixes :: PolyLine d p r -> Seq.Seq (PolyLine d p r) allPrefixes pl = mapMaybe mkPolyLine . Seq.tails . LSeq.toSeq $ pl^.points mkPolyLine :: Seq.Seq (Point d r :+ p) -> Maybe (PolyLine d p r) mkPolyLine = fmap PolyLine . LSeq.eval @2 . LSeq.fromSeq -- | Generates all suffixes of the polyline. allSuffixes :: PolyLine d p r -> Seq.Seq (PolyLine d p r) allSuffixes pl = mapMaybe mkPolyLine . Seq.drop 2 . Seq.inits . LSeq.toSeq $ pl^.points -- | Get all paths to the particular element in the tree. pathsTo :: Eq a => a -> Tree a -> [NonEmpty a] pathsTo x = findPaths (== x) -- | All paths to the nodes satisfying the predicate. findPaths :: (a -> Bool) -> Tree a -> [NonEmpty a] findPaths p = go where go (Node x chs) = case foldMap go chs of [] | p x -> [x:|[]] | otherwise -> [] paths | p x -> (x:|[]) : map (x NonEmpty.<|) paths | otherwise -> map (x NonEmpty.<|) paths -- | Given a non-empty list of indices, and some LSeq, extract the elemnets -- on those indices. -- -- running time: \(O(n)\) extract :: NonEmpty Int -> LSeq.LSeq n a -> LSeq.LSeq 0 a extract is = LSeq.fromList . extract' (F.toList is) 0 . F.toList extract' :: [Int] -> Int -> [a] -> [a] extract' [] _ _ = [] extract' (_:_) _ [] = [] extract' is'@(i:is) j (x:xs) | i == j = x : extract' is (j+1) xs | otherwise = extract' is' (j+1) xs -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tr :: Tree Int tr = Node 0 [Node 1 [], Node 2 [Node 3 [], Node 2 [], Node 4 [Node 5 []]]] poly :: PolyLine 2 Int R poly = case fromPoints [origin :+ 0, Point2 1 1 :+ 1, Point2 2 2 :+ 2, Point2 3 3 :+ 3] of Just p -> p test = Seq.fromList [0..5] myTree :: Tree Int myTree = Node {rootLabel = 0, subForest = [Node {rootLabel = 1, subForest = []} ,Node {rootLabel = 2, subForest = []} ,Node {rootLabel = 3, subForest = []}] }