{- Copyright (c) 2007 John Goerzen Please see the COPYRIGHT file -} import Utils import System.Environment import System.IO.Error import Text.Printf import System.Directory import HSH import Types args = [] helpinfo = "Usage:\n\ \hg-buildpackage [debuild args]\n\ \\n\ \Builds the current package\n\ \\n\ \If HBP_BUILDER is set, builds using that command; otherwise, uses debuild.\n" main = do args <- getArgs builder <- catch (getEnv "HBP_BUILDER") (\_ -> return "debuild") package <- getwdpackage version <- getwdversion let tag = Tag "DEBIAN" package version let hasupstream = tag2upsver tag /= tag2ver tag assertvalidhg "." if hasupstream then buildorig tag else putStrLn "Debian-native package; not building or checking\ \ for orig.tar.gz" runIO (builder, ["-i.hg", "-I.hg"] ++ args) buildorig tag = do dfe <- doesFileExist tgzname dde <- doesDirectoryExist origdirname if dfe || dde then putStrLn "Upstream file/directory already exists; not building" else do putStrLn $ "Building " ++ tgzname ++ " from Mercurial history" runIO $ ("hg", ["archive", "-r", tag2upsstr tag, "-t", "tgz", "-X", ".hg_archival.txt", "-X", ".hgtagz", tgzname]) where tgzname = printf "../%s_%s.orig.tar.gz" (tag2pkg tag) (tag2upsver tag) origdirname = printf "../%s-%s.orig" (tag2pkg tag) (tag2upsver tag)