-- Please, see the file LICENSE for copyright and license information. >module HFusion.Internal.Parsing.HyloParser(parse,parseResult2FusionState,parseHsModule,deriveHylos) where import qualified HsParser as P(parse,ParseResult(..)) > import Language.Haskell.Parser(parseModule,ParseResult(..)) > import Language.Haskell.Syntax(SrcLoc,HsModule) > import HFusion.Internal.Parsing.Translator > import HFusion.Internal.HsSyn > import HFusion.Internal.Utils > import HFusion.Internal.FuseFace > import HFusion.Internal.HyloFace > import HFusion.Internal.Parsing.HyloContext > import Control.Monad(zipWithM) > import Control.Monad.Error(throwError,runErrorT) > import Control.Monad.Trans(lift) > import Control.Monad.State(StateT(..),State,MonadState(..)) > import List(partition,intersect,union,find,nubBy,(\\),deleteFirstsBy,sort) > import Data.Maybe(isJust,catMaybes) import Debug.Trace -- PosiciĆ³n de un token. Es utilizada por el parser y el -- lexer para resolver los problemas del layout. data SrcLoc = SrcLoc Int Int -- (Line, Indentation) deriving (Eq,Ord,Show) > parse :: String -> FusionState [HyloT] > parse inp = parseResult2FusionState (parseModule inp) >>= hsModule2HsSyn >>= > lift . deriveHylos >>= \(errors,hs) -> if null errors then return (map snd hs) > else throwError (snd$ head errors) > -- | Obtains hylomorphisms representing functions in the original program. > -- > -- The hylomorphisms are returned in the second component of the output. > -- If a hylomorphism cannot be derived for some (possibly) mutually recursive > -- function definitions, then they are returned in the first component of the > -- output together with the error obtained when attempting derivation. > deriveHylos :: [Def] -> VarGenState ([([Def],FusionError)],[([Def],HyloT)]) > deriveHylos dfs = removeInputVar dfs >>= > handleRegularFunctions . getCycles >>= \ cdfs -> > mapM (\cdf -> runErrorT$ fmap ((,) cdf)$ deriveHylo cdf) cdfs >>= \ehs -> > return (concat (zipWith (\df -> either ((:[]) . ((,) df)) (const [])) cdfs ehs) > ,concat (map (either (const []) (:[])) ehs)) > -- | Allows to handle parsing of an 'HsModule' as a 'FusionState' computation. > -- > -- @parseResult2FusionState (Language.Haskell.Parser.parseModule sourceCode)@ > parseResult2FusionState :: ParseResult HsModule -> FusionState HsModule > parseResult2FusionState = catchParseState return (\loc -> throwError . ParserError loc) > parseHsModule :: HsModule -> VarGenState ([FusionError],[HyloT]) > parseHsModule m = > hsModule2HsSyn_ m >>= > removeInputVar . snd >>= > handleRegularFunctions . getCycles >>= > (\dss -> do he <- mapM (runErrorT . deriveHylo) dss > return (concat (map (either (:[]) (const [])) he),concat (map (either (const []) (:[])) he)) > ) catchParseState :: (a->b) -> (String->b) -> P.ParseResult a -> b catchParseState f h (P.Ok _ p) = f p catchParseState f h (P.Failed err) = h err > catchParseState :: (a->b) -> (SrcLoc->String->b) -> ParseResult a -> b > catchParseState f _ (ParseOk p) = f p > catchParseState _ h (ParseFailed loc err) = h loc err getCycles groups mutually recursive function definitions. > getCycles :: [Def] -> [[Def]] > getCycles defs = let idxs=findCycles (getDependencyGraph defs) > in map (map (defs!!). sort) idxs > collect :: [Maybe a] -> [a] > collect = foldr (\a r->maybe r (:r) a) [] Groups indexes identifying mutual recursive definitions. > getDependencyGraph :: [Def] -> [[Int]] > getDependencyGraph ds = map (dps (zip (map getV ds) [0..])) ds > where dps ps (Defvalue _ t) = collect .map (flip lookup ps).vars$ t > getV (Defvalue v _) = v > findCycles :: [[Int]] -> [[Int]] > findCycles g = joinCycles [] $ concat $ map (follow [] g) [0..length g-1] > where follow :: [Int] -> [[Int]] -> Int -> [[Int]] > follow vs g i | elem i vs = [i:takeWhile (/=i) vs] > | otherwise = concat$ map (follow (i:vs) g) (g!!i) > joinCycles :: [[Int]] -> [[Int]] -> [[Int]] > joinCycles ant (is:iss) = let (cs1,cs2) = partition (null.intersect is) ant > in joinCycles (foldr union is cs2:cs1) iss > joinCycles ant [] = ant removeInputVar transforms a case expression: case v0 of c p1 ... 1n -> ... v0 ... ... into case v0 of c p1 ... 1n -> ... (c p1 ... pn) ... ... > removeInputVar :: [Def] -> VarGenState [Def] > removeInputVar defs = mapM removeInputVar' defs > removeInputVar' (Defvalue v t) = inTlamb t >>= return . Defvalue v > where inTlamb :: Term -> VarGenState Term > inTlamb (Tlamb bv t) = inTlamb t >>= return . Tlamb bv > inTlamb (Tcase t0@(Tvar v0) ps ts) = sequence (zipWith (selectP v0) ps ts) >>= return . uncurry (Tcase t0) . unzip > inTlamb t = return t > selectP v0 p t | not (elem v0 (vars p)) && elem v0 (vars t) = > renamePany p >>= \p'-> return (p',substitution [(v0,pat2term p')] t) > | otherwise = return (p,t) > renamePany (Pvar (Vuserdef "_")) = getFreshVar "v" >>= return . Pvar > renamePany p@(Pvar _) = return p > renamePany (Ptuple ps) = mapM renamePany ps >>= return . Ptuple > renamePany (Pcons c ps) = mapM renamePany ps >>= return . Pcons c > renamePany (Pas v p) = renamePany p >>= return . Pas v > renamePany p@(Plit _) = return p > pat2term (Pvar v) = Tvar v > pat2term (Ptuple ps) = Ttuple False$ map pat2term ps > pat2term (Pcons c ps) = Tcapp c$ map pat2term ps > pat2term (Plit l) = Tlit l > pat2term (Pas v _) = Tvar v > type CallDescription = (Variable,Def,Int,[Maybe Term],Term) handleRegularFunctions creates new definition where recursion of regular functors can be expressed with mutually recursive functions. > handleRegularFunctions :: [[Def]] -> VarGenState [[Def]] > handleRegularFunctions dss = handleRegularFunctions' dss [] (map (const []) dss) dss > handleRegularFunctions' :: [[Def]] -> [CallDescription] -> [[Variable]] -> [[Def]] -> VarGenState [[Def]] > handleRegularFunctions' p _ _ [] = return p > handleRegularFunctions' p calls dns ds = > do cs<-zipWithM (getCallDefs p calls) dns ds > let (dfs,nfs)=unzip cs > if all null nfs then return dfs > else mapM (mapM buildDef . nubBy eq) nfs > >>= handleRegularFunctions' (zipWith (++) dfs (zipWith (deleteFirstsBy eqDefs) p dfs)) > (calls++concat nfs) (zipWith (++) dns (map (map getDefName) ds)) > >>= return . zipWith (++) dfs > where eq (_,d1,i1,_,t1) (_,d2,i2,_,t2) = i1==i2 && (getDefName d1)==(getDefName d2) && t1==t2 > getCallDefs :: [[Def]] -> [CallDescription] -> [Variable] -> [Def] -> VarGenState ([Def],[CallDescription]) > getCallDefs p calls dns ds = mapM (getCalls p calls (dns++map getDefName ds)) ds > >>= (\ (dfs,m)-> return (dfs,concat m)) . unzip > eqDefs d d' = getDefName d == getDefName d' > buildDef :: CallDescription -> VarGenState Def > buildDef (u,d,i,tsargs,t) = buildDef' u i tsargs t d > buildDef' u i tsargs t (Defvalue nd t0) = > do (us,t')<-regenVars t > t0'<-regenConstantArgs t t0 > let (bvs,t0'') = getInputVars t0' > (ant,pos)=splitAt i bvs > bs=vars ant++vars (tail pos) > return$ Defvalue u (foldr Tlamb (adapt bs us t' (head pos) t0'') (map Bvar us++ant++tail pos)) > where adapt bs us t (Bvar l) t0 = substitution [(l,t)]$ adaptr bs us t0 > adapt bs us t bv t0 = Tcase t [bv2pat bv] [adaptr bs us t0] > getInputVars (Tlamb bv t) = let (bs,t')=getInputVars t in (bv:bs,t') > getInputVars t = ([],t) > bv2pat (Bvar v) = Pvar v > bv2pat (Bvtuple _ bvs) = Ptuple (map bv2pat bvs) > regenConstantArgs t t0 = > do let freeVars = case t of > Tfapp v args -> v : concat (zipWith (\a -> maybe (vars a) (const [])) args tsargs) > _ -> vars t > us<-mapM (getFreshVar . varPrefix) freeVars > return$ alphaConvert [] (zip freeVars us) t0 > regenVars t = do us<-mapM (maybe (return Nothing) (\t -> fmap Just$ > case vars t of > [] -> getFreshVar "u" > v:_ -> getFreshVar (varPrefix v))) tsargs > return (catMaybes us, > case t of > Tfapp v args -> Tfapp v (zipWith (\a -> maybe a Tvar) args us) > _ -> t > ) > adaptr bs us (Ttuple b ts) = Ttuple b (map (adaptr bs us) ts) > adaptr bs us (Tcapp c ts) = Tcapp c (map (adaptr bs us) ts) > adaptr bs us (Tcase t0 ps ts) = Tcase (adaptr bs us t0) ps > (zipWith (\p->adaptr (vars p++bs) us) ps ts) > adaptr bs us (Tlet v t0 t1) = Tlet v (adaptr (v:bs) us t0) (adaptr (v:bs) us t1) > adaptr bs us (Tlamb v t) = Tlamb v (adaptr (vars v++bs) us t) > adaptr bs us (Tapp t0 t1) = tapp (adaptr bs us t0) (adaptr bs us t1) > adaptr bs us (Tfapp fv ts) | elem fv bs = Tfapp fv (map (adaptr bs us) ts) > | fv == nd = let (ant,pos)=splitAt i (map (adaptr bs us) ts) > in Tfapp u (map Tvar us++ant++tail pos) > | otherwise = Tfapp fv (map (adaptr bs us) ts) > adaptr _ _ t = t > isVar (Tvar _) = True > isVar _ = False getCalls collects the information about each recursive call that can be rewritten as a call to a recursive function which fixes one of the arguments. The returned pair (def,l) contains the rewritten definition (with fresh vars for some recursive calls), and l is a list containing data for each of the new definitions to be introduced. Each item in the list is a tuple (u,def,i,vrs,t) where u is the name for the new definition, def is the definition to be rewritten with a fixed argument, i is the index of the fixed argument, vrs are the bounded variables appearing in the term in the ith argument, and t is that term. > getCalls :: [[Def]] -> [CallDescription] -> [Variable] -> Def -> VarGenState (Def,[CallDescription]) > getCalls ps calls ds (Defvalue v t) = runStateT (do (t',ds')<-getCalls' [] t; return$ (Defvalue v t',ds')) calls >>= return . fst > where getCalls' :: [Variable] -> Term -> StateT [CallDescription] (State VarGen) (Term,[CallDescription]) > getCalls' bs (Ttuple b ts) = do (ts',ns)<-mapGetCalls' bs ts > return (Ttuple b ts',ns) > getCalls' bs (Tlamb bv t) = do (t',ns)<-getCalls' (bs++vars bv) t; return (Tlamb bv t',ns) > getCalls' bs (Tcase t0 ps ts) = do (t0',n0)<-getCalls' bs t0 > res<-sequence$ zipWith (getCalls'.(bs++).vars) ps ts > let (ts',ns)=unzip res > return (Tcase t0' ps ts',n0++concat ns) > getCalls' bs (Tapp t0 t1) = do (t0',n0)<-getCalls' bs t0 > (t1',n1)<-getCalls' bs t1 > return (tapp t0' t1',n0++n1) > getCalls' bs (Tlet v t0 t1) = do (t0',n0)<-getCalls' (v:bs) t0 > (t1',n1)<-getCalls' (v:bs) t1 > return (Tlet v t0' t1',n0++n1) > getCalls' bs (Tcapp c ts) = do (ts',ns)<-mapGetCalls' bs ts > return (Tcapp c ts',ns) > getCalls' bs tt@(Tfapp v ts) = > do (ts',ns)<-mapGetCalls' bs ts > let rr = return (Tfapp v ts',ns) > checkNoPattern (idxs,d@(Defvalue _ t)) = > case [ i | (i,t)<-zip [0..] ts', any (flip elem (vars t)) ds, callIsOkToSpecialize i t ] of > i:_ | elem i idxs -> mr i d -- recursive calls appear in constant positions > _ -> rr > where (vargs,t') = extractVars t > callIsOkToSpecialize i (Tfapp v' ts) = > elem v' ds > && (length ts < lengthvargs' > || length ts==lengthvargs' > -- variable is used at most once > && countLinear (getVar (vargs!!i)) t'<2) > where lengthvargs' = maybe (error "lengthvars'") > (length.fst.extractVars.getDefTerm) $ find ((v'==).getDefName)$ concat ps > callIsOkToSpecialize _ (Tvar _) = True > callIsOkToSpecialize _ _ = False > getVar (Bvar v) = v > getVar _ = error "getCalls': getVar" > mr i d = do let (ant,pos)=splitAt i ts' > tsargs = map (\t -> if (not$ isVar t) || (not$ null$ intersect (vars t) bs) then Just t else Nothing)$ > case (head pos) of { Tfapp _ ts -> ts; _ -> [] } > calls<-get > case find (\(_,d',i',tsargs',t')-> i'==i > && getDefName d'==getDefName d > && and (zipWith (\t t' -> isJust t == isJust t') tsargs tsargs') > && t'==head pos) > calls of > Nothing -> do u<-lift$ getFreshVar (varPrefix v) > let c = (u,d,i,tsargs,head pos) > put (c:calls) > return (Tfapp u (catMaybes tsargs++ant++tail pos),c:ns) > Just (u,_,_,_,_) -> return (Tfapp u (catMaybes tsargs++ant++tail pos),ns) > if elem v bs then rr > else maybe rr checkNoPattern (lookupDef v (map constantArgs ps) ps) > getCalls' _ t = return (t,[]) > isVar (Tvar _) = True > isVar _ = False > constantArgs :: [Def] -> [Int] > constantArgs dfs = findConstantArguments dfs > mapGetCalls' bs ts = do res<-mapM (getCalls' bs) ts > let (ts',ns)=unzip res > return (ts',concat ns) > lookupDef :: Variable -> [[Int]] -> [[Def]] -> Maybe ([Int],Def) > lookupDef v argidxs ps = find ((v==).getDefName.snd)$ [ (idxs,df) | (idxs,dfs)<-zip argidxs ps, df<-dfs]