-- Please, see the file LICENSE for copyright and license information. > module HFusion.Internal.Parsing.Translator(hsModule2HsSyn,hsModule2HsSyn_) where > import HFusion.Internal.HsSyn > import HFusion.Internal.Utils > import Char(isUpper,isLower) > import Maybe(catMaybes) > import List(transpose,nub) > import Control.Monad.Error(throwError,runErrorT) > import Control.Monad.Trans(lift) > import Control.Monad.State(get,put) > import Language.Haskell.Syntax > import qualified Data.Map as M(insertWith) > import Data.Data(gmapQ,Data) > import Data.Generics(extQ) > import HFusion.Internal.HyloFace import Debug.Trace import HsPretty sss t = trace (show t) t sss' t = trace (show t) > -- | collects variable names in haskell module. > collectVarNames :: Data a => a -> [String] > collectVarNames t = concat$ gmapQ gvars t > where > gvars :: Data a => a -> [String] > gvars = collectVarNames `extQ` hsname > hsname :: HsName -> [String] > hsname (HsIdent n) = [n] > hsname (HsSymbol _) = [] > -- | Converts an 'HsModule' into the abstract syntax tree used by HFusion. > -- The HsModule can be obtained by parsing a Haskell program with > -- 'Language.Haskell.Parser.parseModule' > hsModule2HsSyn :: HsModule -> FusionState [Def] > hsModule2HsSyn m = do lift$ updateVariableGeneratorState$ collectVarNames m > p <- lift$ hsModule2HsSyn_ m > case p of > ([],dfs) -> return dfs > (e:_,_) -> throwError e > where > updateVariableGeneratorState vs = do gi<-get; put (foldr updateSt gi vs) > updateSt s gi = case str2var s of > (Vgen p i) -> M.insertWith max p (i+1) gi > _ -> gi > hsModule2HsSyn_ :: HsModule -> VarGenState ([FusionError],[Def]) > hsModule2HsSyn_ (HsModule _ _ _ _ decls) = > do m<-mapM (runErrorT . convertDecl2Def) ((filter selectd) decls) > return (concat (map (either (:[]) (const [])) m),concat . map (either (const []) (:[])) $ m) > where selectd (HsFunBind _) = True > selectd (HsPatBind _ (HsPVar _) _ _) = True > selectd _ = False > convertDecl2Def :: HsDecl -> FusionState Def > convertDecl2Def hsDecl = > case hsDecl of > HsFunBind hsMatches -> f hsMatches > HsPatBind loc (HsPVar hsName) hsRhs hsDecls -> f [HsMatch loc hsName [] hsRhs hsDecls] > HsForeignExport _ _ _ _ _ -> fail "foreign exports are not supported" > HsForeignImport _ _ _ _ _ _ -> fail "foreign imports are not supported" > HsTypeSig _ _ _ -> fail "type signatures are not supported" > HsDefaultDecl _ _ -> fail "Default declarations are not supported" > HsInstDecl _ _ _ _ _ -> fail "Instance declarations are not supported" > HsClassDecl _ _ _ _ _ -> fail "Class declarations are not supported" > HsNewTypeDecl _ _ _ _ _ _ -> fail "New type declarations are not supported" > HsInfixDecl _ _ _ _ -> fail "Infix declarations are not supported" > HsTypeDecl _ _ _ _ -> fail "Type declarations are not supported" > HsDataDecl _ _ _ _ _ _ -> fail "Data declarations are not supported" > HsPatBind _ _ _ _ -> fail "non variable pattern bindings are not supported" > where f hsMatches = > do r <- mapM convertHsMatch hsMatches > let (ns,args,ts)= unzip3 r > if null ns then fail "convertDecl2Term: we got an empty declaration" > else lift (joinEquations args ts >>= return . Defvalue (head ns)) > joinEquations :: [[Either Pattern Variable]] -> [Term] -> VarGenState Term > joinEquations args ts = do (vs,t) <- renameVars (unifyPatterns args) ts > return (foldr (Tlamb . Bvar) t vs) > where renameVars args ts = do let args' = transpose args > vs' <- mapM genVar args' > (vs'',ts')<- susts vs' args' args ts > let vps=leftPos vs'' > t | null vps = head ts' > | null (tail vps) = Tcase (Tvar (head vps)) (map head$ map leftPos args) ts' > | otherwise = Tcase (Ttuple False$ map Tvar vps) (map Ptuple$ map leftPos args) ts' > return (map (either id id) vs'',t) > leftPos = map (either id (error "joinEquations")) . filter (either (const True) (const False)) > genVar (Left _:_) = getFreshVar "v" >>= return . Left > genVar (Right v:_) = return (Right v) > genVar _ = error "joinEquations: This should never had hapenned." > susts :: [Either Variable Variable] -> [[Either Pattern Variable]] -> > [[Either Pattern Variable]] -> [Term] -> VarGenState ([Either Variable Variable],[Term]) > susts vs' args' args ts = let inds = catMaybes$ zipWith (\i b->if b then (Just i) else Nothing) [0..]$ > zipWith checkEq vs' args' > in do us<-mapM (const (getFreshVar "v")) inds > let inds' = zip inds us > return (map (toVar inds') (zip [0..] vs'), zipWith (susts' vs' inds') args ts) > susts' :: [Either Variable Variable] -> [(Int,Variable)] -> [Either Pattern Variable]->Term->Term > susts' _ inds' arg t = substitution (map (toPair arg) inds') t > checkEq (Right a) ls = any (either (const False) (a/=)) ls > checkEq _ _ = False > toPair l (i,u) = either (error "joinEquations") (\v->(v,Tvar u)) (l!!i) > toVar inds' (i,e) = either Left (\v->Right$ maybe v id$ lookup i inds') e > unifyPatterns :: [[Either Pattern Variable]] -> [[Either Pattern Variable]] > unifyPatterns args = map (map fitPS . zip [0..]) args > where fitPS (i,e) = either Left (if pindexElem i args then Left .Pvar else Right) e > pindexElem :: Int -> [[Either Pattern Variable]] -> Bool > pindexElem i l = let isPat = either (const True) (const False) in any (isPat .(!!i)) l > convertHsMatch :: HsMatch -> FusionState (Variable,[Either Pattern Variable],Term) > convertHsMatch (HsMatch loc hname hpat rhs []) = do t<-convertRhs2Term loc rhs > ps<-mapM (convertPat2MyPat loc) hpat > return (str2var (convertHsName2String hname),map analisePat ps,t) > convertHsMatch (HsMatch loc _ _ _ _) = throwError (ParserError loc "\"where\" clauses are not supported.") > analisePat :: Pattern -> Either Pattern Variable > analisePat (Pvar v) = Right v > analisePat p = Left p > convertRhs2Term :: SrcLoc -> HsRhs -> FusionState Term > convertRhs2Term loc hsRhs = > case hsRhs of > HsUnGuardedRhs hsExp -> convertHsExp2Term loc hsExp [] >>= (return .fixInfixAssoc) > HsGuardedRhss _hsGuardedRhss -> throwError (ParserError loc "Guarded definitions are not supported.") > convertHsExp2Term :: SrcLoc -> HsExp -> [Term] -> FusionState Term > convertHsExp2Term loc exp args = > let appArgs t args = foldl Tapp t args > in case exp of > HsVar hsQName -> return $ convertHsQName2Term hsQName args > HsCon hsQName -> return $ convertHsQName2Term hsQName args > HsLit hsLiteral -> return $ Tlit (convertLit2Lit hsLiteral) > HsInfixApp hsExp hsQOp hsExp1 -> do t0<-convertHsExp2Term loc hsExp [] > t1<-convertHsExp2Term loc hsExp1 [] > return$ convertHsQName2Term (convertHsQOP2Variable hsQOp) (t0:t1:args) > HsApp hsExp hsExp1 -> convertHsExp2Term loc hsExp1 [] >>= convertHsExp2Term loc hsExp . (:args) > HsNegApp hsExp -> convertHsExp2Term loc hsExp [] >>= \t-> return (appArgs(Tfapp (Vuserdef "-") [t]) args) > HsLambda loc hsPats hsExp -> do ps<-mapM (convertPat2MyPat loc) hsPats > ps'<-mapM ps2bv ps > t<-convertHsExp2Term loc hsExp args > return$ foldr Tlamb t ps' > where ps2bv (Pvar v) = return $ Bvar v > ps2bv (Ptuple ps) = mapM ps2bv ps >>= return . Bvtuple False > ps2bv _ = throwError (ParserError loc "Constructors are not allowed in patterns in lambda abstractions.") > HsLet hsDecls hsExp -> do t<- convertHsExp2Term loc hsExp [] > listaVarsTerms <- mapM (convertHsLetsDect2PatyTerm loc) hsDecls > return (appArgs (foldr (\(p,t0) -> Tcase t0 [p] . (:[])) t listaVarsTerms) args) > HsIf hsExp hsExp1 hsExp2 -> do t0<-convertHsExp2Term loc hsExp [] > let trueCase = Pcons "True" [] > falseCase = Pcons "False" [] > termTrue<- convertHsExp2Term loc hsExp1 [] > termFalse<- convertHsExp2Term loc hsExp2 [] > return (appArgs (Tcase t0 [trueCase,falseCase] [termTrue,termFalse]) args) > HsCase hsExp hsAlts -> do t0 <- convertHsExp2Term loc hsExp [] > alternativas <- mapM converthsAlt2PatyTerm hsAlts > let pats = map fst alternativas > terms = map snd alternativas > return (appArgs (Tcase t0 pats terms) args) > HsTuple hsExps -> do ts <- mapM (flip (convertHsExp2Term loc) []) hsExps > return (appArgs (Ttuple False ts) args) > HsList hsExps -> do ts <- mapM (flip (convertHsExp2Term loc) []) hsExps > return (appArgs (foldr (\t1 t2->Tcapp ":" [t1,t2]) (Tcapp "[]" []) ts) args) > HsParen hsExp -> convertHsExp2Term loc hsExp args >>= (return . Tpar) > HsLeftSection hsExp hsQOp -> do t<-convertHsExp2Term loc hsExp [] > return $ convertHsQName2Term (convertHsQOP2Variable hsQOp) (t:args) > HsRightSection hsQOp hsExp -> do t1<-convertHsExp2Term loc hsExp [] > if null args then throwError (ParserError loc "Non applied right sections are not supported.") > else return $ convertHsQName2Term (convertHsQOP2Variable hsQOp) (head args:t1:tail args) > _ -> throwError (ParserError loc "This kind of term is not supported.") > converthsAlt2PatyTerm :: HsAlt -> FusionState (Pattern, Term) > converthsAlt2PatyTerm (HsAlt loc hsPat hsGuardedAlts _hsDecls) = > do pat <- convertPat2MyPat loc hsPat > term <- convertHsGuardedAlts2Term loc hsGuardedAlts > return (pat, term) > convertHsGuardedAlts2Term :: SrcLoc -> HsGuardedAlts -> FusionState Term > convertHsGuardedAlts2Term loc x = > case x of > HsUnGuardedAlt hsExp -> convertHsExp2Term loc hsExp [] > HsGuardedAlts _hsGuardedAlt -> throwError (ParserError loc "Guarded alternatives are not supported.") > convertPat2MyPat :: SrcLoc -> HsPat -> FusionState Pattern > convertPat2MyPat loc = convertPat2MyPat' loc . changeConsAssoc > convertPat2MyPat' loc hsPat = > case hsPat of > HsPVar hsName -> return $ Pvar (str2var$ convertHsName2String hsName) > HsPLit hsLiteral -> return $ Plit (convertLit2Lit hsLiteral) > HsPInfixApp hsPat1 hsQName hsPat2 -> > do hsRes1 <- convertPat2MyPat' loc hsPat1 > hsRes2 <- convertPat2MyPat' loc hsPat2 > return$ convertHsQName2Pattern hsQName [hsRes1,hsRes2] > HsPApp hsQName hsPats -> do ps<-mapM (convertPat2MyPat' loc) hsPats > return$ convertHsQName2Pattern hsQName ps > HsPTuple hsPats -> do ps<-mapM (convertPat2MyPat' loc) hsPats > return $ Ptuple ps > HsPList hsPats -> do ps<-mapM (convertPat2MyPat' loc) hsPats > return (foldr (\t1 t2->Pcons ":" [t1,t2]) (Pcons "[]" []) ps) > HsPParen hsPat -> (convertPat2MyPat' loc) hsPat > HsPWildCard -> return pany > HsPAsPat hsName hsPat -> do p<-convertPat2MyPat loc hsPat > return$ Pas (str2var$ convertHsName2String hsName) p > _ -> throwError (ParserError loc "This kind of pattern is not supported.") > changeConsAssoc :: HsPat -> HsPat > changeConsAssoc (HsPInfixApp pat (Special HsCons) a3) = > case changeConsAssoc pat of > HsPInfixApp a1 (Special HsCons) a2 -> > HsPInfixApp a1 (Special HsCons) (HsPInfixApp a2 (Special HsCons) a3) > p -> HsPInfixApp p (Special HsCons) (changeConsAssoc a3) > changeConsAssoc (HsPTuple hsPats) = HsPTuple (map changeConsAssoc hsPats) > changeConsAssoc (HsPList hsPats) = HsPList (map changeConsAssoc hsPats) > changeConsAssoc (HsPParen hsPat) = HsPParen (changeConsAssoc hsPat) > changeConsAssoc (HsPApp hsQName hsPats) = HsPApp hsQName (map changeConsAssoc hsPats) > changeConsAssoc p = p > convertHsLetsDect2PatyTerm :: SrcLoc -> HsDecl -> FusionState (Pattern,Term) > convertHsLetsDect2PatyTerm _ declaracion = > case declaracion of > HsPatBind loc hsPat hsRhs _hsDecls -> do p <- convertPat2MyPat loc hsPat > t <- convertRhs2Term loc hsRhs > return (p,t) > _ -> do Defvalue v t<-convertDecl2Def declaracion > return (Pvar v,t) > convertHsName2String :: HsName -> String > convertHsName2String name = > case name of > HsIdent str -> str > HsSymbol str -> str > convertHsQName2Pattern :: HsQName -> [Pattern] -> Pattern > convertHsQName2Pattern hsQName args = > case hsQName of > Qual (Module modulo) hsName -> Pcons (modulo ++ "." ++ convertHsName2String hsName) args > UnQual hsName | isLower (head n) -> Pvar (str2var n) > | otherwise -> Pcons n args > where n = convertHsName2String hsName > Special HsUnitCon -> Pcons "()" args > Special HsListCon -> foldr (\p -> Pcons ":" . (p:) . (:[])) (Pcons "[]" []) args > Special HsFunCon -> Pcons "->" args > Special (HsTupleCon _) -> Ptuple args > Special HsCons -> Pcons ":" args > convertHsQName2Term :: HsQName -> [Term] -> Term > convertHsQName2Term hsQName args = > case hsQName of > Qual (Module modulo) hsName -> cons (modulo ++ "." ++ convertHsName2String hsName ) args > UnQual hsName -> cons (convertHsName2String hsName) args > Special HsUnitCon -> Tcapp "()" args > Special HsListCon -> foldr (\p->Tcapp ":" .(p:) . (:[])) (Tcapp "[]" []) args > Special HsFunCon -> Tcapp "->" args > Special (HsTupleCon _) -> Ttuple False args > Special HsCons -> Tcapp ":" args > where cons s | isUpper (head s) = Tcapp s > | not (null args) = Tfapp (str2var s) > | s=="undef" = const Tbottom > | otherwise = const (Tvar (str2var s)) > convertLit2Lit :: HsLiteral -> Literal > convertLit2Lit lit = > case lit of > HsInt integer -> Lint (show integer) > HsChar char -> Lchar char > HsString string -> Lstring string > HsFrac rational -> Lrat (show rational) > HsCharPrim char -> Lchar char > HsStringPrim string -> Lstring string > HsIntPrim integer -> Lint (show integer) > HsFloatPrim rational -> Lrat (show rational) > HsDoublePrim rational -> Lrat (show rational) > convertHsQOP2Variable :: HsQOp -> HsQName > convertHsQOP2Variable op = > case op of > HsQVarOp hsQName -> hsQName > HsQConOp hsQName -> hsQName Asocia : como operador infijo a derecha y elimina parentesis. > fixInfixAssoc :: Term -> Term > fixInfixAssoc (Ttuple False ps) = Ttuple False $ map fixInfixAssoc ps > fixInfixAssoc (Tapp t1 t2) = Tapp (fixInfixAssoc t1) (fixInfixAssoc t2) > fixInfixAssoc (Tlamb bv t) = Tlamb bv (fixInfixAssoc t) > fixInfixAssoc (Tlet v t0 t1) = Tlet v (fixInfixAssoc t0) (fixInfixAssoc t1) > fixInfixAssoc (Tcase t ps ts) = Tcase (fixInfixAssoc t) ps (map fixInfixAssoc ts) > fixInfixAssoc (Tpar t) = fixInfixAssoc t > fixInfixAssoc (Tcapp n1 ts1@(t1@(Tcapp _ (_:_)):tss1)) = > case fixInfixAssoc t1 of > Tcapp n2 ts2 | infx n1 && infx n2 -> Tcapp n2 (init ts2 ++ [Tcapp n1 (last ts2:map fixInfixAssoc tss1)]) > | otherwise -> Tcapp n1 $ map fixInfixAssoc ts1 > _ -> error "fixInfixAssoc Term: unexpected output." > where infx n = n==":" > fixInfixAssoc (Tcapp n ts) = Tcapp n $ map fixInfixAssoc ts > fixInfixAssoc (Tfapp v ts) = Tfapp v $ map fixInfixAssoc ts > fixInfixAssoc t@(Tvar _) = t > fixInfixAssoc t@(Tlit _) = t > fixInfixAssoc t@Tbottom = t > fixInfixAssoc _ = error "fixInfixAssoc Term: not defined."